Contemplating archiving all of my blogs for the time being and starting new when I can. If you still want  to chat in general and plan to rp/write together in the future, message me on kik (resttheewell) or on my personal tumblr @resttheewell because I think you guys are really cool and I’m sorry for being so flaky, but I stop rping for weeks, if not months, at a time and I’m going to stop rping until I can be better.
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I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO COME RESCUE ME.        I need you to hold all of the sadness            I cannot live with inside of me.
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NAME :Colby Maddox Baxter AGE : Seventeen DOB : January 19 SPECIES : Human RESIDENCY : Keene, New Hampshire DESCRIPTION: A complex paradox in which he grew up far too fast, but is still a heartbroken child behind all those wall.
I'm in here. 
Colby grew up the youngest in a big family, he was even the youngest when it came to him and his twin brother Elvis. In every aspect, he’s always been the baby. Growing up, he was such a scared little boy. He had terrible anxiety and when it came to meeting new people, he had a tendency to find someone to hide behind.
His mother was never really a great mother, but she started to drift away even more when he was about five and she met his future step father, Kevin. Kevin eventually went on to adopt the children, but this wasn’t for his compassion or affection towards the children but actually a ploy to keep Evangeline, their mother, close.
Evangeline had always had a bit of a drinking problem, but she used to send the children off to stay with their grandparents when she would go on benders. When her mother became too ill to look after them, she pawned the children off on the oldest of the group.
I'm calling out but you can't hear.
They moved to America to start a new life, but new didn’t mean better. The twins were barely six or seven. Evangeline turned to the drugs Kevin was giving her, she started to become an addict, a creature of habit and, slowly, a shell. As she started to become hollow and neglectful, Kevin turned to the children. He took his aggression out on the children, bruising them. The youngest two got it the worst, because they had trouble fighting back. Colby would take the beatings, where as Elvis was only likely to get badly hurt when he wold guard Colby. As Elvis became more angry and aggressive, they sent him away to live with his Aunt; his mother didn’t care enough to notice that Elvis wasn’t the problem.
Colby retreated into himself. His sister Sydney, the closest thing he’d ever had to a caring mother, had started to spend time with her boyfriend Chason, avoiding their home at all costs. Carver, like their mother, had turned to drugs, and was barely ever home. When Syd ran away, he hadn’t realized that Kevin had been touching her too…
She ran for her safety; he felt abandoned. All that was left was Carver, who eventually left to go stay with their Uncle and work for him. The rest of their siblings were still with their birth father.
Colby was the only victim left. A little boy, about eight years old, terrified, and unable to say no. Kevin continued to beat the boy and molest him, and when they were desperate for cash, he started to sexually traffic the boy for money. When Colby would cry or beg him to stop, he would beat him and guilt him, saying that he didn’t love his mother if he argued, because that money is how they survived.
This torture continued for years. He would chain him up in the basement or to the bed, unless he was feeling particularly generous, and let him up to shower or eat.
Can anybody help? 
One day when he was sixteen, Kevin let him up for some “free time”, and when he drunkenly stumbled to the bathroom, Colby stole his mother’s phone. He dialed the neighbor’s phone, because it was all he could think of. He remembered the kind old woman from next door, the concern on her face when she saw Colby’s bruises as he helped her with the groceries; Kevin was a big fan of keeping up appearances, so he had Colby put on a brave face and help the neighbors, even befriend them, but until now, Colby was too nervous to ask for help.
His body was in agony, he was exhausted; he was still terrified, but he was so desperate for freedom, that he took the chance. Kevin caught him though. Luckily, it was too late, Mrs. Guthrie, the neighbor, heard his begging, his screaming as the phone hit the floor, she even heard the whimpering and the smacking of flesh as the boy was dragged downstairs.
Mrs. Guthrie was crying as she dialed the police, hoping there was enough time. This might be the boy’s last chance. When the police got there Kevin had gone out, but his mother was sprawled out on the couch, needles on the carpet, cigarette still burning between her fingers as she slept.
They promptly arrested the strung out drug addict and searched the house for the boy. They found him in a filthy room that had rotten food, stained sheets that probably hadn’t been washed in months, and the boy, bloodied and broken, barely breathing. They rushed him to the hospital.
He woke up with his brother there, and he was shocked. He’d barely gotten to speak with him the past few years, Kevin finding a way to slowly push everyone out of their lives.
He was scared and broken, groggy from the medication, but he was happy. He was released from the hospital to his aunt and he was slowly reintroduced to the rest of his family.
He was offered free therapy from the state and Kevin was found three months after the incident. An investigation is still pending, but both parents are currently being held without bail.
Colby has very few friends, and will often be found at his Aunt’s diner. Otherwise he’s at home, unless Elvis drags him to parties with some of their childhood friends; Colby seems to be the most innocent of the group, and he’s okay with that. Just like old times, everyone looks after the boy.
Due to his only constant interactions being with his parents, he doesn’t know the rules. Relationships scare him, and when he does date someone, he doesn’t know if it’s okay to say no; in fact, he very rarely says no to anyone. He’s nervous and has a tendency to panic.
The lines between right and wrong are extremely blurred to him. He’s slowly being reintroduced into the normal world, and it’s foreign to him, so he might need quite a bit of help and someone with patience and acceptance to help him through this.
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BUT I WONDER WHERE WERE YOU,               when i was at my worst?
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NAME : Kodiak Varushkin Pluto Solar  AGE : Seventeen DOB : March 27 SPECIES : Human  RESIDENCY : Keene, New Hampshire DESCRIPTION: An outsider looking in on his own life.
I like to think we had it all
Pluto, the smallest and most remote planet known in the solar system. The astronomer Percival Lowell, at his private observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., instituted a search for another planet that eventually resulted in the discovery of Pluto by Clyde W. Tombaugh on Feb. 18, 1930.
It was named for the Pluto of mythology. In Greek mythology, Pluto (Hades) was a god both of death and of fertility or abundance. The name Pluto means "rich one". When the world was divided, Zeus took the sky and earth, Poseidon took the sea, and Pluto (Hades) took the underworld. Pluto is gloomy, dark, and deaf to all appeals (no one is ready to die), so no one sacrificed to him, and there are no common legends about him. The mythological idea of Hades, the place, is that of a place of eternal dullness. How fitting that our most distant planet, barely seen with the instruments of the time, took the name Pluto.
The youngest, the little brother, the baby. Small, fragile, dark yet gentle. Gloomy and to himself, always on the outside looking in. Always curious and searching for something more, forever keeping himself at a distance.
We drew a map to a better place
Kodiak Pluto was born in Belozersk, Russia; he was the fifth child of Sol and his mother, who is still unnamed in his memory. He was only a few months old when his mother left them. He has no memory of her, only biased stories from his father and sister. He wasn't even a year old when his father packed up their things and moved "the family business" to America. Russia was in the rearview mirror with their true identities, their mother, and their home.
He grew up very close to his siblings. The lack of a mother didn't really bother him the first few years, considering he had four older siblings and a father all doting on him. When he was in the third grade is when it really hit him, because his dad spent more and more time "working" and three of his siblings were at different schools now. 
Third grade became the start of a miserable life long mystery and adventure. Every other kid bragging about their mother, cupcakes on their birthday, and all he had was a secretive father and a mother who abandoned him. He was always a curious boy and as he got older, his thirst for answers continued.
When he was thirteen, Venus, who was the closest thing he ever had to his mother, found out about his little information hunt. The year before, he'd been told all he needed to know about the family business, about who he really was. Pluto was a facade, but they wouldn't tell him his name, wouldn't let him go digging and ruin everything they had going for them. It only furthered his curiosity and at thirteen it led to a screaming match with Venus, the matriarch. It broke his heart, and pushed him further away from his family. It even put a hold on his search until his sixteenth birthday...
But on that road I took a fall
He wondered if it was a trick, searched through his siblings handwriting, checking Mars twice because he was the only one who would make a cruel joke like this. It was none of them. Then he wondered if it was a trap, an enemy of his father trying to draw him out, but when no more letters came, he went to his brother Uri.
It's been a year and Uri is still the only one that knows his secret. He's started searching for her with what little information he has. He's distanced from his family now, only seeing them at family dinners, other than his father, who he lives with, Uri who stops by whenever he damn well pleases, and Venus when she drags out her baby brother from the confines of his dark and drab room.
An outsider looking in would see Pluto as a weakness in the family, a broken piece, a way in. Anyone who truly knows Pluto knows he would never betray his family, but that doesn't stop enemies from trying to use him to their advantage.
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I DON'T MIND YOU COMING HERE,                         and wasting all my time.
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NAME: Alexander Nash Addison Crash Monroe AGE: Twenty-four  DOB: February 11 SPECIES: Human RESIDENCY: Keene, New Hampshire DESCRIPTION: Reckless, dangerous, accident waiting to happen. How do you think he got the name Crash???
I don't mind you hanging out
Alexander was born the son of Rebecca Addison and Michael Drebber. It was an intentional act on both of their parts that Michael did not act as his father. He adored his mother, but even though he'd spend every day with her, she was never really present. She'd been involved in drugs since she was fourteen and the only reason she was mostly sober during her pregnancy was that she stayed with her father.
She moved out of her father's house when Alex was about a year old, and they lived just fine...for a few months. Rebecca may have loved her son, but her addiction drowned out those feelings of affection and smothered her with need. She turned to her dealers, and when child protective services chimed in and threatened to take her little boy away she turned her back on her family, the club, and her childhood best friend and club vice president at the time, and instead of asking for help, she ran.
Alex was three when she taught him to pickpocket. He stole money for her and still, at most, got one meal a day. The drugs not only consumed Rebecca's life, but they were taking away that little boy's chance at survival.
At four, the sickly little boy found an ally. It was an older little girl, maybe thirteen, and she was the daughter of one of his mother's friends and fellow addicts. She started to look after the boy, even feed him when she could, but she noticed the little boy getting sick and did the only thing she could think of; she stole Rebecca's phone and called Alex's grandfather. Child protective services and the club were there to rescue both of the children the next day.
And talking in your sleep
Alex was eventually left in the care of his grandfather, and Rebecca was given a short sentence for child endangerment and neglect; she was eventually sent to rehab.
Crash had only been home for a month when his grandfather's health started quickly deteriorating. He was an original member of the club, and he knew the reaper was coming to collect him. He reached out to Benji with one last wish, Alex's final hope.
            “ I've loved you like a son all your life. Do me a favor             && do the same for him. Don't let them take him away                                                                             from his home.  
                       He belongs here, you know that. ”
Benji couldn't deny a dying man his final wish, especially when that little boy was the son of his best friend and, if he were being honest, a woman he'd loved his entire life. He took in Alex and, when Rebecca came out of rehab, he took her in too. She was better for a time, and that's when Crash became a big brother. Benji adopted the boy when he was five, his baby sister Mercy joining them a few months prior. Rebecca had three more children after that, the twins Levi and Amarie, and the baby boy Teddy. Crash was lucky to have found his family, but the dream didn't last.
Benji tried, but with the club and five kids, Benji decided he couldn't babysit Rebecca anymore. When she started using behind his back, it put a divide in his family and when Teddy stepped on a needle and nearly ended up overdosing because of Rebecca's neglect, Benji no longer saw her as family, but a monster. Alex lost his mother all over again, but now he was old enough to know that this was the best thing that could happen to them, even if it did break his heart.
That was the year Alex turned into Crash. Crash Monroe earned the nickname quickly, trashing more things than you could imagine, becoming a mad man just like the club expected. He didn't want to be the broken boy that was born to Rebecca, but the reckless, funny boy that was accepted by Benji, so Alex was a secret hidden deep inside him, and Crash was the local legend adored by all.
I guess you're just what I needed
Crash became a local legend in their small town. He was the bad boy everyone lusted after and he fucking loved it. Just because Benji raised him to be a good man doesn't mean he couldn't have a little fun with this new reputation.
Crash didn't have many friends outside of his family and his club; that added to the mystery. Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome who rode into the sunset on his harley, well those were tales he could get used to.
He loves hearing the rumors going around town about him, whether they're true or not. The only time he gets too defensive is when those rumors involve family, because that's nobody's goddamn business.
Crash works in his father's auto repair shop and is an official member of the reapers motorcycle club. He comes and goes as he pleases and if you're not a club member, you've got to work for his time. He's a sweet boy, not that anyone takes the time to get to know that. Even some members of the club only understand Crash at face value, but that doesn't bother him. He'd rather respect than affection.
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"Fear is a powerful aphrodisiac."
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Rosa’s trying to make me run for union rep! You have to stop her.
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“I should’ve stopped them.”
“Yeah, it’s a little late for that now.”
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    ❝ THERE GOES MY BABY, ooh girl, look at you. you don’t know how good it feels to call you my girl. ❞ // THERE GOES MY BABY ; usher.
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“I really, really, really, really like him.” “Just so you know, when you reach six “reallys,” you’re technical supposed to switch over to ‘love’. And you’re only two away.”
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