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Dan Michaelson ‘’Colourfield II’’ - Hollywood, can you hear this?
Dan Michaelson, who was once before featured on our blog, returns with another neoclassical masterpiece entitled ‘’Colourfield II’’.
As the title suggest, the song is a sibling to his first release which was entitled ‘’Colourfield’’. ‘’Colourfield II’’ is a more dramatic take on neoclacissim, where nerve and anticipation are core emotions richly represented in both composition as well as an appropriate choice of instruments. The music is cinematic beyond words. Just listen to it and tell me you can’t see armies of light vs. dark awaiting the final stand off. Well produced and filled with intricate detail, the symphony captures a mood and maintains the momentum all throughout - it is dense and tense and as intended.
Another round of applause to mr. Michaelson and his indeniable talent. Enjoy ‘’Colourfield II’’ at the link below:
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Phoria ‘’Intro’’ - into the light
Here’s another piece of breathtaking music coming out of UK. It would appear that ambient and neoclassical composers have a deeper understanding of light and are capable of translating this spectral phenomena into an audible experience.
Phoria’s ‘’Intro’’ does that both musically and visually. The ambient/neoclassical symphony unfolds itself on gentle elongated piano chords, while a distant shimmering drone glimmers like a single source of light in an otherwise light-less environment. Before too long, that single glimmer invites other instruments and sounds, all reeking of goodness and life. The ever evolving glow soon becomes a beaming supernova which will fill your lungs with hope. All of the above is combined with a music video accurately representing the sonic spectrum, which so beautifully and blatantly gives birth to light.
Light your spirit up at the link below:
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MOJI ‘’Mysterious Kyoto’’ - original and loyal far-east musical gem
We love getting submission from Japan. In a globalized world it is only fair that the music is more eclectic than ever before, but nonetheless some artists remain loyal to their origins and manage to stay original while at it. MOJI is one of those artists who has recently released a track entitled ‘’Mysterious Kyoto’’.
Far-east down to it’s core, the music takes the best from the native folk music and combines it into a beautiful and catchy snack. We say snack, because the song is only 1min 40 second long, and yet despite the short duration, it manages to capture multiple several themes, introduce about half a dozen different instrument and stay on point while at it.
We can’t wait to hear more from MOJI and invite you to listen to ‘’Mysterious Kyoto’’ at the link below:
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Adina Nelu ‘’Inside Out’’ - a colorful neoclassical painting
Adina Nelu is an artist coming out of UK who has recently blessed us with her magnificent musical piece entitled ‘’Inside Out’’.
Carried on a piano, the music paints a picture of summer and blossom, the high running notes accurately replicating the sensations of being caressed by sunlight and warm breeze. The music functions well both as a song, as well as an art piece and could be easily combined with a visual of thriving peaceful nature. Nevertheless, it is picturesque enough to evoke those images in the listener’s mind without any extra aid. Filled with beautiful detail of distant strings, chirping birds and other sounds of nature the music portrays the beauty of nature at it’s absolute finest. 
Close your eyes and dream away to this mesmerizing piece of music at the link below:
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kamupanerura ‘’teo’’ - from Japan with love and originality
Coming from the distant Japan kamupanerura’s ‘’teo’’ is a unique piece of music that will soothe all your fantasies and expectations.
It’s fair to say that something very indie is at the core of this composition. Guitar, bass, drums, synth - it’s all there, only we bet you’ve never heard it like this before. Eclectic beyond words, the music is both groovy and cartoony. While the song structure seems to follow some version of western songwriting, at large it has a shape of it’s own, with themes interchanging at just the right times. With all it’s beautiful detail, the song is a highly original piece of work and oh my lord, do we love the vintage phone ring popping up here and there!
Fall in love with this wonderful musical endeavor at the link below:
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Rikard Mathisson ‘’Nox’’ - nordic nostalgia explained on a piano
We always get a little excited when we get a neoclassical submission from Sweden, as it is almost 100% certain it will be more or less influenced by the almighty Jan Johansson, whom we literally pray to. Rikard Mathisson’s ‘’Nox’’ is no exception to that rule and rightfully so.
Careful not to blow it’s cover the piano moves around pop patterns in low tempo, hinting elements of both classical and folk. Patient with elaborations, the music captures the moment and builds on it slowly, eventually reaching a climax where the pianist gives away his true idol by throwing in jazz bits typical to the followers of Jan Johansson. 
Swedish piano will always speak to us. Listen at the link below:
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Julian Zyklus ‘’The Peace On The Earth’’ - piano, birds and universal beauty
We are in love with this mesmerizing release from Italy by Julian Zyklus. It is a piano poem recorded in what sounds like a garden full of chirping birds and is a hallmark of universal beauty. 
The piano gracefully paints a picture of love, beauty and peace, elegantly moving across the keyboard, elaborating on the melody as well as the chords, always effortless but also intended. Hopeful and nostalgic the music is truly timeless. It is a muse in itself and the living sounds of nature (as well as a car passing by at one point, it seems) make it ever more intricate and real.
Daze away to this beautiful creation at the link below:
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Daniel O’Rhys ‘’Floating’’ - a living neoclassical piano 
Yet another wonderful piano release came to our attention, this time from Germany. Daniel O’Rhys ‘’Floating’’ is one of many beautiful stars on the neoclassical sky, as elegant as it is raw. 
A simple piano riff leads the listener into the song, so light you might feel elevated above the ground, or perhaps even above the clouds. Without any warning, the tune changes theme as if diving through the aforementioned clouds to fly above a dynamic and turbulent environment, then returns back above the clouds, where trouble is none and bliss is all. Finally, we couldn’t help but to take notice of the highly intimate recording which allows us to hear the piano as well as the pianist at work, making the performance ever more tangible. 
Lovable and charming and available at the link below:
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Max Herman ‘’Forever’’ - a true neoclassical gem
Music is universal, and universe is endless, thus the music is endless too. Max Herman and his recent release ‘’Forever’’ is a tangible, or should we say - audible - proof of that. 
What starts off like yet another chill piano tune soon takes an unexpected turn and dives into a paradigm of beauty, balance and originality. Before too long, an ever evolving orchestra of instruments and drone sounds turn the song in to a timeless symphony. Interestingly, the music seems to have some far-east reference, although it is subtle enough to appeal to a western listener as native music too. The composition is full of surprises all along, with a few breath-taking climaxes as well as a highly intricate rhythm section by the end. 
Just go ahead and try not fall in love with this at the link below:
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Mars Lasar ‘’Sapphire Dreams’’ - magical, original neoclassical
Mars Lasar, who has been featured on our blog before, returns with another intricate release entitled ‘’Sapphire Dreams’’.
Having introduced himself as an original thinker, Mars carries that torch further in his new release. To begin with, let’s just say that the music is ultra cinematic, evoking images of fairy tales and magical creatures. Gentle and thought through, the composer doesn’t shy from harmonic or dynamic elaborations, always adding peculiar detail. A wide array of instruments and sounds makes the music repeat-worthy, allowing you to find new hidden treats along the way. 
Original, elaborate and simply beautiful and available at the link below:
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Selsom x Walker Combe ‘’Jøkul’‘ - a dreamy neoclassical collab
Collaborations are great and we love to see artists coming together to seek out commonality in ideas. Selsom from Norway and Walker Combe from UK, hit the colab spot just right in their recent release ‘’Jøkul’’.
Written for piano and strings, the music is cinematic from the very start. A simple piano riff embracing the dynamics as well as the elasticity of the tempo invites intertwining string sections, which then together continue their journey across an effortless neoclassical landscape. Easy on both ear and the soul, the music is extremely soothing regardless of how your day has been going. Both piano and strings are played with lots of emotion, embracing each note as if it was the only note to ever exist.
A big round of applause for this collaboration and please more of that! Enjoy at the link below:
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Toronto Table Ensemble ‘’Unexpected Guests’’ - a hectic eclectic orchestra
While our hearts are ever dedicated to ambient and neoclassical, even the most obedient of souls sin sometimes. That being said, behold our forbidden apple of the week: Toronto Table Ensemble ‘’Unexpected Guests’’.
Starting off on a bagpipe (almost certainly anyway) playing a celtic polka melody, the music is soon joined by an far-east rhythm section played on something that must be close to the African djembe drums. From there on it’s feast and madness. It’s the sort of music that will turn a sitting protest into a jumping riot of joy. Seemingly tireless, the musicians continue to deliver magnitudes of energy, masterfully playing the instruments with laser-precision timing. 
Let loose and dance one out to this wonderful musical creation at the link below:
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Rave De Crystal ‘’People’’ - an art exhibit on life at large
Seemingly taken straight out of a modern art museum, this recent release by French Rave De Crystal is a quest to find the ultimate answer.
A combined effort of music, visual and spoken word this art exhibit asks the big question - why are we here? A super-slow-down music video soothingly maintains the momentum along with the minimalist electronica/ambient tune helping the part, giving you the feeling of suspense and enough room for you mind to wander.
Perhaps continuously asking yourself existential questions may be the act. See where do you stand on existentialist questions at the link below.
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Akiyoshi Yasuda ‘’Key’’ - simple, beautiful, unique
Akiyoshi Yasuda, who has once before been featured on our blog, returns with another neoclassical wonder entitled ‘’Key’’.
While the core melody throughout this whole piece is nothing but an octave, it is the recording of it that makes it unique. It would seem that the inner body of the piano has been mic’ed up with the most sensitive microphones on the market, which then turns the piano into a rhythmical instrument alongside it being a melodic one. Beautified by distant drones the song moves effortlessly along it’s core idea, eventually changing the theme for a few bars, only to return back into the octave-based theme enriched with all the peculiar sounds of the piano mechanics.
Unique, definitely worthy your attention and available at the link below:
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California Care Package ‘’You're, In Between My Eyes’‘ - an ambient gem
If you’re going to be a fan of ambient, then you’re also gonna have to make friends with lengthy tunes. After all, the patience common to ambient music is probably one of it’s most unique and inviting features.
California Care Package know all there is to know about taking time in their recent release ‘’You’re, In Between My Eyes’’. The tune is a wonderful and well-produced ambient standard, intricately memorable for it’s ghostly and captivating piano. Seven minutes long the music is ideal for meditation or other forms of relaxing (like a sweet afternoon napper perhaps). Rich in high frequencies it is balanced well with some distant low-end drones, all the while the piano theme maintains the spiritual momentum. 
Unplug and relax to this ambient gem at the link below:
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w/ headphones ‘’kid’’ - ambient from the cool kids
While ambient remains a niche genre for now, some artists appear to have at least a hidden intention of penetrating the pop culture with their ambient creations and w/ headphones is certainly one of them.
Taking off on a simple piano riff, the artist teases the listener with ambient bites and synth chops - all very well produced and high end. After a bit of a wait, the song arrives at it’s climax introducing a synth on both low and high end of the scale, giving the existing picture a golden frame. 
Well done all the way, appropriately patient and yet down to the point. Check it out at the link below:
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Jeff Cardoni ‘’Drawn To The Light’’ - topshelf cinematic neoclassical
Having made scores for both HBO as well as Netflix, it is only fair to have high expectations for Jeff Cardoni - which are then met with a surplus.
Cinematic off the charts, ‘’Drawn To The Light’’ is a symphony of hope and longing. Beautifully arranged string sections feel like underwater currents overlapping effortlessly with each other, while rays of sunlight cut through the dense substance of the ocean and make the scenery glimmer. Heavy at heart, but light in it’s spirit this kind of music is bound to stimulate your tear glands at least.
Fill you heart with the beauty of this musical endeavor at the link below:
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