tarnished-moon · 1 year
james definitely had sirius help him come up with a way to sign his name that was the perfect combination of elegant and messy in like 2nd year
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tarnished-moon · 1 year
remus hated physical touch and would flinch away or snap at his friends for even brushing against him until they realized it bothered him so they stopped touching him and then maybe after some time, he realized he hadn’t been touched softly in awhile, that the only source of physical touch he has had lately was his own claws tearing his skin and gnawing his flesh and Madam Pomfrey bandaging his wounds but she was always so gentle like she was going to break him if she touched him fully and he barely was conscious in those moments anyway so it doesn’t really count. and maybe he sees how those around him hug each other and sling arms around one another and pat each others cheeks even in mockery and maybe he wonders if he was too quick to say he didn’t want that and maybe he would actually like it if people poked him every once in awhile not in an annoying way but to be like hey I’m here with you. And maybe he had only asked them to stop because he was always afraid that they would always see him as a monster and one day they would flinch at the feel of him but maybe now he’s starting to trust that they wouldn’t and maybe he’s ready for those casual touches but he’s not about to ask for that, he’s too stubborn and that would be embarrassing so he goes on, excluding himself from the simple pleasure of friendly gestures out of stubbornness and fear and
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tarnished-moon · 1 year
tag yourself as quotes from my old notes app from when I was trying to figure out if I was a lesbian
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tarnished-moon · 2 years
I neeeeeddddd a cr remus and lily reunion more than I need oxygen at this point
at the very least I need them to know the other is okay it’s so painful
dorcas my love please start spilling some dets you’re my only hope atm I’m begging
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tarnished-moon · 2 years
I’m so convinced that the first time sirius barked as padfoot, he made a big show of it and like climbed to the edge of a cliffside in the forest and was going to have a big powerful woof on par with moony’s howling but what actually came out was like the equivalent of a prepubescent boy’s voice crack
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