mydarlingmydear · 2 months
please.. i ache for you.. love me
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mydarlingmydear · 2 months
For you, i would rip open my ribs and let you gnaw on my heart. i would let you wear my blood like a halo. carve your name into every bone i have and watch me lay the knife at your altar. give me your entire soul and take mine in return.
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mydarlingmydear · 3 months
Hey yall!!! I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy- I will have a new yandere coming out soon~ can’t wait for you to see it, my darling~!
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mydarlingmydear · 3 months
you two started dating 2 months ago.
it shouldve been me.
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mydarlingmydear · 3 months
are you sorry? i know i shouldn’t forgive you but you’re so irresistible …
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
Yandere Singer Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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You are literally the most normal person ever
You have friends from work, you work a regular 9-5, nothing special, no tragic backstory, no quirky attributes, a plain jane
Elijah Lucas is a new pop star/singer hitting the scene and everyone is losing their minds over him
He's like the new BTS, except he's one person
You've never been a fan though because he's had some controversies like a messy break-up with his ex, no one ever really found out what happened other than both parties did not like each other
He's been snappy towards fans and paparazzi, but everyone just shrugged it off as him 'being a person too' and people should leave him alone
He left his own concert once after telling a fan off on stage because some fans were throwing things at him like phones and bras.
In interviews he's been cocky and snappy sometimes, sounding arrogant and just plain disrespectful to the interviewer, and people say he's not fun to work with... at all
So... you don't like him. Especially because people dismiss his bad behavior and let him get away with it because they think he's hot
You were working as a server at a restaurant when he came in. You had to serve him and you were 'so' happy about it.
Obviously, as you assumed, he was snappy, and rude, and treated you like you were dumb, which pissed you off
You asked one of your coworkers to serve him instead but they said no because you had already started, and it would be weird to switch halfway through
Irritated, you went out back for you break, phone in hand, when you saw him out there taking a break from his 'crowd', smoking
Immediately, you turned to leave, hoping he didn't see you, but you were very much wrong.
"I can tell you don't like me, you know." He said, looking over at you, blowing out smoke. You panicked, not knowing how to respond. You wanted to snap at him but you're anxiety got the better of you.
"O-o-oh... um... sorry... I guess." You say and quickly turn to leave.
"No you're not." He laughs. You turn back around. What did he say? He looks you up and down and laughs. "You're not sorry. Look at you. I mean-" he pauses, "Do you know who I am? Sorry? That's it?" He scoffs. He begins to walk up to you and you panic, reaching for the door, but he sets his hand on it, slamming it closed so you couldn't leave.
"You're clearly pissed, so why don't you just tell me why?" He mused, clearly finding this interaction funny.
"A-are you mad at me?" You mumble, freaked out. He's way taller than you, he smells like smoke and cologne, and you've seen how he acts on tv.
He looks at you for a few seconds before laughing a little. "Mad? Why would I be mad? I don't even know you. I'm curious. Shouldn't someone like you be shocked to see someone like me?" You look away in silence, not knowing what to say. You don't want to piss this guy off.
"Well? Are you gonna say something?" He leans down to try and make eye contact with you. You look away and he scoffs. "Oh come on don't be so shy. I don't bite."
"Well clearly you do." You mumble.
"What was that?" He sneers, clearly offended. You sigh and look up at him for a second before looking away.
"Okay fine. I don't like you because all the news I've seen about you seems bad. You're mean to fans and interviewers and it rubs me the wrong way."
"What do you want me to do to rub you the right way?" He mumbles in a flirty tone, causing you to panic and backup. He laughs. "I'm kidding! Calm down, gosh. Well... that's just how I am, and I'm not apologizing for that." He shrugs, looking at you.
"I have to go back to work. Please let go." You mumble, looking at the ground.
He's silent, but you can feel his eyes on you. "Fine." He says. He starts to let go but closes the door one more time. "But I'm coming back, cutie. And I'm gonna request you as my server." He smirks. He puts his cigarette back in his mouth and lets go as you hurry back inside.
You really hope he didn't mean that last part.
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Elijah Lucas, the one and only. He got his start on youtube and tik tok, posting covers and his own music. He wanted to bring rock back, as he loved shredding on the electric guitar. He got a lot of fans who loved 80's rock.
He did other music as well, but his main genre was rock and punk music. He eventually signed a label with a company and soon rose to fame, performing at Coachella and Summerfest, Lalapalooza, and more. He released his own albums, had concerts, etc.
People said he was the 'new Amy Winehouse' or 'Michael Jackson'. Sometimes he did regular pop music like Justin Bieber, BTS, or One Direction, but only because his label said it would bring in more fans.
He performed on SNL, was in some movies, and more. This guy was huge.
But it wasn't enough.
He got a girlfriend, Taylor Swift (you know her, right?), it was huge and boosted his publicity like crazy
However, they had a pretty messy breakup. They both agreed not to reveal anything, but she blamed it all on him in their private arguments.
He can't help that he gets jealous, they're dating. Or... were dating. He belongs to her and thats how relationships go. He didn't want her going out with friends, and hated when men made comments about her. She was his. But not anymore. She yelled at him and said he was too possessive, he was crazy and obsessed.
Of course, she wrote a song about being free and avoiding people who cling too much, which he refused to acknowledge was about him. Of course people were side Taylor, side Elijah. He didn't get as much hate as he expected to, people blamed Taylor for dating him just to write a song, it was a mess.
He went back to performing as usual, and they went their separate ways. He was in town for a concert he was performing and went to a restaurant. The restaurant was super accommodating and made sure not many people were served that day (because they were paid extra to).
The food wasn't that good and the server was clearly in a bad mood. It pissed him off. He went outside for a smoke break to get away from everyone and of course who else but his server comes outside with their phone. The more he looked at them, the more he thought they were kind of cute. Not only that, but dating a nobody might be interesting, and give him good publicity.
However they were playing hard to get. He liked that. He liked a chase. They were shy and quiet, and it made him want to... corrupt them. He wanted to watch them squirm and blush, and whimper... for fucks sake he just met them. And he was having these thoughts. They refused to look him in the eye and they went off about how much of jerk he was.
He was sick of people refusing to tell him the truth because he was talented and sexy. Taylor didn't tell him the truth. She was clearly just pissed he wouldn't let do whatever she wanted. She loved him, she just didn't want to admit it. Everyone loved him.
Who wouldn't? He was a singer, he could shred on the guitar, he was fit and sexy... so when this nobody didn't bow down at his feet it pissed him off. They should be begging for an autograph like everyone in that restaurant. They were probably too shy and just hiding the fact that they were a huge fan. He liked their stubbornness. Their shyness.
He had to work for his talent, and his fame. He wasn't a nepo baby. In fact he came from a bad household. He knew that back then, if he wanted them he would have to work for it. But now, people would do anything for him. They would kill for him. So if he wanted them, he would get them, one way or another.
And he always gets what he wants.
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
// Hey yall! Sorry I haven’t posted, things have been hectic at home, but I promise the next one will be good 😋
// Also would people actually be interested in seeing and hearing more about the yanderes and their backgrounds, or do you like it to be blank/vague so you can have your own ideas of them?
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
Yandere Police Officer Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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You were pulled over for speeding 
It was a total accident, and you just weren’t paying attention 
You rolled the window down and got your insurance out
Once he made it to the window your eyes were so wide they almost popped out of your skull
This man was so sexy 
“Hey. I’m officer Holloway. I pulled you over for speeding, but I’m sure you know that.” He said, resting his hands on his belt.
“Officer I’m so sorry-“ you pleaded, embarrassed. “I had no idea I was speeding I wasn’t paying attention.”
The officer looked you up and down once and sighed. “Do you know how many people say that?” He groaned, taking his hat off and running a hand through his hair
His uniform looked like it could tear at any moment from his muscular he was 
His bicep was the side of you head 
“I’m serious, I’ve never had a parking ticket before, this is my first time.” You pleaded.
“Lemme see your ID.” He motioned for you to hand it over. You did and he looked over it, scratching his stubble on his chin. “Here.” He gave it back and looked around before sighing.
“I’ll tell you what, I’m going to let you off with a warning.” He said. You sighed the biggest sigh of relief.
“You need to be more aware.” He grumbled. “I better not need to pull you over again.” He stated. You nodded desperately.
“Thank you so much. Thank you.” You said. He nodded.
“Be careful out there. Take care.” He said motioning a goodbye as he headed to his car. You could see through the rearview mirror that he looked back a few times and then got into his car.
You sighed in relief and took a few minutes to calm yourself before driving again.
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Wow. What a cutie. Shit. They're really fucking cute.
The way you pleaded and begged woke something inside this man. God he wanted more of that. When he read your ID, he made sure to memorize the entire thing. Especially your address. 
He didn’t want to get on your bad side, so he let you off with a warning. He debated asking you out for coffee, but knew that was inappropriate as he was on duty. He wished he was on you instead-
He waved goodbye and looked back a few times to read your license plate and get it memorized. The moment he sat in the car he whipped out a notepad and wrote all of your information down.
As he was writing, his mind was asking, “why am I doing this? Why am I writing this down? I need their info for my job- but do I really need to know this? I’ll just keep in my pocket, for safekeeping. It’s not like I’ll do anything with this information.”
He knew he was lying to himself. He thought it was pretty ironic that as a cop his emotions were getting out of control like this.
He couldn’t think straight the rest of the day. His thoughts were you you you. He started brainstorming ideas of petty crimes to accuse you of so he could see you more often. 
He knew what he was doing was wrong. But it’s not his fault. You were the one speeding. You were the one that caused him to feel this way. 
And you were going to face the consequences.
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
Yandere House Husband Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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you don’t even know how it happened 
You woke up and you could smell bacon so you went to the kitchen.
And there was a man… cooking bacon… in your apartment.  
“Hello…?” You asked hesitantly. He turned and made eye contact with you, his face brightening up immediately. “Babe! Good morning!” He chimed. “I would kiss you but I don’t want the bacon to burn.” He chuckled. You stared at him in utter confusion. 
“I don’t know you.” You said, s confused.
“Babe I know you like to joke around but it’s so early in the morning.” 
He put the bacon down and proceeded to walk up to you grabbing your waist. He whispered a good morning before kissing you on your forehead. 
Still in complete and utter shock, you looked around and realized this wasn’t even your house.
Whats… going on?
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He would do literally anything for you. Stay at home and cook and clean, kill someone, anything to keep you by his side 
As he does meal prep for the week, he’ll listen to music and playlists he made for you, or sometimes he’ll just straight up listen to your conversations with him
Not that he has many or anything cause that would be weird to record your wife’s beautiful voice that you want to listen to until you die
It takes him a long time to do laundry because he’s clinging to and smelling your clothes so much he doesn’t want to put them in the wash, no matter how gross it is
He’ll pocket a pair of your underwear that he doesn’t put in the wash
He keeps a small box under his bed of your stuff and photos of you
Sometimes he’ll get into sexy lingerie and lie on the bed, knowing when you get home you’ll see him waiting for you
He’s upset that you keep saying you don’t know him and that you aren’t married
The joke is funny until it’s said so much 
Babe- why are you acting like you forgot about us? We’re literally married.
But you still feign innocence and confusion like you know nothing about him
Where did he come from? We may never know 
How did he get here? Unsure.
Is this a dream? Is he real and did he kidnap you? Were you in a coma? You have no idea
All you know is that he’s a total mystery 
He’s a mystery, and he’s here to stay. 
For good.
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
Yandere Doctor Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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You had just moved into town and never actually found a doctor to officially go to, so you decided to set one up when you ended up having a cold.
The actual doctors office you went to wasn’t too big. It was a smaller building that was a branch off a larger hospital. If you needed a more serious doctor appointment, you had to drive to the bigger building, whereas this was just for check ups, flu-shots, and common colds.
You nervously waited for the nurse after setting up your insurance and such. She took you back and took your vitals and everything a regular nurse would do, and then left so the doctor could come in. 
You waited for about 30 minutes before he came.
“Hello, I’m so sorry about that, there’s a cold going around schools so a lot of kids are coming in.” He chuckled. He stopped to look at you, and paused for a beat, before shaking his head slightly and walking to the sink to wash his hands. He sat down in a swivel chair and scooted over to you. “I’m Dr. Walton. It’s nice to meet you. I don’t believe we’ve met before.” 
You shook your head. “I’m (y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).” You said quietly.
He chuckled a little. “I don’t bite. I promise.” He could clearly tell you were nervous by the shakiness in your voice. “So, a cold?” You nod, embarrassed. He was quite handsome and you felt awkward in this situation.
Dr. Walton was a very handsome man. He was clearly a bit older than you, maybe in his late 30s? Early 40s? He carried this energy, this confidence and suave vibe, that he knew he was good looking for his age. He wasn’t super muscular, and had a pretty average body. He seemed to be quite tall, around at least 5’10” - 6’ 2”. 
“Excuse me for a minute, my hands are going to be very cold.” He gently pressed his hands on your neck, feeling to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong. His cologne mixed in with the scent of cleaning supplies from the room. It made you feel a little dizzy. The more he was around you, the more nervous you got. 
When he had to listen to your pulse, you could feel in your chest how nervous you were, your face heating up as he pressed the stethoscope under your shirt and onto your back. He chuckled playfully. “Are you okay? Your heartbeat sounds faster than normal. Hey, I told you, I don’t bite. It’s my job to make sure you’re okay.”
You nodded and laughed weakly. He sat back down and leaned forward, looking at you. 
“From what I see, it seems to be a normal cold. It should go away in a few days, I’ll prescribe you some over the counter meds. Make sure you take it twice a day, every day, with food.” He crossed his legs and leaned back, looking at you. “Got that?” You nodded.
“Now listen, I don’t want to see you in here too often, I don’t want to see you ill, but I do hope you’ll come for an annual check up. The nurses told me you’re new to town?” He said, making eye contact with you. The eye contact made you nervous so you looked away. You nodded.
He chuckled again. “Well, I’m honored to be the doctor you decided to see. Here’s your after-visit summary. If you can, set up an appointment with the ladies up front.” He said, smiling gently at you. You nodded, trying to hide your blushing face. He helped you up from the observation chair. You swore his hand gave yours a quick squeeze, and once you were up, his hand lingered a little longer than it should have. Maybe you were imagining it. 
“Have a good day, (y/n). I’ll see you around.” You said goodbye and headed home that day, your new doctor lingering on your mind for much longer than the visit. 
Lets just say you also lingered on his mind, a little too much.
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Being a doctor was pretty boring, and it wasn’t any more exciting when you had at least 10 kids a day coming in because of a cold. Crying, wailing, complaining…
He loved his job, he did. Being able to help others was wonderful. But when would he have the time to help himself? 
After the divorce with his wife, he struggled to find a healthy balance between life and work. He couldn’t get over her. And his two kids, well… she had full custody.
He lived in a really nice house, but he lived alone with his dog. A big house and no one to share it with. 
Well, until you came along.
When he first entered the room and saw you, something in him caused him to freeze. He didn’t expect to see such a cute patient. He tried not to linger on it, he was a doctor and he had to do his job. But gosh… you were cute. 
He never believed in love at first sight, it wasn’t logical and didn’t make any sense. But… you? Maybe you changed his mind. It’s like all his worries melted away.
When he checked your throat and back, he lingered close, and took an excruciating amount of time to do these tasks. He could smell your perfume/cologne and wanted to just hold you and take your scent in. 
Was that weird? He had never fallen for a patient before. Not only was it wrong, it was illegal. To sleep with a patient. Not that he was thinking of sleeping with you or anything… well… at least not yet. 
Something inside of him ached when you had to go, but he knew he had to do his job, so he did just that. He encouraged you to set up more appointments, but a checkup wouldn’t be for a while, so he had to find another way to see you.
He had never felt this way about someone, not even his wife. With his ex-wife, it was so soft, so fluffy, so… sweet. But with you it was like… some kind of hunger. Craving. Desire. Like drinking a refreshing smoothie versus biting into a juicy steak. Something came over him and he felt like he needed to have you. To own you. To take care of you and protect you. 
That night when he went home, he did everything he could to keep his mind off of you. He knew obsessing over you like this was… wrong. 
As he lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, whenever he closed his eyes, he saw you. Saw you smiling at him, saw you in so many scenarios with him, so many positions….
He didn’t even realize his hand was in his pants until he felt something wet all over his hand. He groaned and panted, rolling over to the side, grabbing a tissue and wiping his hand off. As he cleaned his hand, he was deep in thought about you and his feelings. 
He didn’t know why, he didn’t know how, or when, but what he did know was that you needed to be his. And there was no exception.
Authors Note: I CANT IMAGINE THIS MAN LOOKING LIKE ANYONE EXCEPT HARVEY FROM STARDEW- I gotta make an bootleg, Walmart version Harvey... sorry ya'll I'm down bad
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
My favorite view is outside your window~
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Be good and obey the rules~ okay~?
🩸 No minors allowed, this blog is 18+, including sensitive and mature content that isn’t suitable for minors.
🩸No homophobia, racism, slurs, transphobia, ableism, hate speech, etc. Don’t be rude. Act like an adult.
🩸I don’t take requests, but I will answer questions about my ocs or even headcanons. If I do want requests for something I will let you know, but I usually don’t.
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OC List:
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Elliot Foster (WIP)
Miller Walton (WIP)
Eduard Barnes (WIP)
Wes Holloway (WIP)
Elijah Lucas (WIP)
Writing Masterlist:
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Yandere Boy Next Door Part 1
Yandere Doctor Part 1
Yandere House Husband Part 1
Yandere Police Officer Part 1
Yandere Singer Part 1
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mydarlingmydear · 4 months
Yandere Boy Next Door Part 1
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Warning: This post contains topics such as stalking as well as sexual themes. No minors allowed. Viewer discretion advised.
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The boy next door moved in next to you without you even knowing, really…
The house next to yours was kind of run down, the paint was chipping off the windows and paneling, moss and plants were growing on top of the cement stairs and up the base of the mailbox
You didn’t think anyone was going to move there, as it wasn’t a super flattering house, but much to your surprise, you saw moving trucks
You saw the moving trucks and heard people talking a few times but you never actually saw who lived there
Until you did
You were headed home and bumped into someone because you were glued to your phone. Apologizing you walked past them but stopped when you realized you weren’t walking that far
You had only passed him to get to your house, and he was your neighbor… so…
He was unlocking his front door and watched as you walked up to yours. Your houses weren’t too big, so there wasn’t a ton of distance between you both
“… You… live there?” He asked, pointing at your house. You nodded. He made a lighthearted, playful smirk at your response
“Well, would you look at that? Hello neighbor.” He chuckled as he crossed his arms and leaned against the closed door.
You laughed a little to yourself and waved. “Hello… to be honest, I’m surprised someone moved in, I didn’t think anyone would want that house.” You said not thinking anything of it. He looked at the house and patted it as if it was a car or bike.
“Honestly, it was affordable and the neighborhood isn’t bad, so I didn’t see why not.” He shrugged, smiling and leaning his head against the wall.
Something in your chest thumped when you saw the way he smiled at you. It was charming yet genuine. Playful yet… also sincere. You shook your head slightly to get out of your own thoughts. You felt his eyes on you.
"Elliot." He said. You looked up in confusion. "Elliot Foster. And you?" He nodded towards you.
"I... uh..." should you trust him? He was your new neighbor. What's the worst that could happen? "(y/n)... (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you." You said, smiling politely. His eyes wandered over your form for a few seconds.
He sighed and clapped once. “Welp, I’ve got to hit the hay. But, hey,” he paused, pointing at you, keys jingling in his hand. “I’ll see you around…” he paused, clearly checking you out in a teasing way. “Neighbor.” He smirked and waved goodnight before going inside.
You felt your chest thump and your face heat up. No. You couldn’t. You’ve never had a boyfriend and relationships made you nervous.
You headed inside and after eating dinner, you headed to your room where you saw his light on. You could see through his window as he took his shirt off. He stretched, his back muscles flexing. He wasn’t super muscular, but he wasn’t completely out of shape either. He was… easy on the eyes. You turned away and slapped your cheeks, trying to shake yourself out of your daze.
No crushing. It wasn’t worth it. Little did you know…
It definitely was to him.
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He first moved to the neighborhood to keep a low profile after the situation with his… last girlfriend. He had lost his job for not showing up enough and acting out on a coworker that pissed him off. To be honest, he hated working there anyways.
He didn’t think much of this new neighborhood, it was plain, it was fine, he honestly didn’t have any opinions. That is… until he saw you.
When you two bumped into each other, he laughed it off and helped you up. The moment he looked at you, he felt his heart thumping in his chest. Fuck… you were cute. When you went your separate ways he walked up to his door, his eyes watching you the whole time. He fumbled with his keys and when he saw you lived right next to him, well… he thought it was practically destined to be. He had never really believed in fate or soulmates, but there’s no way he’d bump into someone that cute only to find out they were his neighbor. He had talked with you for a little bit before entering his house and immediately leaning against the door when he closed it.
He laughed to himself and ran his hands through his hair, his face on fire and his heart thumping so hard he could hear and feel it. So many thoughts were running through his head after that interaction.
Were you single? What was your job? What were your friends like? Did you live alone or with roomates? Did you have any pets? Did you even like pets? What would your face look like as you sucked his co-
He shook his head feverishly. No. He couldn’t obsess. It always got out of control. He took some deep breaths but as he did, he couldn’t clear his mind of all the questions and thoughts about you. He headed to his room and turned the light on and opened the window. He closed the curtains, but they were pretty sheer so they didn’t hide much. He noticed your window was also open. He bit his lip in thought but quickly turned around when he saw you staring to enter your room. He paced around his room and thought for a minute.
I mean… he needed to get ready for bed… right? It’s not like he wanted you to see him changing, he just… happened to have the window open. A coincidence, right?
He slowly took off his shirt, his back facing you as there’s no way he wouldn’t stare you down if he faced you. He stretched a bit, trying to linger for as long as he could without being awkward. He looked down at his arms and chest and frowned. Sure, he went to the gym, but he wasn’t as fit as he’d like to be. If he went to the gym more, maybe he’d impress you more? If he ran around the neighborhood, maybe he’d be able to… follow see you?
That night he cyberstalked the fuck out of your social media accounts, tried to find any information he could.
He looked at your posts, your families posts with pictures of you in them, anything he could gather. Screenshotting and downloading any photos he could of you, his mind went blank as all he did was desperately search for anything he could get. By the time he was done saving any and every photo he could, he had snapped out of his obsession online. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, cursing at his own horney-ness. What was wrong with him? He was spiraling again.
When he fell in love, he didn’t just fall, he passed out. He fell hard. Speaking of hard…
He probably came three times just looking at photos of you on his phone. After he finished, he lay on his bed thinking about what just happened. Obsession was like a drug addiction. When he did it he couldn’t stop. When he tried to stop he was in hell.
This would be… the last time right? Yeah. Last time. Of course this would be the last time, because he wouldn’t be single after you. He’d be in a totally healthy marriage, with three kids, one boy, two girls (Theo, Mia, and Emily). You’d go to your job, he’d go to his, the kids would go to daycare… gosh he was obsessing again… he just couldn’t stop. He wanted you. He craved you. He needed you.
And he was going to get you. Whether you liked it or not.
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