mydogatemytampon · 1 month
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don’t worry everyone the doctor who wiki has everything under control
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mydogatemytampon · 1 month
Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War
Hello everyone..
I am Hadeel Mikki from Gaza, Palestine and this is my husband Waseem Mikki, my daughters Mira and Nadia, My mother Tahani Mikki, and my two brothers.
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Here is our story - Ever since the morning of the 7th of October, none of our lives have been the same. Everything in our lives has been disrupted. The first night since the beginning of the war, our home got partially destroyed because of a very close Israeli strike.
Despite the damage, we stayed home for another two weeks until suddenly and without preparation, we were told to evacuate our homes and we’d be in danger. From this moment our endless journey of suffering and pain began.
Throughout this journey, we later Knew that our home of three floors where my family and my uncle-in-law family live. My uncle family of 5 members did not leave our home and it has got bombed directly and completely destroyed and all of them were martyred.
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My father-in-law his heart could not bear all this pain and all this grief; so he got sick. He found himself living the darkest of realities and through the scarcity of medicine and lack of medical resources in the hospitals, he passed away.
My husband, Waseem, was very sad, and my daughters missed their grandfather, who used to play with them and bring them toys.
The situation was very difficult for my children, and my eldest daughter, Mira, kept crying and wanted to go and see her grandfather, and she did not realize that he had gone and would never return.
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So we moved in with my husband, children, and I, full of great sadness, with my mother and two brothers, who are the only survivors of my family; They are all that I have left, and I hope that we will all escape with our lives outside of war and destruction, and that my children will survive. We do not want to lose them.
Our future has become unknown, our present is unbearable, unlivable by human standards. We’re stuck in a harsh reality each moment. We live in a constant state of sounds of explosions, bullets raining down on us, artillery shells, and warplanes dropping destructive missiles on us every day.
In addition to our ongoing suffering to this day: lack of resources, humanitarian aid, medicine, and food. We can barely find food for my girls, as they eat one meal during the day and spend the rest of the day crying.
This is my daughters enjoying a life before 7th October.
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But now my princess Mira stay alone all the time remember her previous life, her school, her friends, our beautiful life, and all places we were visited with Mira and Nadia as a beautiful family and still cry I need my school, I need my friends, I need my toys.
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This is the cry of a mother and father. We hope that our children will be given the opportunity to live in peace and security and have access to food and a safe life like the rest of the children of the world everywhere.
Now I am pregnant in the 4th month , and I don't know how I will get the baby, there is no hospitals , no pregnancy care , no food , no clean water, so I am worried about this pregnant with these circumstances.
Maybe this fundraising effort is like a beacon in the darkness, our sole source of hope that we hold onto tightly. I urge the world to listen to my plea and the sorrowful cries of my Gaza kin. We desperately require the helping hand that can dry our tears and lead us to safety.
Your contribution is more than just money; it's a chance to reconstruct life and illuminate a brighter future. Join us in shaping a tale of hope, as we rely on your support to begin afresh.
The purpose of the fundraising campaign
The objective of this fundraising drive is to secure the passage of my family, comprising my husband, two daughters, mother, two brothers, and myself, through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt. Presently, this journey necessitates £5000 per person. This campaign stands as our sole opportunity for survival, and I earnestly implore your aid during this pivotal juncture. Rest assured, I will furnish you with a detailed breakdown of the expenses, vowing transparency, and lucidity throughout.
Breakdown of Expenses
• Rafah/Egypt crossing: €5000 per person (a total of €25,000 for five adult family members)
€2,500 per child (a total of €5,000 for two children family members)
• Minimum living costs: €5000
Vetted by:
Thank you all for your kindness and support...
Hadeel Makki
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
i rlly hope that hoyoverse retcons the memory wipe thing and traveler like goes to irminsul or however it’s spelled and gets nahida to restore their memories or smth idk literally anything i don’t even know if that’s how the glory tree works but like literally anything because like it’s so much sadder if they remember and if what hoyoverse was going for was “oh isn’t this so sad” them remembering does that much better in my opinion
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
why won’t they remember like what the hell 😭😭😭 for what purpose if they don’t reunite for realisies soon im gonna lose it
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
Concept: in a setting where vampires exist and can only be harmed by symbols of faith (crucifixes, etc.), a James Randi-style skeptic/supernatural debunker witnesses his family murdered by vampires, and dedicated his life to hunting down what he believes are a cabal of ordinary serial killers with a blood fetish and some cheap plastic fangs. They die when he shoots them with an ordinary gun, granted holy status by the sheer force of his belief that they are actually just ordinary humans who will die when shot.
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
[footage of the inside of an ordinary Eastern-European home, taken with a handheld phone camera, the man filming is walking from the living room to the back door of the house]
man, narrating in russian: Every fucking year, this time of the year, the pond at my backyard gets infested. What do ponds get infested with? Frogs? Poisonous weeds? Geese? No. Not my pond.
[The man opens the back door, stepping out into a garden. Three or four nude, human-like figures dash from the borders of a pond back into the water.]
man: Rusalki! I don't know where they come from or how they get here, and I can't afford to hire an exterminator every year. I can't let my cat outside anymore. Last year a rusalka managed to drown a whole deer in my pond, the stench was unbearable.
[He walks as he speaks, approaching the pond. There are several eerily beautiful female beings peering at him from under the surface, their long hair floating in the murky water. Their eyes are gleaming in an unhuman way. The man holding the camera stops to film them.]
man, calm and deadpan: What the fuck are all of you staring at. Get jobs or something.
[One of the rusalki, smaller than the others and clearly not a fully matured adult, slowly reaches out of the water with her white, thin hand, grasping his ankle. He appears unconcerned.]
man: You can't drown me, you little idiot. You're too small. Shoo!
[A loud thud startles the rusalki, making them scatter. A second thud makes it clear these are the approaching footsteps of something massive. The man turns around and points the camera at what appears to be a house, walking past above the treeline with chicken-like legs]
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
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;;ooc: I absolutely suck at Windtrace so I wish all my games had Xiao as the hunter. Being the Traveler simp he is, surely he would just let Lumi fix the machines without capturing her.
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mydogatemytampon · 4 months
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15K notes · View notes
mydogatemytampon · 4 months
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Sweet Dream ♥
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
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cant believe ive never drawn xiaolumi before... who am i
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
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practice some glasses pose from pinterest with the best demon in town and added more lil doodles after i'm done
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
happy bread day!!!
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
Fire burning inside of a tree due to a lightning strike
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
There really is no feeling quite like discovering a new song that fits your blorbo to a T. Best I can do to convey it is something like
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mydogatemytampon · 5 months
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you can only reblog this today. if you even care
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