my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 9 months
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FORWARD. TOGETHER. - A Virtual Event to Support The Public Theater
Oscar Isaac singing Symphony from Two Gentlemen of Verona
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 9 months
His voice...the eye contact...my God...I'm MELTING
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 9 months
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
reasons to love harrison ford
1. hates donald trump 2. got his ear pierced at claires because why not 3. legit asks people to beat him up in action scenes EVEN NOW AS AN OLD MAN 4. is arguably one of the most iconic star wars characters yet couldnt give less of a crap abt star wars 5. the universe tried to kill him (or at least permanently incapacitate him) twice in 2015 and it only mildly inconvenienced him 6. flies helicopters in search and rescue missions 7. was in his 40s for the majority of the indiana jones series which is insane when you think about all the stunts involved 8. quote “the director yells cut and harrison cracks open a beer and then builds a fucking shed” 9. arguably sexy 10. points angrily and its super effective
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
the great thing about reading discworld on audiobook is that terry pratchett’s prose has the power to literally stop me dead in my tracks and this line did that today
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
Zira having Crowley put the gun down in s1 is much funnier to me after s2
"Yes, yes, let's not do that again"
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
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Disgusting new character.
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
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Babe wake up, new stupid screenshot of Miguel just dropped
+ a dumb meme
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 10 months
I love the film version of nimona but I do find it very funny how they’re like ‘ambrosius cut off ballister’s arm but he didn’t mean to 😢😢😢 he was just traumatised and reacting to a dangerous situation 😢😢😢’ whereas in the comic it’s like ‘ambrosius shot ballister with a laser canon that took off his whole fucking arm just because he couldn’t bear to lose lol. Lmao, even’
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 11 months
I do feel ashamed psychoanalyzing my attraction to jonathon levy but then again it’s what he would’ve wanted 🤷‍♀️
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 11 months
Goddamn jonathon and Mira really did just fuck nasty on some teenagers bed
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 11 months
Virgin loser Nimona movie opening with a cliched storybook narration vs Based chad Nimona book starting strong with implications that being a villain is a Real Job and bal joined an agency and therefore like. Probably pays taxes or at least like union fees or something lmao
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 11 months
Just watched nimona and while I really did enjoy it I think I liked the comic better. (Disclaimer: It’s been like 6 years since I read it so I might not be remembering some details correctly)
I really preferred the comics nonlinear storytelling. Let the audience learn about Bal as nimona does!! Don’t show his entire hand (oof) before the drama even starts! It seems like the creators wanted the audience to be able to see the story through Bals perspective instead of nimonas which I get but. Idk. Maybe I just don’t like linear stories.
I thought the movie defanged bal and ambrosius’ complicated relationship. The longer timespan between the assassination and nimonas entrance in the comic really brought out both the bitterness and devotion between the pair. The shorter period in the movie made it feel less significant. Like, of course they still love eachother bc it’s only been like a month max. Everything is still fresh compared to the delicious fermentation (ew why did I say it like that) in the comic.
I was also a bit disappointed in the animation. Don’t get me wrong I 100% support the animators and all the artists involved with this movie!! It just felt like it wasn’t given the time or budget to really shine. The jail break scenes in particular stood out as having very boring and generic backgrounds. Also, and this is just my own personal preference, the art style wasn’t my cup of tea. The webcomic had a wonderfully unique art style with adorably minimalistic facial features while the move was just. Kinda generically cutesy Disney-like with all the big puppy eyes.
As far as expanding on the material in the comics, though, the movie really was a lot of fun and I would still very much recomend it. Just, yknow. I also highly highly recomend reading the comic, too.
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my-blorbo-is-a-milf · 11 months
One funny thing to me about across the spiderverse was that like. You KNOW Hobie doesn't fuck with cops. You KNOW he was standing there like chewing on the inside of his cheek Not saying anything really really insensitive about Miles' dad. Spider-punk went the whole film without oinking at anybody I think his restraint is commendable
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"I can fix him" not in a "I can make him into a better person" way but in a "if he was my character I would've handled his story better" way
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Introduction post bc this side blog has existed for too long with zero posts!
I’m sam. My main is @motherofpuppets and my rlm sideblog is @mikestoklasaisamilf
This blog is mainly taking over the job of my main. I’m just trying not to annoy my rlm mutuals lmao.
If you did come here from my rlm sideblog, welcome!! There might be an occasional rlm post but probably not
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