my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
another internet beef as a treat (why do i do this)
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
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Losing it at Christian Omer 1 & 2 and Yom St. Patrick Hakodesh
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
"REBLOG THIS NOW" demanding that i reblog something from you is an excellent method of ensuring that i never share your post, actually.
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
A cooking tutorial
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English added by me :)
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
another heavy handed symbolism moment: my mom has a potted sunflower in the kitchen. because it is a sunflower, it keeps turning towards the light from the window. my mother keeps rotating it so it faces inward because she wants "to see its beautiful petals and have it really brighten up the space!" . the sunflower is visibly wilting .
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
i don’t think the haters and losers understand just how stubborn i am. i will outlast you every time.
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
Disco maul be upon yee
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Hey remember when legends though it was a good idea to have vader in white (hate that on every concievable level btw) ? Maul would have pulled it off
Mean lesbian maul is now my comfort character to draw kgkfkfkfjf you will probably see her again not sorry xoxo <3
Surprise alt version :3c (cw blood) and process below vvv
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White is a bold color to wear for carnage <3
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This (hopefully) has some maul lockdown vibes :) but please bear in mind I only read half of it 5 years ago and remember nothing- this is a shot in the dark hope it landed somewhere
PS : why this top ? J'aurai bien fait la guerre pour ces étoiles moi lgigjglgl deso je suis beauf
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
for hanukkah my mom made me a jewish snoopy w a kippah and a star of david necklace and she secretly also made a scooby doo with a tallit and a star of david and a kippah and his name is scooby jew and he is my best friend
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
particular distaste lately for how, whenever i bring up hatred of fat and hairy people in primarily wlw spaces, there’s a running undercurrent that spans from just gently assuming i’m talking about butches, to saying shit like “just say butch, this is what butch used to mean before the Skinny White Androgynous Girls ruined it in 20whatever”
on many layers; the surface layer just being, no the fuck it did not, butch didn’t “used to” mean anything different than what it means now, and if you think it did, you’re buying into radfem revisionism that paints specifically the 1950s-60s white working class lesbian bars as the universally beloved halcyon days of yore that defined lesbianism for all communities forever. quit it with that shit.
but on a deeper level, i truly think that shunting all fat and hairy people off into needing to queer masculinity forever is… shitty? that’s just shitty? fat and hairy people can be femme. i know many fat and hairy femmes. fat and hairy people can be androgynous, can not relate to the butch-femme spectrum or social roles at all. the idea that if you’re fat and/or hairy you are uninterested in queering femininity or performing femininity to any degree is bigoted.
also, butch is not a body type. i’m sorry that you think skinny girls with side mullets aren’t queering masculinity enough for you, but the skinny butch who can’t lift an air conditioner is still a butch. butch has never been a description of a body type, get out of my house.
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
ART BLOG @jizzwailer3000 !!!!!!!!!!
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
the bassline to jolene is incredibly simple + i learned it in less than a day but it fucks so goddamn hard. just like the rest of the song
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
For every terf throwing a shit fit over my masc positivity post, i will kiss a dude and remind people that despite what radfem rhetoric says, masculinity is not the root of all evil
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
i hate when ppl act like the only reason to not like a "sad" ending is because you can't take it or whatever. personally as a tragedy enjoyer, i hate a poorly written ending. i hate an ending that is just kind of a bummer. i hate an ending that feels mean-spirited to the audience. i hate an ending that's redundant. i love a sad ending that is thematically consistent, poignant, and bespoke to the rest of its narrative.
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
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~Happy passover~
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
I think the thing that baffles and disturbs me the most is the people here reposting the most heinous shit about (((Zionists))) like Holocaust inversion, blood libel, the rapes and murders of oct7 being deserved (yes even the children! If they even really happened!), Israelis should "go home", BDS, making and sharing lists of known (((Zionists))), etc. All while desperately CLINGING to their belief that they are absolutely not antisemetic (and they truly mean Jews there, not semetic people!) and their blogs are "safe spaces for their Jewish friends." Absolutely balls to the wall fucking wild.
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my-chemical-ratz · 3 months
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