musicinked-blog · 12 years
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then went downstairs and continued life as normal in front of your parents 
Reblog if you ever cried in front of the computer, alone.
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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They must have a lot of Ice Arrows
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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baa buzz
Dumb silly headcanon is that Sollux and Aradia buzz and bleat at each other, respectively. Silly idea that wouldn’t leave me alone till I drew it.
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
A - Your current OTP
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
I got bored and made a new blog @ rogu3ofh3art.tumblr.com Follow me there for: Erisol Erikar Cutesy gamtav Be warned it will be a nsfw blog GIMME A BREAK MOIRAIL I'M TYPING ON MY PHOOOONEEEEE D:
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
People don't understand how hard it is to accept a compliment when you think so low of yourself
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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get it it’s because they’re on a ship and has nothing to do with how adorable I think sailor uniforms are
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
reblogging self
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Ok here’s a commission pricing sheet for you guys hope this clears some things up?
If not I’ll redo it again but it’s honestly really simple
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
i want to become a famous homestuck but i cant draw, cosplay, voice act or write
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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GLADLY as this is quite honestly my fav ship ever :D
Also if you want to view the recording of me doing this it’ll be on my livestream bb ; 3;
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
Hi. This is a hello for you to pass on to someone else, like a moirail, she has been worried about your lack of contact, but I'm just being hypothetical.
thank you anon :)
I missed my moirail greatly but hopefully I'll be on more and she can come snuggle up to me all she wants
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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a silly thing i did in about 30 min but was asked to upload
i was doodling this to show jay how i did clouds and used textures
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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A pleasure to meet you, sir.
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
JC. JAY. LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE TO ME i was singing to this because JC was playing it YESTERDAY on the ride home. damnit...
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musicinked-blog · 12 years
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WITCH! RUN!!! Taken by the wonderful Blasteh: http://blasteh.deviantart.com/
Ellis (Myself), Witch (RagemoreRoberts), Francis: (Bloodspider), Nick (VampiricAngel) Zoey (SerafinasCharm), Rochelle (PonderMoofin) and the Hunters (Jo, Scott and Michael, whose tumblrs I don’t know!).
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