musicondelphi · 9 years
Final Reflection
View my final reflection here!
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musicondelphi · 9 years
See my Resume with EDGE added here!
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Click Here to view my Prezi!
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Press Release
Click here to read my press release
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Click here to read my Newsletter for my study abroad!
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Just a little update that this blog will be active again due to it being used in my final EDGE class! So new material will be added, don’t be alarmed!
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Finally an update about Hydra!
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So we did the Greek Spend a day on an Island thing. And while, like all Greek Islands, it was absolutely beautiful it was probably also the most anticlimactic Greek Island I've had the privilege to go to. 
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Elbow shot, but this is what the Beach, which was like the only actual “beach” on the island, looked like. Rocks. Pure feet destroying rocks. The cliff where you cliff dived was literally like a little outcrop on a staircase that was sketchy. But the water was beautiful, and I literally parked myself on a rock with my feet in the water and sat there until I burned so I think it was pretty great
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Yeah because, for those of you who don’t know, I hate boats and I hate open bodies of water. I’m not a huge fan of swimming, I hate being out on water. Baths are the only acceptable form of me being submerged I see. But I can appreciate open bodies of water for what they are, like here in Greece where the water is Clear and Blue and just beautiful. I won’t go in, I can gladly appreciate from a far and have a complete and total internal panic on a speed boat that holds about 100-150 people, but yeah. Water is pretty.
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We were left to our own devices around 11 with the idea that food would be at 2. so we spent the first three hours on these rocks watching the water and throwing tiny rocks into it, freaking out about dead jellyfish, and watching people freeze to death in the water. About 2 we had dinner, then the five of us parked ourselves on a rock wall to enjoy the beginnings of the sun set and the water crashing. 
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Beautiful panic inducer 
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In all true reality there wasn't much to this trip like the others, which I think was the point. It was supposed to be a relaxing final trip, and I’ll give it that. I’m actually tan now, so that’s nice. (I’m just an angry bitter human who hates water, sue me)
But what does it all mean then? well, it means I have about 9-10 days before I step foot on Utah soil again. The time sure flies doesn't it? Tomorrow I have my first final, and Wednesday I fly out of this country I've come to call home these past few months. I’ll wrap this all up in a post or two in the coming days, as we still have days of finals and adventures ahead. <3
Frank Turner Song Count 60/95
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musicondelphi · 9 years
This is so late I’m sorry
this is London, so Part three of Spring Break 2015! I’ll write up Hydra today as well and post it tomorrow so all the blog updates.
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I don’t know what to really say about London that could put it into perspective. I've talked with Danika and Vic about this, but the words never really seem to come out right. I love this city, with every fiber of my being. Rome and Barcelona were cities that either I or Vic had always wanted to see (or both) and so they were Vacation Touristy things. London? Both of us flat out admitted early on that London was a place we were going just to, well, go. To be there and walk the streets and just exist in a space that we both so badly want to live in. 
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We stayed in a hostel above a pub near Euston Road, meaning we were a 45 minute walk away from Big Ben or a 30 minute Bus Ride (traffic man. traffic) and it was something incredibly awesome. I could live that simple pub life, getting off of work and sitting outside a pub with your friends. Simple life, simple pleasures. 
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One morning we caught a bus early to get out to the other side of the river and find the one thing in London I was adamant about seeing: The Globe Theater. Unfortunately we arrive too early for their season (which started on the 24th. Rude) but we did get to go inside and see it, experience it, and that was really cool. 
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We went on a tour of the tower of London and saw the Crown Jewels, like you do. (Vic wanted to do this one the most c:) 
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Super Nerd!
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So story time: this is a statue of George Washington in Trafalgar Square. Why is it there you may ask? Well it was gifted as a symbol of peace from the united states. Hilariously, when George Washington was alive he stated that “he would never step foot on English Soil” so below his statue is Virginian Soil, so even his statue isn't technically on English soil 
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Ate Soup in the basement of St. Paul’s because you know, what else are you going to do in the Crypt of a church besides eat? yeah. Makes sense. (Vic’ Mom was very serious about this happening, so it happened and the soup was REALLY GOOD? I don’t know. London why.)
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And then what was probably my favorite part of the entire trip to London: going into the Winston Churchill Museum that is in part of the underground tunnels that housed Politicians and War strategist during WWII. We woke up this morning, went out and had a full English Breakfast at a pub, and then went to this. We probably spent a good 4 hours down there and still didn't see everything we could have in the Churchill Museum part of the place. We had coffee down there, they gave you one of those audio guides as part of admission, it was just
it was incredible
I love history.
Sorry this post isn’t super long, but as I said we just spent a good deal of time wandering London and sitting at our pub and riding the bus instead of going out and seeing a million sites and running around like chickens. Vic and I are both of the opinion that we’d love to end up in London one day, and leaving was the hardest part of this trip. 
Tomorrow you’ll have Hydra... I hope. I don’t know, I’m a 100% scatter brained with this trip coming to an end.
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musicondelphi · 9 years
Part Two, and onward to Barcelona, Spain. Capital of Catalonia and doesn't want to be Spanish so badly they almost refuse to speak it.
 Seriously. I know more Spanish than I thought but I was so confused cause everything I was reading was in Catalan and not Spanish. Oi.
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On our first real day out in Barcelona we had the opportunity to take this “free” walking tour of the old Roman quarter of Barcelona. (I say free as in you pay what you think its worth at the end of the tour) We went out to eat, talked with a few people, wandered the city a bit, and then went home to sleep off the exhaustion of just. Wandering for miles in Rome.
I didn’t take as many pictures in Barcelona (or London) as I did in Rome, so I’ll try to make up for it with stories! Like this photo. This photo is of a wall of a church in Barcelona named Sant Felip Neri. There are two pretty interesting stories about this church, the first and younger story being about these marks in the wall. 
History time! So in the 1930s Spain lost its monarchy and gained a republic, which was really exciting for a lot of people (Catalonia became its own nation for three days and they still HOLD TIGHTLY TO THIS) and in 1936 during the elections the Leftist party won. In anger Francisco Franco and a group of military leaders staged a coup and started the Spanish Civil War. Now Franco, he had some friends in high places, named Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany. Now he went to his buddies and said “Ay, so I have this nation and i’d like it to be mine. Help me out and I’ll stay out of this big war you two have in the bag alright?” and they went “deal.” 
What did this mean? Well Spain basically became Italy and Germany’s practice grounds for war, and bomb after bomb was dropped on the Spanish people until Franco became leader in 1939. Historically this means that Spain was really the first battle ground of WWI, but this also left scars on Spain that are only now, with the death of Franco 1975 and the eventual revival of the republic in Spain are healing. Some of those scars, like these on the Sant Felip Neri, are left as a reminder of those times.
This Church is in a large square, a calm place with the walls covered in marks. Next to the Sant Felip Neri is a tiny school, where Elementary aged students were getting picked up by their parents. That school was there when the bomb that marked Sant Felip Neri was dropped, and I’ll let you fill in the rest of that info. 
Our other story has to do with Gaudi, but he’s an entire story on his own that we’ll cover later. 
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The next day we went on a tour all about the wonderful Architect Gaudi. Our first stop? This block that the locals have lovingly named The Apple of Discord. The first picture is Casa Batllo, designed by our Antoni Gaudi. The Second house is Casa Lleo-Morera, designed by Gaudi’s teacher Montaner. The third, which is placed between Casa Batllo and Casa Lleo-Morera is Casa Amatller by Gaudi’s contemporary Cadafalch. (there is a fourth facade, but it is incredibly simple so it isn’t included) 
When we went on this tour we were shown all three Facades, told about them and all the cool little things they hold, and then asked which we picked as the favorite. (The Apple of Discord, of course, coming from the Myth of the Golden Apple and Paris being chosen to decide out of Hera, Aphrodite and Athena who is the most beautiful.) 
I’m bias toward Gaudi of course, but Casa Lleo-Morera is a close second. Casa Amatller is just strange to me. 
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Next we have Casa Mila, designed by Gaudi around the time of Casa Batllo. While not my favorite of his work it is a very good indicator of his style, and is really close to Casa Batllo. Then, we got on a Metro to go to his most famous and well known work.
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La Sagrada Familia! The Church of the Sacred Family. Dedicated to Saint Joseph and a open book of Christ’s life. My personal favorite of Gaudi’s a structure that he dedicated 43 years of his life to and has been in construction for about 132 years. They hope to have it completed by 2026 for the 100 year anniversary of Gaudi’s death, but as our tour guide told us the cranes and such are such a part of the church now that it will be strange to have it done. 
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When complete it will stand at 1772 feet tall, have 12 pillars for the 12 apostles, 4 for the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, one for Mary Christ’s Mother, and one, the tallest, for Christ himself. 
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I highly recommend for anyone to go to this church. its absolutely a masterpiece, and I am so in love with it.
Here, I think, would be the perfect time for Gaudi story time!
As I said, 43 years of Gaudi’s 73 were spent working on the La Sagrada Familia, many of those spent purely working on the church. When Gaudi started working on the church it was said he was a very pompous young man, who would pull up in his carriage, give commands, and leave. But, as his life went on and he devoted all his time to this work he became a more devout christian, deciding instead to live his life in the way of what he believed was Christ’s teachings. 
Every day Gaudi would walk from his home in Park Geull up on the mountain to Sant Felip Neri to pray, then walk to La Sagrada Familia to work. Barcelona is a huge city, and that was a long way to walk. Towards the end of his life Gaudi moved into La Sagrada Famila, but everyday he still walked to Sant Felip Neri to pray and back. 
As it goes, on one of these walks either to or from Sant Felip Neri in 1926 Gaudi was hit by a tram. Because he was a devout man he wore simple clothes, and since no one recognized him he was taken to a hospital for the poor, where they simple would take them and make them comfortable until they died. When a priest came to give him his rights the Priest informed the hospital that this man was Gaudi, the Gaudi. When transportation was arrange Gaudi declined, stating “that if this is what the Poor must endure, I will too.”
Because he was not cared for properly quick enough Gaudi passed away June 10th. At this time only the crypt, where he is burried, and the first facade of the church was complete. During his life, when people asked Gaudi when the church would be finished, he would respond “there is no hurry, my Patron has all the time in the world.”
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Also Barcelona. Because Barca. 
Tomorrow we will have London! Be ready! Any questions or stories message me <3
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musicondelphi · 9 years
so every single time I leave tumblr for an extended period of time they change everything and make my life harder. I get it Tumblr, you have separation anxiety. stop. 
So I decided i should probably get this out there before we go to an Island on Saturday and I completely forget everything I was going to tell you because everyone who knows me knows I can hold a total of 5 thoughts in my brain at any given moment.
So I think I’m going to break this into three parts. Part on will be this, on Rome. Part two on Barcelona, and Part three on London. Part two will post tomorrow, and part three Thursday c:
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So first we fulfilled a dream of mine: we went to Rome for 5 days. We stayed in a little Hostel called Nika Hostel, with a one man show named Marvin. Seriously, he was great. Every morning he made Coffee and gave us pastries, and brought them to our room when we were ready. He also helped us figure out where to go and gave us a ball park about prices. He was wonderful.
So we made what we thought would be this mistake of going to Rome over Easter Sunday, which actually turned out to be a really cool experience. They shut down the road for about a five mile stretch by the Colosseum, which made for some really cool moments just walking down the center of the road with ruins and modern day massive architecture surrounding you. 
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I could ramble forever about the things I saw. The Colosseum? Mind blowing. The Forum? incredible. The Caravaggio paintings we ran around Rome finding? Amazing. I’ll just talk about my favorite things.
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I don’t think people give the Pantheon the credit its due if I’m honest. This place, pictures do not do it justice. It takes your breath away just walking in the door, and Vic and I kept whispering “we’re in the Pantheon and we didn’t have to pay for it? We’re in the Pantheon. Incredible. Just incredible.” and it was. it really was. 
We went on Easter Sunday because it was pouring rain out and we thought, hey, why not. I think I stood in the center and just. spun. and looked. and stared up at the sky for what felt like hours but was probably only 15 minutes at max. 
This place is also the final resting place for the high Renaissance artist Raphael. He is most famous for his Rooms at the Vatican, which I will talk about later, but in truth he is one of my favorite artists of this time period and he died incredibly young at the age of 37. We were at the Pantheon on April 5th, and Raphael died on April 6th. We were in Rome 495 years after his death on his death, which is strange to think about. 
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My next favorite, and probably all time favorite and most unexpected experience was the Borgia Apartments. Tears were shed, I am not ashamed.
I’ve mentioned it a million times and I’ll mention it a million more, but I Love the Borgias. Everything about them is incredibly fascinating, and I don’t think they get enough attention or credit where credit it due. Ask me about Cesare Borgia one day and I’ll talk your ear off I promise. I love the nerd.
So Rodrigo Borgia became Pope Alexander VI on August 11, 1492. He was a powerful and scary man, but also loved himself decadence, food and women. Its no surprise, then, that his Apartments are just floor to ceiling decoration. I walked around the place repeating “oh my gosh i’m standing where Cesare stood. Cesare probably walked here. Oh my gosh these are the Borgia rooms.” and the poor guy standing in there watching over them probably thought I had lost my mind.
How many people enter the Borgia Apartments and cry from excitement? few probably. Here I am in all my nerdy glory. 
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Story time with Kristy! Okay, so in the early 1500s Pope Julius II went to Michelangelo and went “So you’re this really cool sculpture I need you to paint my room” and Michelangelo went “lol no thanks. I’d rather not.” and, since the Pope wouldn’t give up, fled to Florence where in 1508 he was dragged back to Rome (Metaphorically or literally kicking and screaming, you decide) and forced to painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
But Kristy, you say, this isn’t the Sistine Chapel! Shhhh my young ones, I’m getting there
So, Raphael, who had just moved to Rome, was 25 at the time, a painter and had been commissioned by the same Pope to paint what at the time were his offices, was incredibly insulted by this turn of events. Michelangelo was a Sculptor, which artists like Raphael didn’t consider to be real art at the time (and sculptors considered painters to be hoax as well. but whatever) and was stomping around fuming about this. Well one night, when he was working on the last of his four rooms, he decided that enough was enough and he needed to go see this ceiling that Michelangelo was painting, to see just how badly he was doing right?
Well Raphael snuck into the Sistine Chapel (which was a big no no, because Michelangelo was basically on the cusp of homicide and was more likely to stick a paintbrush in your eye than allow you to hang about) and was, well, awe struck. Absolutely floored by what he saw. Not even the paint can that Michelangelo threw at him to get him to leave could change he new found awe and admiration for Michelangelo.
But Kristy, you sigh, what does this have to do with these pictures?
Well my young one. This painting is that for which Raphael is the most famous, it is titles The School of Athens, and is in the third of the four rooms he painting. The first picture is the entire painting. The second, see that young man in red and a black hat peeking out from behind the people? That is Raphael himself. The third is Leonardo da Vinci, who was 58 at the time of this painting and was a known genius. That third picture? well
that is our dear Michelangelo.
The last photo is kind of where the story comes together though. If you look close enough you can see a color difference between the fresco around Michelangelo and the rest of the painting. why is that you ask? Well after Raphael went and fell head over heals for our deal Michelangelo, we went back to his finished School of Athens, chipped out the fresco, and added Michelangelo in, forever sealing him in time as someone Raphael saw as a genius of our time. 
(how does this story end you might ask? Some say that Raphael insisted upon friendship with Michelangelo. Some say they never spoke again. Some say they were lovers (as it is basically common knowledge that Michelangelo was a homosexual) but no one can be sure. What is for certain, however, is that Michelangelo still alive when Raphael died, and that he probably was in the crowd the day of his funeral)
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Now you’re not allowed to take photos of the Sistine Chapel, but you can look up photos are trust me they don’t do it justice. (that link is to a really cool virtual look at the chapel. its neat. I like it)
Rome was absolutely beautiful, and I will love to go back one day. I hope I will!
Tomorrow I’ll write on Barcelona. in the mean time feel free to ask me anything about Rome, Michelangelo, Cesare or Raphael. <3
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musicondelphi · 9 years
This tumblr update made is so much harder to write posts, just thought i’d let you guys know that months later
So I did really cool things last week! And I meant to do this update sunday but I was catching up on sleep because I leave for Rome (!!!!) Tomorrow. So update time!
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So Monday my Archaeology/Spartan History teacher took us to the Athenian Agora, which in the Ancient days was where the citizens would meet up, where people like Aristotle would harass people, you know. all that fun stuff. The dig site here is being done by the American school, and this building is the Roman Forum that the Americans rebuilt and is now the museum and storage for the Archaeological dig. Really we were just tagging along with the CSIS majors who got to see the technology they are using on the sight, which all went WAY over my head. but it was cool anyways
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This building stands right outside the ancient limits of the Agora, and for a long time was considered a temple to Theseus because the reliefs on the temple are of said hero. Now its believed to be to the God Hephaestus, which I like a lot better to be honest. 
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Wednesday, rainy cold wednesday of Greece’s national day we headed out to Thermopylae (first person to make a 300 joke gets a high five to the face) with our first stop being
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which in short is this really cool open site fort, so we got to crawl all over that.
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Then we saw the battle sight of Lefkatra, or whatever million ways you spell it.
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Cold and wet cold and wet
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Then we reached Thermopylae. My teacher really really wanted to find this well that they had used to defend themselves during the war? let me tell you something
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This is a stupid place to build a wall. That is what we discovered. The sources either were LIARS or this wall was built in a really stupid place. 
My teacher basically reached a point where she was standing in this open area going “but why though?” and nothing brings me more joy.
That and those goats. We were literally standing on this hill and heard bells and flipped. Because Goats. GOOOOATTTS
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Burial mound of the fallen Spartans. because what up dead people. 
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Please look closely at that final photo for the glory that is my face. 
I just. I don’t know. I really enjoyed going out to the sight, and seeing the things we were reading about in History!
Thursday we went out to the American School’s Archaeological lab, and I held a human bone and you should all be proud because I don’t do dead things. no thank you. 
So yes. Rome tomorrow! So my next update will be about Spring break and all the Shenanigans that come with it! (Rome/Barcelona/London!) 
 Frank Turner Song Count 19/95
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musicondelphi · 10 years
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Hey look! its me updating a week late because why not.
So on March 7th we went to Nafplio, the first capital of modern Greece before Athens. Nafplio takes place in the Peloponnese.
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that part of greece. Bam
So to get to it you cross the Corinth Canal, which is kind of really cool?
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In the Ancient Days the Canal was the way of travel through ancient Greece, since going around the Peloponnese was dangerous. But it wasn't until 1893 that it was actually filled with water. So what did they do? there was a thin land mass that they would pull their boats across. Crazy right?
Now, due to the size of boats, its mainly used for small Cruise ships and tourist boats. You can also bungee jump of the bridge we were on. No Thank you
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These walls were built in the ancient days, and there are many sites in the Peloponnese with walls this size. Its said when ancient peoples, namely the Persians, came into the area they believed the walls were built by Cyclop due to their size. 
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Nafplio! As seen from Palamidi Castle, which was our stop in Nafplio.
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The castle was built during the second occupation of the Venetians in 1714. 
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The castle includes this really cool Prison that you can crawl down into. Which we did, obviously. because small spaces. which reminds me
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crawling into small spaces like its our jobs. 
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We then went and wandered the old streets of Nafplio. We got Gelato. It was beautiful.
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Our last stop for the day was a winery, which was really kind of cool? They told us about how the Grape in the region that they make their wine out of has been in the region so long its the grape that made the wine the great Heracles is said to have drank. It is also the first winery in Greece that mixed Grapes. 
We also did a wine tasting, and learned all about how to correctly, like, test wine i guess? Like how to tell if its good by sight and smell and taste and stuff. I also learned that if one drinks wine and gets a hangover during the making of said wine someone did something wrong. Fun facts of the day!
Frank Turner Song Count 15/94
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musicondelphi · 10 years
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This was from week one, but I thought I'd share it anyways!
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musicondelphi · 10 years
Second update and its been two weeks! Look at me go!
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two weeks ago on Sunday we had Opa Day, and part one of it was a cooking demonstration where we, most importantly, learned how to make Tzatziki, as well as how to put together these things that you can see Joshua eating in that photo. They are basically these HUGE croutons that you put tomatoes, feta, olive oil and spices on and they're really good for how simple they are!
Then we had a potluck and learned how to Greek Dance, and let me tell you I have never felt my two feet more. It was so fun, but so exhausting!
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It's snowed a few times since we've gotten here, and no one really knows how to handle it. Its really a light snowing, and it doesn't even stick cause the ground is too warm, but its still snow and snow is scary.
One of my classes only 4 people showed up and the second one only the americans showed up the Wednesday it snowed and both my teachers were like "yeah this. this is to be expected"
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(the picture has nothing to do with the next subject)
(I'm sorry)
(I needed a picture break)
(ba dum tis)
This week we had a 5 day weekend, meaning Thursday, Friday, and Monday were off of school. So of course Tuesday the flatmate Abby screwed up her ankle. She's in a soft cast that will hopefully come off on Wednesday, but if it were going to happen it were going to be this weekend.
Thursday we went for our weekly Souvlaki, and laughed because we went from 5 to 3 because Abby was hurt and Joshua went to Ireland (taking advantage of this 5 day weekend) and how that was probably going to look silly.
The place we go to every week was basically empty (which in comparison to the previous week when apparently it was a traditional day for Greeks to eat meat? and we didn't know and it was PACKED) so we sat for a while and talked and the guys who worked were smoking and kept looking over at us but since no one was in there we weren't too worried?
then suddenly another round of drinks was on our table and the guy was like "on us"
yeah. they are the fav.
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Friday was Theater in Athens attendance of Romeo and Juliet for two. (or The Most Excellent and Lamentable tragedy of Juliet and her Romeo. take your pick) and it was amazing. The actors were incredible, it was funny, and then when they died it went from 0-60 on the sad scale and i just. i was so taken in. 
and its still so incredibly mind boggling that we are in a country that has been inhabited for thousands of years. That these steps we are taking have been taken for so long, that these buildings were built long before I can even fathom. 
Basically everywhere we walk in this country there could be archaeological record beneath my feet. Its humbling. Its beautiful. its amazing.
I love this country.
I love the energy that these ruins possess, the stories they tell through their scars and through their very existence. How the stone talks through the groves of thousands of feet hitting it and thousands of hands holding it and i just.
I want to go back and just sit in the theaters and look at the stone and breath in the air and I am a very emotional person. 
Frank Turner Song count 11/94
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musicondelphi · 10 years
Guess who is finally posting something? oh wait, that would be me
So I had the intention long before I left home for Athens that I'd make a blog and update it and I've seen all my friends who are studying abroad with the same idea updating and just go "oh yeah. I should do that"
nope. My laziness knows no bounds. 
So lets get to this shall we?
I arrived in Athens on a sunny January 14th, and man I deserved that sunny bright welcoming because getting here was an adventure all on its own. For those who were not aware, I did not have my Visa arrive until the 12th, the original date I was suppose to be leaving for California to meet Vic and get the party started. So I flew into Cali on the 13th, met up with Vic, went back through the airport (after a bit of an adventure with tickets and names and what-not), traveled for a good 18-22 hours, sat next to two cute little old ladies on our plains, and arrived in Athens to find both of our bags (thank the gods) and our taxi. Smooth sailing once we landed. 
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And so we arrive to a nice apartment with a full kitchen. Everything you could need, everything we could need.  We had three room-mates, but one had to leave early due to family issues and we were very sad about that. 
That leaves the four of us - Vic, Abby, Danika and I - on this incredible Greek adventure. 
So school began the next week monday - the day after my birthday - and the school is about 10 minute walk away (for those Cedar City folk, its about the distance between the Randal Theater and Lins. So its "far" but not far) and I am absolutely in love and awe of the neighborhood we live in.
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The Neighborhood is named Aghia Paraskevi, and we are about an hour away from the city center by metro, and we have two metro stations that are technically in walking distance (one you take the bus too, and the bus stop is literally right at the end of our road)
There is a farmer's market on the road right outside our apartment every monday, and let me tell you I will be sad to return to the states where if I want to eat this good and this fresh it'll cost me an arm and a leg. 
The temperature has been, on average, between 55 and 65F, but some days it's gotten a bit colder. Ironically, its supposed to snow tomorrow. I hear its been abnormally warm back in Utah. Good for Utah. 
That last picture is the Souvlaki place that Danika and Joshua, Danika's friend from her university, discovered. The four of us - now five now that Abby will start coming with us - decided to make it a weekly thing. Danika, Joshua and I have class together Thursday nights, so we get out of class, pic up the rest of our band of merry men, and go for Souvlaki. 
Souvlaki is Gyros, but its the way they cook the meet that give it its name. I am addicted. I am in love. 
A little further down from the Souvlaki place is the market that Vic and I have been frequeting for our Cereal and Milk addictions. I think we've gone through about 12-14 boxes so far? addiction. 
The one thing I need to mention is that people are so nice here, and really incredibly patient with us americans stumbling around like ducklings without a mama. I couldn't be more appreciative of the patience i've been given, especially seeing as I am the most awkward of ducklings. 
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My Campus? there aren't really words to describe it. I feel safe there. I feel calm, and I feel like I belong. I can honestly say I am excited to get up everyday and go into class. My teachers are wonderful, and they care so much about whats going on. They seem genuinely interested in what I want to do with my life (just tonight, actually, I had a good long talk with my Archaeology/Spartan's professor about theater and history and perceptions of history and she invited me to go with one of her classes to a site even though i'm not in the class because she knew it interest me. My Great Thinker's teacher asks me everyday how I like Greece, and let me rant for about 20 minutes about Cesare Borgia and was genuinely impressed with the amount of dumb things I knew about him.) I'm going to have such a hard time leaving this wonderful place, I actually get choked up just thinking about it
don't think about it, you still have a few months.
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The first place the school took us was the Center of Athens for a tour, which makes sense seeing as we are here, and man I'm still honestly as in love with it as I was in 2012. It felt a bit like coming home, like my feet knew the paths to walk and I was not scared another. My anxiety about being away from home melted away with the Acropolis in view, and no matter how cheesy or silly that sounds its true.
I found myself that summer on a hill with the Acropolis all lit up before me. I found myself again putting my feet to the pavement and seeing it all again. 
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Next we went to Delphi, which everyone who has heard me in the past 3 weeks knows is my favorite place on this planet. Its much the same to the city itself - I just feel so calm. I felt so intune with, well, everything. Even the rain couldn't put a damper on how important it was to me to be there again. 
the amazing thing about these places is that, for thousands of years, people have been taking those steps you have been taking. that for thousands of years these temples were of such great importance people would travel to get there. They are amazing, they are sacred, and it doesn't matter that they are what the world considers mythos now, they are to be honored as they would have been for the legacy they created and the history they hold. 
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So, in short, my first almost month has been one of the most amazing, humbling, beautiful, calming experiences of my life.
I walked home in the rain today and didn't want the walk to stop. I wanted to stand in the street and let it fall on my face because in that moment the world was in tune and I was there with it. 
I'll update sooner than I have I promise. I love you all. Skype dates are totally a thing for those who want to. 
another note: my instagram followers have probably noticed, but I took on a challenge for myself. Frank Turner is an artist that I find incredibly relatable and relaxing and beautiful, and I decided to take as many photos as I could for each of his songs. so these posts will have an updated count on that. if you don't follow me on instagram my handle if faekristy. <3
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