musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Rose watches over the training field although the motion of his troops aren’t what occupies his thoughts.  His memories linger on the night before, feeding into an exceptionally good mood. It’s been a good few months. The division is going from strength to strength, the men under his command springing back from betrayal and even getting close to surpassing their previous  strength. Every training session shows a little more progress, and now is no exception. However, the joy he sees here is surpassed by the new, but very strong bond he and Izuru have forged. For a romantic encounter, it’s still rather fragile, but again with each new date, every new encounter, Rose is certain it will only get better. 
He’s proud, and for the first time since arriving here, happy. 
His attention is stolen away from pleasant thoughts, but the sudden change in Izuru. He doesn’t notice the subtle change of the eyes, but the abruptness of the stop and collapse, is more than enough to have him straight on the field and by the other man’s side in the blink of an eye. The other troops shuffle back, allowing Rose a chance to get in there and assess the situation for himself. Much to Rose’s relief, there seems to be no lasting damage. He’s conscious again and with no visible injuries to boot, although that doesn’t quite account for the look of horror on the other man’s face.
“Everything okay, Izuru?”
He’s intercepted, as he probably should have expected, by Rose. He supposes that a fall like that would warrant some concern, and he hesitates at the question. He doesn’t want to worry the captain, and it isn’t like the weight is anything new. It’s just… In a new place, is all, along with the pain. And what he saw in his reflection was, perhaps, just a trick of the light. So he decides on how to respond.
“Y-Yes, captain. I think I might just be a bit tired, or something. Nothing to be concerned about.” He is eating and sleeping more regularly, but last night he hadn’t slept well because he’d been plagued by thoughts of his desires for the captain.
He’s gotten over most of his guilt over liking Rose, and of wanting him. Most of the pain of the Betrayal too, has faded away, even if the weight of the guilt still remains in Wabisuke’s grasp to remind him. But by allowing himself to truly feel and accept the want, so it keeps him up more and more at night. But even as he feels and acknowledges these desires, he doesn’t really know how to express them. Besides, surely it is too soon for such a thing?
He sighs then, glancing up at Rose and finding himself captivated for just a moment. “It could be too, that Wabisuke is trying to tell me something. I think I might take the time to speak with him later, just to be safe.”
Rose doesn’t realise just how quickly he ends up on the field. All he sees is the crumpled figure of poor Izuru laying on the dusty training ground and knows that he needs to do something. Lower seats sense the urgency and part as Rose bustles through, kneeling by the other man’s side and about to ask someone to summon the fourth division when Izuru opens his eyes and it’s clear there’s nothing wrong with him. 
Physically, at least. 
Rose holds out a hand, helping the other man up and waving the rest of the division off to  continue their training. He hovers closer to Izuru than he really should, ready for any sign the other man might collapse again and not really all that relieved by the mention of Wabisuke and whatever message he might have to give. 
“Quite wise” he agrees, his expression the picture of pensive. There’s something else here, but he has no idea what “but for now, I think it’s probably best you stop training. Why don’t I walk you back to the barracks?”
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Shinji’s expression stays mostly, but he can’t keep his eyes from narrowing. Had he been completely forthright with this know-it-all asshole? No. But, on the flip side, Shinji hadn’t actually lied. No confirmation, but no denial. He didn’t like the assumptions this guy was making. Not one bit.
“Your call, ain’t it?” Shinji answers, the words sharp, but coming out slow. “I was just askin’ questions. Feels like ya don’t want to trust me, eh?”
Which brings a new question to Shinji’s mind: Why? From his own experience, Shinji is well aware that there are powerful folks outside of Soul Society, and who have might have more than a few reasons to be distrustful. Hell, it’s not like Shinji would great the Head Captain with a big, old grin and open arms if he hopped out of the sky right now to say hello. Still, there’s something different about this guy. His reiatsu – bigger than your average, random passerby, and kept well under control, but still present, and still clear as goddamn day to Shinji, especially now that he’s zeroing in on it a little – flows different. It’s naturally keyed into the reishi around them, in a way Shinji wasn’t expecting.
It doesn’t make sense. Shinji didn’t think there were any of these guys left.
But, hey – it explains the trust thing. It isn’t personal. For all Shinji knows, he and this Quincy bastard both harbor the exact same amount of distaste for the shittier parts of the Seireitei, even if the source of that distaste comes from very, very different places.
He holds the guy’s gaze for a cold moment or two. He’s not trying to fight, and he’s not trying to hide, not anymore. It’s pointless, and besides, there might be common ground here. Not trust – but maybe, common ground. Maybe.
“…tried to help a kid,” Shinji finally says. “Some punk was jumpin’ him. Wasn’t like she was starvin’ or on her last legs or whatever, either. Sport. Not survival. I hate that shit.”
He shifts a little, angling to get a closer look at the wound himself now. His head swims. “Fuck,” he mumbles. “Really messed this one up, didn’t I?” He thinks quickly. He could slip out of this gigai, sure, but if he did that, he’d leave a cold, limp body behind, and that’ll be sure to create more problems for this Quincy guy, for Kisuke, and hell, for Shinji himself, too.
He wrenches his gaze back to the Quincy bending over him, and fixes him with a hard, certain stare. “Don’t let it get weird,” he tells the guy. He can hear his voice getting quieter, even as his tone grows more and more insistent. “I don’t got options right now. Just gonna… ride this out.
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“After… we’ll talk.”
Ryuken bristles at the comment, finding it closer to the truth than he’d like. He’s a Shinigami, isn’t he? It’s not like these kinds often given them any reason for him to trust them. Why should he be any different?
“and what if I don’t? Your kind cause more than enough nuisance here. Why would you be any different?”
He purses his lips – fighting down everything else he wants to add, and starts to do what he does best. He tentatively examines the wound, calculating out what needs to be done before the ambulance gets here. At least if he does his j ob he doesn’t need to think too much about the quality of this man’s reiatsu. There’s something different about it. There’s something extra there…
It’s then that feels the other man looking at him, and for a second, they share a cold, somewhat understanding look. There’s puzzlement in Ryuken’s eyes as he watches the other man, not sure why he looks at him with such understanding as he does. Although, he’s willing to bet that reiatsu possibly has something to do with it.
“And they got you instead?”
He doesn’t exactly approve of the act, but can’t really fault it either. He’s been foolish, no doubt, but what else are Shinigami good for than protecting those In a way, the rash heroism reminds him a little of Uryuu, and a cold creep of foreboding takes hold of him. He doesn’t wish this man ill, of course, but for once,  it’s a relief to see anyone else here apart from that boy.
“That, is an understatement”
It’s bad, but Ryuken suspects the other man probably knows this. It would be obvious to even the most untrained person. It needs pressure, and he presses down, looking down the alleyway and hoping the ambulance comes soon. As he works he feels the other man’s eyes boring into him once more, and he looks up sharply, both intrigued and annoyed by this distraction. 
“and why would I do that?” he asks through gritted teeth, all his focus absorbed by keeping the pressure on wound. His eyes flick up briefly, offering enough of a guarantee of sincerity. He can’t quite understand the connection this man seems to feel, but he does want his cooperation. This feels like the closest he’s going to get. He gives a curt  nod at the promise, unwilling to think too far beyond this moment. They need to get this treated first “if you make it, then I’ll listen”
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
@musicmedicineminder​“  just transferring this to a text post.
I’ll keep that in mind then–reservations are a must for this day then.”  
She looks over at her, questioning.  She thought she’d known what people did, but perhaps Nanao knows a bit more, given that she’s spent more time in modern society, in words that Shutara hasn’t been able to access freely in a long time.
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“I’m certainly not against celebrating another way,” she says.  “I’ve always liked the aesthetics of the holiday, the colors, the flavors, the symbols.  I’ve even treated myself to a few things that were delivered special…but when you’re alone its very different.”
She considers what might be more comfortable for Nanao.  
“If you’d rather do something else, I’ll do whatever you like.”  Her often hidden softness shines through.  “Just let me treat you to something nice.  I’m afraid I’m a bit of a traditionalist sometimes…but I think that may mean something to you as well.”
Nanao cocks her head, intrigued by the questioning look, she hadn’t thought her request was that outrageous. Neither of them are keen on crowds after all. She’s only trying to be courteous. Her brow wrinkles slightly as she considers the options, wanting this to be a balance of both their needs. 
“We can go out” she repeats, hastily, adjusting her glasses, “I don’t mind. It’s just prudent to keep these things in mind, isn’t it?” 
She falls into thought, running through all the usual things couples usually do at this time of year. She doesn’t want a  fuss, as much Shutara tends to enjoy lavishing things on her, but can’t deny it would be fun to go out and mark the occasion for once. 
“Although it doesn’t have to be the evening if you want to avoid the crowds” she pauses, still considering the options “there’ll still be all the colours and symbols, it’ll just be more private...more us”
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Continued from here.
Jūshirō hadn’t expected her to linger on his words quite like that. Nanao was perceptive, but Jūshirō was a skilled actor when it came to matters like this. 
How much did I falter…? I… must look more tired than I thought… 
For a moment, he feels torn. He doesn’t want to burden her, or concern her, put ask her to look after him, too, in addition to looking after his best friend. 
But, at the same time, he doesn’t wish to be dishonest. Nanao’s trust is important to him, and she’s already seen through today’s bright facade. 
He sighs. His eyes close, and his expression relaxes. He lets her see the truth - all is well now, but Jūshirō is weary, and he worries for what the end of the week might bring. 
“Everything’s all right,” he assures her. “I’m… trying to get the bulk of my work done today and tomorrow, if I can. It’s proving difficult, but it’s nothing I haven’t done before.” 
He lets her see another smile, this one smaller, and with much more self-awareness in it. “Winter is unpredictable,” he says. “The air is cold and dry. It might be nothing, of course…” He lets the sentence trail away, as if, by leaving it unfinished, he can forestall or even put a stop to the inevitable. 
“Perhaps,” he says softly, when he opens his eyes again, “you can do me a favor, Nanao-san? There’s a flower vendor at my favorite weekend market, and I try to give him by business during the winter months especially, because few people do… 
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“On the off chance that I’m stuck inside this weekend, will you go, and buy some flowers for me? They’re just for my desk, but… I’d hate for the vendor to miss out on expected business, you see…”
She sees him flounder, and looks away, guilt rising up. She never means to do this but somehow she's always the one to catch him out. Even her captain seems better at missing the obvious signs, although it's entirely possible that he simply ignores the obvious. It would be his style to do that.
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He tries again, the smile more natural this time, and while Nanao doesn't exactly pity him, she can't help but feel bad he thinks he needs to do this with her. She'd rather he didn't put on a brave face. She does at least get some honesty though. Or something close to honesty. The concerns about his health are certainly plausible considering the season. She glances to the window, brow furrowing, thinking it looks crisps and grey. The perfect weather for snow.
"Of course"
The request calls her out of worry, and Nanao nods, aceepting without hesitation. She'd never refuse him a favour, and accepts without hesitation. It's the least she can do considering the situation. The flower stop isn't out of her way either, and a few blooms would brighten the room.
"What kind would you like?"
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
“We are in Los Noches.”
Starrk said it with a bit of humor as he moved to stand near Nanao. He stopped ten feet away, untrusting of both her intentions and his own oppressive spirit. The perpetual nighttime stars twinkled above them, giving plenty of light to see.
“If you travel in that direction,” he said, pointing at an angle, “you will find the old throne of Barragan. I doubt anyone inhabits it now; Harribel took over the thrown of Aizen.”
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He pointed to their left.
“That direction holds the pillars, and beyond them the wastes. If a desert could contain a desert within, that was the wastes. Hollows tend not to inhabit that.”
He stopped, looking back towards her.
“Las Noches has sand, ruins and hollows. There is little here besides. What is it that you are hoping to find?”
"Las Noches, yes"
She still can't quite look at him, even when he's mere  feet away. There's a palpable sense of distrust here on both sides. Being led round by a hollow is far from ideal in Nanao's eyes. She might not see him as an imminent threat, but that doesn't mean he's completely on the level either. He's at least honest though, or might be fairer to say that his information tallies with what little Nanao's been given before leaving the Siereitei. She doesn't move, simply takes a moment or two to absorb his information and work out next steps.
"How far from here to Aizen's throne?"
She turns towards where he's pointed, frowning. The fact the Queen is there complicates matters but her mission was clear. It deosn't help that he's good at questions either. It's not unreasonable to ask her purpose, but it's still enough for her to shut down a little. He might not be an enemy anymore but he's still an unknown quantity.
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"I am here to gather information on behalf of the Gotei" she says, hoping it's detailed enough to shut down and follow up queries "my orders suggest that I should begin where the traitor captains set up their base of operations."
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
It’s clear that her rouse had been finally seen through – Nanao’s uncompromising tactic to wear down her defenses had finally succeeded. A soft sigh of relief escaped her as she fell into step at first behind then beside her friend. “Was it pretty obvious?” There was a part of her that dreaded the answer, and there was a part of her that knew the answer already. Plenty of her friends had approached at one point or another, attempting and failing to bridge the barrier she had built up. Most perhaps not wishing to deal with a heartbroken woman took her dismissive notion of ‘I’m fine’ at face value, allowing themselves to believe the lie and letting her continue as she pleased. If she wanted to fake smiles and laughs that was her prerogative.
But Nanao, she was astute – always had been – and she could read her like a book, always could. Though, it certainly surprised Rangiku that it had taken her this long to finally press the issue. They all grieved differently, they all dealt with hardships their own way, and there was no timetable that one followed, deadlines to meet – but the longer she suffered the more concerned she was certain Nanao had become.
“Kyōraku-taichou is going to be heartbroken when he finds out you drank with me…and not him,” Rangiku couldn’t help but playfully tease, it was also a way of distracting from the future discussion at hand. Plus, she had to give Nanao a little taunting, she had so effortlessly agreed to drinks. Not a prude by any means, and honestly with more tolerance than she’d appeared to have – she still wasn’t one to let sake free flow for just any reason. But this wasn’t just any reason…
"My Captain isn't going to find out"
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She takes the teasing in good humour, although her expression remains grim. She’s never been a fan of dishonesty let alone keeping stuff from her captain. It feels warranted here though.  Rangiku might be acting in better spirits, but Nanao knows they have a long way to go before she'll be convinced she's anywhere near okay. The drinks are poured and Nanao takes the offered cup then immediately puts it down again, not sure she wants to start so soon. She doesn't drink often, Rangiku knows that, and intends to pace herself.
The urge to get straight to the heart of the matter burns strong in her gut, although Nanao resists the urge admirably. It feels as if she's walking on a tightrope here. One wrong move and Rangiku might shut down completely. So, once the silence becomes unbearable, she tries to break it with something more neutral.
"It's been a long time since we've caught up"
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
The pressure exerted by the burning energy of the bow makes his eyes widen with excitement.  It’s better than he could have hoped.  Oh…he likes this one.  He’s sharply beautiful, unapologetic, and forcefully sure.  He’s not quite decided what he’d like to do with him…but there are so many stimulating options.  He has time. There’s always time.  
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“Are you sure?” asks Szayel.
This is his land.  Not only is his power amplified here, but he’s alive here, known it, grown from its savage nurturing and plentiful sustenance. He slips away into the space between worlds, reappearing on the other side of the man, out of the crosshairs of his bow.
“Forgive me…but I only approached because you have a similar energy signature to someone else who is a newcomer to this world.”
He walks in a slow circle around him, bright, excited but calculating eyes studying this new specimen. Perhaps he didn’t need the other one after all…maybe this one would be good enough.  But…just like any hollow, more is never enough.  No…that Idea was pushed quickly from his mind.  He’d befriend this one to get the other…and then…he can capture and enjoy both.
“But..I understand if my presence is a bit unsettling,” he  purrs.  “I’m a bit smoother than most of my brethren, and if you’ve got a strong construct of what a hollow is in your mind…well…perhaps you ought to rethink it.”
Ryuken scowls as the other man tries his best to charm, already irritated by his presence. If the initial touch to his shoulders hadn't done it, then refusing to leave certainly has. They have no business together, Ryuken thinks, and he sure as hell has little intention of seeking allies if he can help it. He doesn't need this one, and he turns, forcing the hollow back into the path of any arrow he chooses to shoot.
"Very sure"
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His finger itches on the string, just waiting for the opportunity to fire. This hollow’s strong but, a warning shot might be enough to make him retreat. He’s set on this course of action, even if it leads to a proper fight, until the hollow opens his mouth again, and Ryuken has a sudden and rather uncharacteristic  change of heart.
"Another?" his attention is obvious, eyes sharp, honed completely in on this uninvited companion, even though he doesn't lower his bow. "Where was this?"
He stays tight-lipped on just why he wants to know this. Revealing too much might put Uryuu in more danger, and Ryuken has no wish to fight more than he has to for him. This is already more mess than he'd ever anticipated having to save his son from without any more added complications. The other man keeps up the charm offensive. Ryuken has to admit, he certainly presents as more civilised than the mindless beasts he normally puts down, although there's something there that stops him from putting down the bow. Why is this man telling him this? Why doesn't he just move on? He doesn't seem the type to willingly help an interloper into his realm.
"Just answer my question and let me move on. I've no time for whatever this is."
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Shutara sits down beside her on the couch. Using a true hand, she wraps an escaped tendril of Nanao's hair behind her ear.
"Would you like me to make a reservation?" she asks. "I'm afraid I've never actually celebrated this holiday...for a variety of reasons."
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She smiles, warmth evident in her face. "I mean...for most of my life it didn't exist...and when it did, well, I was a bit too cautious."
Unprompted starter || Always accepting || @behindthestrings
Nanao blinks at the hand against her temple, still unused to these little acts of care. She considers the question with her usual seriousness. It's only a date, after all even if it's technically the most romantic day of the year.
"We should book, in case there's nothing left when we get there"
The other woman's smile, relaxes her slightly. It's nice to see her excited, Nanao thinks, there's a real novelty to seeing her experience all these little things for the first time. It's why Nanao takes these outings so seriously.
"It's always busy, are you certain you want to go out? There are plenty of ways to celebrate"
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
@musicmedicineminder I know we talked about this kind of AU…and I’m 100% excited to drive Ryuken mad.
. [that scent] - Your muse leans in to sniff my muse. When my muse turns their head to look, their faces are very close together
Szayel is one with his environment, even if it appears that he shouldn’t be. Bright pink doesn’t fade into night or sand, but its just like the flame-colored coat of a fox…it doesn’t make him any less stealthy. He trails for a while, his sensors tripped at the first moment that this type of energy entered his world. Watching, analyzing, this man reminds him of someone held somewhere very different.
But, he’s doing what he’s best built for. Eventually the other will stop–he has no need to run, he only needs to walk. And then, when the man in the pale clothing stops, he’s nearly upon him. The scent of power and skin and a very light clean note
Gloved hands are placed on his shoulders, and he dips his head to be able to breathe him in more deeply, pupils going from pinpoints in gold to nearly all black with the tiniest gilded rim. The soft sound of desire echoes in his throat, though he knows that it will likely not be picked up in the scuffle.
The man turns his head quickly and they’re now just a few inches apart. The surprise he sees only makes his expression grow more fond.
“Welcome to Hueco Mundo…” he purrs. “Is there anything at all I can do for you?”
Ryuken moves with purpose, more focussed on the task at hand than the sense he's being followed.
The feeling's been dogging him since he stepped onto the sands of Huceo Mundo. It's hard to put a finger on. There's no real reiatsu signature to speak of, nor any other signs he's being followed. If they're there then their either well hidden or far enough behind to be no real threat.
He has bigger things to worry about anyway.
It's not exactly easy to put the idea of being followed to the back of his head. This is a new an unfamiliar land and he only has the faintest idea of where he's going. If, has any hope of finding Uryuu he needs to focus more on what little of his reiatsu he can sense, and less on possible phantoms. He keeps a hand on his cross as he carries on, ready to draw on the reishi around him at a moment's notice. It's at times like this when he wishes he'd paid slightly more attention to his father - those lessons feels so far away now, and it's not like Huceo Mundo is a topic that comes up often during his clandestine check ins with Urahara. What information he has is either years old or scarps of things he's picked up here and there. Hardly ideal for a self imposed mission to retrieve his foolhardy son.
It doesn't take long for him to realise ignoring that niggling feeling was a bad idea. It happens so quickly. One minute he's paused, trying to get his bearings in a scene of endless sand and few landmarks, the next there's hands on his shoulders, and a warm, refined voice in his ear. He turns sharply, repulsed at the feel of someone coming in so close without warning, ripping the hands from his shoulders and drawing his bow in the process,  finger on the string and perfectly aimed at the other man’s head. The look of this assailant is about the only thing which stops him from releasing the arrow . He doesn't look hollow, or even that much of a threat although his reiatsu tells a different story. This one is dangerous, if given the opportunity.  Ryuken doesn't move a muscle, keeping the bow taut despite the hollows cheery demeanour. He trusts him about as far as he can throw him.
"Nothing from you hollow"
@musicmedicineminder I know we talked about this kind of AU...and I'm 100% excited to drive Ryuken mad.
. [that scent] - Your muse leans in to sniff my muse. When my muse turns their head to look, their faces are very close together
Szayel is one with his environment, even if it appears that he shouldn't be. Bright pink doesn't fade into night or sand, but its just like the flame-colored coat of a fox...it doesn't make him any less stealthy. He trails for a while, his sensors tripped at the first moment that this type of energy entered his world. Watching, analyzing, this man reminds him of someone held somewhere very different.
But, he's doing what he's best built for. Eventually the other will stop--he has no need to run, he only needs to walk. And then, when the man in the pale clothing stops, he's nearly upon him. The scent of power and skin and a very light clean note
Gloved hands are placed on his shoulders, and he dips his head to be able to breathe him in more deeply, pupils going from pinpoints in gold to nearly all black with the tiniest gilded rim. The soft sound of desire echoes in his throat, though he knows that it will likely not be picked up in the scuffle.
The man turns his head quickly and they're now just a few inches apart. The surprise he sees only makes his expression grow more fond.
"Welcome to Hueco Mundo..." he purrs. "Is there anything at all I can do for you?"
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
DISTRUST PROMPTS for characters who don’t / no longer trust one another. as always, feel free to tweak these as needed, take care, and have fun!
‘why should i trust you after what you did?’
‘how am i supposed to believe a word you say?’
‘i’m not falling for that again.’
‘i know better than to trust you any more.’
‘i’m sorry. i just can’t take that risk.’
‘what? you think i’m blind?’
‘this is exactly the kind of thing you would lie to me about.’
‘you’re just not someone i can trust.’
‘you can say whatever you like, i’m not going to believe you.’
‘i wish i could believe you. but i can’t.’
‘if you’re lying, i’ll make you pay for it.’
‘i can see it all over your face.’
‘we’ve played poker together. i know your tells.’
‘you must really think that i’m stupid.’
‘you had your chance, and you blew it.’
‘i’m telling you that i’m innocent. why won’t you believe me?’
‘don’t make that face. i’m telling the truth.’
‘you’ll be sorry when you realise i’m innocent.’
‘come on. you know when i’m lying, right?’
‘i’m not going to forget this.’
‘you’ll pay for not believing me. just you wait and see.’
‘is there really nothing i can say that’ll change your mind?’
‘wow. i didn’t realise you had this low an opinion of me.’
‘why would i lie about this?’
‘just this once. and then i’ll never ask you to listen to me again.’
‘i’m not what you think i am.’
‘i made a mistake. i’m trying to put it right, now.’
‘i can’t believe you would question me on this.’
‘what kind of monster do you think i am?’
‘you’re making a huge mistake. you have to listen to me.’
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Let's talk about romance! Muse questions
💗 - How long does it take your muse to fall in love?
💐 - What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favors can someone do to get on their good side?
💝 - What's their love language?
🍨 - What are expectations your muse has had about love that either was false or impossible to live up to?
💘 - What traits personality-wise are attractive to your muse?
🍓 - Do dates matter to them? Do they often put a big focus on anniversaries, partners birthdays, Valentines day etc?
🌸 - What's their idea of a perfect date?
💖 - What traits does your muse find physically attractive?
❤ - What's something you feel like your muse needs to work on for a relationship to happen or for a relationship to be healthy? Do you think that's possible? Or is it something that'll likely never happen?
💞 - Would your muse ever be opened to a polyamorous or open relationship?
❣ - Are they secretive about their romantic relationships or do they not stop talking about it?
🌹 - If asked to define love what would your muse say?
🎀 - Do they aim to impress their partner often? If they do, how so?
💓 - What are some signs your muse has fallen for someone?
🌵 - How toxic would a relationship be with your muse? Would it be able to be fixed?
💔 - Their first heartbreak?
🌺 - Would they be willing to change any part of them for a partner? If not how far would they be willing to go
💮 - Is your muse the possessive or super jealous type?
💟 - Was there ever a time when they had fallen out of love? What was their reaction to it? How did they handle it?
🥰 - Is your muse good at telling when others have feelings for them?
💌 - How would they confess to their love interest? Would they wait on a confession?
🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner
🌷 - Are they ever been scared/are scared to fall in love?
💄 - Is there a past relationship your muse wishes they could have changed?
🥀 - Do they handle breakups well?
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
She fixes him with a hard look, knowing the difference by now between a real smile and a fake one. This is definitely the latter. If anything, Nanao thinks he looks strained, perhaps a bit world weary, although if that’s really the case, she can’t be sure. 
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“really?” she asks, trying to keep her tone light, although her eyebrow quirks upwards  “is everything okay, captain?”
😀 for Jushiro from Nanao :)
Send a symbol for…😀 for the receiver to explain why they’re smiling
"Why, Nanao-san... I'm not entirely sure I understand what there is to explain! If you can smile, why wouldn't you smile...[?"
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Rose kneels before him, and it only adds to the panic. But Izuru doesn’t try to flee or get up, instead he finds himself latching onto the captain. Having his chin lifted only causes the tears to flow faster, even as he tries to throw himself at Rose so that he might be held. 
Had he been sober, he might have been horrified at his own actions. But he is not sober, and in this moment, this is surely what he needs most.
“I-I interrupted and disturbed your playing… I-I shouldn’t have! It was wrong of me!… I’m sorry, captain!” Is all that he manages to sob out in response to the question, trembling ever so slightly. 
The touch seems to only make him more upset, Izuru’s thoroughly streaked with red by the time he gets round to speaking again. He looks down at the pitiful face, heart aching a little at the sight. Out of all the people he could have found at his door, this one is the most welcome. Yet, here he is, trembling with emotion and acting as if he’s just committed the worst crime imaginable. 
“Why was it wrong of you?” he asks, trying his best to be gentle “didn’t I just say art was supposed to be appreciated?”
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
[ 5 - is there any other muse in this fandom you RP? ]
From Here || accepting || @despairforme
5 - is there any other muse in this fandom you RP?
At the moment, no, although I have in the past.
I've had the core trio of Rose, Ryuken and Nanao for a fair while now - Nanao and Rose I took on in 2015, Ryuken in 2019. Before that, I also had Ukitake and Yumichika at different points.
Jushiro I dropped about a year after I started to write him as he'd never been a great fit for me anyway, and I wanted to focus on writing Nanao and Rose well rather than overstretching myself. I don't regret dropping him, and will likely never pick him back up again. Some characters just aren't meant for you.
Yumichika on the otherhand.... lol, I wrote him for a grand total of 6 months and had a real mental block for his character the whole time I did it. It was the writer's equivalent of having stage fright. I'd sort of freeze up any time I tried, and in the end it wasn't worth it, as I wasn't having fun. He's a nice character and someone I'd quite like to try again with, but it won't be any time soon.
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
munday asks!!!
at what age did you start RPing?
do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr?
on what platform did you start RPing?
what made you choose this muse?
is there any other muse in this fandom you RP?
is there any other muse in this fandom you’d like to RP?
is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life? 
did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
would you be interested into playing a crossover? if yes, do you have any limits?
would you be interested into playing with doubles? 
what do you think about AUs?
what do you think about OCs?
what do you think about roleplaying with personals?
what do you think about roleplaying with anons?
what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
what was your first muse?
did you ever play a muse for more than a year?
do you have ship bias?
what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
what do you think of your muse’s canon ship, if they have one?
would you play a OC x canon ship?
would you play a crossover ship?
do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?
are you multiship?
are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?
is your muse canon divergent in any way?
what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
do you regularly play crack?
do you regularly do dash commentaries?
what are your thoughts on dash commentary?
what are your thoughts on reblog karma?
if you aren’t a native english speaker, do you play in your first language too?
do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
do you feel different to your muse in any way?
what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
[ OBLIGATORY FREE SPACE!!! Ask anything you’d like! ]
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
//4, 13 and 15 for the man muse asky thingy
From Here || Accepting || @svsure
4. Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
Not really. I think one of the benefits of playing slightly less plot significant characters is you have less material to work with, and fewer things set in stone. While there's a few things I was disappointed in with canon and other things I wish had happened or been clearer there's nothing that's been so bad for my muses that I've felt the need to actively cut it out (it would be very different if I had say, an Uryuu muse or Orihime, or Kenpachi - I think they all have things in their canon that are pretty bad for their characters and I'd happily ignore given the chance). I think the closest I come to outward ignoring something, is the question of whether Shunsui and Nanao are related. I personally think it’s too unclear to say  (because the timeline is too ambiguous to make that statement, as are the words Shunsui used when discussing Nanao's mother. ) and therefore not worth discussing in too much depth.  I hope we get clarification either way when the anime comes back.
13. What canon character do you really wish your muse could interact more with?
Rose: Any Vizard, particularly Lisa and Love. I'd also love to do a TBTP thread with a Chikane Iba, even though I know that's very unlikely to happy.
Nanao: Anyone from the WSRA (I love the fact that she has this huge group of canon female friends to hang around with), although if I was to be specific particularly Retsu as I’ve already made links with other muses in this group and she’s had the chance to interact with them. I'd also give my right arm for a Lisa to do some angsty threads with post canon and sweet TBTP ones (I mean who doesn't want to see Lisa teaching her t read lol). As a silly one, I also wouldn't mind an Iba to spar with in some silly WRSA vs MSRA threads.
Ryuken - A Katagiri for some proper fluffy domestic threads. An Isshin as well because I feel their relationship has a really nice texture to it and there's a lot to explore there. Masaki would also be great. I really don't ship them as a couple (and actually think any marriage between them would be pretty toxic. I think they'd drive each other nuts) but it would be an interesting dynamic to explore.
15. What plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse?
This was difficult to answer. With both Nanao and Ryuken emotional vulnerability can be very difficult for them to navigate which makes me particular about whom I write that stuff with. Ryuken is also going to shrink at any perceived lack of control, which again makes me picky about how I write that and who with. It also makes me more likely to stick up for him if I feel that control's been taken away unfairly (which tbf is rare).
Rose is a more resilient character in general, but his view of soul society and his division is complex and again makes me a bit protective of him. He also feels betrayal extremely deeply, which can make me mindful of how I approach threads where that's a possibility .
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musicmedicineminder · 3 years
Continued from here. 
The thing was – he hadn’t brought Sakanade with him because the whole point, in theory, was blending in.
He’d held his own, too. Hand-to-hand wasn’t his specialty, exactly, but Shinji could throw punches and drop-kick with the best of them, when the situation called for it. But, just like you were an idiot if you brought a knife to a gun fight, you were an idiot if you brought your fists to a knife fight, too.
Shinji groaned, more in frustration than in pain.
He hadn’t counted on any kind of fight, obviously, but here he was.
"I called you Shinigami"
The answer is more or less what Ryuken expects. He might not be completely up to date on the ins and outs of the few clandestine shinigami who always seem to be here, but he recognises that reiatsu signature enough to know he is certainly one of them. Ordinarily, he'd had left them well enough alone. Uryuu involves himself in that world enough for the both of them. However, once he'd turned the corner and seen the figure slumped on the pavement, there was no chance of him simply walking away. A patient is a patient after all. It's just so unfortunate this one wants to lie about the obvious.
"Let's not play games now, shall we"
He shoots the other man a particularly irritated look. Getting him to admit the truth isn't vital for his treatment, but the lie does suggest he can't quite be trusted to give the full story. That, on the other hand, could be a problem, considering how bad the wound is. Keeping his eyes on the shinigami, Ryuken tries again, his words not so neutral this time.
"You know what you are as much as I do. So are you going to tell me the truth or shall I assume that everything you say here can't be trusted?"
He leaves the words to settle, satisfied he's made himself clear and needing to focus on the wound again. The knife hasn't moved again, and although it's very hard to tell, it actually looks like the bleeding might be starting to slow. Either way, he needs some more information before the ambulance comes.
"Now, you need to tell me what happened here if you want me to treat you"
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