Redesigned Lei, Looking good so far!
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I really do like the new hair design, I think it suits her better! I also got a newer art program to make things easier, so far I am enjoying it!
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Is that an incoming Lei redesign?
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Still in progress, keep ya posted!
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
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Wohoo! Already hit 15! Sorry I haven't posted earlier, but enjoy a drawing of a OC I made with my friend, Ash.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
10 Subs Celebration!
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Wohoo! Reached 10+ followers, though it’s not a lot I still think it’s a milestone to be celebrated. Unfortunately I don’t really have access to my computer being on holidays, so I am going to try my best to pump out a few sketches, along with more fan art and different characters! Keep posted.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Merry Christmas!
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Wooohooooo! Ten followers! For the occasion, I decided to draw Lei celebrating the festive season, and she look's like she is enjoying it!
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Lei - Ref drawing.
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I haven't even put a proper reference up for Lei! So have this one, I might of edited few bits and bobs, but overall, it's pretty much the same design.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Wan Ji - But Monkey?!
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I just have to say, I absolutely ADORE this character! I decided to do a quick artwork break and this idea hopped into my mind and I had to go with it. (She’s been monkey-fied) I hope you like it @journeytomonkiekid! And congrats on reaching Ch.6 🎉 (Note : Thanks so much for all the likes! Nearly hitting 100 on my birthday means ALOT to me! )
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Me? Posting?
It's been a LONG time since I've done anything but I will be posting something slightly bigger soon! So enjoy this dot-art thing I did of my little monkey! ( Doesn't everyone love a Quality Drop... )
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Epilogue - Lei's Story
Notes - I might tidy up the quick sketch I did, but for now it will do. This is going to be a short Kickstarter to Lei's story, so feel free to read through! As always likes are always appreciated
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Epilogue - Lei
Lei had always been curious, always wondering what the journey ahead of her would bring, constantly asking questions and seeking answers. But as soon as her mentor, Leigong had told her a week ago that her training would come to a end, she had felt almost sad to know her life would suddenly change, it had been many years of her training by his side, ever since she was about seven in human years to when she was around four-teen. Leigong had led her into the forest, no clues to what she would be doing or where she would be going, except that this is going to be a very important task. She walked quietly beside her mentor, who was draped in more casual attire, one of his heavily adorned belts, along with a jade green robe that dragged along the floor and covered his hands completely. She noticed Leigong craning his head down towards her, and she immediately tightened her posture and looked forewords. He cleared his throat, parting his razor sharp beak and looking forewords as well, "Do you know why we are here, my little lotus." His voice boomed as he looked down at Lei, his vibrant gold eyes piercing through the surrounding fog. "We are here for my final assignment?" She looked up, her three tails swayed peacefully behind her. "Good, we are here for your final test." He craned his neck back to look at the path ahead of him. Lei stood there in confusion, waiting to see if he would answer, before she quickly raced forwards to keep up with the thunder god.
"Master, would you mind... elaborating on what exactly the task is?" He cleared his throat, before reaching his arm behind Lei, and resting his talons on her shoulder softly. "Shi Senshan mountain is inhabited by vicious beast, those who have venom capable of killing even gods. I have sent you there to slay all of the beasts, and restore balance to the lands of the mortal and immortal plane." Lei's eyes widened, did he just ask me to try and kill a whole race of god-killing beasts that live under a mountain... She paused to see if he would say anything else, but she knew Leigong was never one to joke around, and was always straight to the point. Leigong spoke once more, "After you have completed this task, than you will receive a piece of armour, and your own weapon. You will no longer be known as Lei, but as the White Hornet." He looked down, continuing on, "You will be part of the pantheon of gods, and will gain a high status in heaven. I know this task is not easy, but I have seen something inside of you Lei, something that you have not yet learned, and something you will need to unlock to complete this quest." Lei would normally be extremely exited by the idea of joining the Jade Emperors council, but when Leigong told her of the other parts connected to this, she couldn't help but get caught thinking about the powers she hadn't unlocked yet. It only took a few more minutes until they reached Shi Senshan mountain, the mighty thunder god reached into his robe to pull out two large jade bracelets. The jade cuffs were carved with intricate cloud markings, and closer to the edges of them were raised bands. He slowly slid the bracelets onto Lei's wrists, at first she thought that they wouldn't fit, but they seemed to slide on neatly. "These bracelets will help guide you through this journey. Whatever you do, you must not leave the cave before completing the task." She nodded, before turning to the mountain, a large deep cave laid in front of her, sounds echoed through the mouth of the cave. She looked back at Leigong, he normally didn't show any emotion, as if his face was drained of any signs of emotions, but she felt as if she could see a hint of sadness and regret flash through his eyes. She sighed, turning back to the cave, one trembling step afront of another she made her way into the darkness.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Equinox AU - Part 2
======================= |+| ======================= When they got there, they found some of the Godkillers were already dead, probably from the possessed monkeys trying to irradicate any dangers towards themselves. When they got deep inside the mountain, they found the cave which Lei had hidden the bracelets in, above the box the bracelet fragments were held in was a white suit, which was topped with a large cloak, all in white. Infront of it was a large piece of rope, a large Kyokestu-Shogue (2 blades attached to a firm, long rope). Lei explained that after she got the bracelets off Leigong would reward her with the title "White Hornet" and she would work under him as his weapon. The suit was almost like a 'conductor' It would absorb power around it and use it as fuel for the wearer. Jin Shi and Ming Yu persuaded Lei that it was the best way to defeat the spirits. So Lei got the suits and the bracelet and they all set for Mystic mountain. When they arrived Lei summoned a almost 'biblical' storm, attracting Macaque to them. Lei used her Kyokestu and fought Macaque, trying her best not to injure them. But as soon as Lei led him into the centre, she swung her Kyokestu forewords, wrapping around Macaque's neck and feeding to Ming Yu, who was hiding in the shadows. Jin Shi then stepped out from hiding and used his powers to try and forge the bracelets onto Macaque, with the help of Lei and Ming Yu. After that they took him back to the cave to help him recover from the effects of the Mind control, Lei defending everyone with her new weapon, Ming Yu getting food and supplies, And MK keeping Macaque company. Jin Shi became very close to Macaque, and Lei decided that Macaque and Wukong were probably the parents of Jin Shi, and told both of them. Once Lei had figured out to use her illusion powers to suppress the effects of the bracelets, she guided Macaque and trained him to suppress the negative effects of the bracelets. Once they were well enough, they went searching for their old allies, they found Mei first, who had now been permanently formed into a Dragon to survive the attack she received from the first fight with the spirits, she was happy to see Jin Shi, but told him little on how he knew someone who was just like him. Afterwards, they found Tang, Sandy and Pigsy, who was also overwhelmed to see the three, kept their past secret from Jin, before heading over to the Demon Bull King's palace. Redson met them, at first trying his best to escape them, before deciding to join them. He too had gained a ability, he was able to shift into a form much like his fathers, and shift back. Once they had all gathered, they entered the mountain which the spirits used as a stronghold. Tang, Sandy, Pigsy, Mei and Redson fought of the demons and minions the spirits had summoned to their side. Lei and Macaque fought against the Red Tiger spirit, with Lei's thunder-bird form and Macaques shadow form, With MK fighting Wukong, When MK finally lured out the Green fox spirit, the 4 monkeys came together, and combine their powers to defeat the spirits, and restore balance to the Mortal and Immortal planes. And finally, after it all, the family was reunited. ======================= |+| ======================= Image 1: Lei's White Hornet Outfit Image 2: Lei's Parrabellum Equinox AU ref
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Equinox AU - Part 1
======================= |+| ======================= The first one I'm gonna mention is the Resurrection AU (Use to be the Parabellum AU but was changed to Resurrection) Is basically one of 2 'What if' scenario's, In this AU the Green Fox and Red Tiger win the battle against the team, taking MK's life and forcing the monkeys to retreat, separating from the others to try and draw away the Green fox, who was joined by Red Tiger at the end of the battle. When they hid, they took MK's body with them, and whilst they were hiding it suddenly changed form into a small stone rock, which is almost Identical to the one that Wukong was born from. Wukong and Macaque knew that they had to get it out of there, so they told Lei that they would cover for her whilst they fought the spirits alone. When the plan went to action Lei didn't expect the spirits to posses the monkeys, and from this they finally finished the final step to their plan and could take over the world with the powers of their vessels. The possessed monkeys turned to Lei and when she pulled out her staff to protect herself, using a mechanism to make it two large blades, Macaque jumped up and kicked them into her face (Giving her A identical scar to the one she had in chapter 3) and Wukong blasted her with his powers, as the smoke cleared they found her to be gone, Along with Monkey King's legendary staff. Over the years the Green Fox Wukong and the Red Tiger Macaque had established their dynasty to both the Heavenly plane, and the Mortal plane. They used their powers to take down rebellions, and taxed the smaller cities and villages heavily for their food, weapons and armour. But on the other hand, Lei and the egg, which had now hatched, was hiding in the fight club. The egg had hatched into a small monkey, which looked almost like a combination between Wukong and Macaque, and was named Jin Shi (Nicknamed MK though). Lei and Ming Yu trained MK secretly, (who grew surprisingly quickly) One day when Wukong (Who was possessed by Green Fox Spirit) was walking through the streets to collect the newest weapon, everybody crowded the paths to come and respect the tyrant. MK decided to go and take his own look at the enemy he was trained to defend himself against, promising himself to keep hidden so Lei doesn't find out. But as he got close enough to see, he tripped, falling out of line to the side of the Monkey King. Monkey King looked down on Jin Shi, and for a moment his eyes flickered from green back to gold. Before Jin Shi could do anything Lei found him and yanked him back into the crowd, taking him home as quickly as she could. Lei told MK off for doing what he did, before explaining what happened before he was born (Basically her backstory) through using her illusion powers. Jin Shi was adamant that they could bring them back, and after Ming Yu and Lei digging through nearly every scroll they could find, they devised a plan. They would use the Jade Bracelet fragments and the Mystic mountain to put the bracelets on Macaque, much like they removed the bracelets from Lei (The bracelets could deter possession and other curses) and afterwards they would find a replacement object for both Macaque and Wukong, using a magic jar to keep the spirits locked up. The only problem was the Godkillers from Shi Senshan mountain and the fact the bracelets were buried in a cave in the same mountain. So they set off to try and obtain the bracelets. CONTINUED IN PART 2 ======================= |+| =======================
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Character Fight Scenes - Oc VS Oc
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Basically, why I created this? Long version: - Me and My friend had a idea that we would put some of our OC's against each other in a tournament, which led to a arena tournament. After putting 21 of our OC's against each other we ended up with Lei ( My LMK OC) and Sphynx (My friends WOF Animus OC) It was pretty clear who would win, and as soon as Lei would step onto the arena, the animus would do what any animus would do and squish her powers. So I decided after a few painful hours of sketching, to go and draw it! Short version: - We put a Animus against a monkie with anger issues and there was a clear winner.
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Gnat - WOF OC
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Just a random Refsheet of a character (Gnat the Hivewing) I made awhile ago and then decided to redesign! I was originally using him for a DND campaign, but we never got around to it!
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
The White Hornet - JTTW OC
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The White Hornet
The White Hornet was a idea I had by using Lei, but changing the story significantly by making it so instead of Leigong trying to imprison Lei, he embraces them as if they were her daughter and raises her in the celestial realm, Ill continue writing more about it soon! ( The weapon she is wielding is her own form of weapon, taken inspiration of the Kyoketsu-shoge, but with her own enhancements and 2 blades which she uses, which has the magic to stretch the rope to desired lengths and is made of unbreakable string )
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
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my-final-braincells · 2 years
Lei's Story Summarised
(Disclaimer: I do not own all of these characters, Lei is mine, the rest are owned by Lego Monkie Kid. This is just a summary of Lei's story, not the full thing)
Chapter 1 : Untold
Basically, She was the student of Leigong (The god of thunder), and he set her 1 last assignment before she could become a sage, and that was to kill the inhabitants of Shi Shensan, Little did she know that the jade bracelets she was given as a gift would bind her to the mountain till she killed all of the god-killing demons that inhabited the mountain, with the power of Illusions. Slowly she spent her life in the caverns, killing as many of the beasts as she could, but the creatures were not called Godkillers for nothing, and continued to strike back, making it almost impossible.
One day she decided that she was fed up with the caves, and fought back against the illusions, finding it hard to keep them at bay, but keeping them away just enough to escape. She constantly battled illusions as she made her way into the city, before snapping in a alleyway near Pigsy's noodles. As the illusions took hold of her, MK after his shift went to place some leftovers from the restaurant in the trash, before hearing heavy breathing and deciding to investigate, nearing Lei. Lei slowly turned around, her eyes clouded with a green hint as she looked on at MK (She was experiencing a vision where she was facing a Godkiller), and slowly she drew lightning in the shape of her double bladed staff. But little did both of them know that Macaque was watching from the rooftop as the illusions took Lei, and before she struck MK with her lightning, Macaque instinctively leapt in the way, and took the blow. She paused, her visions glitching again, as she regained sight she saw what she did, and retreated in the shadows. Meanwhile MK took Macaque into the noodle shop so he could help them heal, Macaque, who was unconscious.
It took her 3 days before she came back to the alleyway, after living in the streets of the scraps of food she could find, before she came back to the alleyway looking for food. She was suddenly confronted with both Wukong, who was absolutely livid over what 'she had done', and MK. Before they attacked, Macaque leapt his way between them as Sun Wukong struck with his staff, but Lei sheltered him from the attack, and proceeded to take a defensive position Infront of him. And after a long explanation of why she 'attacked them' they decided to take her into the noodle shop and plan how to get the bracelets off her.
Wukong, who was still very suspicious of the monkey decided to take them to flower fruit mountain towards a certain platform, which when activated could un-bind powerful curses, but is very dangerous and requires a lot of power. Wukong (Being who Wukong is) decided to leave out the last p art, and told them that he could do all of it by himself, even though he knew that it would take a lot of effort. So Wukong, Lei, Macaque and MK went to Flower Fruit Mountain. Lei suddenly felt at home as soon as she took her first steps on the mountain, so they made their way to the platform and when Wukong tried to break the chains, it ended up activating them, which made her suddenly snap into her 'Illusive state', but before she could attack, Macaque and MK lent in and helped, finally breaking the chains, and unlocking her full power. With the chains of suddenly she was a lot more vibrant, happy and stronger, and when Sun Wukong told her that she should be off now, she agreed, but MK stopped Wukong in his tracks, and invited to stay with MK at Pigsy's noodles, which Wukong un-willingly agreed to.
Lei trailed along MK, and with the help of MK, Mei, and Redson (Who was more dragged into this), she was almost caught up on everything she missed when she was imprisoned in the mountain. And became close friends with the trio, But as this was happening, Macaque stuck around because of the free food and his injury's, along with the fact Wukong wanted MK to keep a close watch on the too monkeys. Lei, who had a interest in Macaque, and also a insatiable need to figure out more about his relationships with the members, follows him one night to the Shadow Play cinema, where upon entering the stage, Lei revealed herself. Macaque, who was almost impressed decided after a short conversation to show her the same shadow play he had shown MK with the best of his abilities, and after that Lei became very sympathetic for Macaque and grew closer as friends, They snuck out during night to go around and do fun things, one thing that made Lei the happiest was a place called 'The Pit' where the collector (You'll find out more about them later) hosts a fighting contest, along with a drinks bar and plenty of things for Lei to cause havoc with. They didn't notice but in the background a ancient evil brewed, and MK, who was picking up on some strange things, was ignored. But as soon as there was a report of a green fox like figure, that lurked in the sewers and scared off trespassers or lost people, they leapt to the case, with Tang recognising a rumour there was something called 'The book that was not yet written' and there were two scrolls on it, and he knew little about their locations.
So when MK and the rest of the group went to go steal the scroll from the museum of Megapolis, a heavily guarded area. Wukong, Lei and Macaque (Who Wukong dragged along because he could not trust him with the others) Went to the club of a private collector, And when they entered they saw the scroll was hanging on a plaque above the stage, so they needed someone to distract the audience whilst the other two steal it. Lei without a question takes the stage and starts singing, which captivates the crowd so much, that they could not notice two very conspicuous monkeys, hanging off the ceiling, stealing a scroll from the top of the stage. And before anyone could notice they raced off, and reunited with the other three, which also encountered their fair deal of 'trouble' as they went. When Wukong and Macaque were studying the scrolls, Lei and MK went to investigate the sewers, which ended them captured by the Green Fox Spirit. And when Wukong and Macaque learnt of this, they knew they had to visit the celestial realm, where the 'Book that was not yet written' was located.
Macaque and Wukong knew it would have to be a joint effort and they would have to co-operate. When they got there, they were told by one of the gods which met them at the door, that the only visitors who were not gods or sages, had to be the gods or sages closest relatives. So Wukong suddenly input that Macaque was Wukongs husband, and managed to barely trick the god, who knew that they were probably up to no good, and decided that they should only stay one night. So they decided to join the gods feast, to see if they could find out anything about the scroll. But when they arrived, one of the gods, Guanyin, who sent Monkey King on the quest to the west in the first place, wasn't convinced that Wukong and Macaque were actually in a relationship, knowing that Wukong has actually killed Macaque before, and called this out to the gods. Which immediately followed with them believing her. Macaque, suddenly had a Idea and dragged Wukong to the centre stage, which took most of the gods, including Wukong himself, by utter surprise. Macaque, who knew of Wukongs stage fright, comforted him into the idea of a dance, like the dance fights they use to have when they were training. So they danced, combining their fighting skills with their little knowledge of dance, finished the dance and convinced most of the gods that they were actually husband and husband. But as they left the stage they saw a weak astral projection of Lei. They quickly left the dinner in a "polite" fashion, and Lei led them to the library, and to the section where they would find the 'Book that was not yet written'.
After finding this, they hid it and decided to pack up and leave, but as they neared the gate they suddenly were overcome with this aromatic smell, and everything suddenly blacked out. They both awoke in a cell, separated by a wall, and tied down by rope, Suddenly they started to argue between each other, before falling quiet and Wukong finally apologises for what he did, and then Macaque joins in, both of them (For what feels like the first time in thousands of years) before Macaque suddenly falls silent. Wukong was confused at first before hearing whispering, and pausing, he... remembered the whispering... Suddenly he ripped through the ropes and barged out of the cell with a sudden strength, to find a shaded figure standing there, he told the Monkey King he knew what he was doing, and if the Jade Emperor knew he was with Macaque, or turned Macaque over for his various crimes, than he would be rewarded greatly. But whilst this was going on, the tightening spell that Tripitaka used on Sun Wukong was playing in the background, and unfortunately Macaque was wearing that exact headband. Wukong hesitated before whipping around and pummelling the shadowed figure into the wall, and grabbing Macaque and zipping out of there.
So later on they found their way to Pigsy's noodles, and got ready for a confrontation with the Green fox spirit, which they learnt was part of a story called Green fox, Red tiger, that was about two twin spirits, they were almost seen as the embodiment of betrayal and the only way to defeat them is to forget broken bonds and to trust each other. So with that, Wukong barely took any of that to heart, and devised the plan that they would sneak around the sewers, and if they need to they would split up, Wukong aiming to find MK and Macaque aiming for Lei. As they arrived, they found MK but just to late, they dragged him quickly into a intersection, but found themselves Infront of the spirit, but before they could go ahead and attack the spirit, Lei appeared, under the Spirits control, Eyes glowing with green radiance as she single handily dealt with the group. But Macaque remembered what he had learnt, and used her memories to free her, reminding her of the amazing time she spent with the group. But as she was brought back, the fox charged enough of a attack so they could deal with the three monkeys. She raised her misty tendrils to strike down on them, but before she could do anything MK rammed into her, weakening her at the price of MK's strength, with MK almost injured to the point of death, the 3 monkeys banded together and used their powers as one, allowing all of them to summon on each others powers as they worked almost like a hive mind. Bringing down the spirit they noticed that MK was running out of time so Wukong entombed him in a golden amber-like substance to keep his condition stable whilst they could think of something to do, so they brought him out to the light, Mei and Redson came rushing over. And that was when he decided to confess that he actually had a crush on MK the whole time, and was actually deeply sad that he was never able to tell them. But, suddenly the amber started to crack, and Tang stepped forewords, with Tripitaka guiding him as he directed the team on how they could save him. Using their powers much like they did to defeat the LBD they channelled their powers using tangs magic to help restore his physical form, with the adjustment this time he was a actual monkey. So afterwards, Macaque and Lei joined Sun Wukong on flower fruit mountain, and Mk, Mei, and Redson worked together to protect the city once again.
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