my-catharsis · 3 years
Another day, another schoolwork that's need to be done.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
My Journey
A beautiful 1st quarter, studying media made me realized many things, like treasuring important moments in various ways. In writing, posting, tweeting, and videos that we can browse in the future.
I am not really into pictures and taking videos before, but before starting this school year and ofcourse because of the pandemic made me really that i still have time to create and store memories. And we never know what future brings and it is important to spend happy memories with our love ones.
Media Information Literacy, it sound exciting at the same time it is not my favorite subject. But after knowing things about media and how to gather informations it was facinating for me. And im looking foward to next quarter.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
Way of Communication Through Ages
A phrase “No man is an island.” is indeed true as there is need for humans to be able to blend and connect with others in order to survive. This was evidently shown through ages—from carving woods and rocks to represent the way they live and appreciate the beauty of nature to the modern technology we have which give us a “one click” gateway to be able to share and connect with people. But of course, this wont be possible without everything that happened in between.. This made the first and latest age of media more significant in every day life of an individual.
The booming age of machine production and inventions that made industrial work a lot easier is a mark of great success for all, and was recorded thoroughly in books and newspapers which were shared to many for knowledge building. As communicating with people who lives or resides in far areas became a hindrance for better bond, an invention made by Alexander Graham Bell made opened doors for people to communicate even they’re far away
This lead to electronic media age, which made communication become better than ever and entertainment become one of the perks of living in this age as this is where TVs, LCD Projectors etc. were born. This gave people a chance to understand the world and reality bigger picture.
All of this were rooted from people’s goal.. to be able to live and blend with others. These improvements will not just remain as it is as everyday is a chance for people to think creatively on how they can deal with life much easier with others in it.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
Where it starts....
It starts in out ancestors,
Past down to us.
The great stories we never believe,
Traditions that makes us family.
Sometimes it is written,
Sometimes it is a dance, even a song.
We never know what future can bring,
But we know the past that made us who we are.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
What a Life
Seek and you'll see,
What life may bring.
Locate and you'll find,
What life is all about.
Recognize the truth,
And be aware that life can bring light.
Evaluate your choices,
And be aware that life can bring amazing ends.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
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Many of us thinks that this is funny but it’s not. Stop it now. Stop it before it’s to late to save someone life.  
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my-catharsis · 4 years
This song remind me of deconstructing media.....
Not everyone can say whats in their head and sometimes, or should i say most of the times people tend to shut others out. But as time goes by i understand that not everyone can give feedback o reply right away. Maybe in time you'll get the respond you wanted to hear from them. Even if having no talk and just seeing them to do what you've always wanted for them is a feedback already.
Just like this song, the older she gets the more she understand the message of her parents. And after she understand, next step was to respond even if it's late because you can't really understand everything when you are a kid. That's why the older she get the more she know what to do, and what to say in the future.
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my-catharsis · 4 years
Tumblr media
As i grow up....
As i grow up,
Things become clearer.
As i grow up,
I choose to be a believer.
As i grow up,
I learn in a hard way.
I've grown up,
No one can stand in my way.
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