mushroompollution · 59 seconds
mutuals I'd like to be quiet with
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mushroompollution · 7 minutes
what's the difference?
what if i treated this as an actual microblogging platform instead of like. trying to make it be a journal or something. whatever it is im doing now.
what should my blog be about
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mushroompollution · 1 hour
i told him i don't feel like being around anyone and he said he doesn't care, to come play anyway.
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mushroompollution · 1 hour
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The Maughan Library,
Chancery Lane,
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
why are you so concerned about his dating life anyway?
because he's important to me, i want to see him happy. i know how much he hates the thought of arranged marriages and formal suitors, and how much he feels like his duty to his family is more important than his own happiness. he doesn't want his sister to shoulder the burden of continuing their family name, but that's also... complicated.
i happened to know of someone interested in him more personally than his title, so i thought i could help. i probably won't again, i think i might have caused more problems than i solved.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
tumblr isn't really letting me post anything right now.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
are you angry at elliot's ex for the breakup? or do you believe it was nobody's fault that he had to hurt like this?
pffttt, you make it sound like he's hopelessly heartbroken. no, i'm not angry. i'm a little disappointed that they couldn't work out, especially because it sounds like a few factors were misunderstandings.
but if Elliot is hurting that badly, he isn't showing it. he was a little down yesterday, and kept sporadically complaining about Marcel, or the situation in general. today, it hasn't come up once, though.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
i'm starting to think i just didn't sleep as well as i thought i did.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
Are you still in a bad mood? Is Elliot in a bad mood too? When Elliot is in a bad mood how do you help him through it?
ah, yeah, kind of. he's not in any worse mood than usual, he's always a little bit grumpy, though. usually when he's a truly bad mood, i try to give him space, or a place to yell or take it out, whichever is needed more.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
Ask my muse personal questions!
Time to pry into their life.
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
if you're reading this, and we haven't met yet then: hello, i'm Leo.❁
as for an ice breaker: is there a book from your childhood that stands out in your memory? tell me about it?
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mushroompollution · 3 hours
it's been a pretty long time since i greeted any of my own new followers.
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mushroompollution · 4 hours
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mushroompollution · 5 hours
tempting, but i don't feel too confident fighting anything with "death" in the name.
i think that might be a little too much.
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mushroompollution · 5 hours
i think that might be a little too much.
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mushroompollution · 5 hours
Maybe you need more than a fist fight.
like what? an all out brawl?
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mushroompollution · 6 hours
hm. i'm in a bad mood again.
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