mycolourfullifeuk · 2 years
Autism Awareness Month
April is the month of Autism Awareness, a month which is used to spread the word about what autism is, what life is like for people with autism, learn about what the neurotypical, also referred to as NT’s, (people not on the spectrum) can do to help and support people who are neurodivergent. While I am behind the whole premise of Autism Awareness Month, there are still things that have made me…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 2 years
Our Wedding (In Pictures)
Our Wedding (In Pictures)
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mycolourfullifeuk · 3 years
Relation Status Level Up - from Miss to Mrs
Relation Status Level Up – from Miss to Mrs
The biggest thing that happened in 2021 was that I got married! You may remember me mentioning that I had a new boyfriend back in 2020 (see the post here). Since 2020 Rob has moved in with me, we got engaged in February 2021 and then got married on 3rd August 2021! We got married during lock down, in some ways it was stressful planning the day when all the rules kept changing, especially…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 3 years
2021...The Highlights
2021…The Highlights
As I sit here with both feet now firmly planted in 2022, and the first month of the year nearly coming to an end I’m feeling the way I normally do at this time of the new year, where I think and reflect upon the year that has been before I start looking toward what this new year will bring (and so far 2022 is shaping up to be a fairly interesting one so far, but I’ll save that for another…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 3 years
A Return to Blogging?
A Return to Blogging?
Firstly… Happy New Year to you all! I know I’m a *bit* late with it, so apologies for that! How was everyone’s 2021? Mine was crazy and I have so much to share with you all in the next few weeks! And, yes, I said in the next few weeks which means I am planning blog content and returning to blogging after being gone for nearly a year! what has bought about this change? Well, when the pandemic hit…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
A New Year and a New Laptop
A New Year and a New Laptop
It’s hard to believe that I last blogged over 3 months ago, I honestly thought it was way longer ago than that. Half the reason I have been M.I.A is down to my laptop dying a death, I thought that I could fix it…I ran updates and cleared a few things, then left it for a bit as nothing seemed to have helped it, it was still running slow and lagging really badly… I think that is the worst thing…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
The perfect Hot Chocolate
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The perfect hot chocolate isn’t one that is bought in an expensive upmarket cafe,
It’s not one that is made with the best ingredients either
The effect hot chocolate is one that is made with love and care,
Designed to share, all snuggled up
With the one you love.
I have just made hot chocolate for the boy and I in the same way my Grandma used to make for me. I used proper old…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Update 03/10 - 11/10 2020
Update 03/10 – 11/10 2020
I am still struggling with motivation regarding my blog and where I am going with it. I am signed up to get e-mails from Pete McPherson who runs the “Do You Even Blog” podcast and had one at the beginning of October talking about how his motivation was down because of all the changes that have taken place during this pandemic and, reading it, I realised that most of my lack of motivation is down…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Top 10 Thursday!
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I have been spending most weekends at the beach and have decided that today’s Top 10 should be inspired by things I love about the beach or seaside!  As usual these are in no particular order
·         Sea salted air
·         Sand between my toes
·         The sound of the waves
·         Finding treasures like seashells, pebbles and sea glass
·         Ice-cream
·         Walk…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Guess Who’s Back? An Update
Guess Who’s Back? An Update
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It’s been months since I last wrote a blog post and so much has happened in that time,  I have had a few weeks away from work with an unidentified sickness which was thought to be Coronavirus (this was pre-testing) which then developed into a 4 week, 2 lots of antibiotics, battle with a chest infection.  On top of that, I have had to take further time off from work as I had been in contact with…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
The Complete A-Z of Blogging
The Complete A-Z of Blogging
***This post is image-heavy***
Here is the full series of the A-Z of Blogging which I wrote for the Blogging From A-Z April Challenge, please click on the images to take you to the relevant posts!
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging from A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - Z
Blogging from A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – Z
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It’s the last day in the Blogging from April A-Z Challenge and as always, Z is a pretty difficult letter to find words for.  I found it pretty hard to come up with anything for my A-Z of Blogging but found one thing that Z could stand for, and so I bring you Z for Zip files.
Zip Files.  A zip file can be used for many things, compressing files, archiving and sending large files online to another…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging From A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - Y
Blogging From A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – Y
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Todays Blogging from A-Z April Challenge brings us the letter Y and in my A-Z of Blogging this stands for YouTube.
YouTube.  Blogging via video is known as Vlogging and can be used on its own as a blogging channel or, you can amalgamate traditional blogging with a vlog, gaining other followers from different places.  Vlogging is a useful medium for showing your audience things such as how to’s,…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging from A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - X
Blogging from A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – X
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We are nearing the end of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge and in today’s A-Z of Blogging we are covering the letter X which stands for X-Posting.
X-Posting.  X-Posting, also known as Cross posting is where you publish the same post to other sites or blogs.  X-Posting used to be the done thing with bloggers sharing their posts to several different groups or sites in order to gain readers or…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging from A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - W
Blogging from A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – W
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We are into the last few days of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge and today’s letter in my A-Z of Blogging is W which stands for Workspace and Writing Style.
Workspace.  Having a dedicated workspace set up for blogging is a good idea, it can save you time as you don’t have to think about setting anything up prior to writing, can aid your creative flow and allows you to get into a blogging…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging from A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - V
Blogging from A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – V
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V in my A-Z of Blogging for the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge stands for Views and Visuals.
Views.  Views are all part of Stats (which I wrote about in this post) and tell you how many times a post or blog has been seen.  These figures can be used to gauge what the audience you are writing for find the most interesting in terms of topics you write about.
Visuals.  Visuals are any items…
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mycolourfullifeuk · 4 years
Blogging from A-Z - A-Z of Blogging - U
Blogging from A-Z – A-Z of Blogging – U
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Today’s Blogging from A-Z April Challenge brings us the letter U which in my A-Z of Blogging stands for User Experience.
User Experience.  User experience is such an important thing to consider when building your blog, designing a simple, easy to navigate page where everything is laid out clearly and all buttons work the way they should, that articles and posts are easy to find, read and have…
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