mvretti-blog · 6 years
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There was no particular reason Vance was wandering down the halls in his housecoat and slippers, other than the fact that he just couldn’t seem to sleep but his solution to this was to grab a cup of coffee and take a walk. One hand was comfortably stuffed into one pocket of his housecoat, while the other hand lifted the warm styrofoam cup to his lips, scorching black liquid trickling down his throat to his stomach, when he could faintly hear the muffled sound of music playing. Odd. Eyebrows narrowed slightly, back straightened up, and he was in investigative mode, seeking out the source. It was then he stumbled upon what he presumed (considering he had no previous reason to be around the artsy rooms before) to be some sort of music studio, and without hesitation, opened the door, quickly scanning the room before hazel hues landed on the culprit. “This shit help lull you to sleep or you tryna’ lure unsuspecting victims into your rap trap?”
All Zion did was Music; make it, mix it, produce it, and breathe it. His music was his love and passion. He had his own music studio but the schools seemed better just from glances on pictures so he decided to go check it out. The male slipped into the room and connected his aux, started to play RnB and Rap music. 
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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VANCE: thats nice were they using protection VANCE: were there other ppl bouncin around in there with them or VANCE: were U in there is that how u saw it go down ? VANCE: thats fucked up im sorry
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MARNIE: i just saw a couple having sex in a bouncy castle
MARNIE: i’m both disgusted and jealous
MARNIE: and i need to drink until i forget what i saw
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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Dark eyebrows narrow slightly as soon as Vance caught sight of the flimsy slingshot in Emery’s possession, all too familiar with the ridiculous shenanigans the younger fellow created for self-entertaining purposes. However, despite the nagging urge to snatch the device out of the imp’s hands, he merely crossed his arms over his chest and observed. “Marshmallows are an improvement from the skittles,” he drawled out finally as he eyed the victim, who was now fiercely scanning the the few people in the area for their attacker, before hazel hues shifted to focus on Emery. “But you’re still wasting food.” A large hand then reached out from unfolded arms to snatch up a marshmallow, stuffing it into his mouth.
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“Watch this,” said Emery, grabbing the first person to pass by him where he sat on top of a picnic-style bench on the quad beneath a skeletal cherry blossom. He’d found a crappy little slingshot at a dollar store near campus and had now made a game of shooting marshmallows at unwary passersby. When he had the attention of his captive audience, he fitted a marshmallow into the sling and let it fly, howling with laughter when it hit somebody square in the back of the head. “You absolutely could not do better than that. I dare you to even try,” he said, passing it off in challenge.
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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fat albert vc: hey hey hEY!! good day pals lemme start off by sayin i’m suPER stoked to be here woweewow i haven’t rped in almost a year so excuse me if i’m a lil rusty omg. below the cut is more information on vance including but noT limited to: background, personality, fun Facts, etc.
(( hey, look over there! isn’t that vance moretti, the twenty four year old junior at uw who’s majoring in criminal justice. he is part of the baseball team and lives in the iris building. people who know him say he is gallant but also stubborn. ))
trigger warning: mentions of drug trafficking, gang activity, violence, dumb stuff
HISTORY; alrighty so he was born in staten island, new york to a small family, vance being the youngest of three sons. his family (other than his intermediate fam) actually lives in italy, the moretti folks packing up and moving their kids to america about two or three years before thIS fella popped out. overall he had a great childhood, always playing outside and easily maintaining solid friendships with the other kids in his neighbourhood. his parents worked hard for their money and they weren’t considered to be well off by any means, but they never went hungry or had to worry about being able to pay off their bills on time.
fast forward several years and vance is a lanky teen with two older brothers that already built a reputation around the moretti name. a name now affiliated with gang violence and criminal activity, he had been set up for failure and instead of taking a difficult path to bring honour back into his family, vance followed right along in his elder brothers’ footsteps. however, while they were way deep in the criminal underworld with a drug cartel, trafficking and collecting due payments by any means necessary, vance was doing the bare minimum; selling dime bags to his peers on school grounds and high school parties, sometimes even harder shit if it was relentlessly pushed on him by his brothers.
a small time skip; one brother in jail, the other dead, while vance was a free man. he was basically ostracized from his family not only because of the horrible path he’d followed but because he was also the reason for the current state of his older brothers. by trying to get them all out of the criminal life together, it backfired. he was deemed a snitch and therefore in jeopardy of being hit at any time, any day. the only way out was to flee without a trace so he did, he moved across the whole country and ended up in washington. he wasn’t sure what exactly the reason was for picking that particular place, probably from one of the countless travel brochures he skimmed over, but whatever the reason, he’d made the move and he was starting fresh.
the last time skip; after volunteering for the police department a few times (around working a job with late hours but great tips), vance is taking the necessary precautions and steps to become a man of the law (ironically enough) by attending the university in washington and majoring in criminal justice.
PERSONALITY; oh boy oh boy this guy looks like a hardass bc he has a bad case of resting bitch face howeVER he’s a gentle giant, through and through. he would do anything for his friends, which has been one big reason why he hasn’t had a serious longterm relationship for several years, and he tries to Fight for Good and not Evil but a guy’s gotta let loose sometimes, especially when a good handful of your friends are into or associated with the party scene. but he doesn’t go hard bc 1) hey he’s tryna keep a clean record and 2) he doesn’t wanna slip back into old bad habits.
he is very much a Dad in the sense that he wants to be cool and not hated but he also wants everyone to do their best and achieve their dreams and not go to jail woO. if anyone of his pals ever needs a designated driver, vance will gladly pull up in his trusty Ol’ Reliable aka a pontiac that had been given to him from his dad. he would much rather u call him for a ride home at like 4am rather than end up hurt or dead. vance is also a great person to vent to, will listen for hours or however long u need him to, and is always there to lend a helping hand for whatever. not violence, but he doesn’t shy away from making stern promises (that may sound like threats) to anyone who hurts his pals. he’s not a stickler i stg he just cares a lot abt the ppl he’s close to and wants them to have a Happy n Healthy full life so he’s just overly protective
as for relationships, previously mentioned he doesn’t really have a track record worth counting. the last serious girlfriend he had was probably during the first year he’d lived in washington. it wasn’t until after she moved in with him in the apartment he had at the time that she realized how invested he was in his friends and his work, which were both obviously prioritized over her. so the messy break up ensued, something he never wanted to experience again. vance has tried relationships that had no strings attached; flings or friends with benefits, but it's too hard for him noT to get attached and catch feels, which leaves him in an even messier situation. so if he can help it, he tries to avoid anything more than a one night stand.
basically just a protective cool single dad tryna make it in this crazy world
FUN FACTS; he’s been working as a stripper for the last four years which is how he was able to pay for school without any debt chasing him but its a secret sh. the routine he’s best known for is pretending to be a cop claSSIC
speaking of classic.....classic rock and old rap are his absolute fav music genres that’s lit all he listens too with the exception of a few new songs he’ll catch on the radio
he still keeps in touch with his ma bc i mean heLO she’s his ma his #1 aka he’s a mama’s boy and he talks to her at least once a week
idk thats abOOT IT I G
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
boy of darkness, they call you. heart made of stone, they tell you. born with perfection, they say of you. but oh, boy of fire, they call you. heart of a lion, they tell you. born with courage, they say of you. and sometimes you wonder, which one of you is true?
there is always truth in both // k.s. (via neverlandswriter)
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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mvretti-blog · 6 years
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