A Huge Happy Goodbye
A Huge Happy Goodbye
This post is a tad bittersweet for me. I have had a magical year (and a bit) running and writing for My Something Blue. This blog is so dear to my heart. It’s been my hobby, my inspiration, my passion and a very important stepping stone in me becoming, well… ‘me’ again. I started this page when Felix was just a tiny baby and never could have imagined the opportunities it has opened up for me. As…
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So...What Do I Do With My Wedding Dress Now?
So…What Do I Do With My Wedding Dress Now?
My champagne wedding dress, photographed by Eau Claire Photographics. Confession time… My wedding dress(es) are currently living a pitiful existence sitting in a dark closet. They are in garment bags though, if that counts for something? We spend what seems like a lifetime researching, trying on and dreaming about wedding dresses. Finally, you find ‘the one’ and pay a lot more than what you’d…
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Wedding Gift Ideas
I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not usually the greatest at thinking of cool present ideas. I really wish I was. We were a little hesitant to have only a “wishing well” option at our wedding – partly because it can be awkward asking for cash and partly because I am really just a big kid who loves the suspense of opening presents (and due to the fact I can never give suggestions due to present-idea-block, it’s usually a surprise). However, flying across the world for three weddings wouldn’t allow us to have a gift wish list – our suitcases were not big enough.
Just in case you want to give your guests the option of buying you a few cool presents, I am sharing a little list of unique and personal ideas that you may want to put on your ‘must have’ list… I know I would!
1. Personalised wooden cutting boards. These look incredible in your kitchen and are quite a striking talking point at dinner parties. I love the range on ‘Hardtofind’ and they’re totally customisable. The picture below is a fancy version from their website by ‘Dust and Things’!
2. An ‘experience’ voucher. Websites like Red Balloon offer pretty awesome adventures, classes and getaways – think skydiving, bridge climbing, a relaxing mini-break or coffee making courses. Winner!
3. A piece of artwork that depicts the pair of you in the bubble of your romantic moment. I have seen some amazing examples of drawings or paintings that are based on either a wedding photo or a favourite happy snap. I’ve been eyeing the gorgeous handy work of Lovelineart, based in Brisbane and have a bit of a crush on digital illustrations from LittleBlackCatStore on Etsy too.
4. Wine with custom labels – combining a delicious drop with a thoughtful wedding present. Brewtopia have a great selection of wines and a large number of cute labels you can choose from. Makes for a great honeymoon Instagram post too!
5. An address stamp. These come in very handy at Christmas time especially and look very adorable with your married family name on them. I really like StompStamps’ offering on Hardtofind. (Can you tell I constantly stalk that beauty of a website?!)
Anniversary Present Suggestions
Whether you are trying to stick to the traditional “paper” theme for your first anniversary or not, finding a gift for your beloved after you’ve been married for a year can be very tricky. I was a bit confounded by the ‘paper’ idea and ended up buying Simon a brown leather bathroom bag. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking (including a shameless plug from me)…
1. Your wedding vows written (or printed) in fancy lettering. These look fantastic and are sure to elicit a smile whenever you walk past. MintImprint on Etsy have very affordable prints that look gorgeous or, if you are feeling creative, you can make this yourself!
2. A gourmet picnic hamper to share with your love. Enjoy a lovely day in the sun together and maybe even leave your phones at home… You can either create this yourself by finding a cute picnic basket and sourcing your favourite snacks (and wine) or there are companies that will assemble these packs for you. A Little Luxury is an Aussie company who does just this and it would save you a lot of precious time. (This one is clearly not a ‘paper’ option).
3. Personalised stationery. Zazzle have a massive range of cool notepapers, journals, notebooks and cards that you can make your own.
4. A Must. Love. Stories. ‘Lucky In Love’ book. (Here’s the aforementioned shameless plug). We will interview you, take the stories of how you met, got engaged, details of your wedding day and really any other story you want to include…then collect photos from you and produce a beautiful book that you will be able to keep forever. Here is a slideshow of snippets of the book we recently created as a surprise gift from Suzanne to Brenton for their first anniversary…
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I hope that has been helpful, lovely readers! What is the best gift you have ever received? Let me know in the comments! Abby xx
Unique Wedding or Anniversary Gift Ideas Wedding Gift Ideas I'll be the first to admit, I'm not usually the greatest at thinking of cool present ideas.
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Bridal Makeup - What You Need To Know!
Bridal Makeup – What You Need To Know!
Following on from our ‘Getting The Wedding Glow – Skincare Tips’ blog last week, we are getting some wedding makeup guidance from Rachel, the artist behind Rachel McNeil Makeup. I had my list of questions at the ready and our lovely expert has very kindly provided all the must-know info and a few extremely handy hints… While searching for a makeup artist, what questions should a bride ask? You…
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How To Get The 'Wedding Glow'
How To Get The ‘Wedding Glow’
The months before a wedding day can be stressful and tiring and unfortunately, the effects of that can show up in your skin. Of course, everyone wants to look radiant and naturally beautiful in their photos. After all, these images will most likely be looked at for a lifetime. I am on a mission to provide you with a few tips to get that ‘wedding glow’, so I sat down with Rachel of Spa Philosophy…
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Customised Suits - A Unique and Stylish Choice for Grooms
Customised Suits – A Unique and Stylish Choice for Grooms
Future grooms out there, I am well aware of the fact that most of the time, the spotlight falls on your bride-to-be when it comes to wedding preparation. However, as more and more of you are getting hands-on in the big-day-organising arena, I think it’s time that you get a little more attention and maybe even a little more allowance in the budget for your attire. After all, a suit CAN be worn…
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Life Lessons From a 32 Year Old
Life Lessons From a 32 Year Old
Although this is a wedding blog, it was my birthday on Saturday, so this week we are veering slightly off topic. Birthdays can be funny little days, can’t they? You can only hear many jabs about how you are looking older and you’re a third of a century now (thank you, husband) before it gets a tad depressing, but this year I am embracing my extra year of life experiences and associated wisdom.…
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How To Begin Planning Your Wedding Day
How To Begin Planning Your Wedding Day
Step 1 – Come up with a budget! I know, I know. This is not a fun way to start off… BUT it is pretty important. Talk to your partner and your parents (if you’re lucky enough to have them helping out financially) and come up with a realistic budget that you can stick to. Wedding costs can sneak up on you, so it’s a great idea to have a folder / spreadsheet / notebook to keep on top of all the…
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Six Head-Turning Ideas from the Vintage Bride Wedding Fair
Six Head-Turning Ideas from the Vintage Bride Wedding Fair
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On Sunday the 26th of February, I had a rare couple of hours sans-cheeky-toddler and decided the best use of my time would be to check out the Brisbane Vintage Bride Wedding Fair. If you’ve been following the blog, you’ll probably realise I love attending these events to keep a close eye on what’s on offer for brides and grooms right now. The vendors, the venues and the atmosphere all ensure that…
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Brilliant Dress Shopping Within Budget - The Bridal Garage
Brilliant Dress Shopping Within Budget – The Bridal Garage
Whilst I had an absolute ball planning my wedding (well, at least 88% of the time), sticking to our firm budget was not always easy. One of the trickier parts of getting organised was finding a dress that was both gorgeous and not too expensive. Unfortunately, those two search parameters can often be at odds with one another these days. As you probably have gathered, I’m all for savvy tips and…
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Hidden Gem - The Ginger Factory
Hidden Gem – The Ginger Factory
Last week we were on holidays at the Sunshine Coast. Now, those of you who are parents probably know that “holiday” takes on a new meaning when you have a toddler to chase and tantrums to deal with. Nevertheless, we had a lovely time taking long walks, swimming and exploring the area together. On one particularly hot day, we decided to take our little family off on an adventure. Since I was a…
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Must. Love. Stories.
  Today is a monumental day for me, as I officially launch my business and website for Must. Love. Stories. I have that kind of heart-pounding, lump-in-your-throat nervousness that comes with taking a huge leap into the unknown, but am also so very excited to be starting this venture. As you probably have guessed by now, I am in love with weddings, writing and people’s stories. So, Must. Love.…
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So Long, 2016!
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I can barely believe I just wrote the words “So long, 2016”. This year has felt like a blur with such a crazy whirl of activity in my household – stress, challenges, achievements and the pure joy/frustration of chasing a cheeky toddler around while he effortlessly devours (and spreads the crumbs of) 20 Jatz biscuits in one go. We sold a house, bought a house (without stepping foot in it), packed,…
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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
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  Have you thought about getting married during the festive season? Christmas is in the air, people are starting to feel more relaxed and happy as the year winds down and everyone is in the mood to celebrate! Although December and January can be very busy, holding your wedding at this time means you can combine Christmas and/or New Year’s festivities with your big day. What a way to extend the…
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Trends and Tips from The Bride's Market
Trends and Tips from The Bride’s Market
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On Sunday the 13th of November, I had the privilege of attending The Bride’s Market at Twilight in Brisbane. For my review of this fab event, click here. I wanted to share my top five favourite elements from this fun night – some on-trend tips, amazing vendors and ideas for your big day. 1. Your very own gelato truck! You may or may not know this about me already, but I have a massive sweet…
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The Bride's Market at Twilight
The Bride’s Market at Twilight
Ceremony Setup from AVIdeas This past Sunday evening, my lovely friend Teri and I braved the ridiculous humidity to attend The Bride’s Market at Twilight. Boy, it was worth it! This little treasure of an event is held in Milton (Brisbane, Australia) and showcases around 40-something talented local wedding vendors. Wedding Florist Zahara Studio As I am still ‘new’ (but old at the same time) to…
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Our New Orleans Wedding
Our New Orleans Wedding
  Our (first) wedding took place on June 24th 2012 under a leafy green tree in Jackson Square in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It was a sweltering hot and humid summer day, but I couldn’t have cared less – I was so excited and happy. Simon and I decided to hold our wedding in New Orleans because we had visited the previous November and saw a number of weddings take place. They looked so fun,…
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