myfina450-2021 · 3 years
Artist Anna Torma
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
Years ago I visited this exhibit at the Glenbow Museum twice--simply because I could not get enough of Calgary artist John Brocke's work. The large scale, intricate works used colour in such interesting ways. John Brocke passed away too early, unfortunately.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
I always come back to Alex Colville's mysterious imagery. His talent as a draftsman is excellent and the photographic quality of his famous paintings add plenty of mystery as subjects are turned away from the viewers gaze.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
I can't remember who mentioned Sigmar Polke, but his work looks fascinating.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
Patrick Pound came up in discussion on Monday's class.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
One thing I really enjoy about class is discovering artists I might not come across on my own and today's class (November 15) was full of great names. I like how Sophie uses text in her photograph. Sometimes an image alone can't tell the whole story.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
Jessica Karuhanga
Several classes at AU Arts (ACAD) were treated to an hour long virtual presentation with Canadian artist Jessica Karuhanga. From her website: Jessica Karuhanga is a first-generation Canadian artist of British-Ugandan heritage whose work addresses issues of cultural politics of identity and Black diasporic concerns through lens-based technologies, writing, drawing and performances. Through her practice she explores individual and collective concerns of Black subjectivity: illness, rage, grief, desire and longing within the context of Black embodiment. I appreciated Jessica's real talk on self-funding and hustle it takes to create projects, especially video ones. You can watch her videos on Vimeo.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
We had a guest speaker in Thursday's class, Anya Kivarkis, practicing artist and an Area Head/Associate Professor of Jewelry and Metalsmithing at the University of Oregon. The interesting thing about COVID-19 or at least having the technology to do so, is connecting students with artists around the world! As a mature student who has long been working on my BFA, this would have been a dream 20 years ago.
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
The Birds (1963) [Trailer]
To prepare for my next class, I watched Alfred Hitchcock's classic, The Birds. I remember watching it as a child, but didn't remember much of the details, apparently. I remember Melanie Daniels arriving at the farmhouse on Bodega Bay. Maybe I lost interest and stopped watching it. Anyway, the movie would be made so differently today. Instead of silence, we would have brooding power meows and CGI bird blizzards. There's a lot of practical effects that are quite interesting for the day. I can imagine the tension in a dark theatre when it originally played!
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myfina450-2021 · 3 years
Sometimes when I notice art in movies, it's because it' by an actual, recognizable artist or it's an homage to an actual, recognizable artist. But sometimes, art takes other forms in set dressings.
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