fleur delacour was always too pretty to be smart. 
she is cooed over and admired, dressed like a doll and adorned like a mannequin, intended to smile and stand in the corner and bring honor to her family through her silent beauty. her chubby cheeks take precedent over her razor sharp mind, her glacial eyes over her loving heart, her delicate hands over her strongheaded determination.
she confesses one time, hesitantly, to her first friend at eight years old that sometimes she feels like people don’t even want to get to know her before dismissing her as airheaded, only to have nathalie scornfully dismiss her misfortune to be born so pretty, oh no, what a hardship. she keeps her doubts to herself after that.
she arrives at beauxbatons amidst hushed whispers and widened eyes, stalks down hallways through murmurs of veela and look at her, all beauty and no brains. her very first class, she completes the transfiguration task within the first five minutes of instruction. her classmates call it a fluke. so she finishes first in charms. potions. defense. herbology. she is not given respect, so she snatches it out of clenched hands, airily forces it out of gritted teeth, wins it from the begrudging.
she stands, on the triwizard stage, the only female among four champions, facing a new crowd of doubters and naysayers, who look incredulously at her flowing hair and fine features, not her fierce spirit and sharp mind. let them be fooled by her appearance, let them underestimate and undervalue and undermine her. she would disprove them, this time and every time, by showing them just how much more she could be.
after all, fleur delacour was always too smart to be only pretty. 
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INTJ Slytherin
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if you come to me, on this day, the day of my birthday, and tell me that james potter did not enter his mate, sirius black, into a dog show competition, made it to the final round, and then was beaten by narcissa black’s poodle… i want you off my dash, and off my blog this instant
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if you come to me, on this day, the day of my birthday, and tell me that james potter did not enter his mate, sirius black, into a dog show competition, made it to the final round, and then was beaten by narcissa black’s poodle… i want you off my dash, and off my blog this instant
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Part of me wants Trelawney to look like JK says in the books and part of me wants her to look like Miss Forcible from Coraline
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Holy shit i love ur groupchat text thing omfg u should do like instagram posts+captions+comments :-))) just a suggestion
Caption on @remlupins photo: ‘Lupin!Lupin take a photo of me, I look cool as fuck in this jacket!’ - @seriousblackbefore falling off the wall and ripping the jacket
jampotter: @seriousblack that’s my jacket
seriousblack: sure thing raspberry
lilevans: alright boysenberry
jampotter: I can’t believe I’m dating you
petepettigrew: neither can anyone else
Caption on @jampotters photo: Lily tookmy glasses
remlupin: you know you used to take cute pictures @seriousblack while he wasn’tlooking. Sirius, you’ve been replaced.
seriousblack: I can’t believe this
seriousblack: @jampotter thought we had something
jampotter: we do
jampotter: I never meant to hurt you
seriousblack: TO LATE
lilevans: what have I come between
Caption on @petepettigrews video: jamesgot drunk and tried to climb a traffic light
seriousblack: I like the fact that evans says she’s‘holding it so it won’t fall’
lilevans: I’d do the same for you sirius
seriousblack: did you hear that @jampotter lily is leavingyou for me
jampotter: knew it
lilevans: its true james. Your ego just isn’t big enough for me, I gotta goBIGGER
seriousblack: is ego code for something else
remlupin: Sirius, this may surprise you, but not everything is about your dick
seriousblack: @remlupin WHAT
Caption on @jampotters photo: this iswhat it looks like when you drop a glass and your girlfriend rearranges thepieces into her name because she’s four year’s old
lilevans: ill have you know I’m seventeen, strawberry
petepettigrew: she’s right rhubarb
remlupin: what kind of jam doesn’t even know his own girlfriends age
lilevans: you should be ashamed gooseberry
jampotter: I want to die
seriousblack: HOW DID YOU FIND THESE
petepettigrew: sirius….. u have been a jazz man……… allthis time…… the punk rock was an act
remlupin: a punk rock with jazz cds
seriouslyblack: LUPIN I’M SUEING
Caption on @remlupins photo: @lilevansand @seriousblack having an argument about how to spell symphony
seriousblack: I KNEW IT HAD A Y IN IT
lilevans: I already paid you the £20stop going on about it
Caption on @lilevansphoto: I love him I think
seriousblack: uhhevans, you’ve posted a photo of james and not of me. clearly a mistake.
jampotter: @seriousblackcould you let me have one thing
jampotter: @lilevans Ilove you back
Caption on @seriousblacksphoto: Happy Birthday Lupin. You’realright, I guess.
remlupin: you usedperfect grammar in that sentence
remlupin: you do care
seriousblack: barely
Caption on @lilevans photo: pete andjames crying last night after remus stepped on a worm
jampotter: lily you left out the part where we were pissed off our asses
lilevans: did I??? so now everyone will think you’re both idiots because theydon’t have the context??? Silly me. sorry plum.
jampotter: this is cyber bullying
Caption on @petepettigrews video: justin case anyone wanted to know what sirius thought a grilled cheese was untilthree hours ago
jampotter: I can’t believe you didn’t know
jampotter: I let you into my home
seriousblack: I said I was sorry
remlupin: you can never come back from this
seriousblack: I know @jampotter changed my contact name totraitor
Caption on @jampotters video: whathappens when we leave pete alone in science
petepettigrew: I didn’t know you meant the solution on myleft not yours!!!!
lilevans: potter why are you complaining we got a half day
remlupin: because we were suspended
lilevans: @remlupin has anyone ever told you you’re a downer
seriousblack: constantly but he never believes me
lilevans: really?? But you’re so reliable????
seriouslyblack: you know I feel like you’re kidding
lilevans: me???? sarcastic?????????? Never
Caption on @seriousblacks photo: HE DRESSED UP AS A JAM JAR FOR HALLOWEEN IHATE HIM
remlupin: @jampotter the joke isn’t asfun if you embrace it
jampotter: @remlupin to late. Sirius you left out the part where @lilevans wentas toast
lilevans: @jampotter we’ve peaked as a couple
jampotter: true
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autumn house aesthetics
HUFFLEPUFF - tortishell glasses and cable knit sweaters; doodling in notebooks; crunching yellow leaves underneath boots; marshmallow scented candles; feeling quiet, feeble sunshine on your face; cats purring on warm blankets
RAVENCLAW - trenchcoats and corduroy skirts; the sound of rain on gray sidewalks; wire glasses and thick eyeliner; staying home to study on halloween night; sad eyes; writing poetry in quiet cafes; cobblestone alleyways; black coffee
SLYTHERIN - black lipstick and ripped jeans; staying up late; sly smirks blowing bubblegum; skeleton face paint; window shopping with friends; doc martens; cloudy, starless nights; cigarette smoke
GRYFFINDOR - pumpkin spice; going to haunted houses; homecoming night; talking during class; jumping into piles of leaves; scaring your friends; drive in theaters and thick blankets; scarves and beanies
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can’t wait til october when I’m forcibly dragged back into thinking about harry potter’s dead parents 24/7
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Honestly why does everyone picture the Slytherin common room and dormitories as gloomy and dark and whatever honestly they'd be so comfy. Like one wall of the common room would be completely glass and it'd be this beautiful view of the bottom of the lake and it would be lit by these beautiful snake design chandeliers the chairs would be this super soft comfy armchairs and couches that are squishy and there'd be hand knit blankets everywhere and amazing tapestries and a balcony and bookshelves. And the dormitories would have a fireplace in each room and more lake windows and these super soft mattresses and it'd be so great
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On this day, September 2nd, 21 years ago, Harry James Potter spoke the famous line, "'No need to call me sir, Professor.'" (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, pg 180)
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harry: why are you so rude all the time?!?!
draco: i’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. sarcasm is my only defense 
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Slytherin Aesthetic
Slytherins are the feel of warm rain and ink stained finger tips. They are loving the dark and loving alone time even more. They are hiding in small private spaces and purposely stepping on fallen leaves just hear them crunch. They are half smiles and having a bad habit of eavesdropping​. Slytherins are skinny jeans and having the absolute worst bedhead in the morning. They are having your future planned since you were 13 and being unhealthily competitive. Slytherins are the feeling of always wanting more and being constantly terrified of regrets.
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Harry when Ginny's prego with James
Harry: hmm what should I name the baby
Harry: how about James Sirius after my father and his friend who sacrificed themselves for me
Ginny's prego with Albus
Harry: let's see I need to name this child after more people who died for good causes
Harry: how about my manipulative and neglectful headmaster who planned his death and didn't tell me for a year after he died
Harry: and then his middle name can be Severus after the abusive and obsessive man who was perfectly ok with my dad and one year old me dying as long as my mom lived.
Harry: it's not like there's anyone else I should name him after like McGonagall or Hagrid who were my real parental figures and genuinely cared for me because they were nice people and not for any other reason
Harry: Nah no way
Ginny's prego with Lily
Harry: since i have a kid named James let's have one named Lily because her sacrifice kept me alive for 17 years and helped me defeat Voldemort.
Harry: and I'll make Luna her middle​name because Luna was a great friend and saved my life
Later in life
Ginny: dude you had a serious lapse in judgement when naming Albus but at least you did alright on the other​ 2
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Severus Frickin Snape
Right so I reckon the reason people think Snape is good or even neutral is cause he "died to save the wizarding world" or some other rubbish like that. No. - it is widely acknowledged that Harry, along with Hermione and Ron, (and a few side helpers) saved the wizarding world - Snape's death wasn't planned, predicted, or even guessed at. - Snape's death had absolutely no effect on the outcome of the war, except that Harry found out he was supposed to die. However, if Snape had lived, he could've told Harry that and it wouldn't have made a difference. He did not die to save anyone or any world. However, he did spy for Dumbledore for 17ish years and while don't deny that, there are reasons against that. - He only spied for Lily, not because he changed or was a good person. - He later regretted changing sides and tried to back out. - One good deed doesn't excuse a lifetime of bad deeds. We don't let criminals go free because they performed one good deed, we hold them responsible for all the bad deeds. In conclusion Snape was not good not neutral. He was, in fact, an evil, twisted, bullying, obsessive, and cruel man.
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posters + doodles
“You know, that really is extraordinary magic!” “For that, Hermione, you can have one for free.”
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If George didn’t start his best man’s speech with “Ladies and Gentlemen, lend me your ears”, then there is no point in anything anymore.
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Being a Slytherin
Being a Slytherin means owning at least two pairs of ripped jeans. It’s being the teacher’s pet and loving it. It’s being sarcastic as hell. It’s gossiping with the mermaids. It’s having perfect insults. It’s oversized hoodies. It’s amused smirks but also subtle glances. It’s having way too many shades of red lipsticks. It’s high ceilings that echo. Being a Slytherin is having drunken chats with strangers. It’s winged eyeliner. It’s having hidden talents. It’s being surprisingly deep and profound late at night. It’s skin lit up by moonlight. It’s crystal chandeliers that reflect light and cast rainbows around the room. It’s black and white photography. It’s hungry and passionate kisses. It’s envisioning revenge immediately. It’s having way too many inside jokes. It’s handwritten notes. It’s pretending to be innocent. Being a Slytherin means knowing exactly what to say to make someone mad. It’s forgetting swearing is bad because it’s said so often in the common room. It’s watching horror movies and pretending not to be scared. It’s picking locks for fun. It’s never backing down from a dare. It’s black boots and long coats. It’s having playlists for everything. It’s late-night drives. It’s thick fog in the woods. Being a Slytherin is reading classic literature. It’s firm handshakes with cold hands. It’s bitter, dark chocolate. It’s having clean, crisp rooms. It’s ear piercings. It’s drinking earl grey tea from fancy cups. It’s dressing without caring about the weather. It’s picturesque views over the countryside. It’s getting revenge on anyone who hurts your friends. It’s the flash of lightning during a storm. It’s leaving the window open when you’re sleeping to let the fresh air in. It’s whispered secrets that are revealed late at night, when it’s pitch black outside.
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