myalexel-blog · 11 years
I miss you guys! 
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myalexel-blog · 11 years
Debunking Albay "Mythos"
I am not the only person retorting about the controversial “Parade of Giants” in Albay last week. In fact, a lot of people reacted not just a propos to “crowd-favorite”, Tambaloslos but to majority of the depicted images---claimed as Albay “mythological characters”. Most of them are literary scholars.  Some government officials and their allies have informed the public through different newspapers stating that the said characters were based on the book of a friar that was published in Spain, in the year 1884. Thus, paving the way for the people to impede with their conviction that the characters displayed were really just a product of creative minds and not folklore.  Folklore- “traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art forms PRESERVED AMONG A PEOPLE”; “a story or saying that is WIDELY CIRCULATED.” Myth- “a POPULAR BELIEF or tradition that has grown up around something or someone; especially: embodying the ideals and institutions of a society.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) I really don’t want to argue, but I just need to emphasize that a true myth is handed down from one generation to the next. Why is that story not known? Myth should not be treated as historical fact… The writer’s job is to research, validate, and record all data he gathered STRAIGHT FROM THE PEOPLE, not from somebody else’s book (especially if the author is foreign). You’re not supposed to introduce it to the people, saying, “Hey! Here’s our tradition! Claim it, it’s ours now!” the people themselves will be the one to do it. Because it’s their tradition, it’s their beliefs… It is oral tradition among common people. It is shared and handed down. Go to the outskirts and you will find the validation.
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myalexel-blog · 11 years
Paraded Albay "Mythos": Erroneous Depiction
One of the proofs that "Tambaloslos" doesn't have a huge phallus and testicles. This image is from the book of Dr. Eden Nasayao, a retired BU English and Literature professor. I trust this book because it is a product of a scholarly, ethnographic research which has carefully employed the methodology of Folkloristics and never from a single source of info nor a narrative contrivance.
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We really need to be careful with our craft as writers/artists/educators, so as not to confuse the people especially those who are gullible. I believe that as educator in the field of language and literature, it is my principal duty to combat ignorance and prejudice...to enlighten minds and cultivate morality.
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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The Bad Teacher ^_^
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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Alex Mike Boribor, The Sedulous Professor [http://myalexel.tumblr.com/]
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
Young at Heart: My Student's Personal Essay
I am a college instructor and ad hoc researcher, connected with different schools like Bicol University, AQ, SL, etc. I would just like to share this essay written by one of my students in English 106--Creative Writing. She is Maria Luisa L. Iporac (I dotingly call her Mommy Luisa), 51 years old, married to a pastor, blessed with 4 kids, and currently a 3rd year Bachelor in Secondary Education student of SL.
 Yes, she is a student of a not-so-well-known academe that specializes mostly in vocational courses. She told me that one of the reasons why she decided to continue her studies is to put up a school for their minster... and to prove to the world that there is no perfect age for learning... part of our so-called academic freedom.
Some would think that most of the students in that said academe are not well-equipped with knowledge for tertiary level of education because most of them are underprivileged and feeble; I even have a friend who spoke to me in vulgar tongue highlighting that their housemaid was enrolled there for college... screeching in front of my face, “Hey! You’re working in a meagre academe, for God’s sake!” I sighed and toddled away from her... yet, here I am convincing myself that I could still create a ripple of change... Hoping to stir this condemnatory world...
I have so much to say about Mommy Luisa... but every time I think of saying those things that could describe how happy I was when I met her, it always make my eyes “drenched” in tears...  that is why I decided to just keep it to myself. After all, it’s part of my few secrets in life. (No pun intended)
This essay should be re’d by the students, instructors/professors, or anybody who doesn’t seem to know his/her real path in life... those who often judge people... those who think that a young age is a requirement to enter college. For others to realize how fortunate they are to enjoy their education in an eminent university... I hope you’d also be moved by her words and be humble enough... I hope you’d also feel what I felt when I started munching every word...
Indeed, “once a teacher, always a student”... I am learning a lot from my students... I understand the world THROUGH them...
Feel free to post your comments... would love to hear from you. Enjoy reading!
By Maria Luisa L. Iporac
            I  found myself in a dilemma when I was contemplating of coming back to school for one obvious reason: I am no longer in the sunny side of my life to be studying again of which I expect will cost me a lot of writing activities . Well, I am just being true to myself; hence, I need not hide. At this age, writing is a painful task for me since my fingers go with the aging, they are no longer that flexible and strong enough to be able to do much copying, much taking down notes and much of this kind of thing…writing essays. But the dream of putting up a school kept ringing in my mind and to make it come true, I really have to go back to school and so much so to go back to writing.
            “The journey to a thousand miles begins with the first step.” That is true! When I took my first, the next ones followed. And that brought me here to English 106…Creative Writing.
            My first day in class was unforgettable because I was mesmerized by the looks of our instructor, Mr. Alex Michael Boribor, a handsome, neat, and fresh-looking man, as if I was looking at my eldest son; so young and vibrant.  I am not kidding. I really did not take off my first glance at him because he looks so pleasant, typical of a teacher that I cannot afford to just take a glimpse of him. And when he started to open his mouth, there I said to myself, he is really an English teacher. There is much fluency and credibility as he introduced himself to us in a very soft manner. Some of the words he used were new to me that I have to consult Mr. Webster to shed light to what he all had said. From here, my journey in Creative Writing continued on.
            Why write? I cannot deny the fact that writing had been my hobby since I learned how to do it. I had a compilation of some of my works like letters, poems, songs and even journals from my daily meditations from the Bible.  I said “had been” because having children had put an end to doing so due to the many preoccupations that were added to my schedule. And from there I laid my pen down to rest. But why should I go back to writing? It is because writing is still the most effective way to communicate. It helped me express my thoughts and feelings. There are thoughts that are easier written than spoken. And it brought me surprising insights into myself. Those were the first lessons I had in this subject that was delivered by the first set of reporters assigned with the topic “Why Write?” And they gave answers to my query. With the many sample works and illustrations our instructor had shared to us, I began to get endeared to writing again.
            All writers try to produce good writing; not to mention creative writing. It is difficult to decide what to say, how to say it, how to make it grammatically correct, and much more how to be creative at making one. Writing can be compared to the sport of bowling. In bowling, you take the ball, focus on the pins, approach the line, and send the ball down the lane. If you are very good, or very lucky, you may knock down all the pins and score a strike. But more than likely, you will leave pins standing. Although you then get another chance to knock down the remaining pins, unfortunately, even with this second chance, you may leave some pins standing. The game goes on and you repeat the steps over and over again. This is also true to writing because you follow certain steps before you arrived at a finished product. By the way, we do not create any writing all by ourselves. We may need the help of other people before arriving at one, who will do proofreading and editing to our work. So, I began to realize that it is time to go back to writing because I am not alone. I have my instructor to guide and suggest on how to put icing on the cake for me to create one that will give delight to the reader, thus making creative writing significant to me.
            Before learning all the procedures in writing, I just did it my way. I never get conscious of the choice of words because what is important to me is just to convey the message to the reader. But when I got back to the process, I realized that word choice are building blocks in a piece of writing.  The stronger the block is, the stronger the finished piece will be. One thing more, I have to see that each sentence flows smoothly from one to the next so that the reader will not get confused or lose track in his reading. To come up with this, I have to present my ideas and details in a consistent, organized manner that will be easy for readers to follow my train of thought. Creative writing for one is not that easy but as you put your heart into it, you will love doing it and through this, you are able to hand down messages to your readers which will, in one way or another give answers to some of their queries in life and will even bring pleasure to their leisure moments.
            My instructor is instrumental to bringing back to life that lost interest in writing. Now that I am back to it, I am enjoying it more than I had before because of the many reflections I had gone through in life which made me stronger and mature enough to develop writings that are factual, sensible and up-to-date. One that will reach the innermost being and will leave a mark in the heart of the reader.
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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Work to live and not live to work. Find time for yourself, for your family, for your friends. Keep in mind that your priority is your loved ones, and not your work... Let us work hard, not purely for our professional goals, but for a better life.
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
Aloooooha! I so love the Korean TV series titled, "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho" or also known as, "My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox"... I miss watching that series on a local network... Very entertaining! All I can do now is to reminisce about its episodes... By the way, here's the OST feva... Enjoy listening! [Please click the PLAY button]
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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BRANded: Geekified? 
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
Hell, yeah!
I wonder if it's a common issue anywhere in the world. Government employees doesn't seem to love and be happy with their jobs. I find them the worst to deal with. I always hated having to go to a gov't office to work on papers, permits, etc, because it's so stressful and the people just don't know what Customer Service means. Afterall, it's the people's money that pays for their salaries.  Aren't they paid enough? Aren't extended lunch breaks enough to energize them? 
It's a common sight here in the Philippines to see gov't employees frowning and even sometimes ignoring their countrymen trying to get a good service from them. Probably there are just a few of them who are true to the term public service, but most are still the traditional gov't employees we've known since years ago.  How about those who are from other countries, is this true to your case, too?
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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Whoever can translate this poem in good English will have my eternal gratitude ;-)
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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"Professorial thought":
I think when people say "be yourself" it also means be honest towards yourself. There's nothing wrong with changing things you don't like about yourself, all of us have a few flaws here and there. Don't ever change yourself just to please other people or give off an impression that you think everyone wants. As long as you're okay with who you are and comfortable with it, that's all that matters. Don't live up to everyone else's expectations because at that point, you'll never be happy and you'll be chasing after acceptance for a good while.
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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I'll watch pretty much any sport that's on telly. I'm getting into the American sports now, especially, basketball. ;-D
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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Some small aircraft pilots enjoy cruising over the gorgeous waters and scenic landscape of Albay. Definitely a great place for a sedulous professor! :-) [Taken last May 22, 2012]
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
Loving Life, More and More: Verve after the NSRC Training
This thank you letter to God was written one afternoon as the National Service Training Reserve Corps (NSRC) training was about to end. (Originally posted on Facebook last June 3, 2012)
It’s a cloudy Saturday morning. The sun seems to be hiding behind the clouds today. I don’t mind. It’s cool and I like the crisp air as I breathe in life with all its splendor. In a few hours, the area will be filled with fellow reservists and friends. We have decided to go away on a trip to a far-flung place in Legazpi for a “Brigada Eskwela”. So before all the commotion would start, I would like to take this time to write You a thank you letter.
God, thank you for this wonderful week! All hours, minutes, and seconds of it! Thank you for the little and big high points that have happened in my life. Growing up can sometimes be a painful thing esp. when it involves handling our emotional and mental state. But what a week of learning and growing! I wouldn’t change it for anything. I won’t, really...
I smile with delight. Your little boy is all grown up now... He’s actually about to finish his Master’s degree at 23... I know that you are happy for me. Why are the tears falling down my face, blurring my eyes? Perhaps it’s because I just know that there is so much love and gratitude within and all around me. I thank you for this precious, very precious gift.
A life lived in love is so much different. I know because I too have walked the valleys of darkness. And yet, I have made it through. I am here, alive and free! And everyday has become a celebration.
God, thank you for all the small miracles that comprised the bigger miracle in my life. The miracle of finding, knowing and loving myself. I was lost but now I am found. Your love was unfailing, unchanging. It was steadfast…a solid bright light that got me through the dark times. How I have basked in that pure light of love; received comfort when my heart was pierced with pain. I see that the miracle of love is the greatest gift of all. Love truly heals.
God, thank you for giving me all the opportunities to create ripples of love (remembering my “Kinaw” family). As I have experienced your love and grow to love myself, I noticed that I am reaching out more to others. I rejoice every time I am able to respond better to situations. I am becoming a better teacher, son, brother and friend.
God, thank you for giving me the heart to receive love from others. I’d like to mention at this time the people who have shared their time and heart with me during the 15-day training. It reinforces my belief that love can indeed cross the distance and status. Love knows no boundaries. It is eternal.
Special Thanks to some NSRC Reservists: Your love has touched my life
  Ma’am Amy - the woman who first interacted with me... I remember fondly how happy I was when someone finally 'talked' to me. She’s very kind and sweet and is able to see the positive side of things.
Ma’am Ivy – for letting others know my not-so veiled talent in singing--- for persuading me to sing and read the gospel. You have blessed my life so much when you reached out and shared who you are with me. You are the first person in the training (aside from Dadem)  who loved my chant and told me about it. Your honesty, encouragement, openness and perceptiveness encouraged and uplifted me more than you will ever know.
Ma’am Aida – was always so warm and encouraging... even though sometimes we often misconstrue her actions. She even nominated me to be the Secretary of the Bicol NSRC Organization and opportunely succeeded from getting votes from fellow reservists. I was honored and touched... I enjoyed our exchanges immensely.
Ma’am Bella – popped out of the blue saying she was glad she joined the training because then she found me! That was so endearing. It brought a huge smile to my face as I heard those words. I would gladly have Ma’am Bella as my grandma anytime. (HAHAHA! Just kidding) She’s very honest, lovable and real... I love her so much!
Sir “Mr. Clean” (I forgot your name) – encourages me to make more hubs. :-) You have told me I have a Ph.D. on living life to the fullest and I was truly touched. Wow! Those words have given me much to think and be grateful about.
Bren and Zaira – for caring enough to often ask how I am. It's always nice to visit your tent area because I feel so welcome.
Rona, Joy, Kenneth, Rene and Mark—if we were transported to kindergarten, yes I would gladly share my cookies and milk with all of you. (HAHAHA!) Thank you for the sweet moments we’ve all shared and for anointing me to be Mike, the lion hearted.
Bran– my “semi-harassed” workmate (?) and friend. Thank you for trusting me---for sharing your “uncensored” views about love, life, and about things worthy to be acknowledged. I have much to learn from you.
Pixy – for being kind and gracious all the time. You make me smile every time you speak our language and I like listening to whatever you say. Thanks for giving me pieces of advice about relationship... I took note of that... Hell, yeah! (HAHAHA!)
Cherry - She delights me with her bubbly personality. Dadem and I are ever grateful to her support when she takes time to listen to our stories... I enjoy the closeness that we’ve shared.
Ma’am Wheng – you have been one of the best persons for me to journey with in the discovery of myself. We have known each other for only a few years and yet it seems like a lifetime already. I am glad that I am able to be ME around you. Although sometimes I am not comfortable dealing with you because you’re the NSTP director, still, I do not have any masks and pretensions because we have decided to be truthful to each other, no matter what. I guess this has made a lot of difference. I look forward to another year of growing and learning with NSTP family.
And the last but not the least,
Dadem- you have always been around since I started writing different genres of literature, commenting and giving me encouraging words. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with me before, during and after the training until now... and hopefully, until forever (if there is)... I love you!
To all other Reservists who have touched and inspired me, thank you so much. Thanks to all your “little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love”...
God, I discovered that when I started writing my thank you letter, I can see and feel Your love through my experiences and the love I have felt from so many. I feel so abundant and very blessed. There are just so many people to be thankful for. This is barely even one fourth on my list. I pray now that you just bless them tremendously---a life filled with love and abundance in all the aspects of their lives.
Thank you Father God for your love and for being the Source of All that is. I hug you now in spirit. I am alive. I am free to live a life of love. And of course, yes! I’m going to go out and celebrate life with you in the next hours, minutes and seconds that I have! (HAHAHA!)
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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While exchanging ideas and building relationships...
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myalexel-blog · 12 years
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A very enjoyable experience... An activity or experience that is different and enjoyable for educators and implementers... :-) [Photo credit: Zyra Peralta]
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