mushrxxmlol · 1 month
Tips that I gave my friend to help them climb in ranked as a support main
Okay so I kind of ramble on and I don't have the most linear way of explaining things, but I'll do my best. The main thing I noticed when they asked me to tell them the things they were doing wrong was, while they knew what their most important abilities were for their champions (Nami bubble, Janna tornado, Nautilus hook, etc.) they didn't understand that you need to have a purpose behind using them. If you just spam them out as poke or to hit minions, you're kind of wasting the abilities and making yourself weaker for the next 5-10 seconds. Even if you land them, if your ADC has no way of following up then it can just lead to the enemy seeing you no longer have that ability and then they can abuse you for it. So it's very important to learn to wait until the right moment when your ADC is in position to follow up, you know you won't get ganked by the enemy jungle, you know what abilities the enemy has and don't have up, and you know that you have the advantage in a trade or all-in. Along with that it's important to know that, that also applies the other way around. If you ever see someone miss their important ability and you still have yours up and all the other conditions are met, then you can instantly turn it around on them and punish them for their blunder.
The next thing I noticed was they didn't know when to roam or where to be on the map and I'm here to say the very simplified version of when you should do such things. You want to roam or go to ward when you see that the enemy minion wave is pushing into you (you can easily tell just by seeing if they have more minions than you do). That way the ADC can farm safely and not be in danger by walking up for minions and also doesn't have to give up CS because they are all alone with no support. Along with that I want to say that you normally don't need to go mid unless you see that your mid laner is being pushed in and needs help OR there is a gank happening mid so you want to be there to back it up. Next for the game after laning phase, bot lane will generally switch with mid lane because it is the shortest lane and has easier access to both sides of the map since it's in the center of it all. Because of those things mid lane is very good at accelerating whoever is in the lane by allowing them to go to more fights and get CS faster, which is why you want your ADC there and since the support follows the ADC it let's 2 people have access to more of the map easier rather than just the 1 person if mid lane stayed there. Mid lane should generally stay on a side lane and farm, but its a lot more nuanced than that and we can get into it in another post. The next thing I noticed was they didn't auto attack often as support which I think most supports in lower elos don't auto attack as often as they should to be fair. The importance of it might not seem like a lot if you look at the damage of just one auto attack, but the fact is that if you aren't auto attacking you are just losing DPS because you don't lose anything from doing it. So it makes fights a lot harder for your ADC, ESPECIALLY if the enemy support is remembering to auto attack when you aren't. So while it is just a little thing that many people forget about, it is an essential part of being a good support even though it is overlooked a lot by people when it comes to the role.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was how they didn't understand wave management and so I'm going to describe it as easy as possible because it is a lot to take in and learn for anyone. You do NOT need to hit or push minions unless it's for one of these reasons. Reason one, you want to get a level advantage so you can fight while you are a level ahead (generally done early into the laning phase, hitting the minions in the first two waves to hit level 2 first so you have more abilities to fight with while they are still level 1). Reason two, to push the wave under the enemy tower so you can have lane priority when your jungler invades or is doing dragon. Reason three, to buy you time to leave lane and roam on the map or go help with something nearby. Reason three, to get a reset off, buy items, and regenerate health/mana (you generally want to recall when the cannon wave is COMING to lane, NOT when it's already there and in the middle of lane). Other than these reasons, there is no reason for you to push the lane. Now if the enemy team has a massive wave and your ADC wants to freeze, they may thin out the wave a bit, but that does not mean you have to unless you know what you are doing or they ping to kill minions.
I think that's a good amount to talk about today, I don't know how often I'll do this or if anyone will ever even see this let alone be interested in it; But I will post again none the less because it's fun to talk about for me and a nice outlet. Thank you for reading if you did! :D
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