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already message the main blog, but if they didn't receive here it is.
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All Endings are also Beginnings
It had been a week since Yesung had moved into this new city, being away from all his "loved" ones wasn't as refreshing as he thought it would be. Although he had gotten through his few first days at work moving some where he knew no one wasn't going so great. Come to think of it he hadn't even made one stable friend. Although everyone seemed to be nice and welcoming he didn't feel at home at all and he understood it was normal. He also understood he wasn't being too friendly and out going either. As he was thinking about moving back home to where he knew people and was at least slightly acknowledged. Where he had someone whom was waiting for him, and loved him dearly. He thought about it carefully.
Yesung lied on his bed, his head resting on his crossed arms underneath supporting it,  starring up at the ceiling. He licked his lips, took a deep breath, gathered his strengths and slowly got up from his bed. He walked over to his suitcase and back to his dresser as he neatly began to pack his belongings he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, Yesung took it out and starred blankly at the text from his "girlfriend" back home, ex-girlfriend now apparently. Yesung took a deep breath as he dropped everything. The main reason he was willing to leave was the girl who just texted "it's over" Yesung was at a loss, his eyes began to get teary when he picked up his phone and quickly responded "It might be for the best. I'm really enjoying myself here, I wasn't planning on returning any time soon" he shut his phone off and tossed it on the bed. Yesung stood up and neatly returned everything to its place as if nothing had happened he lied back down on his bed trying to remain positive about what had just occurred. As he began to slowly shut his eyes he repeated in his head "all endings are also beginnings" 
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Reblog for a creepy compliment in your ask.
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myeonghwan-sooyoung replied to your post: Hiii, welcome~
I’m Sooyoung, nice to meet you!
It's a pleasure to meet you. 
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myeonghwan-uee replied to your post: Annyeong! (/smiles and extends a hand) I’m Kim Yujin, or Uee. Pleasure to meet you.
(/tilts her head slightly) So shall I call you Yesung then? (/chuckles lightly) How long have you been living in Myeonghwan now?
(/tilts his head along with her biting his lip and nods) Yes, Yesung is fine (/smiles tapping his lip with his index finger) mm, just a few days, about a week or so? (/smirks) pretty new still. How about you?
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Hiii, welcome~
(/smiles) thanks miss, I'm Yesung.
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myeonghwan-ailee replied to your post: Hi there and welcome to the city! (/smiles lightly)
Yesung, pleasure to meet you! I’m Ailee. (/offer a handshake)
Ailee?  (/smiles) that's a very unique name, it's pretty. (/shakes her hand gently) hope to see you around. 
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Welcome to the city! :D
(/smiles in the direction the voice was coming from) thank you!
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Hi there and welcome to the city! (/smiles lightly)
Hi (/smiles warmly towards her) thank you for the welcome. I'm Yesung, it's a pleasure to meet you.
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(/nods) Thanks, bro! 
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Friday Night
It was his first Friday singing at the bar he had applied for so he had to make sure he looked better than he regularly did. Yesung walked over to his newly organized dresser after his quick shower with his towel around his waist he was looking for the perfect outfit, he didn't want to be too over dressed but looking under dressed would make him look like joke. He stood there starring at the pants, coats, and shirts hanging from his dresser. Tilting his head side to side unable to decide what to wear. He took a short glance at the clock sitting on his night stand 3:30 pm, he sighed as he picked out a black dress coat, a dress shirt with a black and grey design on it and black slim jeans. He smiled at the mirror once he had dressed, checking his face profile, fixing his collar and throwing the coat over his dress shirt. He was almost ready, once Yesung was completely satisfied with his look he walked over to the restroom to fix his hair running his fingers through it to get it into place he smiled something seemed to be missing when he remembered he had taken his earrings off before his shower, he grabbed his favorite pair and stuck the two diamond earrings in his ear Yesung looked back at the mirror his face looking slightly bare he grabbed an eyeliner and slowly but lightly lined his bottom lash line. His eyes watered as it was a long time since he had applied such thing to his eye but he smirked towards his reflection on the mirror. He pulled  his phone out of his pocket and snapped a selca before leaving for his first day. 
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