my-yellow-world · 9 hours
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you heard him
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my-yellow-world · 1 day
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my-yellow-world · 2 days
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The second picture
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my-yellow-world · 2 days
“Gideon the ninth should adapted to a tv show!” “Gideon the ninth should be adapted to a game!” Youre all wrong, it should be adapted to a muppet movie.
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my-yellow-world · 2 days
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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my-yellow-world · 2 days
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my-yellow-world · 5 days
Harrowhark “first flower of my house” Nonagesimus is the same person who beat Gideon into unconsciousness to stop her from getting onto that shuttle and Gideon “if aught but death part me and thee” Nav is the same person who carried Harrow back to her room after she almost died in a bone and still let her hit her head on the walls as they walked. there’s layers ok
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my-yellow-world · 6 days
Nona The Ninth Epilogue Analysis and Interpretation
I just finished rereading Nona the Ninth of the Locked Tomb Series with my dad and of course he was majorly confused at the epilogue, so here is my interpretation of what happens in it. For things said by the characters in old-timely English I’ve replaced them with my interpretations of what is actually being said, with the exception of lines that I think were said verbatim. Even though I think Alecto is actually talking in Shakespearean English during this scene I’m still going to write down my modern English interpretation of what she says, though keep in mind she is likely actually talking the way she does in the epilogue. There’s also a line down the road of Alecto’s that I keep as written because I don’t entirely understand it. Here we go!
Alecto wakes up after her and Harrow’s souls switch back to their bodies. She finishes her sentence from before John put her to sleep and breaks out of the chains, breaking her bones. She cries “ah, ah, ah!” and Ianthe shows up, having recovered from the Herald Bullet Pyrrha shot her with and goes to attack Alecto. Harrow, still injured and still laying on the alter begs Ianthe not to kill Alecto saying something along the lines of
Harrow: What you doing, Tridentarius? Touch her and our vow is void and I’ll kill you where you stand.
Ianthe: You’re gonna fight me? You’re half-dead.
Harrow: I’m half-dead, but you would be two-halves dead, bitch.
This one is nearly word for word what Harrow says. It sounds a bit more like something Gideon would say, not Harrow, but it’s definitely Harrow that says it. I think it’s further proof of Harrow and Gideon’s souls having an effect on each other after lyctorhood (even though they’re no longer lyctorally bound). Then Ianthe says
Ianthe: I’ll die only of longing for you, my sweet.
Harrow: Then perish.
Harsh as fuck, I love it. A reminder that Ianthe is still in love with (or at least has her romantic sights on) Harrow. Then Alecto gets up from the alter and backhands Ianthe into the water surrounding the tomb. I’m not sure if it’s hitting Ianthe into the water that triggers this or Alecto summoning them, or what, but what appear to be pre-programmed skeletons emerge from the to tomb’s wall. I thought that maybe Alecto didn’t summon them and raises her sword to scare them away, which works but I’ve also seen people say that she sends them to attack Pyrrha, Gideon, Paul, and Aiglamene on the shore, as she probably thinks they’re here to kill her.
As Alecto starts walking, the bones she broke when tearing out of her chains start to mend. Her current weakness is probably why she wasn’t instantly healing like we know she can, as she describes her body as “not fully awake” as she stumbles on the steps crying for John. Next she mentions the “crowd of dead children” on the tombs shore fighting with “living children”. Either the skeletons on the wall are the ones fighting them or the possessed corpses of the ninth broke into the tomb and attacked. All we know is that Pyrrha, Paul, Gideon, and Aiglamene are fighting dead people. They’re all competent fighters so I assume they’ll be alright fighting them. Alecto doesn’t understand why this is happening, so she likely, and unfortunately, doesn’t retain any memories from being Nona (at the moment at least).
Pyrrha shouts for Alecto from the shore and Alecto remembers her from before her imprisonment. It says “she was mightily dashed in the memory of Alecto, so that all their sleep was perished with noise” which I’m having some difficulty interpreting. She calls back to Pyrrha and tries to tell her about how John imprisoned her to appease the lyctors and that Pyrrha was “fed” to them by John to appease them as well (when G1deon became a lyctor). But he never did appease Alecto and only taught her how to die. Pyrrha can’t hear her over the noise.
Alecto remembers some vow she made before she was imprisoned and then turns to Harrow and raises her sword to attack her because she thinks she’s going to try to kill her like Ianthe did, but then recognizes her as someone she saw in a dream and stops.
Harrow: Oh corpse of the Locked Tomb, I have loved you all my life with my whole soul and strength. I hope to God that I find grace in your eyes, but you can kill me if that’s what you want because I love you.
This makes Alecto mad. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe she doesn’t like Harrow treating her own life so lightly. Or putting her life in Alecto’s hands. Maybe it’s because John (and her vow to Anastasia) puts her in the position of someone who serves others, not as someone who should be served. She then kisses her and bites down on her mouth because she doesn’t know how kissing is done. You’d think that Harrow would be all into this, but according to Alecto she is not “appeased” by this kiss, which confuses Alecto. It seems like Harrow is perhaps already becoming disillusioned with Alecto to me. She can taste through Harrow’s blood that she’s a descendant of Anastasia, which calms her down.
Alecto: You are a descendent of the tomb-keeper?
Harrow: Yes.
Alecto: Anastasia’s bloodline is unbroken?
Harrow: Through sin and iniquity, yes.
Alecto: I am very sorry about Samael.
This is referring to how John killed Samael to make Anastasia mortal again after she got the proper lyctoral process right. I don’t think Harrow knows about this so she doesn’t say anything.
Alecto: I remember my vows. As I swore to Anastasia I swear to you. I am in your service until you bid me the favor, and whatsoever you appoint I shall perform, and consider the vow rendered. This is what I promised, until such a time as you deal with me as you see fit.
This one was pretty hard to interpret so I just left the whole quote from the book in there. The last two sentences of this passage are what makes this passage so difficult. It’s undeniable that Alecto is saying she will serve Harrow, but she refers to the favor as something that’ll END her servitude to Harrow. She uses the word “rendered” to refer to what serving Harrow will make of the vow and I’m not entirely sure what that means. Whatever it means, it scares Harrow, who likely expected to become Alecto’s servant, not the other way around.
Harrow: My hands are too stained, and I am too lowly.
Alecto then places her sword in Harrow’s hands by the blade, which cuts her. Curiously, it seems this is not what causes Harrow to faint. The cuts on her hands “made the child exceedingly faint, but it did not swoon of weariness”. So she got dizzy, but not because she was tired. Which I could take to mean that her dizziness was from something to do with sword not because of her injuries or the fact she was cut. At this point we must assume Harrow’s limbs aren’t still sloughing off and that she was healed of at least her fatal wounds when her body swapped with Alecto. The “strength” she takes to not pass out pleases Alecto. Maybe the sword is supposed to make you pass out and for some reason it doesn’t work on Harrow? I dont know.
Alecto: Notwithstanding, I offer you my service.
Gideon, shouting from the shore: Get in line, you big slut!
Iconic. Clearly this sounds like a cavaliership pledge to Gideon, which she is pissed about. Despite Gideon being on the shore she seems close enough to hear Alecto and Harrow’s conversation, which Pyrrha wasn’t. So Gideon seems to have gotten away from or concluded the combat on the shore to make her way towards them and says this upon hearing them. We then get a time skip, with the only thing we know being that the next paragraph is “afterward”.
We know that Harrow ends up accepting Alecto’s blade and “thereupon” fainted, which means that the acceptance of the blade happened separately from when she placed the blade in Harrow’s hands. Harrow “did not swoon” when that happened and must have been awake when Gideon yelled at Alecto. I can only speculate on what happens after that, but if I had to guess I think Gideon probably charged at Alecto. She shouts “a very great shout” of anger when she calls her a slut, which knowing Gideon means she must have attacked right after. A confrontation between Harrow and Gideon is achingly missing from this epilogue, but to me I think it must have happened between the time skip. I don’t think Alecto immediately takes her and Harrow through the river when Gideon charges because Harrow is still awake and hasn’t “accepted the blade” yet, unless accepting to Alecto simply means having it in her hands. I’m thinking that maybe when Gideon charges Harrow stops her, which leads to a very emotional conversation between them which ends in Harrow accepting Alecto’s servitude and sword to the heartbreak of Gideon. I think Harrow will inevitably regret this. Harrow passes out, Alecto takes Harrow in her arms and into the river to what was once the Erebos and stabs John, yada yada yada. “Annabel, good morning” and all that jazz.
It’s very like Tamsyn to keep a Harrow and Gideon reunion from us until the next book. According to the excerpt of the first chapter of Alecto The Ninth that Tamsyn Muir read at TorCon last year, the next book will start with Harrow waking up from the same position she was left in in Harrow the Ninth: Laying in the tomb in Alecto’s place with the sword and skin mag on top of her. I don’t believe this to be the same scene as her actually waking up in her own body at the end of NTN. I think this is a flashback to her point of view in the river bubble/mindscape/dream (I really don’t know what it actually is) of Alecto’s memories with John. How she got from seeing what she did at the end of HTN (the tomb and the magazine) to what she does in NTN (Alecto’s memories of wandering the dead planet with John post-apocalypse, which somehow had John’s actual consciousness in it?? Who recognizes Harrow??? I don’t know, man). Since ATN will start with filling in gaps from before, I’m pretty confident we will also get this missing conversation between Harrow and Gideon.
About the vow between Alecto and Anastasia, this seems to have been made on Alecto’s part as a thank you to Anastasia for staying in the tomb with her despite it meaning her death. I suspect this is the case because in the previous chapter, after Alecto parts the salt water and walks to the tomb, she sees Anastasia’s bones in the curve of the rock. When it comes to Anastasia, the timeline seems to be that she starts building the tomb for Alecto on the ninth before everyone became lyctors. She has her child(ren?), maybe with Samael, on the Ninth, Pyrrha helps with the birth and paints the nursery. The disciples “discovering” the botched version of the eight-fold word John led them to happens after the tomb begins construction but before Alecto was actually sealed there, so it must have taken a long time. It’s so sucky to think about the disciples that told John to do this (which definitely includes Mercymorn) keeping this from Alecto at Canaan House while her tomb is being built so far away. Did Pyrrha know at the time? Did she find out afterwards while sharing G1deon’s body? Who knows. Then imperfect lyctorhood happens, Anastasia gets it right, John kills Samael, the tomb is completed, and a mortal Anastasia shuts herself in the tomb with Alecto to die watching over her. Fucked up.
That’s all I have for this post, I have another shorter one I’ll be posting after this going over a few key moments in the chapter prior to the epilogue. Hope you’ve enjoyed this analysis and I hope it helps people understand the epilogue more.
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my-yellow-world · 6 days
Watching queer teens fall in love makes me sad. Maybe it’s melancholy. It’s an old sadness. It resides in the sleeve of my shirt.
I recently saw a video where an activist says that gay people do not start living until they are out. I don’t think thats necessarily true.
Queer people start living when they are proud to be queer. When all the shame is easily shed when it dares enter your brain.
I am happy the kids will start living sooner. I am sad it took me 23 years of life to start living.
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my-yellow-world · 7 days
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Evil cougar 🫣
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my-yellow-world · 8 days
Hey, anyone else think it's super duper suspicious that the Reverend Parents kicked off their abominable baby scheme pretty much simultaneously to Gideon Nav, key to the Tomb, landing on the Ninth? Gideon's more than a year but less than two years older than Harrow. So give it nine months gestation, a few months for prep and planning, and Gideon's arrival lands at exactly the place on the timeline you'd look for an inciting event to the creche massacre
And like, the Revs didn't seem shocked when they heard Harrow had opened the Tomb. They listened solemnly to Gideon spill the beans and then quietly shuffled themselves off the mortal coil, intending to take their pint sized single-serving generation with them. As far as we know they never pressured Harrow to continue the Ninth, either. They checked to make sure she was a powerful necromancer, and that was it. It's almost like they'd been waiting for this.
It's just a hell of a lot of coincidences piling up. Makes me wonder what they knew, who they'd been talking to. How much didn't they tell Harrow?
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my-yellow-world · 8 days
One thing i love about Kaz Brekker is the fact that his trauma isn't glorified- he isn't a broody bad boy for the sake of the trope. This came into my mind when i read that scene of Inej and Kaz in the bathroom and Kaz thinks about how jealous and lonely he felt watching Jesper and Nina and Inej all touch each other while he had to stand so far apart. Imagine how detatched you'd feel? That really pulled at my heartstrings cl because i feel like platonic touch doesn't get discussed enough and its so important for mental health and connection. Anyway im tired this is all i have to say
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my-yellow-world · 8 days
I've had a chat with a woman named Suad and she's trusted me to share her story with you all.
Suad is a young engineer from Gaza who was excelling in her field, and had recently been told that she is pregnant. She had a bright future ahead of her until disaster struck and Israel and their constant bombings destroyed everything she holds dear.
She and her husband are now living out of a tent like many Gazans now. They have had to struggle to find food and water, and not only this, but Suad is also trying to nurture an unborn baby without access to adequate food and the prenatal care that a pregnant mother needs.
She is fundraising now to get herself, along with her husband and their family members out of Gaza. They require $20,000 to get out of Gaza and an additional $8,000 for transfer costs and living expenses in Egypt.
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(ID in Alt)
As of right now, they have made only $2,732 of their goal and their situation is urgent. Suad is now nearly 9th months along and will be giving birth to her child very soon in very dangerous conditions for both herself and the baby.
Please donate whatever you can to this fundraiser, and if you cannot donate, I urge you to share!
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my-yellow-world · 8 days
trigger warning: genocide
see my pinned post.
Being against a mass slaughter of an entire ethnic group is NOT antisemitic. Palestine is not just made of the Jewish faith. Palestine has many people from many religious groups.
Being against genocide does not make anyone antisemitic.
The Jewish people have faced persecution since the beginning of time. This war doesn't give anyone the excuse to be antisemitic. This is NOT the Jewish people's fault.
Hamas did launch an airstrike, but the airstrike was intercepted with little damage. The IDF launched a strike back and MURDERED AND BEHEADED children. There are 50 reported dead and rising.
There is no where safe in Palestine left to go.
So no, speaking out is not being antisemitic.
This is about calling out power hungry politicians.
What's going on there is ETHNIC CLEANSING.
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my-yellow-world · 9 days
The International Court of Justice told Israel to immediately halt its attack on Rafah. So Israel decided to bomb a UN tent camp.
We are witnessing beheaded children being pulled out of a a sea of burning tents. We are witnessing the bombing of displaced people in a humanitarian area.
I didn’t think we could see anything more brutal than the things we’ve seen in the last eight months. But tonight’s massacre in Rafah is unspeakable. There are truly no words left.
If you cannot stop the injustice, please, at least speak up about it.
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my-yellow-world · 9 days
"Harrow listens to My Chemi--" BZZT WRONG that girl doesn't want to hear noises louder than bone rattling. "Gideon Nav listens to --" BZZZT NO she is not listening to any music that deliberately processes an emotion more complex than "women hot." That girl is ten layers of trauma surviving solely on titty mags & "your mom" jokes. Modern Gideon would listen to a) horrible cock rock, b) horrible bro country or c) old school gangsta rap, depending on cultural context, and revels in the fact that everyone else hates her music. Neither of them are listening to your indie faves playlists, I am sorry
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my-yellow-world · 11 days
You remember how the fuck-off great aunts always used to say, Suffer and learn?
If they were right Nonagesimus, how much more can we take until you and me achieve omniscience?
-Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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