mxgicalmxses · 3 years
“Ow”, Em brushed her fingers over her eyes, trying to get the sleep out of her eyes and stretches her arms upwards in order to wake up and figure out what hit her. “Now, who hit me and with what?,” she could hear her roommates whispering around her but she didn’t care, she wanted to know who hit her and what. Now. Eventually after another five minutes one of her roommates said it was her and a hairbrush because she was running late for meeting Fred. Fuck. “Why didn’t you say so? Fuck.” She quickly grabbed the nearest clean clothes and changed, running out with her wand in her pocket, she didn’t bother saying bye and made her way to meeting Fred in the usual spot. 
Em eventually slowed down on her way and seen Fred ahead of her, he didn’t look mad or anything but she hated keeping anyone waiting. No matter who it was. “Now, before you say anything I can explain why I’m late.” She gave him a quick smile before continuing, “I may have stayed up late studying and lost track of the time so ended up sleeping in as a result of that.” She smiled again, “You weren’t waiting long were you?”
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
“You were out of line and you know it! Madam Hooch should have called you out on the hit if she wasn’t fucking so senile.” He huffed, not at all amused by the insults or laughter for that matter. The win was his – he was so close to victory and it was stolen away from him. And not only that but the player was close to face-palming the ground and the coach didn’t even blink an eye to give the girl and the Gryffindor team the victory. All of it felt very much like bullshit to Adrian, only getting angrier whenever Alicia opened her mouth. “If it was the other way around, I wouldn’t have been allowed to score. You know that as much as I do.” 
 Favoritism was at play here. Maybe Madam Hooch didn’t like him or his team. Admittedly, the Slytherin house team wasn’t exactly the model team, having broken rules more than a good amount of times to earn themselves the title of the “troublemaker” team. So maybe this was just the coach’s way of getting even. Or the woman could truly be going senile but either way, to Adrian, the lack of a call out was wrong. As he approached her, Adrian stared down at Alicia, face tight in what could only be boiling rage. “But take your win. Enjoy it because next time I won’t go easy on you.” 
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Alicia scoffed, unable to believe what she was hearing, though she was not surprised. She could be a sore loser, but you wouldn't find her confronting the person who shoved her unless it was done on purpose. This was in the thick of a Quidditch match, which meant all bets were off for her. It was a rough sport, and there was no point in playing or complaining about being shoved if you weren't prepared to play it as rough as the next person. He was taking the piss, he had to be. "Say whatever you want. If you want to make yourself feel better by claiming Madam Hooch is senile, go ahead." She couldn't stop herself from laughing again, and she couldn't care less if it irritated him. It would be even better if it did. “You don’t know that.”
Yes, Madam Hooch occasionally favoured other teams over Slytherin, but that wasn't Alicia's fault. How could she help when she wasn't the one who overlooked the matches? She stood her ground and crossed her arms across her chest as he approached her, not letting him think she was terrified, which she wasn't. "I don't expect you to go easy on me.  Do you think you should go easy on me because I'm a woman?", she laughed awkwardly, "You clearly don't know who you're dealing with."
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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Lily James | EXTRA
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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CHARLIE GILLESPIE in RUNT ( dir. william coakley )
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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TONI TOPAZ S02E03 | Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher In The Woods
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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tick tick… BOOM! (2021) | dir. Lin-Manuel Miranda
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
She saw her chance. Her chance to help Gryffindor win the game. She wasn't about to let some Slytherin score for Slytherin because he had the quaffle. There was no way. Alicia swooped down on him, shoving him when he wasn't looking and getting the quaffle in the process. Victory. She knew it was poor form to shove a player, but when it came to Quidditch, all bets were off, and Madam Hooch hadn't blown her whistle, therefore everything was fine in her mind. She threw the quaffle, scoring the point they needed to win, and the crowd's applause was enough to make her giddy with excitement.
She turned to see if she could see the slytherin she had shoved, and she could. She was relieved he wasn't wounded, but if the shoe had been on the other foot, they wouldn't have cared. Alicia flew around the Quidditch pitch with her team, celebrating their victory, and only returned when she was ready. She waved to her housemates who had come to support them, and she was looking forward to the later celebration. They would have had a celebration regardless, but this time it was a victory celebration. She couldn't bear throwing a celebration if they didn't win since she'd never hear the end of it from Wood, but that was no longer the case. Thank Godric.
She ultimately swooped down from the pitch, remaining longer than several of her teammates, and telling Angelina that she would see her later. She had assumed she was alone; she enjoyed being the last person to leave the pitch, but this was not the case; Slytherin was still present. Adrian? It didn't bother her, so she ignored him until he shouted at her from behind, at which point she turned to face him. "Oh, I'm terrified. What is it about you rich lads who always drag your father into everything? Don't play Quidditch if you don't want to get shoved. Simple as that."  She laughed at him before continuing, "Also if it was the other way around, would you care if I was shoved or if you had won?"
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He shouldn’t have lost. Everything happened in a sheer amount of seconds. One minute he was throwing the quaffle into one of the three hoops and the next he found himself spinning around in the air, heading straight down into the sand after what he assumed to be from an aggressive Gryffindor player. It took another minute for Adrian to regain control and nearly escaped the fall, flying back towards the game. Unfortunately, in those crucial minutes, the Gryffindor team took the win, having stole the quaffle to score themselves the winning point of the game. It was the cheering that hurt the most, listening to the crowd ranting for the Gryffindor house while its team flew in a circle around the arena in celebration. Unfair and pathetic, really but that was the game. 
After the excitement of the game and the Gryffindor’s victory, the packed-full arena started to dwindle in numbers, heading back to the castle for what Adrian assumed for dinner and probably some sort of a victory party. He sighed and wiped the sweat off his forehead but his feet remained planted on the sand, barely looking at his teammates as they passed by. A few patted his back. The rest completely ignored him and he couldn’t exactly blame them. The fall cost them the game and now they’ll have to endure Gryffindors bragging for an entire week +. His tongue pushed against the side of his mouth, anger coursing through his body because he knew it wouldn’t just be the bragging, no. There will be harassing, making fun of him for being shoved by a girl. 
He waited for the perfect moment when the Gryffindor was walking by herself off the field and made his way over to her. When he was close enough, he shouted at Alicia’s back, calling for her. “Consider yourself lucky I’m not in the hospital wing! That victory wouldn’t be nearly as sweet as you think it is if my father heard about it.” 
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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400 followers celebration ★ favourite female characters [1/5]  ↳ >LARA JEAN SONG COVEY
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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Abigail Cowen- Fate: the Winx saga
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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“…and for the record, I am not calling the spider homeless, because he very much has a home—mine.”
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing myles prewett...
full name: myles euan prewett date of birth: tba age: tba gender: cismale pronouns: he/him sexual orientation: bisexual blood status: pureblood house: ravenclaw fc: matthew gray gubler
mbti: infj alignment: chaotic good archetype: intellectual positive traits: comical, eager, intelligent & sympathetic negative traits: awkward, aloof, clumsy & jealous
info dump
myles was born into the prewett family (au: cousin to fabian, gideon and molly)
he loves travelling and learning; he has learned everything he needs to know about every country he has travelled to which includes the different cultures
he is a professor at a magical university where he teaches ancient runes, history of magic, magical languages and magical theory 
he is always learning new things about magic and is happy to tell the next witch or wizard he sees - even if they want to know or not
he can be quite awkward and may feel the need to step away from a situation or setting he is uncomfortable in
he can be the funniest person when you actually get to know him - past the awkward and clumsiness 
he can also be jealous of others; specifically if he thinks someone is flirting with his partner - even if he is in a casual relationship or not
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing em spinnet...
full name: emelia marie spinnet
nicknames: em
date of birth: 10th august
age: tba
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual
house: gryffindor
fc: vanessa morgan
mbti: esfp
alignment: chaotic good
archetype: athelete
positive traits: adventurous, athletic, loyal & passionate
negative traits: competitive, flirtatious, guarded & temperamental
info dump
em is the only daughter of alicia spinnet
she doesn’t know her father - only that he was a wizard as well
she has no siblings as far as she knows
she has never felt the need to know who her father is but it is something she thinks about from time to time
she is determined and fierce
very competitive - especially when it comes to quidditch
quidditch has always been something she has loved - something her mother and her share in common
she has been going to holyhead harpies games with her mother since she was about five or even younger (but five is when she can actually remember the games)
it wasn’t a surprise that she was placed into gryffindor - she is her mother’s daughter after all
so she joined her house team as a chaser and her mother couldn’t have been prouder of her (not that she joined for her mother but that was just an added bonus)
she gets along with most people and the only reason she wouldn’t was if they were bullying her friends or even her. that’s one thing she will never stand for: bullies
she loves a good party and will likely be found making her way around; chatting to everyone and making sure she always has a drink in her hand
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing alicia spinnet...
full name: alicia leigh spinnet
nicknames: ali, licia
date of birth: 24th november
age: tba
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual
blood status: halfblood
house: gryffindor
fc: alexandra shipp
mbti: esfp
alignment: neutral good
archetype: rebel
positive traits: easy-going, protective & talented
negative traits: fiery, flirtatious & stubborn
info dump
alicia is an only child of a muggle man and witch
she has plently of cousins 
she grew up learning about both the muggle and magic worlds - her mother wanted her to know about her magical hertiage while her father didn’t want her to forget her muggle hertiage
ever since her mother told her about quidditch, well she’s been a fan since and wore out two copies of quidditch through the ages due to excessive reading
she admired the holyhead harpies and hoped to play for them one day
she planned to try out for her house team once she got to hogwarts
she was sorted into gryffindor where she found friends in angelina johnson, lee jordan, fred, and george weasley in her year, and katie bell in the year below
she is a friendly person who gets along with most people who is passionate about quidditch 
she is concerned for her friends and will do anything to protect them
she despises pure-blood supremacists and doesn’t understand how they can think anyone is beneath them 
she is brave, courageous, determined and loyal - all traits of her house
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing tilden toots...
full name: tilden gray toots
date of birth: 15th april
age: tba
gender: cismale
pronouns: he/him
sexual orientation: hetrosexual
blood status: halfblood
house: hufflepuff
fc: charlie gillespie
mbti: enfp
alignment: neutral good
archetype: creative
positive traits: creative, gentle & optimistic
negative traits: apprehensive, flirtatious & indecisive
info dump
tilden is a halfblood whose father is a wizard and mother is a muggle, thus he grew up effectively in both worlds
his parents were concerned that the death eaters would come after them to recruit his father if they stayed in one area too long, so tilden spent most of youth in several locations throughout the world
he learned about the many cultures and histories of the places he visited
he was concerned about the environment, and at every location where he resided, he assisted his mother in the construction of a little garden - something to keep him occupied
his parents had a visitor one day before his eleventh birthday and after that they were relocating to a small town near london 
then he got a letter from hogwarts and figured out that was the reason for the move - a stable home
he was sorted into hufflepuff
herbology and potions quickly became his favourite subjects
he was friendly with everyone and made friends in every house but slytherin
he didn’t mind certain slytherins but he stayed away from them the majority of the time because they gave him death stares
he aspires to be a herbologist and potioneer
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing rita skeeter...
full name: marguerite “rita” ella skeeter
date of birth: 6th november
age: tba
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
sexual orientation: hetroflexible
blood status: pureblood
house: slytherin
fc: lily james
mbti: estp
alignment: chaotic evil
archetype: royal
positive traits: ambitious, confident & persuasive
negative traits: dramatic, petulant & ruthless
info dump
marguerite grew up in a pureblood family where appearances were valued above all else, and this was instilled in her from an early age
she began lessons when she was old enough to understand what it meant to be a pureblood woman in society 
her parents wanted her concetrated on her academics and not be distracted by anything, especially boys
her parents would take her to pureblood events so she could meet the boys of these families since it was planned she was to marry one of them one day
since she was a child, her parents were constantly arguing and one day this escaluated - her mother slapped her father then her father pushed her mother 
she'd never seen her father in that light before, and she was frightened that she'd never be able to look at him the same way again
she started going by the name “rita” before she was eleven, because it was simpler for others to pronounce and it was a way for her to be independent from her parents
she was relieved when she got her hogwarts letter since it meant she could go home and no longer have to see her father abusing her mother; she knew she should help her mother but didn't know how
she was sorted into slytherin which wasn’t a surprise to her so she made the most of it 
she took advantage of her hogwarts education by spying on her classmates and producing her own gossip magazine to expose their secrets
she was solely interested in exposing other people's secrets so that she could keep her own hidden which meant she didn’t have many friends
the friends she did have, shared traits like ruthlessness and mutual respect
she has been studying to become an animagus since she was at hogwarts and her form is a beetle, which can assist her in obtaining the stories she desires
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mxgicalmxses · 3 years
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introducing gilderoy lockhart...
full name: gilderoy william lockhart
nicknames: gildy
date of birth: 26th january
age: tba
gender: cismale
pronouns: he/him
sexual orientation: bisexual
blood status: halfblood
house: ravenclaw
fc: austin north
mbti: estp
alignment: neutral evil
archetype: performer
positive traits: confident, handsome & resourceful
negative traits: flirtatious, reckless & selfish
info dump
gilderoy was born to a muggle man and witch mother
he has two older sisters who are squibs
his mother adored him more than any of his sisters due to his magical abilities and his acceptance to hogwarts
due to his mother’s attention over the years, it fostered his vanity like a weed
one thing his mother and him forgot in their excitement was that hogwarts was a school for all british and irish wizards and witches so hence his introduction to the school with the other students was, in his opinion, terribly uninteresting
he was placed into ravenclaw while narrowly avoiding slytherin
he also enjoyed learning since it provided him with the attention he craved and even begged the headmaster to start a school newspaper just so he could see his name on the front page
he had never been popular with the other students, but he had gained some notoriety by carving his signature in twenty-foot long letters into the quidditch pitch (earning him a week of detentions), which was among the list of other things he had done
even if he didn't show it too often, gilderoy had people he cared about but he couldn't do something that would put his reputation in jeopardy; else, who would he be? A nobody. 
that wasn't the life he wanted, and he believed he was destined for greatness, despite the fact that no one else believed this except himself and his mother
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