mychemicalimagines · 9 days
Are you gonna do a part 2 of black flame candle the max Dennison fanfic i would love to see more of cas and him❤️
probably not!! thank you so much!!!
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mychemicalimagines · 8 months
Continuation of Did you ever watched Flash show
Who are your favourite characters that you know more or less about??
Mine is Harrison (Eobard), Joe, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Killer Frost and Grodd
I’m always a Barry fan!!(: i think i know more about him!
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mychemicalimagines · 8 months
Did you ever watched Flash show??
I sorta watched it! i never watched the whole thing!! i’ve only seen clips and whatever was playing when my man was watching it!
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mychemicalimagines · 8 months
Do you think there will be more of Always My World? I love that story.
yessss! i’ve been trying to get the idea of what comes next! i promise!
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
So excited! I’ll be waiting! I seriously need more books like this, it’s written so well. 😩
thank you so much!!!!(:
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
Hi, how are you?
I have a question. Are you going to update Dean Winchester fanfic?
we will soon! the problem is that the episodes are so long that we have to take awhile to write it! i’m glad you’re enjoying it!
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
Just finished Slice of Pie and OMG? you unlocked memories with that one. Please tell me you’ll write a PT2? You got me hooked.
i will be working on part 2!! oh you’re making me so happy!!(:
if you want tagged, you can add yourself to Lake of Love in my bio! that’s number two!
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
Can you make another chapter of Happens Like That? Ive reread it again and it's so good!!
I’ve already made a post about this but i am rewriting it so it can be finished! i’m still working on the rewrite but don’t worry! we’ve been busy with it!!
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
Hey i cant find your Embry chapter 1-5, can you tag me pls ?? I read chapter 7-8 and i love it sm
Hello! i just got this but here is the link to the master list! thank you for reading!
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mychemicalimagines · 9 months
Send In Some Requests that you think will fit our Timeline!!
H&H Ficlet Master List
These one shots do belong to me. The characters used do NOT belong to me. They are all from the same timeline. AU: No Upside Down. This is a Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader Ficlet. I try not to describe the reader in anyway and have used 80s aesthetics for looks in the banner. I do not have any looks in mind as I write.  
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We Scare Because We Care - October 1985
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mychemicalimagines · 10 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better. ✨✨ 💋
this made me so happy!! thank you!!!!
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mychemicalimagines · 10 months
Hi, will there still be a sequel to Oz and Jackie?
yes! i’m not sure when but there will be! thanks for asking! i wasn’t too sure that many people wanted it!!(:
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mychemicalimagines · 11 months
Hello Everyone! Important Happens Like That Info!
I know it’s been awhile! I’ve been thinking. One of my BIGGEST series on this page is my Happens Like That - Jim Halpert Series.
I’ve been rereading it a million times over the last year and decided something…
I’m going to Rewrite it. However…the plots and what happened in each chapter will remain the Same. I’m just going to make it sound better, more details and fix typos. My writing has changed since i wrote it so i want to make it better!
I hope that’s okay with everyone. I am keeping the old master list and will be editing over them! So you can keep your bookmarks!
i will let everyone know which chapters have him changed so you can go back and give it a reread!
Tag List: @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @simonsbluee @oopsiedoopsie23 @neontiiger @jointhehunt67
If you want Tagged Let me Know. If you’re listed above and don’t want tagged, let me know!
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mychemicalimagines · 11 months
Book masterlist
⭐️= personal favorite
As always credit to the original authors
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Walking up in twilight by @superhero--imagines
Lost in silence by @mychemicalimagines
Love song for a vampire by @lovelyladyabsinthewrites
Just witch things by @lis-likes-fics ⭐️
R u mine by andyyswritings
You’re my monster by @mychemicalimagines
The dusk calls for me by Headinthestaticsky
Swan sisters by junkdrawerfic
Unorthodox by volturiwolf ⭐️
The volturi
The executioners mate by darkestdesired
Once upon a time
Mad hatter
Jefferson’s sugar cube by Georgiapwach30513
Captain Hook
Prince caspian
Otherworldly kings and queens by inkandpen22
The faded portrait by Ouatinspareroomofriverdale ⭐️
Silver by depressedbagpipe
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Hiiiii 👋 I was just wondering if u would continue The One With… (Joey Tribianni) series in the future… hopefully near future 😆… ngl I binged it and loved it sm which is why I’m before ur majesty 👑 aka u bestie. Keep up the awesome writing 🥳🤩
hahaha thank you so much! i definitely will be getting on that soon!!
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Tag List: @elskinner45​ @pookey94​ @nocturnalherb16​ @chrisandseb-instanwetrustficrecs @diyunho​ @negans-womam​ @deepobservationcherryblossom @fangirl1029​ @thelostallycat @scarletmeii​ @fandomsstolemylife00​ @brithedemonspawn​ @chuckbass-love​ @lyn-g​ @paigeem96​ @kyky9103​ @mzmusic92 @booknerd-3000 @isabelleforest73 @ms-reader @spn730015​ @foreveror-never​ @bmisulka​ @awesomebooklover17​ @jai-lynne-unknown​ @booksalwaysandforever​ @silentfoxer @j-u-hs-world @nj01 @unadulteredscreams​ @vampiregirl1797​ @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes​ @mxdramanana​ @jasperschillvibe​ @mikariell95​ @sana-li​ @teenloves​ @callsign-luckyshot @venusdelaroix​ @tyunite
Everything Changed-Embry Call-Chapter 8
Summary: A couple months before her junior year in high school finishes, something happened to the once normal Hayley Uley. Myth turns into reality. Not just for her, but for her older brother, Sam, as well. They have to drop everything they once knew for something they thought was only in bed time stories. Will things finally start looking up for once after this ‘blessing-in-disguise’?
Warnings: Cussing, Paranormal, Supernatural, Angst, Love, Bella-Bashing, Possible Smut (Please read Authors Note in Chapter 1 for Age Explanation)
Words: 5,738
A/N: Here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy! To Be Tagged: Message Me, Submit an Ask, Comment or Tag Yourself in My Bio!!
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Third Person POV
Later that night, besides Jake, everyone is eating the food the girls made, sitting around a growing fire that Sam started an hour or so beforehand. Billy sits in his wheelchair with the forest to his back, starting the large circle. Old Quil sits on one side of him while Sue sits on the other side. The eldest three council leaders.
When Harry passed away, Sue joined the council, keeping the Clearwater name in the leading circle. Beside Old Quil is his grandson and the newest, fellow pack member, Quil. Jared, Kim and Paul sitting next to him, almost rough housing as usual, the female just laughing along. Beside Paul is Emily leaning against Sam, slightly cuddling. 
Hayley and Embry are next, with the female allowing her boyfriend to eat off her plate.They saved a spot for Jake, knowing that Bella would be showing up with him. Closing up the circle next to his mother is Seth, who is practically bouncing in his seat with all the excitement building in his stomach. 
They hear a car pull into the parking lot of the beach before Bella’s voice is heard to all the shifters.
“You sure this is okay?” She asks. “I really hate being a party crasher.”
“Technically, you’re a council meeting crasher.” Jake chuckles, trying to ease her anxiety a little. “See. The council leaders, Sam, Dad, Quil’s grandpa and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died.”
“Okay, I should not be here.” She says, turning slightly but Jake stops her. 
“You’re okay. We…they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories.” He corrects himself. 
“The histories?” Her eyes widen. “The tribe's histories? Aren’t they secret?”
“We all got a role to play. And you’re a part of this. I mean, it’s the first time Seth and Quil are hearing them, too. But you’re the first outsider. Ever.”
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t believe you.” She looks up at him. “And would’ve dressed better.” 
“Jake!” They hear, causing them to face forward. 
Seth runs up toward them, almost like a puppy, a large smile on his face. 
“Hey, it’s about time you got here! Paul’s been hovering the grub. But, I saved you some burgers!” He continues.
“Good looking out, bro.” Jake smiles before looking at the female next to him. “Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Sue’s son. One of the newest members of the pack.”
“Newest, bestest, brightest.” He grins.
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“And slowest!”
Jake grabs the young boy in a headlock, both tumbling to the sand, laughing. Hayley smiles to herself, happy to see Seth being a kid, despite all the future pressure he’ll, no doubt, have on his shoulders. Sam whistles loudly, stopping the two shifters, knowing Billy wants to start. 
“Come on.” Seth grins. “Your dad’s about to start.”
The trio walk over to the fire, sitting down in their respective spots with Bella next to Seth. Billy looks around, mentally counting to make sure everyone is there before he begins. Everyone’s attention wholly on him, his voice commanding.
“The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning but we’ve always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature…” He says, looking around at everyone. 
To Bella, it’s as if the story was playing in the fire in the middle of the pack. She can picture every word he’s saying as if it were a movie playing right in front of her. 
“It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice…Our warriors’ sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone…And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki’s Third Wife could see that he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers…but one. Courage.” He says, looking in the direction of each of the three imprinted couples.
The pack knew exactly who the Third Wife was. She was Taha Aki’s imprint. That’s what makes her so special, besides the lesson he is currently giving. Embry kisses his own imprint’s head before she nuzzles her face into his neck.
“The Third Wife’s sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains…The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us.” Billy finishes, glancing toward Bella.
She has slight guilt in her stomach after hearing the story. Knowing that packs ancestors were killed by Cold Ones when she wants to be one herself. She knows this hasn’t changed her mind but it does give her some insight into her best friend’s history.
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Another week has passed with no signs of the red-head or the random vampire that Jake and Hayley smelled in Bella’s bedroom. When the wolves and vampires have to switch out for their patrol outside her outside, there is no talking until the others have left. They have a truce but it is so tense, they swear they can cut it with a knife. 
That is what happened earlier when Hayley and Paul switched with Emmett and Alice. The two vampires stared at them before rushing toward their home. Emmett’s lucky that the truce was in place as well as Sam’s words of ‘wait till their feet touch the grass’. Hayley rolls her eyes and walks in her wolf form toward the front of Bella’s house. 
Her head snaps up when she hears the wheels screeching of Edward’s Volvo. She raises an eyebrow as the vampire rushes out of his vehicle straight toward Jake’s rabbit as he pulls in. Bella exits the car, holding her hand close to her body as if she hurt herself. 
“Not here, Edward. Please.” She begs her boyfriend. 
“If you ever touch her against her will again.” Edward snarls at her pack member. 
Hayley immediately phases back into her human form before getting dressed. What the fuck happened?
“Don’t do this!” Bella continues, trying to put herself between them. 
“She’s not sure what she wants.” Jake growls at the leech.
“Well, let me give you a clue.” Edward snaps at him. 
“Wait for her to say the words.”
Hayley rushes from the trees, gently moving Bella from between them. The human sighs in relief at the sight of the Beta.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” She growls, pushing between them. 
“Fine. And she will!” Edward glares, ignoring the female shifter.
She pushes them apart, deja-vu hitting her hard. “Just shut up! What happened?”
Jacob finally looks away from the leech as he licks his bottom lip. 
“I kissed Bella…And she broke her hand…punching my face.”
“What the fuck, Jake?” Hayley snaps, her voice rising slightly. “You know she’s in a relationship with this asshole. You can’t do that!”
“I wanted to prove…”
“I don’t care what you wanted to do! You don’t do shit like that!” She pushes his chest again. “Get your ass in your car and go to my house. Tell Sam what you did. He’ll deal with your punishment.”
“No, Jacob. Go, now!” She growls, glaring at him. 
He shakes his head before turning around, stomping toward his car. No one says anything as he speeds away from the house. Edward finally speaks up when the car is away from view. Despite her calling him an asshole, he’s glad she was there.
“Thank you, Hayley.”
She rolls her eyes and turns toward Bella. She doesn’t like the girl, but she didn’t deserve that.
“Are you okay?”
“My hand hurts pretty bad.” She admits.
“You did punch a wolf in the face. We’re practically indestructible.” She shakes her head, glancing up at Edward. “Take her back to your house.” She looks back at Bella. “I’ll inform Charlie you broke your hand on the rez.”
“Thanks.” She whispers, following her boyfriend to his precious Volvo.
“I need to start getting paid.” Hayley mumbles to herself as she walks up to Bella’s front door. “It’s like babysitting a bunch of sparkly and fevered toddlers.”
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“Now, welcome to the stage, La Push High’s 2006 Class Salutatorian, Hayley Uley!” The Principal says before stepping back from the microphone. 
The entire gym erupts in applause with the pack, including Jared and Paul who are sitting in their own cap and gowns, being the loudest. Hayley blushes slightly as she walks up to the microphone, her speech in hand. Glancing around the audience, her eyes land on her boyfriend, who is smiling widely, proud of his imprint.
She is always going above and beyond for their tribe. Losing sleep so she can go on patrol and so she can finish her mountains of homework. This woman is the definition of a hard-worker. Embry puts his pinkies in his mouth and whistles loudly, causing her to bite her lip slightly. As the cheers slow down, her eyes meet her brother’s who is beaming with pride. 
He is so proud of his little sister. With everything that has happened in the last year, she stepped up and took her role as Beta seriously as well as made sure her grades were immaculate. She didn’t let their mom leaving them impede her studies and responsibilities. If anything, it made her stronger, more determined, and so full of perseverance, that Sam can’t help but be immensely proud of her.
Hayley fixes the microphone to her height before looking down at the speech she had written the night before.
“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president or in my case, the Queen I know I am.” She grins as the auditorium is filled with laughter for a moment. “When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case - a vet. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows?” 
Loud hoots and hollers from her classmates, Paul being the loudest. 
“This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to do what we want. Find ourselves. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love…” She glances toward Embry who is grinning at her words. “Some of us may go on to college right away, or get our own places, and start our lives. Some of us may continue to live at home - for whatever reason - and annoy the hell out of our parents - or, my older brother, in my case, just as we’ve done for the last 17-18 years. But, at the end of the day. No matter what we do, where we go, it’ll be at our own paces, and what’s best for us in that moment of time. Change your mind. Then change it again, because there’s only two things that’s permanent. That’s family and the friends you met along the way. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be…we won’t have to guess. We’ll know.”
The entire gym erupts in applause once again as her words sink into every single person there, not just her graduating classmates. She grabs her piece of paper and folds it as she walks down to her seat, putting it in her dress pocket. They all listen to the Principal make the same exact speech he’s been making since he started working at the school.
When it’s time for the students to get their diploma, Hayley is one of the first people in line, due to her class title. 
“Hayley Uley.” The Principal repeats, turning slightly to put his hand out.
She takes a few steps toward him and shakes his hand, grabbing the diploma case from his other hand as her brother and Embry, as well as the rest of the pack including the two graduating, stand up and cheer the loudest out of everyone there. 
“That’s my little sister!” “My girlfriend did it! Hell yeah!” “Wooo! Go, Hayley!”
She blushes and walks past the Principal to leave the stage, glancing at the pack as she does. Her heart drops slightly when she sees Billy clapping happily for his Beta…without his son next to him. About ten minutes later, Jared’s name is called, causing Hayley to stand up and whistle about as loud, if not louder than he had for her just minutes earlier. 
He grins and accepts his diploma case in the same manner before throwing up the rock-star sign, causing his friends to laugh. Since Paul’s last name began with L, it takes a little longer to get to him but everyone in the pack cheers as if it’s been five seconds. His classmates were surprised he was able to graduate but not the pack.
With Hayley being there, she was always helping him with his homework and studying, this included when they were on patrol. She quizzed him more often than not, making sure he would be able to walk the stage. He’s thankful for her. Because of her, he proved his father wrong and proved he was able to do it.
Over an hour later, after the tassels have been moved and the caps have been thrown, Hayley rushes toward her brother, squealing as she moves.
“I fuckin’ did it!” She practically screams, jumping into his arms. 
Sam catches her, holding her close to him. “I’m so proud of you, Hay.”
“You’re the one person I want to thank, Sam. Without you, I wouldn’t be here.” She whispers, hugging him tightly. 
“I didn’t do anything. All I did was…” She cuts off her brother by leaning back and looking at him.
“You believed in me from day one. That’s what you did.” She says, tearing up slightly. “Even when mom gave up on me, on us, you never did. Not even for one second.”
Her words cause her brother to tear up a little himself, as he smiles softly before kissing the top of her head.“Congratulations, Beta. You deserve this.” 
Before any more words can be spoken, her imprint walks up and wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck slightly. 
“I’m dating a high school graduate.” He whispers causing her to wipe her tears and giggle. “That’s kinda hot.”
Sam rolls his eyes but jumps when Jared and Paul almost tackle him with their own excitement. Since the whole gym is loud with families and graduates, he didn’t even hear them running toward them. Hayley turns around in her boyfriend's arms and wraps her own around his neck.
“Hot, huh?”
“Hell yeah it is.” He grins, leaning down toward her. “I really got lucky, dating an older woman. All the guys are jealous!”
She laughs slightly and leans up, pressing her own lips to his, sparks flying. He reaches up and cups her cheek, deepening it slightly. Normally the pack would step in to mess it up on purpose but Hayley deserves this. When they pull away for a breath of much needed air, Emily decides to be the one to step in, not wanting anything to happen in public.
“Alright, time for pictures!!”
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Since the pack had the legends bonfire a little over a week before, Paul, Jared and Hayley all wanted to have a nice dinner for their graduation party. Just the pack and them. The only family they would ever need. The three graduates sit next to each other with Embry next to his girlfriend and Sam next to Jared, Paul and Hayley in the middle. 
Kim wasn’t able to be there due to her own family wanting to have a nice dinner as she graduated today as well. She’s gonna be stopping by in a couple of days to spend time with the pack. The pack’s laughing, having the best time of their lives…that is until Jake walks into the room. They all quiet down and look at him, slightly shocked to see he even showed up. 
Sam notices that he wasn’t sitting next to his father in the stands earlier in the night. He’s irritated with his pack member but if he would rather be at Bella’s graduation, hiding, more power to him.
“Hey guys.” He says, putting his hands into his pockets. “Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Hayley says aloud, and very sarcastically, while her two classmates nod at his words, not wanting to speak.
“I, uh, I’m sorry I didn’t go. You know…Bella was graduating too, so.” He mumbles, knowing everyone could hear him. 
“It’s alright. We had the pack.” Jared says, watching him.
“Hell, we had your dad.” Paul shrugs, grabbing another piece of the fantastic dinner Emily created for them.
Jacob nods slightly before speaking reluctantly, knowing he’s going to make someone mad today. 
“I know today is a big one but I wanted to know if Hayley, Embry and Quil were ready…”
“Ready for what?” She raises an eyebrow.
“To go to Bella’s graduation party.”
Embry and Quil growl slightly, pissed at their best friend's words. 
“The fuck, Jacob. You knew since we graduated too we wanted a nice dinner with the pack so why the hell do I have to go?” She asks, throwing her napkin down onto the table.
“Because Sam said I can’t go alone and…”
“You didn’t tell me it was today!” Sam growls. “Can’t my sister have one day without your damn leech problems?” 
“Hay,” He looks at her, begging. “I’ll make it up to you. Please. I need to apologize for what happened a few days ago.”
Hayley shakes her head, glaring at him as she tries to hold back her vibrating body. “Fuck this! Fuck you, Jake! I’m not going. I’m tired of coming second to your little puppy crush on a leech lover. If you want to apologize, you can find a way that doesn’t include me!”
The tension in the room skyrockets and Sam sighs, rubbing his eyes. 
“Fine. Because you’re such a selfish asshole.” He turns to his Beta. “Hayley, will you please go with him and tonight, you and I will watch Harry Potter all night.”
Growling softly, but nodding as she stands up. “Fine.” She looks at Jake, glaring at him. “Just know, I’m done doing anything for you. I’m only going to this cause Sam asked. Next time you need something, why don’t you ask your new leech friends. Cause I’m done.”
“But the pack?” He starts as she walks away.
“No!” She turns, pointing toward him. “No. You do not get to lecture me on the pack! You’ve put me and the pack second to you and your leech loving best friend who’s not even your imprint! If you gave a damn about the pack, you’d have been there today, Jake. You’d have supported us. You’d have chosen your pack before all this. But no. You weren’t. You haven’t. And you didn’t! So, don’t you dare start in with the ‘but the pack’ bullshit! You’re the fuckin’ wolf that cried boy!”
Jake sighs and nods softly. “Fine. But…please?”
Hayley flips him off and growls as she turns away from him to go put her shoes on. Embry shakes his head, anger filling his stomach.
“You’re such a fuckin’ dick, Jake.” He stands up, throwing his own napkin down onto the table. “She got one day this year to do whatever she wanted and you ruined it.”
“I know but…”
“No buts, Jake. The only butt here is you.” He looks at his best friend. “Since the day you phased, she’s done whatever you asked, despite her being the Beta of our pack. A role you tried to take from her. When they wanted you to sniff Bella’s room for a new leech, she was there after getting literally an hour of sleep. When you needed help on homework, she canceled one of our rare dates so you’d get a good grade. She was the one that took every shift outside of Bella’s house she could to make sure that house was safe. If you truly knew how important this day was to her, and even - just slightly - gave a shit about her, you’d have been there for her. You’d have done the one thing that you knew you should’ve, the one thing she shouldn’t even have to ask of you. But you didn’t. You showed her - and everyone else here - just how little she, and the pack, means to you. How little you actually care about her.”
The teenage boy looks down at his shoes, not knowing what to say. Paul glances up slightly.
“He’s right. I didn’t care if you showed up. Jared didn’t either but she was the one to ask you. Personally! Out of all the times you’ve let her down, this has to be the worst. It’s the only thing she’s ever asked of you, and you gave a rat’s ass about it.”
“Forget it, guys.” Hayley speaks up, her heart full of love from her friends. “If he doesn’t care, then why should I? Let’s just go get this over with so I can come back and watch Harry win the Triwizard cup with the people that do actually care.”
She grabs her truck keys and walks out the back door. Embry rushes out after her, gently curling his fingers around her wrist once he’s close enough. He gently tugs, getting her to stop and face him. Leaning up, he kisses her softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand, absentmindedly wiping the tear that falls down her cheek. 
She deepens the kiss slightly, happy she has at least one good thing in her life and that's her imprint. He’s had her back through everything since the day their eyes met in Jake’s garage. When they pull away, he looks deep into her eyes, wanting to show how much she means to him.
“I love you, Hayley.” He whispers. “Even when everyone is shitting on you, I’ll love you until the end of time.”
Another tear falls down her cheek as she takes in a breath, wanting her heart to stop pounding hard at his words. 
“I love you, too, Embry. So much.”
She wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling against him slightly. He holds her as close as he can, wanting her to feel his love.
“No matter how much worse Jake can make tonight, this moment, with you, Em, it’s the best part of my day. Of my life.” She whispers.
“You’re already the best part of my life.” He whispers, kissing her temple before pulling away.
Quil stomps out of the house, rushing straight for his best friends, mumbling about how much an ass Jake is. Jacob walks out slowly, embarrassed about everything Sam, Paul and Embry have said to him. Emily even said something when Hayley rushed out of the house. Their Beta drives them to the Cullen’s house, the disgusting smell of sweet bleach hitting their noses as soon as they pull in. 
Embry and Quil growl, but exit the car, knowing that they better get this over with so they can get home as soon as possible. Hayley turns off her truck and puts the keys in her pocket before looking at Jake.
“We’re going to go in. You’re going to apologize. I’m gonna get some cake then we’re leaving. Understood?”
He nods softly, swallowing the small amount of spit in his mouth. She leaves the car and walks to the two boys who are waiting for her. It doesn’t take long for them to find the entrance after hearing the loud music and teenagers talking from the truck. Despite how tense they are, Embry and Quil flank Hayley while Jacob stands a few feet to the side.
Since he’s in the house of the Cullen Coven, he’s calm and confident, not wanting them to know his pack just ripped him a new one for even wanting to be there. Bella catches sight of the four of them before sighing to herself, maneuvering off the dance floor.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, glancing at the other three.
“You invited me, remember?” He smiles slightly.
“Was my right hook too subtle for you? It was me uninviting you.” She scoffs before gesturing to Hayley. “She has more of a right to be here than you do and she doesn’t even like me.”
The Beta smirks to herself, glancing around the party.
“Look, Bella. I’m sorry…about, you know…The kiss and your hand.” He says, causing the two boys to look at him in confusion. “I’d blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but it was really…just me. Being an ass. I’m really sorry.”
Bella sees how sincere he is with his words before nodding slightly. 
“I brought you something. A graduation present.” He says, pulling something out of his pocket. “I made it myself.”
Embry rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his girlfriend’s back. He didn’t even give his pack members a card for their graduation. Hell! Seth handmade cards for the three graduates. Hay immediately put it on her wall so she can look at it everyday. 
“You made this?” Bella asks, looking at the intricately hand-carved miniature wolf that is attached to a bracelet. “It’s really pretty! Thanks.”
Jacob grins widely and helps her put it on, glad she likes it. Hayley pulls on her boyfriend’s shirt slightly, gesturing to the door. He nods slightly, knowing what she means before turning to Jacob to tell him where they’re going. Before Hay can try to move past a couple of the Forks High graduates, wanting to get some food since Jake rudely interrupted their dinner, a voice captures her attention.
“Hey! It’s Taken!” 
She groans slightly and turns around, mumbling softly. “As if this night couldn’t get any worse.”
Embry raises an eyebrow at her words and turns around, looking to see a blonde pale face, checking out his girlfriend, a slight glare appearing.
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“Mike.” Hayley says, putting her hand on her boyfriend’s arm to calm him down. “What do you want?”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He grins, stepping in front of her. 
“Well, my great friend Bella graduated today so I thought I’d stop by and say hello.” She says, forcing the words out.
“Oh! Well while you’re here we should dance or something.” He checks her out again before looking up at Embry who steps up toward him.
Hayley bites her lip slightly, loving the protective feeling that’s radiating from her imprint. She’s also trying to hold back her laughter at the sight of her 6 foot 4 boyfriend, towering over the barely 5 foot 10 inch tall teenager.
“And you’re who?” Embry narrows his eyes. 
“I’m Mike.” He puts his hand out. “You must be the guy she’s happily and forever taken to?”
“I am.” He says, ignoring his hand shake. “So, you already knew that she’s taken? But you still thought you’d shoot your shot?”
“I, uh…” He stutters slightly. “I thought she was lying…”
“She wasn’t and she still isn’t so why don’t you go and dance with someone else because this beautiful girl is mine.” He wraps his arm around her waist.
“Yeah, uh, sure. Sorry.” Mike gulps before turning around, rushing back toward Jessica who was still on the dance floor.
When he’s out of earshot, Hayley turns to look up at her boyfriend with a smirk.
“And you say I’m the hot one.” She whispers, knowing he can hear her. “I’d have to say, you’re the hot one here.”
He looks down at her, the glare immediately erasing from his face.
“Me?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, it’s still you.”
Before she can reply, the air in the room quickly gets thick, not that any of the humans around would notice. The couple turns around to see Alice near the staircase, frozen in her spot. She’s having a vision.
“Shit.” She whispers before following Bella, Jake and Quil to the know-it-all vampire.
“Alice, what did you see?” Bella whispers, looking at her friend.
“Okay, something is going on. Tell me.” Jake says, looking between them.
“I…need to talk to Jasper.” She says, turning to the side.
The shifter puts his arm against the wall, blocking her from moving.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He growls slightly.
“I suggest you remove your arm…before I do.” Jasper says, appearing almost out of nowhere.
“Nah, how about you back up away from my pack before I remove yours.” Hayley glares at the vampire. 
He turns toward her, his lethal expression falling as he sees she’s flanked by her imprint and best friend. He swallows the venom in his mouth, not wanting to start anything with her.
“The decision has been made.” Alice says, breaking their eye contact.
“What’s going on? You’re not going to Seattle?” Bella asks, looking at her again.
“No…They’re coming here…”
The four pack members follow behind the vampire couple to Carlisle’s office where the rest of them were waiting. Once again Quil and Embry are flanking their Beta while Jake stands near Bella but he’s far enough away from Edward to be happy.
“How long?” Edward asks, looking at his ‘sister’. 
“They’ll be here in four days.” She answers.
The four pack members glance at each other, confused at the conversation that’s going on. 
“This could turn into a bloodbath.” Carlisle says, glancing at his family.
“Who’s behind it?” The mind-reading vampire continues his questioning.
“I didn’t see anyone I recognize. Maybe one.” Alice thinks about her vision.
“I know his face. He’s local, Riley Biers.” He says, glancing at his girlfriend. “He didn’t start this.”
For the last year, her father, the Chief of Police, has been searching for him since he’s been missing. Now she knows what happened.
“Whoever did is staying out of the action.”
“They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.” Carlisle speaks up again.
“Either way, the army is coming…” Jasper stands straight. “And there aren’t enough of us to protect the town.”
Hayley has had enough. She steps forward, putting her hands out, shaking slightly at the conversation.
“Hold up. What damn army? What are you talking about?”
Carlisle looks toward his ‘youngest son’ who shakes his head. He sighs and looks toward the Beta of the pack.
“Newborns. Our kind.”
“What are they after?” Embry asks, glancing at his imprint.
“They were passing around Bella’s scent. A red blouse.”
“The scent Jake and I smelled. Must be this Riley kid.” Hayley says, glancing at the oldest vampire.
“They’re the ones after Bella?” Embry raises an eyebrow.
“What the hell does this mean?” Jacob speaks up.
“It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.” Carlisle sighs.
A sudden weight falls on Hayley’s shoulders. Lives lost meaning that these newborn vampires can get past the Cullen’s and get to Forks or the tribe, killing everyone. She can’t let that happen. Innocent people can get hurt and she, as a spirit warrior, has sworn to protect every innocent human she possibly could. 
She looks over her right shoulder at Embry who, despite not being a mind reader, knows exactly what she’s thinking. He puts his hand on her lower back, silently informing her ‘whatever you say, I’ll do’. She looks toward Quil who gives her an almost invisible nod, knowing what the risk is. She blows air from her nose before looking at Jake. 
Even after her large speech barely an hour ago, she knew she had to do this.
“Alright…we’re in.” 
“No!” Bella speaks up, shaking her head. “You’ll get yourselves killed. No way.”
“I don’t need your permission, Isabella.” She states before looking toward Carlisle. 
Before she can speak any further, the human looks toward her boyfriend.
“It means more protection for you.” He shrugs, happy that Hayley came to the conclusion she did.
“If I was in Hayley’s position, I’d do the same.” He says, thankful for the Beta of his pack.
Her speech was still lingering on his mind so he knew he couldn’t outwardly ask Hayley to do this…save his love but knowing she was willing to do this…even if it wasn’t for him, it makes him question his intentions with the pack. 
“Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?” Carlisle asks, looking at the female pack member.
“Innocent lives are at stake here. Her father. Jake’s father. My tribe.” She says, crossing her arms. “Not just Bella.”
“Jasper.” He says, looking at his ex-war veteran. 
“They’ll give us the numbers. And the newborns won’t know they even exist. That’ll give us an edge.”
“We’ll need to coordinate.” He says, looking toward Hayley once again.
“Carlisle, they’ll get hurt!” Bella speaks up again.
“We’ll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You’re welcome to join us.”
“Name the time and place.” Hayley looks toward Jasper.
“Tonight…Dawn?” Jasper asks, making sure the time was okay with her.
“I’ll talk with Sam.” She says, turning around toward her imprint.
He keeps his hand on her lower back, ushering her out the door, Quil and Jake following her. 
“There goes my damn Harry Potter marathon.” She mumbles, causing Embry to rub her back. 
Before they can fully exit the house, Bella runs up behind the four pack members.
“Hayley, Jake. You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into!”
The Beta turns around to look at her. 
“Bella, this is what we do.” She shakes her head. “I’m doing this for your father and every other innocent person you’ve dragged into your bullshit.”
“You should be happy.” Jake looks down at his best friend. “Look at us, working together. You’re the one who wanted us to get along, remember?”
Not allowing the human to say anything else, the four pack members quickly leave, getting into Hayley’s truck, ready to go back to her house.
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Everything Changed-Embry Call-Chapter 8
Summary: A couple months before her junior year in high school finishes, something happened to the once normal Hayley Uley. Myth turns into reality. Not just for her, but for her older brother, Sam, as well. They have to drop everything they once knew for something they thought was only in bed time stories. Will things finally start looking up for once after this ‘blessing-in-disguise’?
Warnings: Cussing, Paranormal, Supernatural, Angst, Love, Bella-Bashing, Possible Smut (Please read Authors Note in Chapter 1 for Age Explanation)
Words: 5,738
A/N: Here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy! To Be Tagged: Message Me, Submit an Ask, Comment or Tag Yourself in My Bio!!
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Third Person POV
Later that night, besides Jake, everyone is eating the food the girls made, sitting around a growing fire that Sam started an hour or so beforehand. Billy sits in his wheelchair with the forest to his back, starting the large circle. Old Quil sits on one side of him while Sue sits on the other side. The eldest three council leaders.
When Harry passed away, Sue joined the council, keeping the Clearwater name in the leading circle. Beside Old Quil is his grandson and the newest, fellow pack member, Quil. Jared, Kim and Paul sitting next to him, almost rough housing as usual, the female just laughing along. Beside Paul is Emily leaning against Sam, slightly cuddling. 
Hayley and Embry are next, with the female allowing her boyfriend to eat off her plate.They saved a spot for Jake, knowing that Bella would be showing up with him. Closing up the circle next to his mother is Seth, who is practically bouncing in his seat with all the excitement building in his stomach. 
They hear a car pull into the parking lot of the beach before Bella’s voice is heard to all the shifters.
“You sure this is okay?” She asks. “I really hate being a party crasher.”
“Technically, you’re a council meeting crasher.” Jake chuckles, trying to ease her anxiety a little. “See. The council leaders, Sam, Dad, Quil’s grandpa and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died.”
“Okay, I should not be here.” She says, turning slightly but Jake stops her. 
“You’re okay. We…they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories.” He corrects himself. 
“The histories?” Her eyes widen. “The tribe's histories? Aren’t they secret?”
“We all got a role to play. And you’re a part of this. I mean, it’s the first time Seth and Quil are hearing them, too. But you’re the first outsider. Ever.”
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t believe you.” She looks up at him. “And would’ve dressed better.” 
“Jake!” They hear, causing them to face forward. 
Seth runs up toward them, almost like a puppy, a large smile on his face. 
“Hey, it’s about time you got here! Paul’s been hovering the grub. But, I saved you some burgers!” He continues.
“Good looking out, bro.” Jake smiles before looking at the female next to him. “Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Sue’s son. One of the newest members of the pack.”
“Newest, bestest, brightest.” He grins.
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“And slowest!”
Jake grabs the young boy in a headlock, both tumbling to the sand, laughing. Hayley smiles to herself, happy to see Seth being a kid, despite all the future pressure he’ll, no doubt, have on his shoulders. Sam whistles loudly, stopping the two shifters, knowing Billy wants to start. 
“Come on.” Seth grins. “Your dad’s about to start.”
The trio walk over to the fire, sitting down in their respective spots with Bella next to Seth. Billy looks around, mentally counting to make sure everyone is there before he begins. Everyone’s attention wholly on him, his voice commanding.
“The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning but we’ve always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature…” He says, looking around at everyone. 
To Bella, it’s as if the story was playing in the fire in the middle of the pack. She can picture every word he’s saying as if it were a movie playing right in front of her. 
“It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice…Our warriors’ sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone…And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki’s Third Wife could see that he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers…but one. Courage.” He says, looking in the direction of each of the three imprinted couples.
The pack knew exactly who the Third Wife was. She was Taha Aki’s imprint. That’s what makes her so special, besides the lesson he is currently giving. Embry kisses his own imprint’s head before she nuzzles her face into his neck.
“The Third Wife’s sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains…The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us.” Billy finishes, glancing toward Bella.
She has slight guilt in her stomach after hearing the story. Knowing that packs ancestors were killed by Cold Ones when she wants to be one herself. She knows this hasn’t changed her mind but it does give her some insight into her best friend’s history.
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Another week has passed with no signs of the red-head or the random vampire that Jake and Hayley smelled in Bella’s bedroom. When the wolves and vampires have to switch out for their patrol outside her outside, there is no talking until the others have left. They have a truce but it is so tense, they swear they can cut it with a knife. 
That is what happened earlier when Hayley and Paul switched with Emmett and Alice. The two vampires stared at them before rushing toward their home. Emmett’s lucky that the truce was in place as well as Sam’s words of ‘wait till their feet touch the grass’. Hayley rolls her eyes and walks in her wolf form toward the front of Bella’s house. 
Her head snaps up when she hears the wheels screeching of Edward’s Volvo. She raises an eyebrow as the vampire rushes out of his vehicle straight toward Jake’s rabbit as he pulls in. Bella exits the car, holding her hand close to her body as if she hurt herself. 
“Not here, Edward. Please.” She begs her boyfriend. 
“If you ever touch her against her will again.” Edward snarls at her pack member. 
Hayley immediately phases back into her human form before getting dressed. What the fuck happened?
“Don’t do this!” Bella continues, trying to put herself between them. 
“She’s not sure what she wants.” Jake growls at the leech.
“Well, let me give you a clue.” Edward snaps at him. 
“Wait for her to say the words.”
Hayley rushes from the trees, gently moving Bella from between them. The human sighs in relief at the sight of the Beta.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” She growls, pushing between them. 
“Fine. And she will!” Edward glares, ignoring the female shifter.
She pushes them apart, deja-vu hitting her hard. “Just shut up! What happened?”
Jacob finally looks away from the leech as he licks his bottom lip. 
“I kissed Bella…And she broke her hand…punching my face.”
“What the fuck, Jake?” Hayley snaps, her voice rising slightly. “You know she’s in a relationship with this asshole. You can’t do that!”
“I wanted to prove…”
“I don’t care what you wanted to do! You don’t do shit like that!” She pushes his chest again. “Get your ass in your car and go to my house. Tell Sam what you did. He’ll deal with your punishment.”
“No, Jacob. Go, now!” She growls, glaring at him. 
He shakes his head before turning around, stomping toward his car. No one says anything as he speeds away from the house. Edward finally speaks up when the car is away from view. Despite her calling him an asshole, he’s glad she was there.
“Thank you, Hayley.”
She rolls her eyes and turns toward Bella. She doesn’t like the girl, but she didn’t deserve that.
“Are you okay?”
“My hand hurts pretty bad.” She admits.
“You did punch a wolf in the face. We’re practically indestructible.” She shakes her head, glancing up at Edward. “Take her back to your house.” She looks back at Bella. “I’ll inform Charlie you broke your hand on the rez.”
“Thanks.” She whispers, following her boyfriend to his precious Volvo.
“I need to start getting paid.” Hayley mumbles to herself as she walks up to Bella’s front door. “It’s like babysitting a bunch of sparkly and fevered toddlers.”
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“Now, welcome to the stage, La Push High’s 2006 Class Salutatorian, Hayley Uley!” The Principal says before stepping back from the microphone. 
The entire gym erupts in applause with the pack, including Jared and Paul who are sitting in their own cap and gowns, being the loudest. Hayley blushes slightly as she walks up to the microphone, her speech in hand. Glancing around the audience, her eyes land on her boyfriend, who is smiling widely, proud of his imprint.
She is always going above and beyond for their tribe. Losing sleep so she can go on patrol and so she can finish her mountains of homework. This woman is the definition of a hard-worker. Embry puts his pinkies in his mouth and whistles loudly, causing her to bite her lip slightly. As the cheers slow down, her eyes meet her brother’s who is beaming with pride. 
He is so proud of his little sister. With everything that has happened in the last year, she stepped up and took her role as Beta seriously as well as made sure her grades were immaculate. She didn’t let their mom leaving them impede her studies and responsibilities. If anything, it made her stronger, more determined, and so full of perseverance, that Sam can’t help but be immensely proud of her.
Hayley fixes the microphone to her height before looking down at the speech she had written the night before.
“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president or in my case, the Queen I know I am.” She grins as the auditorium is filled with laughter for a moment. “When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case - a vet. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows?” 
Loud hoots and hollers from her classmates, Paul being the loudest. 
“This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to do what we want. Find ourselves. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love…” She glances toward Embry who is grinning at her words. “Some of us may go on to college right away, or get our own places, and start our lives. Some of us may continue to live at home - for whatever reason - and annoy the hell out of our parents - or, my older brother, in my case, just as we’ve done for the last 17-18 years. But, at the end of the day. No matter what we do, where we go, it’ll be at our own paces, and what’s best for us in that moment of time. Change your mind. Then change it again, because there’s only two things that’s permanent. That’s family and the friends you met along the way. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be…we won’t have to guess. We’ll know.”
The entire gym erupts in applause once again as her words sink into every single person there, not just her graduating classmates. She grabs her piece of paper and folds it as she walks down to her seat, putting it in her dress pocket. They all listen to the Principal make the same exact speech he’s been making since he started working at the school.
When it’s time for the students to get their diploma, Hayley is one of the first people in line, due to her class title. 
“Hayley Uley.” The Principal repeats, turning slightly to put his hand out.
She takes a few steps toward him and shakes his hand, grabbing the diploma case from his other hand as her brother and Embry, as well as the rest of the pack including the two graduating, stand up and cheer the loudest out of everyone there. 
“That’s my little sister!” “My girlfriend did it! Hell yeah!” “Wooo! Go, Hayley!”
She blushes and walks past the Principal to leave the stage, glancing at the pack as she does. Her heart drops slightly when she sees Billy clapping happily for his Beta…without his son next to him. About ten minutes later, Jared’s name is called, causing Hayley to stand up and whistle about as loud, if not louder than he had for her just minutes earlier. 
He grins and accepts his diploma case in the same manner before throwing up the rock-star sign, causing his friends to laugh. Since Paul’s last name began with L, it takes a little longer to get to him but everyone in the pack cheers as if it’s been five seconds. His classmates were surprised he was able to graduate but not the pack.
With Hayley being there, she was always helping him with his homework and studying, this included when they were on patrol. She quizzed him more often than not, making sure he would be able to walk the stage. He’s thankful for her. Because of her, he proved his father wrong and proved he was able to do it.
Over an hour later, after the tassels have been moved and the caps have been thrown, Hayley rushes toward her brother, squealing as she moves.
“I fuckin’ did it!” She practically screams, jumping into his arms. 
Sam catches her, holding her close to him. “I’m so proud of you, Hay.”
“You’re the one person I want to thank, Sam. Without you, I wouldn’t be here.” She whispers, hugging him tightly. 
“I didn’t do anything. All I did was…” She cuts off her brother by leaning back and looking at him.
“You believed in me from day one. That’s what you did.” She says, tearing up slightly. “Even when mom gave up on me, on us, you never did. Not even for one second.”
Her words cause her brother to tear up a little himself, as he smiles softly before kissing the top of her head.“Congratulations, Beta. You deserve this.” 
Before any more words can be spoken, her imprint walks up and wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck slightly. 
“I’m dating a high school graduate.” He whispers causing her to wipe her tears and giggle. “That’s kinda hot.”
Sam rolls his eyes but jumps when Jared and Paul almost tackle him with their own excitement. Since the whole gym is loud with families and graduates, he didn’t even hear them running toward them. Hayley turns around in her boyfriend's arms and wraps her own around his neck.
“Hot, huh?”
“Hell yeah it is.” He grins, leaning down toward her. “I really got lucky, dating an older woman. All the guys are jealous!”
She laughs slightly and leans up, pressing her own lips to his, sparks flying. He reaches up and cups her cheek, deepening it slightly. Normally the pack would step in to mess it up on purpose but Hayley deserves this. When they pull away for a breath of much needed air, Emily decides to be the one to step in, not wanting anything to happen in public.
“Alright, time for pictures!!”
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Since the pack had the legends bonfire a little over a week before, Paul, Jared and Hayley all wanted to have a nice dinner for their graduation party. Just the pack and them. The only family they would ever need. The three graduates sit next to each other with Embry next to his girlfriend and Sam next to Jared, Paul and Hayley in the middle. 
Kim wasn’t able to be there due to her own family wanting to have a nice dinner as she graduated today as well. She’s gonna be stopping by in a couple of days to spend time with the pack. The pack’s laughing, having the best time of their lives…that is until Jake walks into the room. They all quiet down and look at him, slightly shocked to see he even showed up. 
Sam notices that he wasn’t sitting next to his father in the stands earlier in the night. He’s irritated with his pack member but if he would rather be at Bella’s graduation, hiding, more power to him.
“Hey guys.” He says, putting his hands into his pockets. “Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Hayley says aloud, and very sarcastically, while her two classmates nod at his words, not wanting to speak.
“I, uh, I’m sorry I didn’t go. You know…Bella was graduating too, so.” He mumbles, knowing everyone could hear him. 
“It’s alright. We had the pack.” Jared says, watching him.
“Hell, we had your dad.” Paul shrugs, grabbing another piece of the fantastic dinner Emily created for them.
Jacob nods slightly before speaking reluctantly, knowing he’s going to make someone mad today. 
“I know today is a big one but I wanted to know if Hayley, Embry and Quil were ready…”
“Ready for what?” She raises an eyebrow.
“To go to Bella’s graduation party.”
Embry and Quil growl slightly, pissed at their best friend's words. 
“The fuck, Jacob. You knew since we graduated too we wanted a nice dinner with the pack so why the hell do I have to go?” She asks, throwing her napkin down onto the table.
“Because Sam said I can’t go alone and…”
“You didn’t tell me it was today!” Sam growls. “Can’t my sister have one day without your damn leech problems?” 
“Hay,” He looks at her, begging. “I’ll make it up to you. Please. I need to apologize for what happened a few days ago.”
Hayley shakes her head, glaring at him as she tries to hold back her vibrating body. “Fuck this! Fuck you, Jake! I’m not going. I’m tired of coming second to your little puppy crush on a leech lover. If you want to apologize, you can find a way that doesn’t include me!”
The tension in the room skyrockets and Sam sighs, rubbing his eyes. 
“Fine. Because you’re such a selfish asshole.” He turns to his Beta. “Hayley, will you please go with him and tonight, you and I will watch Harry Potter all night.”
Growling softly, but nodding as she stands up. “Fine.” She looks at Jake, glaring at him. “Just know, I’m done doing anything for you. I’m only going to this cause Sam asked. Next time you need something, why don’t you ask your new leech friends. Cause I’m done.”
“But the pack?” He starts as she walks away.
“No!” She turns, pointing toward him. “No. You do not get to lecture me on the pack! You’ve put me and the pack second to you and your leech loving best friend who’s not even your imprint! If you gave a damn about the pack, you’d have been there today, Jake. You’d have supported us. You’d have chosen your pack before all this. But no. You weren’t. You haven’t. And you didn’t! So, don’t you dare start in with the ‘but the pack’ bullshit! You’re the fuckin’ wolf that cried boy!”
Jake sighs and nods softly. “Fine. But…please?”
Hayley flips him off and growls as she turns away from him to go put her shoes on. Embry shakes his head, anger filling his stomach.
“You’re such a fuckin’ dick, Jake.” He stands up, throwing his own napkin down onto the table. “She got one day this year to do whatever she wanted and you ruined it.”
“I know but…”
“No buts, Jake. The only butt here is you.” He looks at his best friend. “Since the day you phased, she’s done whatever you asked, despite her being the Beta of our pack. A role you tried to take from her. When they wanted you to sniff Bella’s room for a new leech, she was there after getting literally an hour of sleep. When you needed help on homework, she canceled one of our rare dates so you’d get a good grade. She was the one that took every shift outside of Bella’s house she could to make sure that house was safe. If you truly knew how important this day was to her, and even - just slightly - gave a shit about her, you’d have been there for her. You’d have done the one thing that you knew you should’ve, the one thing she shouldn’t even have to ask of you. But you didn’t. You showed her - and everyone else here - just how little she, and the pack, means to you. How little you actually care about her.”
The teenage boy looks down at his shoes, not knowing what to say. Paul glances up slightly.
“He’s right. I didn’t care if you showed up. Jared didn’t either but she was the one to ask you. Personally! Out of all the times you’ve let her down, this has to be the worst. It’s the only thing she’s ever asked of you, and you gave a rat’s ass about it.”
“Forget it, guys.” Hayley speaks up, her heart full of love from her friends. “If he doesn’t care, then why should I? Let’s just go get this over with so I can come back and watch Harry win the Triwizard cup with the people that do actually care.”
She grabs her truck keys and walks out the back door. Embry rushes out after her, gently curling his fingers around her wrist once he’s close enough. He gently tugs, getting her to stop and face him. Leaning up, he kisses her softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand, absentmindedly wiping the tear that falls down her cheek. 
She deepens the kiss slightly, happy she has at least one good thing in her life and that's her imprint. He’s had her back through everything since the day their eyes met in Jake’s garage. When they pull away, he looks deep into her eyes, wanting to show how much she means to him.
“I love you, Hayley.” He whispers. “Even when everyone is shitting on you, I’ll love you until the end of time.”
Another tear falls down her cheek as she takes in a breath, wanting her heart to stop pounding hard at his words. 
“I love you, too, Embry. So much.”
She wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling against him slightly. He holds her as close as he can, wanting her to feel his love.
“No matter how much worse Jake can make tonight, this moment, with you, Em, it’s the best part of my day. Of my life.” She whispers.
“You’re already the best part of my life.” He whispers, kissing her temple before pulling away.
Quil stomps out of the house, rushing straight for his best friends, mumbling about how much an ass Jake is. Jacob walks out slowly, embarrassed about everything Sam, Paul and Embry have said to him. Emily even said something when Hayley rushed out of the house. Their Beta drives them to the Cullen’s house, the disgusting smell of sweet bleach hitting their noses as soon as they pull in. 
Embry and Quil growl, but exit the car, knowing that they better get this over with so they can get home as soon as possible. Hayley turns off her truck and puts the keys in her pocket before looking at Jake.
“We’re going to go in. You’re going to apologize. I’m gonna get some cake then we’re leaving. Understood?”
He nods softly, swallowing the small amount of spit in his mouth. She leaves the car and walks to the two boys who are waiting for her. It doesn’t take long for them to find the entrance after hearing the loud music and teenagers talking from the truck. Despite how tense they are, Embry and Quil flank Hayley while Jacob stands a few feet to the side.
Since he’s in the house of the Cullen Coven, he’s calm and confident, not wanting them to know his pack just ripped him a new one for even wanting to be there. Bella catches sight of the four of them before sighing to herself, maneuvering off the dance floor.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, glancing at the other three.
“You invited me, remember?” He smiles slightly.
“Was my right hook too subtle for you? It was me uninviting you.” She scoffs before gesturing to Hayley. “She has more of a right to be here than you do and she doesn’t even like me.”
The Beta smirks to herself, glancing around the party.
“Look, Bella. I’m sorry…about, you know…The kiss and your hand.” He says, causing the two boys to look at him in confusion. “I’d blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but it was really…just me. Being an ass. I’m really sorry.”
Bella sees how sincere he is with his words before nodding slightly. 
“I brought you something. A graduation present.” He says, pulling something out of his pocket. “I made it myself.”
Embry rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his girlfriend’s back. He didn’t even give his pack members a card for their graduation. Hell! Seth handmade cards for the three graduates. Hay immediately put it on her wall so she can look at it everyday. 
“You made this?” Bella asks, looking at the intricately hand-carved miniature wolf that is attached to a bracelet. “It’s really pretty! Thanks.”
Jacob grins widely and helps her put it on, glad she likes it. Hayley pulls on her boyfriend’s shirt slightly, gesturing to the door. He nods slightly, knowing what she means before turning to Jacob to tell him where they’re going. Before Hay can try to move past a couple of the Forks High graduates, wanting to get some food since Jake rudely interrupted their dinner, a voice captures her attention.
“Hey! It’s Taken!” 
She groans slightly and turns around, mumbling softly. “As if this night couldn’t get any worse.”
Embry raises an eyebrow at her words and turns around, looking to see a blonde pale face, checking out his girlfriend, a slight glare appearing.
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“Mike.” Hayley says, putting her hand on her boyfriend’s arm to calm him down. “What do you want?”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He grins, stepping in front of her. 
“Well, my great friend Bella graduated today so I thought I’d stop by and say hello.” She says, forcing the words out.
“Oh! Well while you’re here we should dance or something.” He checks her out again before looking up at Embry who steps up toward him.
Hayley bites her lip slightly, loving the protective feeling that’s radiating from her imprint. She’s also trying to hold back her laughter at the sight of her 6 foot 4 boyfriend, towering over the barely 5 foot 10 inch tall teenager.
“And you’re who?” Embry narrows his eyes. 
“I’m Mike.” He puts his hand out. “You must be the guy she’s happily and forever taken to?”
“I am.” He says, ignoring his hand shake. “So, you already knew that she’s taken? But you still thought you’d shoot your shot?”
“I, uh…” He stutters slightly. “I thought she was lying…”
“She wasn’t and she still isn’t so why don’t you go and dance with someone else because this beautiful girl is mine.” He wraps his arm around her waist.
“Yeah, uh, sure. Sorry.” Mike gulps before turning around, rushing back toward Jessica who was still on the dance floor.
When he’s out of earshot, Hayley turns to look up at her boyfriend with a smirk.
“And you say I’m the hot one.” She whispers, knowing he can hear her. “I’d have to say, you’re the hot one here.”
He looks down at her, the glare immediately erasing from his face.
“Me?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, it’s still you.”
Before she can reply, the air in the room quickly gets thick, not that any of the humans around would notice. The couple turns around to see Alice near the staircase, frozen in her spot. She’s having a vision.
“Shit.” She whispers before following Bella, Jake and Quil to the know-it-all vampire.
“Alice, what did you see?” Bella whispers, looking at her friend.
“Okay, something is going on. Tell me.” Jake says, looking between them.
“I…need to talk to Jasper.” She says, turning to the side.
The shifter puts his arm against the wall, blocking her from moving.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He growls slightly.
“I suggest you remove your arm…before I do.” Jasper says, appearing almost out of nowhere.
“Nah, how about you back up away from my pack before I remove yours.” Hayley glares at the vampire. 
He turns toward her, his lethal expression falling as he sees she’s flanked by her imprint and best friend. He swallows the venom in his mouth, not wanting to start anything with her.
“The decision has been made.” Alice says, breaking their eye contact.
“What’s going on? You’re not going to Seattle?” Bella asks, looking at her again.
“No…They’re coming here…”
The four pack members follow behind the vampire couple to Carlisle’s office where the rest of them were waiting. Once again Quil and Embry are flanking their Beta while Jake stands near Bella but he’s far enough away from Edward to be happy.
“How long?” Edward asks, looking at his ‘sister’. 
“They’ll be here in four days.” She answers.
The four pack members glance at each other, confused at the conversation that’s going on. 
“This could turn into a bloodbath.” Carlisle says, glancing at his family.
“Who’s behind it?” The mind-reading vampire continues his questioning.
“I didn’t see anyone I recognize. Maybe one.” Alice thinks about her vision.
“I know his face. He’s local, Riley Biers.” He says, glancing at his girlfriend. “He didn’t start this.”
For the last year, her father, the Chief of Police, has been searching for him since he’s been missing. Now she knows what happened.
“Whoever did is staying out of the action.”
“They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.” Carlisle speaks up again.
“Either way, the army is coming…” Jasper stands straight. “And there aren’t enough of us to protect the town.”
Hayley has had enough. She steps forward, putting her hands out, shaking slightly at the conversation.
“Hold up. What damn army? What are you talking about?”
Carlisle looks toward his ‘youngest son’ who shakes his head. He sighs and looks toward the Beta of the pack.
“Newborns. Our kind.”
“What are they after?” Embry asks, glancing at his imprint.
“They were passing around Bella’s scent. A red blouse.”
“The scent Jake and I smelled. Must be this Riley kid.” Hayley says, glancing at the oldest vampire.
“They’re the ones after Bella?” Embry raises an eyebrow.
“What the hell does this mean?” Jacob speaks up.
“It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.” Carlisle sighs.
A sudden weight falls on Hayley’s shoulders. Lives lost meaning that these newborn vampires can get past the Cullen’s and get to Forks or the tribe, killing everyone. She can’t let that happen. Innocent people can get hurt and she, as a spirit warrior, has sworn to protect every innocent human she possibly could. 
She looks over her right shoulder at Embry who, despite not being a mind reader, knows exactly what she’s thinking. He puts his hand on her lower back, silently informing her ‘whatever you say, I’ll do’. She looks toward Quil who gives her an almost invisible nod, knowing what the risk is. She blows air from her nose before looking at Jake. 
Even after her large speech barely an hour ago, she knew she had to do this.
“Alright…we’re in.” 
“No!” Bella speaks up, shaking her head. “You’ll get yourselves killed. No way.”
“I don’t need your permission, Isabella.” She states before looking toward Carlisle. 
Before she can speak any further, the human looks toward her boyfriend.
“It means more protection for you.” He shrugs, happy that Hayley came to the conclusion she did.
“If I was in Hayley’s position, I’d do the same.” He says, thankful for the Beta of his pack.
Her speech was still lingering on his mind so he knew he couldn’t outwardly ask Hayley to do this…save his love but knowing she was willing to do this…even if it wasn’t for him, it makes him question his intentions with the pack. 
“Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?” Carlisle asks, looking at the female pack member.
“Innocent lives are at stake here. Her father. Jake’s father. My tribe.” She says, crossing her arms. “Not just Bella.”
“Jasper.” He says, looking at his ex-war veteran. 
“They’ll give us the numbers. And the newborns won’t know they even exist. That’ll give us an edge.”
“We’ll need to coordinate.” He says, looking toward Hayley once again.
“Carlisle, they’ll get hurt!” Bella speaks up again.
“We’ll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You’re welcome to join us.”
“Name the time and place.” Hayley looks toward Jasper.
“Tonight…Dawn?” Jasper asks, making sure the time was okay with her.
“I’ll talk with Sam.” She says, turning around toward her imprint.
He keeps his hand on her lower back, ushering her out the door, Quil and Jake following her. 
“There goes my damn Harry Potter marathon.” She mumbles, causing Embry to rub her back. 
Before they can fully exit the house, Bella runs up behind the four pack members.
“Hayley, Jake. You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into!”
The Beta turns around to look at her. 
“Bella, this is what we do.” She shakes her head. “I’m doing this for your father and every other innocent person you’ve dragged into your bullshit.”
“You should be happy.” Jake looks down at his best friend. “Look at us, working together. You’re the one who wanted us to get along, remember?”
Not allowing the human to say anything else, the four pack members quickly leave, getting into Hayley’s truck, ready to go back to her house.
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