musingsofmusic · 3 years
can you make a web about feeling stuck between childhood and adulthood? thanks!!
Here! https://musingsofmusic.tumblr.com/post/678811645529767936/oldest-teenager-lexi-jayde-the-end-of-peter-pan
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
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Oldest Teenager, Lexi Jayde
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The End of Peter Pan, Kathleen Wonders
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Growing Up, Nikita Gill
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Peter Pan, Disney
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Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift 
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Tumblr Post, Unkown 
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
could you make a web based off on the quote "if not to heaven, then hand in hand to hell"
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Richard III, Shakespeare
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Ivy, Taylor Swift
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Orpheus and Eurydice, Sir Edward John Poynter
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Paris, The Chainsmoker
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Tightrope, The Greatest Showman
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Stand by You, Rachel Platten
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
Send me 📷+ an OC and I’ll share a picture from their pinterest board
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
Apprentice Elizabeth
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Arcana Apprentice OC:
Name: Elizabeth Perceforest
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: 26 February
Age: 24
Favorite food: Strawberries
Favorite drink: Peppermint tea
Favorite flower: Baby's-breath
Main LI’s: Julian and Asra
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
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~The Arcana Christmas Countdown~
Christmas is by far my favourite holiday, and the days leading up to it just seem so magical, and yet, equally long and dreary. Even if you don't celebrate christmas, I'm sure December feels just as tiring to you. So why not try to make this time a little less mundane, and instead, fill it with wonderful pieces of writing, art and whatever else there may be! :)
I hope you do find the time and will to join in and participate, but if not, I completely understand. Instead, put on some fuzzy sock, grab some hot cocoa and enjoy anything that may come out of this! :)
If you have any questions at all, my dms are open, so feel free to slide in there if you need to.
Remember to use #arcanachristmascountdown and to @ me!
The first day starts later today/tomorrow!! Have fun everyone!!
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
It is the blush that creeps up your cheeks after having your first kiss, it is the soft blooms of a cherry tree in spring. It is gardens, ribbons, and cotton candy. It is the fluffy clouds of a summer sunset. It is the pure heart of a child, filled with playful innocence and the sweet button nose of a kitten. It is love without fire, sincerity without darkness. It is magic.
Describe your favorite color without using the word color, rainbow, or the name of any other color.
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
This is just a little fantasy snippet I wrote. I may expand later idk. enjoy!
Kahlen struggled against the chains that had him bolted down to the rough stone floor and cursed himself for being such an idiot. He should have known that the prince would find out, he should have had her meet him somewhere different to evade him. Kahlen’s mind swirled with the million things he should have done and didn’t, but it was too late now. He supposed he should at least be grateful that the chains that held him were made of stone, not iron, although the pain of having his wrists and ankles burnt to charcoal might even have been better than sitting alone with the knowledge of what would be taking place in just a few hours.
And when he could no longer contain it all, he began to scream. He screamed, and screamed, and screamed as his throat burned raw. He screamed as the other prisoners begged him to stop and let them rest. He screamed to the guard that he could sense was just around the corner. He screamed for help, for that bastard of a prince to let him out, but more than anything he screamed for her. And when he could no longer scream, he wept. Because he knew she could not hear him.
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
✧ this list was made possible by @rivalwrites' 93 Fun OC Asks List and @missprongs' Extremely Detailed Character Sheet Template from which i took questions and compiled (please let me know if you find their active blogs so i can credit them officially)! full credit goes to them for the original oc questionnaires, as well as the lovely @sounddrive and @imbianditseveryonesproblem for prompt suggestions! ✧
ive added and edited some questions to cater to the arcana fandom/theme. there are a total of 245 possible prompts to ask!
this list continues below the "keep reading" sign!
✧ Basics:
1. What is their name? Do they have a full name?
2. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
3. When is their birthday? Age? Zodiac sign?
4. What is their gender?
5. What is their sexuality?
6. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
7. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
8. Are they picky about any certain foods/ingredients?
9. What is their favorite drink?
10. What is their favorite flower?
11. What is their theme song? Do they have multiple?
12. What is their occupation?
13. What do they do for fun/entertainment/hobbies?
14. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
15. What was something their parents taught them?
16. Are they religious?
17. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
18. What is their voice like? Do they have an accent?
19. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
20. Do they have dreams or nightmares often? What are they like?
21. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?
✧ Personality:
22. How would they describe their own personality? What is it actually like?
23. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
24. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
25. What is one thing your apprentice would change about themselves and why? (by @imbianditseveryonesproblem 💜)
26. Do they get lonely easily?
27. Do you know their MBTI type? Enneagram, etc.?
28. What is their biggest flaw?
29. What is their worst weakness (skills)?
30. Are they aware of their flaws?
31. What is their biggest strength?
32. What is their best talent (skills)?
33. Are they aware of their strengths?
34. What is their motivation? (by @imbianditseveryonesproblem 💜)
35. What are their life goals? (by @imbianditseveryonesproblem 💜)
36. What is their life philosophy?
37. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
38. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
39. What is something they could never stand losing? (by @imbianditseveryonesproblem 💜)
40. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
41. What is their self-esteem like?
42. What is their greatest joy in life?
43. What is their greatest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
44. What is their biggest regret?
45. What is their deepest, darkest secret? Does anyone else know?
46. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
47. Do they have a prized possession?
48. Do they have a favorite type of music or song? Is there a song that represents them well, or a playlist? What music don't they like?
49. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
50. Is there something that makes them feel at ease or relaxed?
51. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
52. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
53. What do others admire most about their personality?
54. What does their happily ever after look like?
55. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
56. How do they cope with grief or sadness? Is it healthy, unhealthy for them?
57. For the following, what is most important to them: doing the right thing, or doing what makes them happy? Thinking with their head, or thinking with their heart?
✧ Physical Profile:
58. How would they describe their own appearance?
59. What is their height?
60. What is their weight?
61. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?
62. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?
63. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle?
64. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh?
65. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?
66. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?
67. Do they have any scars, magic marks, prosthetics, etc.? If so, what are the stories behind them?
68. Do they have any minor details, like skin bumps, beauty marks, moles, birthmarks, stretch marks, sunburn, etc.?
69. What’s their pain tolerance like?
70. Do they wear any makeup?
71. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?
72. Do they have any piercings?
73. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?
74. What do they typically wear on an average day?
75. What do they typically wear for a formal occasion?
76. What type of animal would your apprentice have as a motif for the masquerade? Is it always the same or does it change year by year? (by @sounddrive 💜)
77. What do they typically wear for bathing?
78. What do they typically wear for swimming/going to the beach?
79. What do they typically wear to sleep?
80. What do they typically wear on a hot day?
81. What do they typically wear on a cold day?
82. Do they wear any accessories, baubles, or jewelry?
83. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
84. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
85. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)
86. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
87. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?
88. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?
89. Describe the way they sleep.
✧ Environment:
90. Which season is their favorite?
91. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
92. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
93. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
94. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
95. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
96. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
97. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets or familiars?
98. How are they with children?
99. Would they rather have stability or comfort?
100. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
101. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
102. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
103. How organized are they?
104. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
✧ Miscellaneous:
105. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
106. Do they have any mental or physical disorders?
107. What is their handwriting like?
108. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
109. Which deadly sin do they represent best? How much does it affect them?
110. What does it mean to love someone in their opinion?
111. Do they believe in ghosts?
112. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
113. What do they like most as a gift? Are there any types of gifts they don't like?
114. What is their D&D alignment?
115. Are they right or left-handed?
116. What are their favorite pizza toppings? Do they like pineapple on pizza?
117. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?
118. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
119. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
✧ Relationships:
120. What is their relationship with Asra?
121. What is their relationship with Nadia?
122. What is their relationship with Julian?
123. What is their relationship with Muriel?
124. What is their relationship with Portia?
125. What is their relationship with Lucio?
126. Do they have parents? Siblings? Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins? Are they still in contact? Do they live elsewhere in the world? (by @sounddrive 💜)
127. Do they have friends? Do they have a best friend? Have they ever had a rough time with each other?
128. What is their relationship like with their familiar?
129. Do they have children? Do they want any? If so, what names would they like for their kids?
130. Are they in a romantic relationship? How did they meet? What is their relationship dynamic?
131. When did they fall in love with their partner? When did their partner fall in love with them? Was it at the same time?
132. Do they have exes/past relationships? Do they have any experience? What were their relationships like? Do they harbor feelings, regrets, or anger?
133. Who do they go to for advice?
134. Who would they give their life for?
135. Who do they feel awkward around?
136. Who do they consider an enemy?
137. Do they get along with any of the background characters (Mazelinka, Morga, the courtiers, Nadia's siblings, etc.)?
138. Do they get along with any of the main casts' familiars?
139. Do they have an associated card/patron of the Arcana (even if it's a self-made one/not found in a traditional tarot deck or a minor arcana)? Do they ever communicate with them? (by @sounddrive 💜)
140. What do they bring to the table when it comes to friendship or a relationship?
141. Is there anything they do that makes it harder to keep a connection (in general or with a specific person)? Do they have a flaw that draws others away or causes concern?
✧ Magic and Combat:
142. What kind of magic does your apprentice perform best (fire, healing, combat, etc.)?
143. Do they ever use their magic for menial tasks?
144. If their magic is visual, what does it look like?
145. How strong is their magic?
146. How much stamina do they have when using their magic? Do they run out of energy fast or slow?
147. Do they use any other means of sorcery (charms, permanent spells, etc.)?
148. How good are they at tarot card readings?
149. Do they have any unique abilities/power moves?
150. When in combat, are they more on the offense or defense?
151. How experienced are they with fighting?
152. Do they carry or brand a weapon?
153. On a scale from 0%-100%, how likely will they win a fight?
154. When threatened, do they jump into battle quickly, or do they try to remain passive?
155. When losing, do they continue fighting, or step out of the fight?
156. What's a spell or ability they have trouble performing?
✧ Skills:
157. How good are they at cooking?
158. How good are they at baking?
159. How good are they at dancing?
160. How good are they at singing? What do they like to sing most (genre or song)?
161. How good are they at giving gifts?
162. How good are they at the arts (drawing, painting)?
163. How good are they at acting?
164. How good are they at fitness?
165. How good are they at gardening?
166. How good are they at playing an instrument? What are their instruments of choice?
167. How good are they at shopping?
168. How good are they at hunting/fishing/foraging?
169. How good are they at recreational art (knitting, sewing, crocheting, embroidery, woodworking, carpentry)?
170. How good are they at writing/poetry?
171. Do they have a unique talent that isn't well known?
172. Do they have a hidden talent they don't even know about?
173. What is a skill they really want to learn?
✧ Story:
174. What was their childhood like? What about their adolescence?
175. Do they have any happy childhood memories, whether they remember or not?
176. Do they have any sad childhood memories, whether they remember or not?
177. What is their education like?
178. What is their financial situation like?
179. Do they have any curses? Does anyone know about it?
180. If they had CG memory art, could you describe or show what it would look like?
181. If they had an Upright Ending, what would it be like?
182. If they had a Reverse Ending, what would it be like?
183. If they had a bio of their own, what would it say? Description, favorite drink, favorite food, favorite flower?
184. Who's route do they follow? Are there any edits to the storyline based on your apprentice's character?
185. If your apprentice had a side story, what would it be about?
186. What would they be like in "Baewatch"?
187. How does your character develop over time? Do they change in any way?
188. How would you imagine your character to die? (by @imbianditseveryonesproblem 💜)
189. [SPOILERS] Is your apprentice aware that they died (due to the plague)? How did they react (and how did they find out)?
✧ Location and Travel:
190. Is your character from outside of Vesuvia? Where are they from? Can you describe or show the aesthetics of their hometown? (by @sounddrive 💜)
191. Where do they live now? Do they like it there?
192. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room? What is their home like (aesthetics)?
193. Do they work? If so, where?
194. What is their normal and favorite mode of transportation? Do they own any?
195. What do they usually take with them when they head out? Do they pack more for longer distances?
196. Where do they visit most?
197. Where would they like to go most?
198. Do they find peace or happiness in certain places?
199. Do they fear or avoid certain places?
200. How often do they go shopping? Do they have a favorite vendor or market?
201. How often do they go to the bar?
202. Who do they like to visit most? Do they ever avoid certain people's homes? Why?
✧ Scenarios:
203. They were sent a bouquet of roses and a love letter from a secret admirer. How do they react?
204. Following the question above, how would they react if it wasn't their intended love interest/partner that sent it?
205. Say they were being bullied. How do they react? Has it changed over time, or remained the same?
206. What if they saw someone else being bullied, what would they do? Does it change from person to person?
207. What if they found a stray or injured animal?
208. A homeless person asks them for some spare change, what do they do?
209. How do they spend their time on a rainy day?
210. How do they react when it begins to snow out of nowhere?
211. Would they accept an offer to have a wish fulfilled if it meant they had to trade something crucially important? What would they ask for and trade if so?
212. There's a spider in their room, what do they do?
213. It's getting worse! They started a fire on accident, what do they do?
214. What do they do when they get home after a really, really long day? What is the most common reason for their exhaustion?
215. What chores do they handle first? Are there any chores they'll avoid at all costs, or pin on others?
216. Consider the trolley dilemma. Would they kill 1 to save 5, or kill 5 to save 1? Would this depend on who is tied to the tracks?
217. If they were given 1 million coins, what would they do with all of it?
✧ Heart Hunter:
218. What is their dialogue at The Shop?
219. What is their dialogue at The Palace?
220. What is their dialogue at The Cave (Day)?
221. What is their dialogue at The Cave (Night)?
222. What is their dialogue at The Forest (Day)?
223. What is their dialogue at The Forest (Night)?
224. What is their dialogue at Muriel's Hut?
225. What is their dialogue at Asra's Sanctuary?
226. What is their dialogue at The Fields?
227. What is their dialogue at Portia's Cottage?
228. What is their dialogue at The Palace Gardens?
229. What is their dialogue at Lucio's Wing?
230. What is their dialogue at The Coliseum?
231. What is their dialogue at The Red Market?
232. What is their dialogue at The Town Square?
233. What is their dialogue at The Community Theater?
234. What is their dialogue at Mazelinka's House?
235. What is their dialogue at The Docks?
236. What is their dialogue at The Marketplace?
237. What is their dialogue at South End?
238. What is their dialogue at The Rowdy Raven?
239. What is their dialogue at The Lazaret?
240. What is their dialogue at The Flooded District?
241. What would postcards for your apprentice be like (locations of you or asker's choice)?
242. What type of font matches their handwriting?
243. Do they have any special interactions with the main cast at certain locations?
244. [Custom Question by the asker!]
245. [Choice or Custom Question made by the answerer!]
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musingsofmusic · 3 years
fandoms I’ll write for:
The Arcana, Harry Potter, The School for Good and Evil, Little Women, and maybe more. I’ll also write just general snippets and short stories and some original fiction. feel free to request!
I also make webs!
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