myblogdiaries · 11 months
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myblogdiaries · 2 years
Hi everyone
So the question of today is…
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What am i greatful for?
The common answer to this question is roof over my head, food in my belly, education and etc etc…. But to me the answer would be “punishments”!!!
Wow! Punishments? Really?
Because punishments to me means a second chance to know about your mistakes and to correct them. Its not about suffering and sadness but about learning. I think the word “PUNISHMENT” is presented in a bad light, thats why people have a fear of it. I read it somewhere that an American scientist went on to Japan to study about their schooling system and the one thing that shocked him the most was that when in a class of some small kids, the teacher gave them to draw cube and there was this one student that wasn’t able to get it right so the teacher called him and told him to draw it on stage and the whole class was cheering for him and then he was able to get it right. Instead of seeing the calling of the teacher as a punishment, the japanese schools presented it as a method if boosting morale and that is something that i really admired. I think that this optimism in life is kinda important, not because its a trend or something but because it is important for us to see things in a better way if not for the world then for our own selves.
#teenagediaries #pinterest #chances #studentlife
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myblogdiaries · 2 years
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myblogdiaries · 2 years
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Life dosent stop for anything or anyone!
Hello everyone,
Someone said this to me and i found it reassuring in a way. To know that the bad times would also become a distant memory is reassuring in a way. I faced alot of things these past few months. The loss of a friendship that i cherished so much, my first ever exam that i failed, my first ever time getting uncontrollably angry at someone. The friendship i lost only taught me how strong i am and how i have more things to put my attention towards rather than focusing it on a bond that was beyond repair. I failed my unit exams in maths only to pass that stupid subject in my mid terms (*proud face), the teacher often pointed me out in class and it was humiliating because i was trying my best but still wasn’t succeeding but instead of seeing things from my point of you, the teacher went on point my incompetence in the subject. I passed the subject and i couldn’t be more proud of myself from getting out of that lump.
All of this pointed out at one thing “time is the biggest healer ” i didn’t use to believe this because i thought that time only made us get used to about the pain and it didnt actually heal anything but i was wrong. I have never been more happy to be wrong! Time taught me patience and how in the end it always works out for the good. It made me wiser and more appreciative of the things i currently have.
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