my-juicy-fantasies · 24 days
Jinshi's Surprise
Jinshi x Maomao ft. Gaoshun
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A/N: Happy birthday @ppystkposts, I think you're wonderful and wanted to write you something, so hopefully you'll enjoy this chaotic little thing^^ Have a lovely day!!
Summary: Jinshi has a surprise for Maomao, but things don't go as planned. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.9K
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Part 1. Jinshi POV.
Not here. Not here either. Jinshi was losing his mind. Where was she? This girl was avoiding him. That apothecary! The nerve!
"Master Jinshi. Please calm down."
"I am calm," Jinshi replied, but he indeed was not. "I just thought, you know. Maybe she got lost, or poisoned. Or abducted. One of those," Jinshi tried to reason calmly as he and Gaoshun headed back to his room.
It had been a while since he sent Gaoshun to summon Maomao for a special surprise.
"What exactly did you tell her?"
"What you told me to tell her. You have a surprise for her. She said she would be here soon."
Soon. Jinshi had always vaguely felt that Maomao respected Gaoshun even more than she respected him. A feeling he hated. But to think she would lie to Gaoshun's face too... Did she dislike Jinshi so much? To not even want this surprise from him?
His surprise stood ungifted on the table in his room. A foreign poisonous plant, she must like that.
He wanted to see the cute smirk on her face when he gave it to her. He wanted to hear her ramble about how extraordinary the gift was. He wanted her to ask him how he got it, and then listen to his casual explanation even though he put in quite some effort. He wanted her to show that rare genuine smile to him, with her eyes filled with love and joy...
Oof. He wanted so much. But she wasn't even coming when asked, and now Jinshi felt sad.
"If she doesn't want her surprise, maybe I should eat the plant and make her heal m-Hwah!" Jinshi yelped when Gaoshun poked his side.
"What! You wouldn't!" They just reached his room and Jinshi stumbled right in.
"We talked about it last time, Master Jinshi. Everytime you act like a child, I will treat you like one."
"I wahahasn't acting like a- hehehey no! Dohohon't!" Jinshi hurried towards his couch, with Gaoshun right after him, both his hands attacking his sides with the one thing that made Jinshi lose all control: tickling.
"That tihihickles! Nohoho!" Jinshi cackled, dancing and squirming around like a worm to avoid Gaoshun's determined fingers.
"I am aware it does. Maybe next time refrain from joking around about taking in poison," was Gaoshun's strict answer while he continued to tickle.
He was serious. Gaoshun would never go as far as tickling Jinshi as a joke. He seriously seemed eager to punish Jinshi for his behavior, so Jinshi laughed hysterically and tried to wriggle his way out with an apology.
"Ahahalright! I ahaham s-sorry! I won't- ahahah stohohop that! I wahahasn't- ehehe!"
Jinshi had collapsed on the couch and was squirming around. When he desperately clung to the backrest and tried to climb away from Gaoshun's prying fingers, he froze when he found a surprising presence kneeling right behind the couch. What.
"Hello, Master Jinshi."
The apothecary! Jinshi let out an unmanly shriek, and Gaoshun immediately stopped tickling him, gasping in shock as well.
"W-wha- Xiaomao?"
Maomao got up instantly and wiped the non-existent dust off her clothes - just to be clear, Jinshi's room was perfectly clean.
"W-w-what are you doing here?!" Jinshi huffed. Maomao looked at him, then at Gaoshun and she bowed politely.
"I was told you called for me."
Jinshi's eye twitched. Well yes, that was true but... Why was she hiding behind the couch?! What was she even thinking and... Jinshi felt as if the floor was collapsing beneath his feet.
She heard him... She heard Gaoshun tickle him. She heard him laugh like a, like a, like a what?
Jinshi breathed heavily at the realization that this was probably never going to leave that girl's memory ever. She was going to remember him as the helpless, uncool, ticklish Master Jinshi... Forever...
"Gaoshun. Hold her."
Maomao didn't seem at all alarmed when Gaoshun grabbed both her arms. She merely looked up at him with curiosity and slight confusion. But then Jingshi wiggled his fingers and she gulped.
Yes. There was only one way to avenge his dignity, or what was left of it.
"For sneaking around and seeing things she mustn't see. One is to be punished..." Jinshi said slowly.
He had to tickle her and make her remember that more than anything. He glared at Gaoshun. Yes. Gaoshun was going to allow it. He played a big part in his humiliation after all. Gaoshun gave a stiff nod, and Maomao let out a soft cry.
"No Master Jinshi- I can explain - I, eeek! What do you think you're- noooo! Nonono don't do that, aaaaaahh!"
Jinshi smirked while he reached out for Maomao's struggling body. Looked like they were in for quite the fun ride.
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Part 2. Maomao POV.
Such a turn of events. Maomao stared in horror as Jinshi's tall figure loomed over her while her arms remained stuck in Gaoshun's hold. Jinshi's wiggling fingers inched closer and closer, and Gaoshun's grip wasn't loosening.
Oh dear. Oh no. This was it. Instead of poison, she was going to die from hysteria and embarrassment. From tickling.
This was not what she signed up for! It wasn't her fault that she ended up, well yes, overhearing something private... Such as Jinshi giggling and laughing like a child as he was getting tickled.
Despite her predicament, Maomao almost felt a smug smirk coming up. Jinshi, giggly and ticklish. Who would have thought?
Earlier today when Gaoshun came to look for her to invite her into Jinshi's room for a surprise, this wasn't what Maomao had expected to find. Or well, it clearly wasn't the intended 'surprise'.
Maomao ended up getting caught up in studying some poisons so much that she ended up losing track of time. Then hours later, the moment she rushed towards Jinshi's room and didn't get a reply after knocking, she opened the door slightly to see if he was simply being pissy about her not showing up sooner and if he was ignoring her, or if he really wasn't here.
He really wasn't there.
In other cases she would've waited for him to arrive, really. But right after opening the door, she noticed a remarkable plant on Jinshi's table. There was also a subtle interesting scent lingering in the air. Her curiosity got the better of her and she slipped right in, without Jinshi being here...
The plant seemed foreign, poisonous and very rare. Perhaps it had caused a mysterious case of poisoning at the palace and the surprise was a new mystery for Maomao to solve. Hmhm.
Maomao couldn't fight her desires to smell it, feel it, taste it...
But then as soon as she had picked a leaf and put it in her mouth, she heard Jinshi and Gaoshun's voices and footsteps. They were coming back, ah! In panic, Maomao instinctively hid herself behind the sofa and nibbled on the poisonous leaf there.
She barely had time to regret her decision of hiding herself rather than reveal herself to Jinshi. Already very soon, Jinshi's surprising laughter sounded through the entire room, startling her.
"That tihihickles! Nohoho!"
Jinshi was ticklish... Maomao quickly spit some remains of the poisonous leaf out and listened carefully. Jinshi's laughter was quite something else. It sounded so sweet and bubbly.
Maomao had wished to listen to it some more, but then... she got caught. Her eyes made contact with Jinshi's, and she noted the subtle blush on his cheeks and the sparkle in his eyes from laughing so much.
"Hello, Master Jinshi," was all Maomao could say. She came out of her hiding spot and tried to explain herself to a very flustered Jinshi, when the order came:
"Gaoshun. Hold her."
But why? Maomao wasn't sure at first what to expect when Gaoshun really grabbed her. Was he going to stop her from tasting more poison? It wasn't the first time they would gang up on her like this to prevent her from munching on something poisonous. But then Jinshi started to wiggle those fingers towards her, and she knew she was done for.
He was going to tickle her.
"No Master Jinshi- I can explain - I, eeek! What do you think you're- noooo! Nonono please don't do that, ahahanything but- aaaaaahh!" She struggled and kicked with her legs, but nothing could be done. The moment Jinshi touched her sides, a tickly tingle shot right through her body, and laughter started to bubble up.
"Ehehehe no plehehease! It ihihisn't fahahair! Lehehet me goooo- naahaha!"
Cursed with a ticklish body, Maomao had suffered frequent attacks from her sisters, and was even a regular target at the Jade Pavilion. That was just the story of her life.
Jinshi was the last person she wanted to find out about it. To think Maomao didn't consider that when she thought she could get away with laughing about him being ticklish.
"Hehehe, how are you liking this, hm?" Jinshi chuckled while his fingers shamelessly tickled Maomao's exposed sides and ribs. What was he all smug for! As if he was getting her back for tickling him just now! It was Gaoshun!
Speaking of Gaoshun... What had gotten into him? Why would he assist with something like this! Maomao tried to pull her arms free, but even though Gaoshun seemed to put in minimal efforts, his grip felt tight and he wouldn't even budge when she continued to struggle.
"Good. Keep holding her like that, Gaoshun," Jinshi complimented. Maomao wasn't sure what was happening, but all she knew was that it tickled so, so, so bad!
"The punishment is working," Jinshi said proudly. Working how?!
Maomao wanted to growl, but she could only cackle hysterically. "Mahahaster Jinshi, nohoho! Fohohorgive mehehe!" She wasn't even sure what was there to forgive, yes maybe sneaking in and overhearing him getting tickled. But she felt that the punishment was a bit out of proportion. She was helplessly exposed to the relentless tickle attack, there was nothing she did that deserved such treatment.
Except, eh, maybe eat the very rare and precious poisonous plant on his table. But they wouldn't know she did that, right? She licked her lips. She could still taste it on her lips, and her throat was burning and tingling pleasantly. If the effect had been worse, she may have been spewing all over Jinshi by now. Luckily that wasn't the case.
"Enjoying yourself there, apothecary? I assure you, we are not done yet." Jinshi's fingers started to climb up further, and Maomao's eyes widened.
"Waha-wait ehehehe what are you...! Eyaaaahahaa!" Oh no. Not. Her. Armpits! Maomao threw her back and howled. She was done for!
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Part 3. Gaoshun POV.
Maomao's bright and unrestrained laughter was a rare and unique sound. Gaoshun had never heard her make such a voice before. She giggled, squealed and begged, and there were moments when he felt bad for her.
Jinshi was having way too much fun with this. But there were three reasons not to interfere, for now, as long as he sensed that Maomao wasn't going to die laughing.
Reason one: Gaoshun knew it was kind of his fault that Jinshi's childish, defenseless and ticklish side got exposed to the one girl he would probably never want to show this side to.
It just happened to be something between them. Gaoshun tickled Jinshi more than once in a while to teach him a small lesson anytime he acted like a child. It mostly involved Maomao whenever Jinshi deserved to be tickled. But he would never humiliate Master Jinshi in front of her. Not without his permission at least.
Reason two: Maomao wasn't supposed to be hiding in here. What was she even thinking? Sure, he knew she was a free spirit. Smart and cunning even. But he never imagined she would sneak into Jinshi's room and hide there. What if she did this again and overheard other things, such as the truth about Jinshi's identity?
With different circumstances, this could've been really dangerous. He agreed with Jinshi, Maomao deserved to be punished for this. And while tickling her wasn't necessarily what would've come to his mind first, Gaoshun couldn't help but let Jinshi get away with this for now, with some minor support from Gaoshun himself.
Reason three: They were having fun. It was truly a rare and remarkable sight, but despite laughing her head off, and despite feeling embarrassed and worked up, both Maomao and Jinshi appeared to be having fun. Even when Maomao's laughter was forced by the tickling, Gaoshun had never sensed so much joy between them.
He smiled fondly. Perhaps, if Maomao wouldn't curse Jinshi for the rest of her life after getting tickled like this, there was a chance it might even cause them to grow closer. Knowing each other's weaknesses wasn't a bad thing. Especially if that weakness was being ticklish, which would cause the other to crumble and giggle adorably.
"Mahahaster Jinshi- not thehehere ahahah!" Maomao squealed when Jinshi tickled her under her arms. Gaoshun snapped out of his thoughts and looked back down at Maomao's struggling figure in his arms. The poor girl seemed to be even more ticklish than Jinshi and was making quite the scene.
"Yes, apothecary. Since you ask so kindly, this is exactly where I will tickle you," Jinshi said in a formal tone. There was a happy grin on his face and he appeared to be completely cured from his embarrassment. Gaoshun could understand that. Maomao's laughter was that contagious.
"Is everything alright over here? Oh dear." Gaoshun looked up to see Suiren peeking into the room.
Gaoshun nodded. "Everything is fine." Suiren smiled fondly at the unique sight, shook her head and left again. Meanwhile Jinshi was taunting Maomao with some fake tickles.
"Hayah! Hayeh!" Jinshi made weird sounds as he feigned some pokes, making Maomao twitch and squeak.
"S-stohohop thahat!"
"I'm not even tickling you. But, now I am."
"AAHahah not agaaaaain Mahahaster Jinshi wahahait!"
Jinshi had a lot of fun switching between her armpits and ribs, and when he wiggled his fingers towards her hips, Gaoshun was about to interfere since at this stage Jinshi was getting a little too handsy with her. But then... Jinshi froze all of a sudden, and Maomao gasped for air.
"Is that...?" Jinshi pulled something off Maomao's robes and he studied it. It was green and looked like...
Gaoshun's eyes widened. "Xiaomao tasted the plant," he said immediately, knowing her very well. Maomao yelped in surprise.
"I-it was only one leaf, I swear!"
Jinshi huffed and wailed dramatically: "GET HER SOME WATER! ANTIDOTE! MAKE HER THROW UP!"
"There is no antidote," Maomao said dryly, but still Gaoshun and Jinshi dragged her away to clear her throat. At last that did conclude the tickling party.
"What is this plant doing here anyway?" Maomao asked after she had some water. Despite tasting poison, she seemed as unfazed as ever. Meanwhile Jinshi still appeared in shock.
"I w-was going to give it to you. To study. Not to eat."
Gaoshun remembered he had warned Jinshi before that Maomao might eat it, and he covered his mouth and chuckled. Stubborn as ever, Master Jinshi was.
"You would give that to me? Is there something wrong?"
"No, nothing is wrong. It is a gift."
Jinshi was sitting on the couch and Maomao was standing behind the table as if no tickly business had happened just now. Gaoshun observed their formal conversation.
"A gift... for me?" Maomao asked, squinting her eyes. It was as if she didn't believe it.
"Yes, for you. As long as you promise not to eat it."
...... Maomao continued to glare, and for a moment Gaoshun really pitied Jinshi. But then Maomao's eyes sparkled and she smiled brightly. She jumped towards the plant and hugged it.
"Thank you! Master Jinshi, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Jinshi blushed and seemed happy with her response. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and smiled.
"A-and consider eh, that punishment just now..." Jinshi said, and he eyed Maomao carefully. "As my way to request your silence. W-what you heard earlier, is to be kept a secret. If not, I will punish you again, and I will show no mercy."
Maomao blinked and nodded. "Understood." For someone threatened with tickle torture, she appeared completely aloof.
"To add to that, I also request that you not sneak into Master Jinshi's room again," Gaoshun said. "If we catch you again, I too will show no mercy."
Maomao gulped. Gaoshun was surprised to see her take him more seriously than Jinshi, but all was fine as long as the message was clear.
"U-u-understood!" she squeaked. She bowed with the plant still in her arms and slowly stepped back.
"Thank you again! I will work hard to repay you!" With that, Maomao fled the room in a hurry. She was flustered after all. Gaoshun glanced at Jinshi who stared in front of him for a while as if he was zoning out. He then suddenly fell back and let out an uncharming wail.
"Aaaaaaah!" Although his expression and sounds were weird, Gaoshun was certain that Jinshi was feeling happy, and this made him smile.
"Good for you, Master Jinshi," he spoke softly, and for the next few minutes he continued to listen to Jinshi's little breakdown of happiness.
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my-juicy-fantasies · 25 days
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THANK YOU SO SO MUCH @dirtpie39 ☺️💖💖💖💖
Do not use without the owner's permission
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my-juicy-fantasies · 3 months
Chilchuck on sides please!
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How do you make your half-foot friend fork up his lockpicking tools so you can eat crab-like monsters a little easier?
Thank you for the request!! ♡
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my-juicy-fantasies · 3 months
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雷電将軍 by Kesa Pasa [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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my-juicy-fantasies · 4 months
Victor x Yuuri
Collab with @ticklygiggles
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A/N: This was our first ever collab! So old... Can't believe it would've been lost if @wertzunge didn't save it^^
Summary: Reupload from 20 Nov. 2016 - Victor still seems to be feeling guilty about the way he treated Yuuri. He had hurt him and made him cry after all. However, when Yuuri finds out Victor can be cheered up with tickles he doesn’t give his coach a break- not considering he’ll suffer from the consequences too! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.1K
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“Aah, finally back!” Yuuri sighed, and he plopped down onto his bed. He and Victor just returned to their twin bedroom at the hotel after celebrating his success at the free skate with a nice dinner and a couple of drinks, together with some of the other skaters.
“Yeah. Rest well, Yuuri,” Victor said with a smile, and he stretched himself onto his own bed. Yuuri watched his coach stare at the ceiling.
He thought Victor had been remarkably quiet during their drinking time with the others, but having linked it to his embarrassment of their intimate interaction in front of the whole world to see, he had thought the usual cheerful Victor would be back to his old self again if it was just the two of them. He was wrong.
“Victor?” he asked, facing Victor as he repositioned himself in a sitting position with his legs dangling off the edge of his bed. Victor hummed with a soft smile, letting Yuuri know he was listening to him, even though his eyes kept glued to the ceiling.
“Is something bothering you?” Victor didn’t answer, but the tiny smile faded as soon as Yuuri’s words reached his ears. Yuuri noticed and he couldn’t stop his mind to start overthinking about it.
Did he do something to make Victor upset? He did an amazing routine, Victor said so and they kissed, after all… Yuuri blushed at the memory but shook his head, trying to think about something else… Oh my God, maybe Victor was angry because he touched his head?
God, what if he was actually regretting kissing him? Yuuri knew he was very shy and awkward and he didn’t exactly kiss him back, but was that enough to make Victor this worried? No, it was probably something else… but what could- oh.
“Victor?” When Yuuri looked over at Victor again, he found his back facing him. Victor hummed again. Yuuri felt his cheeks heating up again as he slowly made his way towards Victor’s bed.
He wasn’t sure if he saw Victor jolting a little or if it was the movement of the bed when he took a seat at the edge.
“Victor, are you still thinking about what happened in the parking lot?” This time he did notice the way Victor flinched at his words and he did see how the tip of his ears turned a bit a red. So, that was it.
“You know I forgave you, right?” Yuuri sighed when Victor didn’t say anything back, and he fondly placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. When Victor - the usually affectionate and goofy Victor - didn’t react to the touch, Yuuri squeezed a little to make his touch of comfort a bit more firm.
“Victor, I forgave you. Please don’t worry about it,” Yuuri tried again, but Victor sighed and turned his head a little, eyeing Yuuri for a short moment before he turned away again.
“Of course I worry, Yuuri. I hurt you, I should’ve never done that…” An uncomfortable knot was forming in Yuuri’s stomach at the sound of Victor’s sad voice.
He wasn’t used to seeing him like this… what should he do? First thought was to poke his adorable thin hairline again, but Victor’s head was too much out of reach. Realizing this as he reached out his hand, he lowered it again, right onto Victor’s side and he poked him to get his attention.
However, it was anything but a snort he expected to be Victor’s reaction, and he watched in surprise how the young man jolted, his entire body tensing up and one arm squeezing against his side.
“Victor?” Yuuri asked in confusion, and he tried to wriggle his hand free which was now pressed between Victor’s arm and side.
His wiggly hand, though, made Victor flinch again, his arm pressing against his side even more and he curled on his stomach. Yuuri frowned at Victor’s strange behavior, but when he looked at the side of his face and saw the corners of Victor’s mouth trembling and trying to hide a smile, he couldn’t stop his own mouth to morph into a slight smirk.
“Victor, what’s wrong? I need my hand back,” he teased, adjusting his hand so he could give a proper squeeze at the curve of Victor’s waist, he chuckled when Victor barked out a laugh.
“Y-Yuuri!” Victor gasped and uncurled, trying to push Yuuri’s hand away, leaving his whole side and armpit unprotected.
Yuuri saw his chance and quickly reached up with his other hand, successfully wiggling his fingers under Victor’s arm, his other hand reaching down towards Victor’s hip. His coach arched his back, laughing loudly and clearly and cutely. Yuuri felt his cheeks blushing just one more time. 
His smirk changed into a fond smile as he watched Victor’s big wide smile, his elegant nose scrunching up at the sensations and his eyes squeezed shut. His slender body squirming ungracefully around the bed, trying to push Yuuri’s hands away. “Y-Yuhuhuuri!” his laughter brought Yuuri back from his stupor.
“W-Wahahait!” Yuuri chuckled, but he didn’t stop one bit. “What’s wrong? Can’t hear you,” he teased, and he playfully ran his fingers down Victor’s squirming body, wiggling them all over his sides and stomach.
“It ti-tihickles! Y-Yuhuuri stop!” Victor chirped through his laughter, and by now the fond smile on Yuuri’s face was really tugging at the corners of his lips so much it was almost starting to hurt. Seeing Victor laugh like this, especially after his dark mood just now, it was seriously the best thing ever.
Getting lost in the beauty of Victor’s laughter and cute reactions, Yuuri was too slow to react when his hysterical coach managed to finally catch one of his arms. Yuuri gasped when Victor tugged, and he toppled forward. For a moment his world was turning, and the next moment he was gazing up at Victor’s blushy face as he was pinned down by the taller man.
“V-Victor!” Yuuri brought out, blushing at the sight of Victor’s messy hair and his red face. Victor panted and held Yuuri’s arms firmly, pinning him down onto the mattress. His head sinking a little in Victor’s pillow, Yuuri nervously squirmed, now realizing he had just tickled the Victor Nikiforov without showing mercy…
He most likely wasn’t going to get away with this, he thought as he put up his most innocent smile.
“W-Wahait,” Yuuri giggled in anticipation, squirming and squeaking when Victor took a seat on his hips, straddling him.
“Y-You were sulking around! So, I was trying to make you feel bet- nohoho!” Yuuri jumped, pulling at his arms which were gathered in one of Victor’s hand, the other skillfully wiggling around his tummy.
“I’m sure you’re better with words than me, Yuuri. You didn’t have to use such a torturous way to make me feel better.”
Yuuri shook his head, giggling like crazy, his glasses falling off the bridge of his nose.
“You lohohohoved it!” Yuuri had his eyes closed, so he didn’t get to see the blush spreading on Victor’s cheeks at that very true fact. It was nice to loosen up every now and then, especially now that he was feeling really bad about how he made Yuuri feel.
He knew that Yuuri had forgiven him already, but he still felt the guilty tug in his gut whenever he looked at his little apprentice.
“Ack! No nohohot thehehere!” Victor chuckled when Yuuri bucked his hips, almost throwing him out of the bed.
He pressed his knees on Yuuri’s waist as he continued to prod and squeeze each bone on Yuuri’s ribcage, sending him into a frenzy of hysterical laughter.
“I think you’re way more ticklish than I am, Yuuri, don’t you think?”
Yuuri cackled and with a very hard tug of his arms, he finally broke free from Victor’s grip, his hands flying towards his coach’s hips, drilling his thumbs into the bones. Victor shrieked, laughing loudly.
“N-No you don’t!” he giggled, his hands changing spots to tickle Yuuri’s tummy.
Yuuri was arching his back, giggling adorably and tickling Victor’s hips at the same time, his head digging into the soft pillow as he squirmed and writhed around with his back still arched in an attempt to escape Victor’s evil fingers.
“I wohohoon’t lose!” Yuuri laughed. He had his eyes squeezed shut and he aimlessly wiggled his fingers from Victor’s hips up towards his sides.
“Ehehe! Oh, y-yes you wihihill!” Victor bent forward and squealed, one arm shooting back to cover himself up and fight off Yuuri’s hand while he used his other hand to attack Yuuri’s tummy with renewed determination.
He forced his hand under Yuuri’s shirt, exploiting his now flat tummy hungrily with fingers wiggling and scratching like spider legs. Both of their bright laughter filled the hotel room, warm enough to wash away the remains of their earlier conflict.
“Aaahh!” Yuuri yelped and he retreated his attacking hand to try to cover himself up, but Victor was already wiggling one finger in his belly button, and it was very effective.
“Alright alright! Stop! P-Please Victor!” Yuuri finally laughed, both his arms wrapped around his stomach but unable to fend off Victor’s tickly fingers.
“Say you surrender,” Victor said, vibrating his finger on Yuuri’s navel, making him shriek with laughter.
“I suhuhurrender!” Yuuri weakly tried to apart Victor’s hand.
“Say you forgive me?” Victor’s voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for Yuuri to hear it. He nodded hysterically, his body shaking with silent laughter.
Victor stopped his playful assault and stared at Yuuri until he was giggling sporadically and twitching a little, his round cheeks flushed pink and his mouth still into a happy smile.
“I- I already told you I forgave you, Victor!” Yuuri pouted, tugging his shirt down to cover his slightly pink tummy.
“I know- I know you don’t want to leave, I really know it and I don’t want you to leave either.” Their faces resembled red Christmas lights. Yuuri squirmed nervously when Victor didn’t say anything, so he squeaked when Victor suddenly cupped his face and leaned closer to him.
He looked at those shiny blue eyes until they were too close that his own brown eyes crossed painfully. Victor’s lips were warm against his and they tasted sweet. Yuuri gasped when he felt a soft lick all over his lower lip, Victor pulled apart, pouting.
“Yuuri...” he whined. “I can’t kiss you if you keep your lips closed that tight!”
He poked Yuuri’s lips with his long finger. “Buuuut-” Yuuri whined back, embarrassed like crazy, but Victor hushed him by lightly pressing down his finger on his lips, smiling his attractive trademark-smile.
Attracted to his smile, Yuuri then wrapped his arms around Victor’s neck and pulled him down, inviting him in a long, deep and loving kiss. Together they kissed, cuddled, talked for the rest of the night. And, of course, resumed their tickle fight once they had both recovered from the other!
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Epilogue (new)
Yuuri was enjoying his tea and looked out of the window of his shared appartment with Victor. Ah, living together... He couldn't get used to how happy it made him feel everyday.
"Yuuri~?" Victor entered and started to make his coffee.
"Vitya, good morning." Yuuri walked over and gave him a kiss, enjoying the scent of the coffee filling the room.
"Yuuri I had a funny dream. Do you remember our first tickle fight?"
Even though Yuuri didn't even take a sip from his tea, he choked and coughed, and he quickly put it down to be safe.
"O-our first tickle fight? Why do you ask?
"Well, do you remember? Do you remember who started it?"
Yuuri couldn't remember. It must've been so long ago. He and Victor had many many tickle fights throughout their whole relationship.
"I d-don't," Yuuri muttered. He backed away when Victor approached him with a predatory look on his face.
"I do remember. Especially after dreaming about it." Yuuri lost his balance and stumbled backwards, but luckily that was right where the couch was waiting for him, and he fell against it.
Victor closed him and and smirked playfully. "It was you, Yuuri. You started out first tickle fight. And while Yuuri would've asked him all the details of it, Victor was now busy with his apparent revenge on him.
"Vityahaha wahaha! It's in the pahahast!" Yuuri squealed, but Victor pinned him down on the couch and tickled him mercilessly, first thing in the morning while his coffee was getting cold in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, as he laughed and giggled, memories of their first tickle fight came back to Yuuri too. It was such a precious moment in their relationship, he wasn't allowed to ever forget it again.
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my-juicy-fantasies · 5 months
Happy birthday to my number one, the light of my life, and the cause of the low numbers currently in my bank account ❤️ This fic is a little different from my usual writing but I really wanted to put something out for Izaya’s birthday so I hope you all enjoy ;u;
Shizuo used to hate Izaya’s laugh.
It was like glass shattering into a shower of sharp edges and unapologetic cruelty, every broken piece expertly aimed to hurt. It dripped in a poison so potent Shizuo could taste it- that vicious cocktail of cyanide and deception. That deception was what made it so bitter, Shizuo was sure.
Because at its core, Izaya’s laugh was completely and undeniably fake.
For all of Izaya’s smirks and snickers, not once did that glee ever reach his eyes. Every smile perfectly fixed in place, every laugh rehearsed and performed, all coming together to form the mask of Izaya Orihara.
As the years passed, Shizuo began to believe that perhaps there was no face behind that mask at all. 
It wasn’t until they’d begun their…situationship…that this belief was brought into question. 
In the darkness of night, hidden between tangled sheets and heated flesh, he found ghosts of sincerity in that mask.
He saw longing in those clever eyes, pupils blown wide with desire and desperation. He tasted restraint on Izaya’s lips where the other would try his damnedest to stay quiet, where he would bite into his own skin to conceal any noise that wasn’t artificial. 
Izaya’s mask cracked during those nights and, with it, Shizuo did too.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the thing that finally shattered him was that same glass-crackle laugh.
Shizuo’s touches had grown softer. Bites were replaced by kisses, black and blue flesh making way for goosebumps over pale skin. He had started to explore instead of devouring.
All it took was one wandering hand brushing a little too lightly over Izaya’s thigh to reveal something Shizuo hadn’t known he was looking for. 
A giggle- sweet and bright and genuine and everything Shizuo had thought Izaya to be incapable of. 
Another crack in the mask had formed and Shizuo desperately needed to see what was behind it. 
His hands were his pickaxe as he chipped at its jagged edges. Spidering fingers climbing up a slender rib cage caused Izaya’s face to scrunch up in a wide toothy grin. Thumbs drilling into the hollows under his arms broke the dam and released a flood of helpless laughter. Despite coming from the same vocal cords, this laugh was so different from the one Shizuo was used to.
If Izaya’s usual mirth was a splintered mirror, this was a stained glass window. Bright, colorful, and refracting beauty like true laughter should. This frantic cackling, irregular and imperfect, was the truest reflection he’d seen of who Izaya could be if he allowed himself to. 
Shizuo knew of crystal clear lakes that played tricks on your eyes, with water so pure that you could see the very bottom without realizing how deep it truly was. He knew, and yet he still drowned in Izaya’s laugh. He let it fill his lungs with each breath and huff of amusement, drinking it all in. It was intoxicating.
It was surprising for Shizuo Heiwajima to willingly dive into the depths of Izaya Orihara. If anyone were to even fathom the idea, they'd be silenced by others for their own safety. Retribution would surely come for them at the hands of either man. However, the thought that Izaya would welcome him in- keeping his hands gripped around Shizuo’s wrists instead of the handle of a blade -was almost unimaginable.
Shizuo had learned that things aren't always as they seemed with Izaya, though. He’d learned that behind those fierce eyes and acidic grins hid a smile so honest that it made Shizuo’s heart clench. If he could believe this impossible reality, was it really so far fetched to think that one day that mask would shatter like glass? Was it foolish to think that Izaya might one day raise one elegant hand and remove it entirely? 
One couldn’t know for sure, but sitting here surrounded by the sugar and sincerity of Izaya’s laughter…Shizuo couldn’t wait to find out. 
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my-juicy-fantasies · 5 months
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Wait! Waihihit! That wasn't part of the plahahahan!!! 💢😆 . . Can't convince me that drunk Hanako wouldn't be a little shit 🤭😈
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my-juicy-fantasies · 5 months
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Last chance 💢 Tell me where you hid the Switch or I'm coming for your armpits 🔥 . . Slowly getting back into the art groove 😗🙃
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my-juicy-fantasies · 5 months
19 Days Ch.441
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my-juicy-fantasies · 7 months
Terms & Conditions
Alhaitham x Kaveh
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A/N: First fic I'm uploading on the new blog (yolo) and gift for @xsezzie sama pos because, well. Because. The pose in this fic was inspired by this art by @ppystkposts :)
Summary: Alhaitham proposes to discuss the new terms and conditions for living together with Kaveh. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.8K
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Letters, a lot of them. Kaveh squinted his eyes and looked up at Alhaitham who had just presented him with a document that would take years of his life, just to read.
"What's this?" he asked. Alhaitham tapped the document as if Kaveh was an idiot.
"A new agreement. I figured, it's been a little over a year since you moved in with me. We can extend the contract, if you like."
Kaveh glared at him, then scanned the huge agreement. It was a long piece of paper with so many letters. What was Alhaitham plotting all of a sudden?
"....Have there been any problems?" Kaveh wondered.
Alhaitham shook his head. "So far, no. But there might be. Sign this and we'll give it another go for the next year."
Kaveh read the beginning of the contract and hummed. How cold. It was a fact that his relationship with Alhaitham had kind of moved on to the more... intimate kind. They kissed, they shared a bed, wasn't that the definition of dating? But yeah, it was also a fact that Kaveh was living here, in Alhaitham's house. It wasn't like they were married or something...
Still, to be treated like a mere tenant, it kind of stung. Was it maybe related to the fact that he lowered Kaveh's rent earlier due to Kaveh really struggling financially? Wasn't it an act out of empathy from Alhaitham, and he had stopped trusting him ever since now that he lived here for a cheap price?
Kaveh sighed, skipped all of the nonsense which was obviously just Alhaitham being boring about guarantees for losing his key, rent payment, Kaveh's list of domestic duties, standard rules about not damaging his belongings and such, so he took the pen Alhaitham handed to him and signed.
"There. Happy? I signed," Kaveh said, and he crossed his arms. Alhaitham nodded.
"Thank you. Well then, that settles it. This agreement is effective starting today. Now as for point 7.2," Alhaitham said, and Kaveh frowned.
"I would like to make use of it immediately. So please," he gestured to the couch. "Come with me."
Kaveh quickly jumped in front of him and stopped him with a hand on Alhaitham's chest.
"What are you talking about?" he asked. Alhaitham grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"The thing you agreed to. The condition for living with me. We are doing it now."
Huh! Kaveh struggled when Alhaitham dragged him towards the couch and managed to pull himself free.
"What do you even meanー" He rushed back to the table and checked the contract again. There were a total of 12 segments, so 7.2 was obviously overlooked like most things he only scanned briefly. It was hidden under the category 'domestic duties' and...
Kaveh's eyes widened and he blushed.
"...Will subject to complimentary tickle session for once a w-w-week? What the...?" Kaveh said in a pitchy voice. His mouth opened wide at the realization that this must be because...
Last night... He blushed even more at the memory.
He kind of tickled Alhaitham brutally, teasing him about his sensitivity and laughter. And then managed to fight him off effectively when Alhaitham tried to return the favor, with Kaveh childishly threatening him to spread the word all around Sumeru about their most ticklish scholar, if he wouldn't let him go. Sumeru already knew how ticklish Kaveh was, so there was no way to return the threat for Alhaitham and he let it rest. Only to retaliate with a comeback like this?!
"I can't believe you included a rule like that. You tricked me. I didn't agree to that."
"Yet you did. You signed your name, I saw it with my own eyes. It's not my fault you didn't read all the terms and conditions. So," Alhaitham sat on the couch and patted his lap.
"Come here. I'll be gentle."
Kaveh took a step back and shuddered. "No way man! You can't make me."
"Well, I won't force you. But I will, how should I put it. I would be very disappointed if you break our contract right after signing it." To make things worse, Alhaitham gave him the worst puppy look he had ever seen on his usually expressionless face.
Kaveh gasped. Alhaitham was such a trickster! And still...! He clenched his fist and stomped towards him.
"Fine. But seriously, once a week?" he asked, moving over to where Alhaitham was sitting.
"Could have been once a day, but I thought that would overdo it. Besides, it's my fingers that will do all the work."
"Or once a month, once a year, or never at all," Kaveh grumbled, shyly sitting on Alhaitham's lap and deciding to ignore that comment about Alhaitham's damn fingers doing 'all the work'.
"Like this?" he asked, leaning back.
"More like this..." Alhaitham said, and before Kaveh could protest, he had flexibly positioned Kaveh's arms under his legs, pinning them down with ease.
"Will keep you from moving around," Alhaitham explained. Well duh, Mr. Obvious. Kaveh squirmed nervously and looked up at him, now suddenly realizing what he had gotten himself into. Willingly...
"H-h-how long?" he asked, gazing at Alhaitham's fingers that were flexing above his tummy. To make things worse, Alhaitham even took his shirt and moved it up, revealing his bare skin.
"Hmm, for as long as you can go," Alhaitham said, wiggling his fingers above Kaveh's bare stomach and making him twitch already.
"A-and who decides that?" Kaveh asked. Alhaitham then smirked.
"I do."
As soon as his fingers made contact with his ticklish tummy, Kaveh instantly made a noise.
"HYAhh! Ahahalhaitham hohohold on!"
"No, we're starting."
"Buhhuhut - ahahaha!" Kaveh wasn't even sure what he was trying to say. After accidentally signing an agreement that included this exact tickle treatment, and then voluntarily letting Alhaitham do his thing, you'd expect he knew what he was getting himself into. But only now that he was really feeling the tickling, it started to sink in, and oh shit he had never been in such a helpless and vulnerable position before.
"I quite like this position," Alhaitham said, pressing Kaveh's arms even tighter against the couch while his fingers danced mercilessly all over his bare stomach, scribbling around and over his belly button and pinching and squeezing his sides every now and then.
"Nohoho! You ahahare the wohohorst!" Kaveh roared.
"I know," Alhaitham agreed. Kaveh thought it was going to be just tummy tickles, again he was such a naive little fool. As soon as Alhaitham's fingers moved further up, pushing his shirt further up and climbing up his ticklish ribs, he jumped and let out a loud hysterical shriek.
"NAHAh nonono not thehehere!" he protested.
"Where?" Alhaitham dug in carefully between his lower ribs and slowly wiggled them upwards where he stayed at his upper ribs, his fingers doing devil's work there. Kaveh was losing his mind.
"PLEhehe-plehehease! Hehehehe! Tihihime out!"
"Already?" Alhaitham asked.
"Soohoon plehehease whahaha!" Kaveh laughed breathlessly. How embarrassing. So humiliating that he couldn't take more than that. But this position in which he really couldn't move, it was like no other tickle attack he had ever experienced. Alhaitham sighed and finally stopped, resting his hands against Kaveh's heaving chest.
"I will let you catch your breath," Alhaitham said, and his eyes shifted for a little. Kaveh's eyes widened, he knew where he was looking.
"N-n-not my ahaharmpits," he laughed nervously.
"I'm sure you can take just a little bit of that. I've been quite gentle so far," Alhaitham said. Gentle! W-well that was true, actually. He hadn't been as rough, as ahem, other times. But yeah, those were entirely different. It was funny they would sometimes roughhouse and have some crazy silly tickle fights, but this 'tickle session' just couldn't compare to it all.
"Ready?" Alhaitham asked.
"No," Kaveh replied cockily, and he stuck out his tongue. So naturally, Alhaitham's fingers reached his armpits and started to tickle. Kaveh threw his head back and howled.
"Daaaahahaahaamn ahahahah!" Alhaitham was relentless. He tickled both armpits for as long Kaveh could endure, but when one hand moved back and picked up the tummy tickle torture, things weren't much better for Kaveh who could hardly breathe through his hysterical laughing fit. His legs kicked helplessly and he shook his head from side to side.
"AHahahalhaithahaham! Nahahah- ahahaha plehehease!"
Alhaitham smirked at him, looking so unbelievably satisfied with himself and his result from his stupid prank.
"AHahaha-ALHAITHAHAM!" Kaveh shrieked.
"Yes?" He finally got a reply.
"AHAhaha! No mohohore! Waahaahha!" Kaveh had no idea how long it had been. But at last, Alhaitham seemed to decide that Kaveh had reached his limit.
Kaveh's arms were released, but he was too tired to move away and just tiredly rested in Alhaitham's lap, breathing heavily and gasping for air.
"That - was - insane," he panted, but he couldn't stop smiling. His voice also sounded like it had changed pitch permanently. Geez. It felt like an entire workout.
For a moment they stayed in silence, and nothing could be heard except Kaveh's loud breaths.
Surprisingly, Alhaitham was the first to speak then. "You didn't read the rest, did you?"
"What rest?" Kaveh asked, annoyed again about that lame agreement trick. He was never going to sign anything ever again without reading every single letter.
"Well," Alhaitham said, and he paused.
"...At 7.2.1. for example, it says that I am only allowed to tickle you that one time a week. So, you'll probably like that. Unless you give me permission to do it more often, of course," Alhaitham explained, caressing Kaveh's hair.
Huh? Alhaitham was so talkative now, Kaveh had to let those words sink in. Hmm, so he could only tickle Kaveh that one time a week, unless Kaveh literally gave him permission to tickle him more?
Even after enduring all this, the sudden thought of limiting Alhaitham's tickle attacks to just once a week... All of a sudden it didn't sound like a lot, he thought as he remembered some of the times when Alhaitham playfully retaliated during tickle fights, and those triumphant moments when Kaveh would win. Not to mention the playful and affectionate tickles when they were in bed... He blushed and mumbled something.
"What did you say?" Alhaitham asked.
"Of all the nonsense on that stinking contract, can you at least revoke that one particular rule? It sucks."
"...7.2.1? The one that forbids me from tickling you ever outside our once-a-week session?" Al-Bastard-Haitham asked.
Kaveh could die from embarrassment, but luckily the only response from Alhaitham was: "Alright. I think I could do that."
Then in that exact same position, Kaveh fell asleep, resting comfortably on Alhaitham and trapping him on the couch.
Not that Alhaitham complained. He had his book nearby, as always, so he grabbed it and started to read, while his free hand fondly stroked Kaveh's hair. Now that felt actually really good.
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Note: This fic was loosely inspired by the movie Wonka.
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my-juicy-fantasies · 7 months
How it started... 🤭😆
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How it's going... 🙈🔥
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I recently started watching Sōsō no Frieren and I absolutely love it!! 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖💖 So here's my first contribution 🙃✨
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my-juicy-fantasies · 8 months
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Sezzie told me to post this version as I usually do many AIEIKAKDIAIEKAK
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my-juicy-fantasies · 8 months
“How long ya gonna keep laughing?”
Source: Undead Unluck Episode 15 (ler and lee are 18+)
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my-juicy-fantasies · 8 months
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Soooo 🥰🤭✨ I've participated in a lovely little gift exchange among friends this holiday season and this was my contribution 💖🎁✍
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my-juicy-fantasies · 9 months
Omg this is sooooo cute
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my-juicy-fantasies · 9 months
Testing Virtues
I know I’m cutting it extremely close but the day isn’t over yet! Anyway, without further ado, merry belated Christmas to @happyandticklish !! In a very funny turn of events, I ended up being your secret Santa for Squealing Santa 2023 ^^ I hope you enjoy this fic of Izaya fucking around and finding out ~ Also, a big thank you to @hypahticklish / @squealing-santa for hosting the event!!
Summary: After realizing that Shizuo is in a rather affectionate mood, Izaya decides to put his patience to the test. Word count: 2.8k
Shizuo Heiwajima could be a difficult man to read.
Despite how clearly he expressed his rage, it could be tricky to read between the lines of his surprisingly aloof resting face. Whether he was perfectly content or one second away from snapping, one could never guess.
At least, that’s what Izaya used to think.
After what he would reluctantly call ‘dating’ the man for several years now, Izaya could decipher his expressions with the ease of someone who had dedicated their life to the art. These little tells were so clear to him now, he couldn’t believe that he’d been completely oblivious to them in the past.
Like how Shizuo’s honey-gold eyes would light up with a childlike spark whenever they’d pass by a pastry shop. His lips were unmoving but his desires were spoken loud and clear. It was without a word from Shizuo that Izaya would lead them into the shop with teases already loaded on his tongue.
And when Shizuo’s shoulders hunched tight with tension-the line of them more solid than the stop signs he crushed beneath his fists- Izaya knew to keep his jabs light but deliberate. It was a bit of a balancing act, teetering between slightly bothersome and truly irritating. However, it was worth watching that harsh line ease whenever a particularly crude quip caught Shizuo off guard enough to make him laugh.
Izaya could always tell what Shizuo was feeling or wanting or needing.
But he wasn’t always generous enough to give it to him. Not without making him put in the work first.
When Izaya awoke to warm kisses being pressed to his neck and fingers creeping up his shirt with fluttery touches, he knew what kind of day it would be. 
It was the hesitation that gave it away, really; the slow progression, as if waiting for permission when they were both far past the point of being shy.
This particular mood didn’t strike Shizuo often, but it was always fun when it did. 
Izaya did nothing to dissuade him, and Shizuo’s touches grew more deliberate with increasing confidence the longer Izaya didn’t protest. A grin pulled at Izaya’s lips, but it had little to do with the hands that lightly tickled at his waist. Because as soon as it started, Izaya was sitting up and away, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. He turned to look down at his bed partner with a sleep-heavy smirk. “It’s not like Shizu-chan to be up so early. I don’t suppose you wanted to join in on my meeting this morning?”
Shizuo blinked away the drowsy confusion at the abrupt shift, now scrunching his nose with distaste as he registered Izaya’s words. “Don’t say stupid things…” He grumbled, a frustrated crease in his brow. He waited for a beat, and when Izaya only stared back at him with a knowing smile, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Can’t you stay in bed a little longer? I thought you said that wasn’t until ten.”
Even though Izaya was sure it was meant to be a frown, the unhappy twist of Shizuo’s lips could only be described as a pout.
“The early bird gets the worm and all that. We can't all afford to sleep in, you know?” Izaya chirped back, keeping the banter light despite the intentions already solidifying in his mind. “If you want to stay in bed though, be my guest. I can wake you up once my client’s gone.”
It was a simple offer but Shizuo still took his time answering. He looked at Izaya for a long few moments, lips pursed on indecision and his hands still resting idle on Izaya’s waist, before he let out a resigned breath through his nose and pulled his hands away. “Mm, yeah, that’s fine.”
And though he nuzzled back into the pillow and closed his eyes without any more complaints, Izaya didn’t miss the way his restless hands twitched with restraint.
True to his word, Izaya woke Shizuo up a few hours later once his client had left with a heavier heart and lighter pockets. He hadn’t spared too much time on the task of waking him; only ducking into the bedroom with a drawled out “Shizuuuu-chaaan~” and tossing an apple at his head when he didn’t stir. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it and it wouldn’t be the last, but Izaya still couldn’t help but snicker when Shizuo exited the room a few minutes later with the half eaten apple in hand.
Izaya watched as Shizuo finished it off in a few bites and threw away the core before immediately making his way over to Izaya’s desk. Strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind as Shizuo leaned in to kiss the crook of his neck. “Good mornin’,” he rumbled, breath hot against Izaya’s skin.
“It’s noon, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo grumbled in mild annoyance. “Then good afternoon, you pest.”
He squeezed Izaya slightly to punctuate his words. However, his groused frustration was countered by those gentle fingers tapping at Izaya’s sides again. And just as before, they were light, questioning. “You busy?”
Not even the rough edge of sleep still clinging to his voice could conceal the quiet hopefulness behind his words. 
He ghosted fluttery kisses along the line of Izaya’s throat to spread goosebumps across his skin- once again testing the waters. 
And once again Izaya grinned.
“Oh~ What’s this? Did Shizu-chan need me for something?” Izaya questioned in a playful drawl, tensing beneath Shizuo’s touch. He traced mindless shapes on Izaya’s sides, veering closer to his belly to scrape the ghost of his fingernails over the sensitive skin. It took an impressive amount of restraint for Izaya to not react to the ticklish shivers that ran through his nerves.
“Izaya…” he started, shifting to murmur into Izaya’s ear to make him twitch. “C-“
He barely had a second to begin before Izaya was interrupting to answer his own question.
“-because I’m afraid I don’t have time to spare right now,” he clarified, spinning in his chair to face him and knocking his hands away in the process. The sigh in his voice was just subtle enough to pass as truly apologetic. At least somewhat. “Can it wait?”
Tipping his head up to meet Shizuo’s eyes, Izaya was met with an expression he knew well. Thick brows furrowed on growing frustration and a troubled twist to his lips because he couldn’t find a reason to be truly upset. A rarity for Shizuo, but even he could respect when someone was busy. 
He didn’t need to know that Izaya had just been playing sudoku before he walked in. It was his fault, really, for being fooled by the random document Izaya had pulled up at the last second. 
With another one of those pouty scowls, Shizuo gently knocked his forehead against Izaya’s.
It was a question despite bearing the bluntness of a statement.
Judging by the restless padding of feet across the hardwood floor and the too long-stares sent his way, Izaya knew that ‘later’ couldn’t come soon enough for Shizuo. 
He wasn’t exactly known for his patience and Izaya hadn’t exactly been making it easier on him. But that’s what was fun about these kinds of days, and who could blame him when Shizuo had such entertaining reactions? 
It was amusing to watch Shizuo clench his fists at his sides when Izaya stretched, raising his arms high above his head with a pleased groan as if he was oblivious to Shizuo’s plight. 
He’d nearly choked on his glass of milk when Izaya reached for a book on a high shelf, which caused his shirt -untucked for once- to raise and reveal a sliver of his belly. When Izaya had turned to look at him, Shizuo was staring resolutely at the ceiling as he chugged the rest of the glass.
It was terribly endearing when Shizuo thought he was being discreet. However, there was nothing subtle about how tightly his jaw was clenched when Izaya had him fetch a glass of water for the ‘tickle in his throat’.
Perhaps Izaya would feel more guilty about riling Shizuo up when he was asking for what he wanted so sweetly, but it was just too easy.
Izaya was an opportunist at heart, after all.
This secret game of his continued for another two hours, with Izaya coming up with new and subtle ways to drive Shizuo mad. Izaya was honestly impressed with how well Shizuo was holding up, but all things must come to an end, and Shizuo’s streak of patience was no exception. 
His breaking point came when Izaya settled into his chair, picked up a stack of documents, and kicked his feet up onto the desk. It must have been that it was so uncharacteristic of Izaya to ‘rest’ in such a vulnerable position that Shizuo was tipped off to Izaya’s scheming. Or perhaps it was pure coincidence that his fuse happened to burn out at that moment. Either way, Izaya wasn’t too upset when Shizuo shot up from the couch and stomped over to his desk with red-tipped ears and a snarl.
“Oi, what’s up with that pose, huh?” Shizuo growled, leaning far over the desk to meet Izaya face to face. His arms were tense with restless energy where they held his weight against the desk, bracing on either side of Izaya’s legs. 
Izaya smiled pleasantly at him. “Hm? Aren’t I allowed to be comfortable while I work?”
Shizuo glared down at him- and if looks could kill, Izaya would be six feet under. 
“You look a little too comfortable, if you ask me. Just how busy have you been, really?”
A strong hand wrapped around one of his ankles, and Izaya had to resist the urge to jerk his foot back on instinct. “Quite busy. You see, today I’m conducting an observational experiment of sorts. I suppose you could call it testing a beast’s ability to restrain itself and its needs in the face of temptation. Riveting stuff~”
Shizuo bared his teeth in an animalistic grin that sent a shiver of premonition down Izaya’s spine. “Oh yeah? What conclusion have you come to?” The grip tightening  around Izaya’s ankle might as well have been squeezing his lungs for how it caused his breath to falter in his chest. 
“That even beasts can possess an impressive level of patience and willpower, but even so, that control is temporary, and eventually they succumb to their urges. It’s in their nature, after all,” Izaya challenged with a smirk. However, his confidence couldn’t hide the way his hands clutched the arms of his chair in anticipation.
His heart was starting to thrum in his chest; because behind the irritation in Shizuo’s gaze, there was a certain glint in his eyes. Now that Shizuo knew of Izaya’s game, he was ready to play. 
Just the thought was enough to set off the butterflies in Izaya’s stomach.
“I see. If giving in is inevitable, why hold back at all then, right?” Shizuo gave him little warning before he was tugging at Izaya’s ankle to pull him closer and yanking him up by his shirt. Izaya yelped, trying not to knock over his monitors in his scramble for balance as he was pulled over and across the desk. He only had a second to be relieved that everything was intact before he was tossed over Shizuo’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Despite knowing that struggling was futile, Izaya fisted his hands in Shizuo’s shirt for stability and tried his best to kick at Shizuo’s thighs. If he felt the hits, he certainly didn’t show it. “Wait a second! What kind of brainless logic is that?!” He shouted, trying to twist his head around to see where he was being taken. He had an idea, and a turn towards the staircase confirmed it.
“Are you sure you should be mouthing off like that? Ah, but maybe you don't care since you’ve been asking for it all day,” Shizuo almost murmured to himself, his anger having faded to an infuriating breeziness.
Izaya’s cheeks flushed despite the absolute ridiculousness of that statement. “Me? Have you forgotten how many times you-!” His words were interrupted by a yelp when Shizuo gave a warning squeeze to his thigh. 
“Shut up.”
Any further protests from Izaya were met with more squeezes to his thighs, each one making him jump more than the last. Shizuo knew very well how sensitive his thighs were, and he was giving Izaya this chance to back down before he used that information against him. And while Izaya was not the kind of man to give up, every once in a while he could accept when he needed to concede. 
He had been orchestrating the setlist all day after all, and now it was time to face the choir. 
He wasn’t, however, expecting to be part of it, and the pitch his voice reached could put the star sopranos to shame. 
“Nahahaha! Shizu-chahahaha-!” His voice cracked on a cackle as Shizuo drilled his thumbs mercilessly into his hips. Upon entering their bedroom, Shizuo had wasted no time in tossing Izaya on the bed and relinquishing the control he’d been holding onto for the past few hours. And he seemed to be making up for the lost time if his zealous start was anything to go by. 
Izaya shook his head back and forth, frantically trying to pry Shizuo’s hands off of his waist, but there was no give to his iron grip. Izaya couldn’t help but wonder which would be easier to free yourself from: a bear trap or Shizuo’s merciless hold.
He quickly settled on the bear trap when Shizuo began kneading at his lower belly, sending sparks of sensitivity crackling across his nerves. “AH! Shit! Stahahahap, you beheheheast!” Izaya threw his head back on shrill laughter, his legs kicking wildly behind him in a stark contrast to Shizuo’s smug composure.
“What do you mean ‘stop’? You were showing off this spot earlier, weren’t you? You think I’m too stupid to notice you untucked your shirt before you stood up?” Shizuo drawled with a satisfied smirk. He suddenly switched from kneading to scratching lightly at Izaya’s belly to pull frenzied giggles from his lips. “It was like you were saying ‘please, please, please, tickle me here’.”
Izaya’s face lit up with a brilliant red flush at the realization. In teasing Shizuo over how much he wanted to get his hands on Izaya and tickle him to tears, Izaya had practically been asking for it the entire time without shame. What was even more mortifying was how-underneath the amusement at Shizuo’s struggle-he’d been just as eager for Shizuo to break. 
He’d choke to death on his own laughter before he ever admitted that though. 
“D-don’t blame me for your lack of self-control!” He scolded before falling into a fit of giggles when fingers skittered along his waistline. “Ehehehe! Wait, wait, wait!” 
His eyes widened into saucers when Shizuo suddenly caught his hands and pinned them above his head, learned anticipation thudding his heart against his chest.
“You were showing off this spot too, weren’t you?” Shizuo asked casually, impervious to the way Izaya tugged at his wrists like his life depended on it. “Can’t be helped then.” He followed his words with a shrug before spidering his fingers under Izaya’s arm with a practiced skill. 
The response was instantaneous; Izaya shrieked, arching his back in a desperate attempt to protect himself and failing to gain any reprieve. Shizuo knew all of the ways to drive Izaya up the wall and he wasn’t afraid to utilize them now. He was surprisingly thorough in moments like these- taking the time to try everything from rubbing his thumbs into the dip of Izaya’s underarms to lightly scritching at his biceps.
The latter had seemed merciful at first, as Izaya’s biceps weren’t normally that ticklish. He quickly learned that wasn’t the case, though, when Shizuo lingered there long enough for the sensation to become absolutely maddening. 
It took an embarrassingly long time for Izaya to find his words again, but of course he found a way to talk through the flood of mirth.
“Ahahaha! D-don’t try to act like this isn’t-“ his words were interrupted by a loud bark of laughter when suddenly Shizuo pinched at his upper ribs. “Like this isn’t whahahat you’ve been begging for all day!”
That seemed to finally get under Shizuo’s skin enough for him to scowl and lean in close. If Shizuo had to fight to keep that scowl from twitching up at the corners, neither of them mentioned it.
“Well, if this is what we both wanted, I guess I should go all out right?”
A shiver ran down Izaya’s back, and despite the squeals and protests that soon echoed through the apartment, Izaya couldn’t say that he minded it all that much. He could handle the fingers dancing along his skin, no longer restless now that they were focused on the goal of making him wheeze out desperate laughter. He could handle the lips pressing sweetly against his own, turning that same laughter muffled and breathless.
Shizuo had earned this fair and square, and in a way, so had Izaya.
Now all that was left was to enjoy the fruits of their labor. 
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my-juicy-fantasies · 9 months
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Thank you @xsezzie for letting me use your idea 🥹🫶
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