musical-miranda · 2 years
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musical-miranda · 2 years
They're = they are
We're = we are
You're = daydreaming your story while listening to your playlist instead of writing again
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musical-miranda · 2 years
the sexual tension between me and the new wip idea that’s been sitting in the back of my head and distracting me the whole day
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musical-miranda · 2 years
The Ultimate Creative Writing Resource List
After writing for quite nearly my entire literate life ~and~ getting a creative writing degree, I've put together a comprehensive list of the sites and blogs that I've found most useful! Check it out, we've got—
An Insanely Detailed Character Creation Sheet: use this page to learn everything you've ever wanted to know about your character and more. It never fails to make me consider something about them I wouldn't have thought of otherwise.
A Character Avatar Creator: if you know what your character looks like and want a visual of them for notes/cork boards/Google Docs, this site will let you personalize them almost as much as a Sims game.
Pinterest: if you don't know what your character looks like and need inspiration, search for pictures of people who inspire you. Definitely have done this more often than not because I can never seem to pin down (pun intended) my character's exact appearance. Really helps with things you might forget while writing, like the shape of their eyebrows, how their hair lays or even how they stand.
A Map Creation Website: it's meant for fantasy worlds but I've used it for my historical fiction novels! Super customizable even without paying for it. It also saves your work in the free version, which has saved me when I forgot to upload copies to where I keep all my story stuff.
Grammar Girl: have any questions about where to put that semicolon or when to use italics? Grammar Girl is literally used by English teachers because it's that accurate. Check your work or put as many commas in that manuscript as your heart tells you to anyway. I've done both!
Grammarly: this is another way to check your grammar, especially if you use the Chrome extension. It automatically checks your basic grammar, spelling, and readability while you type in Google Docs or another browser-based text document. Note that it isn't foolproof and sometimes will suggest things that don't make sense. Use your best judgement when it highlights things!
Word Hippo: do you feel like you've used one word too often in your story? I use Word Hippo daily for both my creative and professional writing to avoid repetition. When I can't think of a synonym or antonym on my own, it has a billion suggestions for adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc. It can even help you find words that rhyme! Make your character a poet. Nothing can stop you.
Text-to-Speech Reader: it's always easier to catch minor line errors when you read something out loud, but if you don't feel like doing that, this site will read your story for you. There are multiple voices to choose from, so have fun listening to your hard-won stories while you edit.
Background Noise—Coffee Shop: I always lose myself in stories when I have this video playing in the background. It's like I'm in a coffee shop or cozy restaurant booth, but without spending money.
Background Noise—Tavern Fireplace: same vibes as a coffee shop, but with fireplace crackling.
Background Noise—Rain Shower: listen to rain patter against your window with some thunder in the background.
Background Noise—Cozy Fireplace and Rain Shower: combine your favorite sounds in this extra long video of a wood-burning fireplace and a distance rain shower. Perfect for anyone who doesn't want to hear extra loud thunder.
Background Noise—Forest Sounds: is your story taking place outdoors? These sounds will make you feel like you're in the woods with your characters.
Background Noise—Blizzard Sounds: constant blizzard winds may easily make you feel removed from the world so you can focus on your work.
Background Noise—Interior Plane Cabin White Noise: the pleasant hum of a plane cabin is what I often write to. There are no loud take-off, landing, or passenger sounds either.
Background Noise—Christmas Music From Another Room: I found this video when quarantining for Christmas with my husband in 2020. It ended up being one of my favorite writing background videos of that year. It features lyric-less songs on vinyl, plus muffled talking, which was a definite perk for the year+ we spent inside.
Background Noise—Lo-Fi: when I'm not sure what I want to write to, I use this playlist. It has the perfect low-key beats for writing less-intense scenes or working on plot, characters, mapping, etc.
Tumblrs With Fantastic Writing Tips: I have a few favorite tumblrs I loooooove and have followed on various blogs for many years. They regularly answer submitted questions and have organized tags, so if you're wondering about something, you'll likely find an answer by searching their blogs! Check out @fixyourwritinghabits @heywriters @wordsnstuff for expert-level help, guidance, and inspiration.
Tumblrs With Writing Prompts: while there are many prompt websites and blogs, my favorite prompt tumblrs are @daily-prompts and @creativepromptsforwriting for their variety and creativity!
Other resources...
Goodreads: consistently reading is part of exercising that creative muscle in your brain. Goodreads will help you keep track of everything you've read, are reading, and want to read. Find your next inspiration and the latest updates on what's coming out soon from your favorite authors.
Poets & Writers Contests: this site is always posting the latest creative writing contests for all genres. It also has free submissions, so don't worry if you can't afford entry fees for now.
The Writer: you'll also find great contests (both free and paid) at The Writer. Explore their site to discover other great resources too, like writing getaways and publishing tips.
Enjoy and I hope this helps! Feel free to reblog and add other resources that you use for your writing. I'd love to find more!
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musical-miranda · 2 years
intimate romance prompts
making eye-contact with your lover from across the room, gesturing for them to follow you outside
tracing a finger across your lover's scar
laying a hand on your lover's thigh
threatening your lover with a knife
leaning in for a kiss but pulling away last second
telling your lover ''you're so beautiful'' knowing that's all you can say
intertwining fingers with your lover, something unspoken in the glance you share
straddling your lover's thighs
your hand touches your lover's and it feels like your whole world is on fire, so you have to take it away
tying your lover's tie
saying ''i love you,'' not being believed at first, so you repeat yourself
agreeing to sleep in separate beds but sneaking into each other's to snuggle
''i'm not in love with you.'' ''good.''
a friend has told your lover you're in love with them, you deny it when they ask you about it
not being able to look into your lover's eyes because it will send you down a spiral you won't get out of
scolding your lover for almost getting themselves killed, and your lover asks you why you care so much
your lover almost dies and that's when it clicks for you
not being able to let go when you have them in your arms
catching each other undressing and very obviously checking each other's bodies out
kissing your lover when they ask you why you've been avoiding them, not realizing it's because you're jealous that they've been hanging out with [a potential love interest]
bandaging each other up and sharing a tender moment
laying awake at night, wishing your lover was next to you
kissing your lover's forehead, torn apart knowing that's all you can do
looking deep into your lover's eyes, both of you lost in the moment
tracing your fingers down your lover's chest, stopping at their zipper, looking up at them for confirmation
flirting with your lover from across the room
solid eye-contact, then *gaze drops to lips*
grabbing each other's face and not being able to let go, or look away, leaning in for a kiss just as you're being interrupted
letting your lover know you'll always be there for them, no matter what happens
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musical-miranda · 2 years
Words to describe facial expressions
Absent: preoccupied 
Agonized: as if in pain or tormented
Alluring: attractive, in the sense of arousing desire
Appealing: attractive, in the sense of encouraging goodwill and/or interest
Beatific: blissful
Black: angry or sad, or hostile
Bleak: hopeless
Blinking: surprise, or lack of concern
Blithe: carefree, lighthearted, or heedlessly indifferent
Brooding: anxious and gloomy
Bug eyed: frightened or surprised
Chagrined: humiliated or disappointed
Cheeky: cocky, insolent
Cheerless: sad
Choleric: hot-tempered, irate
Darkly: with depressed or malevolent feelings
Deadpan: expressionless, to conceal emotion or heighten humor
Despondent: depressed or discouraged
Doleful: sad or afflicted
Dour: stern or obstinate
Dreamy: distracted by daydreaming or fantasizing
Ecstatic: delighted or entranced
Faint: cowardly, weak, or barely perceptible
Fixed: concentrated or immobile
Gazing: staring intently
Glancing: staring briefly as if curious but evasive
Glazed: expressionless due to fatigue or confusion
Grim: fatalistic or pessimistic
Grave: serious, expressing emotion due to loss or sadness
Haunted: frightened, worried, or guilty
Hopeless: depressed by a lack of encouragement or optimism
Hostile: aggressively angry, intimidating, or resistant
Hunted: tense as if worried about pursuit
Jeering: insulting or mocking
Languid: lazy or weak
Leering: sexually suggestive
Mild: easygoing
Mischievous: annoyingly or maliciously playful
Pained: affected with discomfort or pain
Peering: with curiosity or suspicion
Peeved: annoyed
Pleading: seeking apology or assistance
Quizzical: questioning or confused
Radiant: bright, happy
Sanguine: bloodthirsty, confident
Sardonic: mocking
Sour: unpleasant
Sullen: resentful
Vacant: blank or stupid looking
Wan: pale, sickly
Wary: cautious or cunning
Wide eyed: frightened or surprised
Withering: devastating
Wrathful: indignant or vengeful
Wry: twisted or crooked to express cleverness or a dark or ironic feeling
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musical-miranda · 2 years
Unmute !
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musical-miranda · 2 years
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musical-miranda · 3 years
Since I’ve been gone…
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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musical-miranda · 3 years
shoutout to disabled people who aren’t exactly sure what their disability is, disabled people who aren’t diagnosed yet but know something’s off, and disabled people who are struggling but can’t get any help because of a lack of diagnosis, access to resources, or anything else. shoutout to disabled people who are silently and invisibly disabled and have a hard time getting people to believe them, and who have difficulty managing their symptoms because they’re not sure what the problem is stemming from. it’s hard, but i see you, and im so glad you’re here. it’s over-said but your experience is valid. you deserve support and to be believed.
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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This is about Sci-Hub. yeah we get it.. gatekeep knowledge and protect the interests of capital…
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musical-miranda · 3 years
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finally finished this painting i sketched out months ago… please click for better quality i know tumblr is gonna kill it (reference used)
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musical-miranda · 3 years
snakes are reversed vampires
they get energy from lying in the sun, they inject shitty blood IN with their fangs, and they have no hands
????? vampires have hands?????????
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