leichefrau · 4 months
@rangikuxmatsumoto from Here~
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Oh! She was really alert!
Of course she fully understood that her Zombies had been taken away from her, but she couldn't help but be fascinated! That the process had actually been reversed! Not without its complications of course, but she still had to give it to the Clown for his handiwork.
Those eyes shifted at the reaction. Cognitive ability seemed fine. No dullness or slowness with responsiveness. Her frame moved smoothly and without any seeming deficit in motility.
She was ...walking, talking, and thinking quite clearly!
Enough to be angry!
She raised her hands as if to surrender to the woman's sudden aggressive outburst and simply responded with a calm smile.
"Sorry, didn't mean to spook ya. I was just back from Squad Four actually. You're a lieutenant still right? You have your Badge and all. So you should know about the Cohabitation and everything.~ I've been meeting with Fourth Division. Learning about Kaido in fact! Think of it liiiiiike a cultural exchange." She chimed with a relaxed smile.
"Not gonna lie, you're the first of my Recovered Zombies I've run into! I've never seen someone turned back. Sorry if I scared you talking to ya outta nowhere~" She chimed with a sheepish little peace sign given with one hand.
No fear. No Worry. Or even any semblance that Rangiku's sudden visceral reaction bothered her in the slightest.
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"So how has your recovery been?"
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3katanas · 3 months
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@rangikuxmatsumoto plotted Starter!
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He had one small bag of belongings compared to the rest of the graduates that were trickling out of the academy slung over his shoulder, free hand resting so that his wrist was propped against one of the two swords at his side. Their assigned roles had been handed out that morning. His own, held in his hand so that he could present it when he arrived, directing him to head to the 10th Division. Something even his professors had arched a brow at when he'd applied there instead of the 11th. Going so far as to decline the offer to join the 11th Division earlier than the others.
It had seemed like to much of a hassle already and he'd not been part of the division. As rumors about him apparently spread closer and closer to graduation, more and more of the division known for fighting had shown up to challenge him or try to recruit him. The constant barrage causing his naps to be interrupted and breaking his meditations when trying to focus on enhancing his skills. It had been irritating and exhausting.
It wasn't until the offhanded comment he'd heard from Matsumoto, the fukutaichou of the 10th division when out drinking with friends, that he had solidified his choice of where to request placement. Learning that the 3rd seat was still open and since he had a feeling that he'd end up seated anyway gave him a perfect alternative to the 11th Division. Just because he loved to fight didn't mean he had to join them after all.
Reaching his new home he paused at the door, showing the letter to the guard before following another to the fukutaichou's office for placement. Entering only once a voice echoed from inside, one hand still resting on the hilt at his side. Bowing slightly upon entrance as he said in a tone that was utterly bored sounding and void of emotion. "Roronoa Zoro, reporting for duty."
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toomanydamnmuses · 8 months
@rangikuxmatsumoto from here
"Well, not when I first found ya, no," he answers with a faint smirk. He reaches to pluck the bottle of sake up as soon as she'd set it down, to take a sip for himself.
"When I first found ya, I meant to just get ya strong 'nough to go off on yer own again. Didn't intend t' keep ya around or anythin' like that." He sets the bottle back down, having sated his thirst for now at least.
"But then ya did get stronger, and we got to talkin', and that's th' end o' that. Ya showed me tha' not everyone is out to be assholes. Just most everyone."
This takes him back; not the conversation, but the scene as a whole. He's reminded of simpler times, when they were younger. When he didn't have a mission that would likely cost him his life.
Shifting his thoughts away from that, he looks to her, and his grin grows a bit more playful. He nudges her shoulder with a toe. "At least this roof ain't on th' verge o' cavin' in on us, ne?"
But then she makes that comment, asking about before, and he stiffens. His smile becomes more forced, though she shouldn't notice that. The only ones who had ever been able to see through that particular facade all the time was Aizen and Izuru.
"Why do ya wanna know 'bout that, Ran?" He nudges her shoulder again, a touch harder this time. "It ain't important, wha' that was like. It don' matter. So far as I'm concerned, I wasn' really a person 'til I met you."
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madaramee · 3 months
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@rangikuxmatsumoto: Just casually sits down behind him, arms wrapping around his waist as her forehead pressed against his shoulder.
Nuguigami held at his right, Hozukimaru layed forward with the handle held at his left and the blade facing upwards; slow-paced, experienced strokes granted to clean the sword. Maintenance is important - an expert is only as good as the condition of their tools. While he'd often opt to do so at his Dojo to serve an example for the newbies (or keep watch over them to berate their lack of skill make sure they do it right), every now and then Ikkaku would do it at the wooden porch of his house. Despite the lack of sunlight at that particular afternoon - cloudy weather coating the sky, it would never be used as an excuse to procrastinate his duties (considering it's his primary tool for fighting).
The subtle wrapping around his form followed by the light weight against his shoulder was very much welcome. Heart warmed by the gesture, he was sure she was at her own leisure, probably doing her nails or something. It just so happened by chance that both were home, though despite the workload off their to-do list there were still some things to take care of. In Ikkaku's case, it was surely easier than in the blond's, considering their respective Captains - and was he to assume to gentleman's mantle, he'd remind her to take care of her own Zanpakuto as well. He'd actually do her's to boot if it wasn't a principle by now to make her to do it herself.
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For the moment. He'd give her that. If she found her comfort in him like that, it's all the better. Taking in a gentle breath, chest puffing only slightly as he continued paying mind to his business; the shift in his lungs surely felt in her embrace as he signed to open his mouth, "What's up?"
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icecaptaintoshiro · 5 months
Hey should be on tomorrow was a stressful day sorry guys
And exhausted. Might pass out sooon and only 5pm :( headache day 2. Breaching migraine. Was very sound sensitive today :( not fun. Like for a small starter please and mention your muse if multi
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burdenedreverence · 7 months
"These hands, feel softer in your own."
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cannonfullofcanons · 3 months
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         "This is an important announcement for the Shinigami Women's Association! Ran-Ran gave me free snackies! She's the best! If you have spare sake you should send it to her, 'kaaaaay?" All this is absolutely belted out from her tiny frame as she's careening down a street on her favorite scooter. She is not linked to others for this announcement, nor is she using Hell Butterflies. She is just yelling.
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apocalypta-secundus · 7 months
There's still an option left! (contd!) || @rangikuxmatsumoto
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Narvi looked up at the arrows that were about to rain down on them. Nocturne couldn't handle that many objects at once. For one, the hand would have to be able to GRAB all of those arrows, and they'd have to make a shadow to get engulfed. Her Shikai only worked really well on the ground anyway. However, they were both standing there on the ground. There was an option available.
"I'm not leaving you behind!" Those arrows were moving awful fast and if she didn't move quickly she'd lose her chance to get them both out of the way.
"But Ranny, my shikai…" There was a pout on her face, there was no need for them to separate here. "Engulf! Nocturne!" Narvi's Zanpakuto would seem to melt into darkness before creating shadows on the ground.
AN ELDRICH HORROR shadow hand shot out of two of the shadows and grabbed a hold of Narvi's ankle before pulling her down through. Another hand would come out of another shadow and grab Rangiku's ankle as well. All a part of her shikai. The hand was trying to take them both away from this place. That's why Narvi needed to activate it before the rain of arrows actually made it down to them.
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obsidiennes · 1 year
[ Closed Starter for @rangikuxmatsumoto ]
What exactly Bambietta was doing at a meeting of the Shinigami Women's Association—in a shihakushō no less!—wasn't really clear, but she waited until the discussion had broken down into fairly archetypal nonsense to lean over some toward Rangiku.
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"Maybe this is way too personal a question, so you don't have to answer, but I've been curious for a long time: would you say that first coming here with a guy who shared a name with a kind of liquor was like a portent or omen, or more like just the start of a leitmotif?"
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symbioteburnout · 9 months
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For someone who was a Century old, she definitely didn't look it. Though Andi was still wrapping her head around the story Rangiku told her about being able to pass herself off as a high schooler. To the untrained eye, Rangiku looked to be at least in her mid twenties, maybe early thirties.
"Was just curious if you had plans, though I can respect the playing hooky part." Andi mused. "Was wondering if you wanted to try a night on the town?" Andi wasn't a drinker, but bar hopping wouldn't be out of the question.
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retiredshinigami · 7 months
It was now or never; no time like the present as they say…and yet, her poised fist failed to knock against the door of the clinic. If she turned on her heel and walked away, maybe he’d fail to recognize her spiritual pressure, it had been over two decades after all. Knock. Knock.
Her hand fell back immediately to her side, bated breath held in her chest as she sought the sound of movement from within. She wasn’t blazon enough to barge in – though the thought had crossed her mind briefly. Seconds passed rapidly, and yet incredibly slow. Her hand rose again to knock once more but stilled as she swore, she heard movement from the other side of the door.
He hears the two knocks on the door, sensing the familiar spiritual pressure behind it; black eyes narrowing in suspicion and confusion, moving to stand up-
Oh, his BACK!
Immediately, it feels like his spine is snapped in half, a nasty crack echoing throughout the room- and the doctor cannot help but scream in pain, a hand slamming onto the table.
God, he is getting old! Too old for this (said by the guy who managed to easily slice an Arrancar in half).
Yet, the man persists! Despite the horrible burden weighing down on him, pushing him down to the floor, Isshin fights against it, and reaches his destination, opening the door to the pearly gates of heaven-
He stops in his tracks, eyes widening at the person standing on the other side of the door.
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ryusxnka · 5 months
Her lunch break may have extended well past the intended hour – but she wasn’t about to rightfully admit to any wrongdoing – she knew better than that. And she certainly wasn’t going to walk into the office with a shopping bag in hand – no, she had been smart and deposited it back at her apartment before returning. Still, to buy some goodwill, and hopefully smooth over any annoyance at her less than stellar work ethic today, she quietly placed a hazelnut flavored iced coffee on his desk, in addition to a new iridescent white dragon coffee mug before she strode back to her desk.
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     Eyne, lethargic with pronounced weariness, fixated on his accosting Lieutenant, her effervescent countenance, lips glisteringly caressed 'neath a diaphanous veneer of Rose-Rouge, exemplifying a jubilance entwined with proficiently coveted secrecies, with distinguishable scrutinization. She had been absent longer than the ordained duration of a standard lunch recess. Therefore, had he been cognizant, there was no repudiating the prominent verity of the actualization that she had been procrastinating somewhere - the shopping district, he'd comprehended by her simpering merriment ------ a populace locality he had not presented her authorization to wander amidst working hours. Not that it impacted him to any precarious degree, for he relished the quietened solitariness that her dearth attendance instituted in its wake. A serving of iced coffee was circumspectly descended from her extremity and then positioned atop his desk, greeting him vividly with influential intent to coax him into thwarting his attention, forsaking ink-embellished parchment, towards its hazel-hued representation. It doubtlessly succeeds its initiative.
     Hereafter, a white iridescently ceramic mug, finely configured as a slumbering dragon, its scales intricately beautified 'gainst the natural benevolent lighting of their sunlit headquarters, an inkling of immaculate artistry was thereupon arranged, set there by the woman's feminine touch, along the impromptu offering's proximal flank. As foreknew of the commandant, by all who respires the hiemal zephyr treading within and throughout the Seireitei girdling barricades, he immediately, as in unhesitatingly, deems it as an unnecessary commodity, an unwarranted contribution from her excursion for his current mug, albeit old, was still serviceably adequate. - His Zanpaku-to may possess a transcendental deity parallel to the exhibiting mythological beast - but it did not signify that he was a figment, an attachment, merited of being reminded of through mundane universalities. Sheer brows furrow in perplexity, for he had not anticipated to receive anything 'pon her return. A gesture of utmost peculiarity yet one of permissible nature. This would benefit him, even if it was diminutive in quantity, in finalizing the fraction of documents that still awaited his written signature. " Thank you for bringing me coffee," he mutters. Its resonance is faint in magnitude, yet still capable of being hearkened from 'tween their stationed desks whilst seizing his caffeinated refresment." -- Matsumoto. "
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
cont. from here
That poor newbie, if he had stayed Hayden would have gone out of his way to help him. As he watched the fellow depart he sighed, going to pick up his papers before a somewhat popular face joined him. A brief exchange of words happened as they gathered up his report before he stood up, offering her a thin smile. He'd let out a brief chuckle at her adamant comment, and now that he was standing upright she could see he was in fact the First Division's third seat.
"To some's dismay, I'm quite adamant." He'd inform with a slight nod, the deep rumbling baritone and accent indicating he was a westerner. No doubt having ended up in the soul society by some strange happenstance. "It's a shame that young man ran off so quickly, I would have provided him some help." He saw no reason not to, his gaze going off to the distance where that young guy ran to, his eyes lingering. It was his duty, and his pleasure, to provide assistance to his fellows within the Gotei. He liked helping people.
But he'd quickly turn his gaze back to her, holding a callous hand out. "Apologies, I am Desmond Hayden. Third seat of the First Division. Most call me Hayden." He'd greet figuring it was only fair to offer a proper introduction to the woman after all! "I think, I know of you." He'd remark slowly as if still trying to remember, before his eyes went to her insignias.
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maddmuses · 2 years
@rangikuxmatsumoto​ x
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Ah right, some stupid pickup line. That definitely sounded like Dante’s speed, even if he wasn’t totally able to remember it. Yet, something didn’t sound right.
Propping his feet up to rest on an unoccupied corner of the old desk, it had seriously hurt his wallet to get this thing all the way over to Japan, with a sigh, “Sounds like you mighta forgot ‘Nunchucks’.” The cambion rubbed at some of the crust on one of his eyes.
Since setting up his new shop in Karakura, a town he’d heard was full of supernatural weird, the phones had been a bit quiet, though. Mostly he’d taken actual legitimate gigs, private investigation type of stuff. But maybe an actual job could generate some actual scratch to keep the lights on.
“What kinda ‘help’ were you lookin’ to get though, Goldie?”
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roaringxthunder · 1 year
continued from here
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“Rangiku, how could you ever impose? You make my days a lot better, Love.” He said as he held his hand out for her. He knew she was slowly healing from the trauma she’d been through. He had an idea after loosing both his eyes and his right arm. “Please come in, I’ll get some food started for us.”
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burdenedreverence · 4 months
i waited and hoped and prayed you'd return.
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It's a horrible thing, what they deal with. Two people so intimately tied together, the other waits for the other. Their lives might be more simple had the two of them simply decided that the obstacles before them were too much, and broke things off. But against all good reason they have stayed together, and weathered the tribulations.
It isn't perfect, rarely are things perfect in this world. But it is enough. And 'enough' is all the other truly needs.
"I'm not in the market of making promises I can't keep."
But that isn't entirely true, is it Hayden?
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