muteout-thenoise · 3 years
I am going to make another one of these posts, since it seems it's very needed. AHEM ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI ANTI-ENDOS DNI
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Lettuce fumbled with the camera for a bit before finally getting it to work. “Oh! It’s actually on now!” She smiled. “Uh, hey! I’m Dame Lettuce, and I’m like.. the prettiest girl in Caketown! Could I get a promo or something?”
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Pretty random question but do you sleep too or does only Mute do that
"I mean, I could sleep if I wanted, but I don't usually."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Anons are knows for being highly annoying, they're probably planning something
"I'm just gonna appreciate the calmness right now, man."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
The anons are being oddly nice to you and Mute today
"Eh, I'm not gonna complain."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
I wish me and my sister could get along like you and Mute
((Anon, I'm not gonna answer this in-character cause this makes me extremely uncomfortable. please do not vent in my inbox. /nm /srs
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Is this an accurate representation on what it's like?
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
oop- sorry for bringing it up
"Yo it's fine, ya didn't know." Noise glances over to Mute, who was asleep. "You couldn't have known.."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
((friendly reminder Noisemaster is basically physically defenseless without Mute if you don’t count his high attack stat. I MEAN HIS DEFENSE IS 2--
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
If you don't mind me asking, what's it like when you revert to your disaster stone?
Noise suddenly paused. "It's..... well... I... I don't like it.. it's lonely."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
The size difference between you and Mute is hilarious (/lh, of course)
"Heh, yeah, kinda!"
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
What was your favorite moment with Mute
"Pfft-- favorite moment with Mute? Man I can't choose! I've spent thousands of years with 'em, how could I possibly choose?"
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Are you a robot or do you just look like one?
"Nope, not a robot!"
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Ah, okay
On an unrelated note, have you ever wondered what it's like to ✨not✨ be a disaster master
"Uh, sometimes, yeah! Bein a disaster master ain't always the greatest, yknow?"
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Speakin' of Mute, where are they?
"He's sleepin, they like ta sleep sometimes."
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
They either A. Don't know or B. They do know yet refuse to acknowledge it
Humanity is weird
"Ugh, hate those kinds of people, yo. I don't need anyone in my life, I've got Mute!"
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muteout-thenoise · 3 years
Simp basically means that someone wants to get with you
"Uh... ok??" He chuckles nervously. "They.. know I'm aromantic, right?"
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