mybookofbitchcraft · 4 years
ASTROLOGY: who are you attracted to?
Most people think attraction has to do with sun sign. Everyone’s heard: “If you’re an Aquarius, date a Gemini or a Libra!” This is due to the fact that mainstream astrology does not consider other factors besides your sun sign, and most people believe this. But actually, this is not true, because most of the time sun-sun compatibility has little importance - no more than giving a general vibe that the relationship would give off. Instead, we should really focus on connecting energies between two charts. Read my post here about how compatibility really works.
Here are some common connections that indicate attraction between two people. It says that they must be in the “same sign”, but note that if the two placements are conjunct the bond is even more powerful.
SUN/MOON - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s moon:
both people feel like they’ve found their other half
the moon person looks up to the sun person
the sun person helps the moon person shine
there is an ease with each other that is very natural
both people “make sense” to each other
both have a similar attitude towards life
SUN/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
the two people are very similar
there are many common interests
they both view life in a similar way
the sun person likes the energy that the ascendant person naturally gives off
the ascendant person feels like they can be themselves with the sun person
self-expression is easy and harmonious together
MOON/MOON - having the same moon sign: 
this is a powerful, soulmate-like relationship
both people feel a sense of security
the other person feels “familiar” somehow
sharing feelings is easy and natural
both are very sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs
there is an intense emotional bond, sometimes overwhelmingly powerful
one can read the other like a book
MOON/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
both people feel understood by each other
the moon person feels at ease expressing their feelings
the ascendant person feels understood by the moon person
there is a natural emotional connection
both are aware of and receptive to the other’s feelings
ASCENDANT/ASCENDANT - having the same ascendant sign:
both people feel very comfortable with each other
both people sense a similarity in the way that they project themselves to the world
both have many shared values and similar attitudes
both are attracted to the other’s self-expression
SUN/VENUS - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus: 
the sun person is the venus person’s “type”
the sun person feeds off of the venus person’s love
both people give and receive much affection
the venus person values everything the sun person represents
the sun person appreciates the venus person’s expression
MOON/VENUS - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the venus person makes the moon person feel comfortable
both care a lot for each other
both share a lot of values when it comes to a relationship
ASCENDANT/VENUS - 1st person’s ascendant in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the ascendant person embodies what the venus person finds attractive
the ascendant person appreciates the love the venus person gives
both are sensitives to each other’s needs and want to please each other
VENUS/VENUS - having the same venus sign:
both people are magnetically drawn to each other
there is an appreciation for each other’s personal style/aesthetic
both sense a similarity in each other’s romantic expression
both naturally understand each other’s romantic needs and satisfy them
VENUS/MARS - 1st person’s venus in the same sign as the 2nd person’s mars:
there is a sense of romantic chemistry
the venus person is attracted to how the mars person asserts him/herself
the mars person is attracted to the venus person’s charm and style
These are not the only indicators of attraction (there are many more involving asteroids or other points), but they are the most common ones involving personal planets. And also, having any of these connections does not guarantee a relationship will work out - they just give an indication of a strong connection between two people. There are both good AND bad sides to each of these connections, but here I’m showing the more positive side (meaning the reasons WHY you would feel the attraction in the first place). Having too many of these could potentially make a relationship overwhelming, while having only one might not be enough to keep a relationship going. It’s all about balance. :)
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mybookofbitchcraft · 4 years
Sun: personality and ego Moon: emotional expression and comfort Mercury: thoughts and communication Venus: attraction and approach to love Mars: energy and strongest passions Jupiter: luck and growth Saturn: fears and goals Uranus: originality and approach to change Neptune: dreams and approach to spirituality Pluto: power and transformations Ascendant: impact on people and the world Midheaven: career
Is/are affected by your…
Aries: passion and impulsiveness Taurus: material goals and practicality Gemini: open communication and curiosity Cancer: sensitivity and need for stability Leo: playfulness and confidence Virgo: logic and analysis Libra: peaceful union and beauty Scorpio: emotional detachment and calmness Sagittarius: curiosity and desire for freedom Capricorn: status and practicality Aquarius: social rebellion, friendships, and humanitarianism Pisces: empathy and imagination
And is materialised through your…
1st/AC: self-expression 2nd: possessions 3rd: communication 4th: family and home 5th: personal satisfaction 6th: professionalism 7th: partnerships 8th: privacy and secrets 9th: expansion and discoveries 10th/MC: social status and career 11th: community and individualism 12th: subconscious and creativity
Paired with your (planet), which is effected by your (sign), these energies…
Conjuntions: blend and create a powerful energy Semisextiles: clash and cause friction Sextiles: cooperate with each other and are flow easily Squares: are in a power struggle Trines: are highly synchronised, harmonious, and are bringing luck Quincunx: are awkward and need adjustment Oppositions: are literally opposites but create strong partnership if balanced
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mybookofbitchcraft · 4 years
Counterfeit Deities
Because holy shit have the past 3 days been a fucking shit show.
I've previously mentioned I was guessing Aphrodite was attempting to call me in my dreams, which I found weird as I don't want to go near deities yet and she seemed like such a random one to pop up.
It wasn't Aphrodite.
I contacted this thing via pendulum and it refused to answer like 90% of my questions and I got a migraine once that session was over, already a red flag from my own fucking spirit work but I pressed on. I spent the rest of the day researching deities online and in my books and asking witches who I knew worked with her "Hey, what was your experience like??" and again, the way this thing was acting didn't add up and I should've stopped trying to communicate. I pressed on again. I did a deep meditation before bed and that night the thing actually talked to me.
It went on this spiel about how it had "chosen" me and that I was to submit to it and worship it and it would repay me heavily in due time if I followed what it was saying. It told me I had no choice in the matter.
My half a day's worth of research pointed at a big fuck off sign that read "THIS ISN'T APHRODITE".
Before I could do anything about it though I woke up and vomited and have been lying in bed since exhausted and unable to eat for most of the day (And I'm 99% sure I'm not just normal ill; I have not left the house in 2 weeks due to the lockdown so no chance of getting any stomach bug outside, I don't have food poisoning as I ate the same things my family has eaten and no one else is sick and no one else previously had any bugs, this sickness came out of nowhere)
This is something I knew could happen, however I have seen little information on so fuck it, I'm throwing it down because some other witch who's trying to work with deities for the first time or some idiot who didn't properly research is going to fall for this shit and could get hurt.
You and the matron or patron have to consent to work with each other. Just because a deity reaches out to you does not mean you have to drop everything and work with them. Just like how you can leave offerings for a deity but they just may not be interested in working with you due to timing, you may not be suited best to that certain deity, a million things.
I've seen this phrase tossed around here and a shit load on the TikTok Witch Community that people are "claimed" by deities. This is also not true. You can be called by a deity, they can drop hints that they wish to work with you over a period of time (not all at once like what happened with me, it may take weeks, months, a year, longer). These hints can vary and are usually symbolic in nature so you may not pick up on them right away. You may dream of a person who strikes you differently and looks like a certain deity (what I thought was happening to me), sometimes symbols of a certain deity start appearing in your life, etc. Deities don't "claim" people though, as that breeches the consent part I mentioned. You don't suddenly belong to a deity just because they wish to work with you.
Honestly, deities don't have the time to be beating around the bush with you. If you figure out a deity is trying to communicate with you and you reach out with questions they are most likely going to answer you. They won't bullshit around refusing to answer questions you have, especially if they're interested in working with you. Also they don't ask you to worship and grovel to them, there's a reason why pagans and witches say they "work with" deities. It's a mutual exchange, you respect them and give them offerings and prayers or whatever and they will support you in spells, times of need and perform favours for you. What you put in is what you'll get out of it, vice versa.
Honestly if they pulled this shit on everyone I don't know why anyone would be working with them.
IN CONCLUSION (+Specfically for baby witches)
In case ye were wondering, I am okay and safe now. I banished the entity, cleansed my house and room and have put up specfic wards using sigils to keep anything bad out but to let anything good in (a potential REAL deity perhaps 👀👀). I am a lot smarter than this and under normal circumstances I wouldn't have let it go that far, but I was so bewildered at the idea of a deity noticing me I completely ignored my gut feeling and knowledge about entities.
While I did fuck up and make a mistake by dismissing red flags, I'm sure I'll be able to look back on this at some point in the future and be thankful I learned never to ignore my intuition again.
If it was the actual Aphrodite I probably wouldn't have taken her up on this offer straight away anyway, 1. I know barely anything about deity work and would probably need a good year to learn and research everything and 2. My own needs and issues need to be tended first before I can begin to appease a literal God or Goddess. I would maybe like to work with a deity in the far away future but right now is not the time for that.
From the research I did do to try wrap my head around this and to make this post, I honestly do get why people work with deities, it seems like a wonderful connection to have and I'm sure it's a fulfilling relationship to be a part of. However, due to the work and commitment it takes and the possibility of incidents like what happened to me happening, baby witches or inexperienced witches shouldn't be rushing into this. Witchcraft in general is not a thing you can speed read in a few days and rush into expecting brilliant results, if you fuck around it will come back around and punch you in the face so please be smart. I feel like people get excited looking at the advanced stuff or get unintentionally pressured by the community of witches who have already found their deities or work with other entities and then on week one start using a ouija board to talk to their "deity" who showed up yesterday to drain them of their energy before they learn any basics like protective magick or anything like that and it's honestly quite a dangerous situation.
Anyway, you're not missing out on anything by spending a couple of months just reading and building up your skills before jumping in so just brew some tea, grab some books, start slow and small and always stay safe and protect yourself.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Simple Ancestor Offerings
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Originally posted on nightshadeandroses.wordpress.com
Our ancestors love and watch over us, sometimes even without our knowledge. However, if we neglect our ancestors and the bond that they share with us, their watchful eye may begin to wander when we need it the most. And just like you may feel hurt if a loved one ignores you, your ancestors may be saddened by a lack of communication.
Offerings, even if they are simple, are a great way to show your ancestors that you appreciate how they watch over and guide you. Of course, the more thoughtful the offering, the more appreciated it will be.
It is important to remember that offerings needn’t be expensive to be thoughtful. An offering that you pour your love into even if it is inexpensive will most likely be more appreciated and well-received than an expensive offering that you give flippantly.
Some of the items listed are traditional ancestor offerings while others are more modern and based in UPG; please use this list as a guide or a source of inspiration rather than a set-in-stone rule book.
Traditional Offerings
Food that your ancestors enjoyed while they were alive
Art (preferably created by you)
Coins and money
Write poems or letters to your ancestors
Non-Traditional Offerings
Spotify playlists of their favorite songs
Create a collage of pictures of your ancestors to use as a phone or laptop background
Create a blog or website to act as a digital altar for your ancestors
Did one of your ancestors love a particular hobby or craft? Learn how to do it yourself!
Once you have selected what you want to offer, simply place it on your altar and pray to your ancestors, dedicating the object or act to them.
If the offering is something edible that will rot over time, dispose of it by burying or burning if possible. If not, throwing it away will suffice as well. Different traditions have certain protocols for disposing of offerings, so do a bit of research to see what works best in your belief system.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
your grimoire does not have to be full of water colors, or illustrations, or dried plants, or essential oil infused ink. your pages do not have to be pristine, you don't have to include aesthetic tapes, or pretty polaroids.
you're allowed to mess up. your grimoire can have tears, or burns, or coffee stains, or wrinkled pages from the time you spilled your tea all over the place. it can be written in .5 mechanical pencil led or crayon.
the point is, your grimoire is apart of you. and if you love it, then you're doing it right.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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                                            SUGAR WITCHES
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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✨My pages on casting runes in my book of shadows/grimoire✨
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Knots for Binding Another from Doing Harm
Procure a black cord and make nine knots, to bind he who would cause harm. As you make each knot, speak with a clear voice and say:
By knot of one, my spell be done. By knot of two, it cometh true.  By knot of three, this spell bind thee.   By knot of four, thou harm no more. By knot of five, no ill shall thrive. By knot of six, this binding fix. By knot of seven, my spell awaken.     By knot of eight, I seal thy fate.   By knot of nine, thou (name) I bind.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Dionysus: that’s so sad. Apollo, play despacito
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Money is coming to me
In all areas of my life.
Money is there in abundance. Every time I spend money, it reappears in my hands, my bank accounts, tenfold.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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I have direction and purpose in my practice.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Universal “angel” numbers ✨
1/111/1111 - keep on manifesting babe!! Seeing a lot of 1’s is indicative that the things you are wanting to manifest are coming your way!! This can also be a sign to actually start manifesting or to start realigning your life & getting rid of all the negative stuff to make room for the positive things! Astrologically corresponds to: Aries, ruler of the 1st house.
222/2:22/2222 - keep growing babe!! Seeing a lot of 2’s is indicative that you’re on a new path & you’re headed towards a rebirth. It’s also all about thinking and feeling positively (can be a continuation of 111’s message) & reaping the benefits of such thinking & realignment! Astrologically corresponds to: Taurus, ruler of the 2nd house.
333/3:33/3333 - keep being creative babe!! Seeing a lot of 3’s is indicative that you’re being encouraged to be creative, communicate more, and start seeing how your thinking influences your reality. This can also indicate that your positive thinking is actually coming together and manifesting in your reality already! Astrologically corresponds to: Gemini, ruler of the 3rd house.
444/4:44/4444 - keep safe & comfy babe!! Seeing a lot of 4’s is indicative that you’re being watched over and that you are not alone. Usually when 4’s pop up its when we’re shifting emotionally, spiritually, mentally or that we’re going through something. You are not alone! Astrologically corresponds to: Cancer, ruler of the 4th house.
555/5:55/5555 - keep glowing babe!! Seeing a lot of 5’s is indicative of positive changes!! These are changes that are good and are realigning you with your spiritual path & what’s meant for you right now! Hang on because change is happening right now! Astrologically corresponds to: Leo, ruler of the 5th house.
666/6:66/6666 - balance yourself babe!! Seeing a lot of 6’s is indicative that you need to bring yourself and life back in alignment and balance. If something is “off” & you’re seeing 6’s - it’s a sign to fix it!! It’s also a sign to clear out your physical realm - straighten up, do a spring cleaning in the winter if need be! Astrologically corresponds to: Virgo, ruler of the 6th house.
777/7:77/7777 - get ready for a spiritual glow up!! Seeing a lot of 7’s is indicative that things are happening for you really soon. Manifestations are coming to life, positive thinking is being rewarding. Those dreams you have? Yea - it’s happening now!! Astrologically corresponds to: Libra, ruler of the 7th house.
888/8:88/8888 - get ready for a rebirth!! Seeing a lot of 8’s is indicative that you’re ready to shed your skin (kind of a gross metaphor but work with me) so you can focus on something else. It’s all about endings, stepping into something new, and becoming another version of yourself - one that’s more in alignment with you you’re becoming. Astrologically corresponds to: Scorpio, ruler of the 8th house.
999/9:99/9999 - embrace the new you!! Seeing a lot of 9’s is indicative that you need to embrace who you are and the new things happening around you. Following number 8, it’s all about figuring yourself out while you’re in his new skin (once again gross metaphor but work with it!!). Astrologically corresponds to: Sagittarius, ruler of the 9th house.
10/10:10/1010 - stay focused on your path!! Seeing a lot of 10’s is indicative that you may be going through something or you just need to be reminded to stay true to yourself despite the difficulties. Fight for who you are & what you want! Astrologically corresponds to: Capricorn, ruler of the 10th house.
11/11:11/1111 - start new things!! This corresponds to the first set of angel numbers we talked about but this will more specifically focus on 11:11 rather than just 1’s. 11:11 indicates that you need to start new things, be active, & explore your creativity. Make things happen! Astrologically corresponds to: Aquarius, ruler of the 11th house.
12/12:12/1212 - you’re going through an awakening!! Seeing 12:12 or a lot of 12’s is indicative that you’re going through a spiritual awakening and that your dreams, thoughts, & manifestations are very sensitive at this time. Astrologically corresponds to: Pisces, ruler of the 12th house.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
Loki, holding up a cat: Her name is Missy.
Dionysus: Aww, I'm surprised you of all people gave her such a cute name!
Loki: It's short for missile launcher.
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mybookofbitchcraft · 5 years
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Vertebrae plant life:)
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