mygorgeousmedia · 5 years
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#iamgorgeousmedia 👑 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywNBBjnwaD/?igshid=5t5kbzqjknmh
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mygorgeousmedia · 5 years
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#LADYPUNISHERSERIES #lloydparksartwork 🎨 #LLOYDPARKSPHOTOGRAPHY 📸 #VeronicaLevam #models #muses #teamus #teamgorgeous #TeamAries #womenandguns #GMarchives #gmoriginalseries ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍🏽👊🏽🙌🏽💪🏽 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywMw3TnLtQ/?igshid=2bn6ijqa7fwl
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#lloydparksartwork 🎨 ❤️ 🔥 💯 @lloydparksart @gorgeousmedia #instagram
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#lloydparksartwork ❤️ #LADYPUNISHERSERIES #GMarchives
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#creativework #lloydparksartwork #logos #logodesign
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#lloydparksartwork #iamgorgeousmedia
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
Those who make the rules feel as if they are the only ones that can break them or that they're not subjected to them at all.
I really am amazed that in a so-called first world society any of the atrocities and degenerate treatment perpetrated on its own members, actually happens in this day and age where the rhetoric is always about peace, kindness and moving forward as one.
We have to stop settling for stuff. Especially when it regards matters of life and death. Our quality of life. Quality of life isn't about money or financial stability. How you live and what you do as you go about living. How you treat others. The respect you have for both human beings and the environment. Your community and that of other communities.
Together we are an unimaginable force. Unstoppable force. The battle is getting everyone on the same page. That is why the government and those pulling strings behind the scenes have always thrown monkeywrenches in the mix. They pit us against one another. They infiltrate any and every corner of our lives keeping us apart. Keeping us doped and sedated with Dreams of riches, fashion, technology, social media, and a host of other things. Things that keep our eyes on the wrong prizes. So we blame millenials, the youth and those who have nothing to do with it. It's just that the previous generation didn't do shyt or didn't do enough to enlighten them(educate or make aware) so they grew up in ignorance (which is only bliss in stories and movies) and when you raise children without proper education they tend to grow up building their own homes on sand. And you know what floods do to sand....
We cannot go backwards. No society, nation or country have ever went back to times that were better or before. We move forward. But we move forward in ignorance. We move forward forgetting our pasts and the mistakes that brought us all the violence, pain, suffering and poverty. No one forgets pain. So how do we move forward with what has been done and what is now being done?
How do we elect and believe a man that says "LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
AMERICA'S HEYDAY IS GONE!!! There is no being what we once were. We can make a better society and future. But that once greatness has fled. It was abandoned by the very leaders whom we elected. It wasn't because of junkies and violent blacks and Mexicans. It was destroyed by the very greed of the American government and the corporations they chose to side with. The chemicals, products and greed they pushed.
It's okay for the government and its affiliates to sell bombs, guns, drugs, etc. But not you. It's okay for the members of the highest offices to collude and plot against this nation but not you. The internet and its proliferators gave life and way to the fuckery you have today.
JFK, Reagan, Clinton nor Bush(both bushes) would never have seen the office of the president of America if there was a hint of impropriety regarding the Russians and anything else. So ask yourselves..... What and how is it possible that today it is tolerated and who made it possible??
How is it possible for an American president to defile such a prestigious and prominent office/position??? Mostly.... How is such actions and behaviors so tolerable? When you answer those by finding the truth you'll then not only have answered your own questions but you will be terrified.
Don't worry.... You aren't the only ones who don't want to dig for the truth. Some people thing shyt just goes away if you don't bother. Just let sleeping dogs lay. But when you say "it's not my problem" you are either very very stupid or very very ignorant(either way by choice) every decision affects money, food, housing, education and such.
I remember in the eighties how stupid people sounded in the hoods. They refused to fill out Concensus applications because they believed that big brother was tracking them and can use it to destroy their homes and way of life. The government never needed and still don't need it To keep tabs on you. These same ignorant individuals however will go into a store and purchase the very devices that that can be used to track an individual. And willingly pay monthly for the privilege.
Why our communities(especially minorities) suffered greatly was and is still due to ignorance of those consensuses, voting etc. If you don't tell them how many is in a community then they will not allocate the right amount of funds for firehouses, schools, parks, hospitals etc. And why should they?? The consensus they received told them that there are only a thousand people in that community so how can they give a budget of two million for only a thousand people??? Get it? Now multiply this fuckery by four or five decades and you have the situation we are in today. Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is "DANGEROUS" and we suffer greatly for what those before didn't do. #DontwaitForOthersToEducateYou #RealTalk #truestory #facts #nuffsaid 🙏💯
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#creativework #lloydparksartwork #thisisgorgeousmedia #wearegorgeousmag #original #gmoriginalseries #GM3DSeries #womenandguns #LADYPUNISHERSERIES #Blackdraft #WarchaintheComic #instagramposts #instalove #FacebookPosts #weworkingoverhere #thisshytgoesHardasFukk #Daz3DStudio #Daz3D #photoshop #RenderKings 🔥🔥🔥🔥👊🏽💪🏽🙌��❗️💯🤷🏾‍♂️😁
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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I remembered watching an interview with Don Cornelius right after he started Soul Train. The interviewer had asked him "What made you decide to start Soul Train?" And Don just simply answered "Because I could" I took that with me after that!
Now it wasn't a statement that meant he did it just to do it. He did it because he knew he could accomplish this dream, idea or plan of his. There's nothing like having the abilities to do whatever you want to. #RealTalk #truestory #lloydparksartwork #LLOYDPARKSPHOTOGRAPHY #creativework #Blackdraft #LADYPUNISHERSERIES #43studioscomics #nycArtist #nyc #wearegorgeousmedia #GFXillustrator #GFXdesigns #BecauseiCan #blessed #proud #gmoriginalseries #GM3DSeries #Daz3DStudio #Daz3D #photoshop #PainterPro #Concepts #ideas #themes ❤️ 🔥 💯 💪🏽 🙌🏽 👊🏽 🙏🏽 🤗🤗🤗😁
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#lloydparksartwork #thegorgeousacademy #wearegorgeousmedia @gorgeousmedia @lloydparksart on #instagram #IG
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#Newwork #lloydparksartwork #creativework #thisisgorgeousmedia #43studioscomics #nycArtist #GFXdesigns #GFXillustrator #artwork #heroines #womenandguns #badluckandtrouble #warchainseries #gmoriginalseries #original #Daz3DStudio #3DModels #weworkingoverhere #instagram #newyorkcity #machineguns #LADYPUNISHERSERIES #punisher #femalepunisher 🙌🏽💪🏽👊🏽💯🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️😁❗️
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#creativework #thisisgorgeousmedia #lloydparksartwork ❤️🔥💯🙌🏽💪🏽
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#thisisgorgeousmedia #lloydparksartwork #43studioscomics #newyorkcity #nycArtist #Daz3DStudio #photoshop #weworkingoverhere #teamgorgeous #teamus #womenandguns #GFXdesigns #GFXillustrator #theacademy #Instagram #instalove #instaposts #instagramartwork #FacebookPosts #thegorgeousacademy #thisisgorgeousmag #GorgeousArmy #gmoriginalseries #iamgorgeousmedia #Warchaincollection #BYlloydparksART @lloydparksart @gorgeousmedia ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥💯🙌🏽💪🏽❗️🤷🏾‍♂️👊🏽😁
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#theacademy #thegorgeousacademy #thisisgorgeousmag #wearegorgeousmedia #lloydparksartwork #LLOYDPARKSPHOTOGRAPHY #gmoriginalseries #GMPinupGirls #GM3DSeries #publications #artwork #nycArtist #creativework #wifeyseries #badluckandtrouble #LADYPUNISHERSERIES #womenandguns #Concepts #ideas #themes #comics #comicbooks #illustrations #GFXdesigns #GFXillustrator 💯 ❤️ 💪🏽 🙌🏽 🔥 🔥 🔥 😁
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#thisisgorgeousmedia #gorgeousmag #lloydparksartwork #creativework #gorgeousmedia #instagram #Facebook #Daz3DStudio #3DModels #badluckandtrouble #womenandguns 🙌🏽💪🏽🔥🔥🔥❤️💯❗️🤷🏾‍♂️
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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#GM3DSeries #thisisgorgeousmedia #creativework #lloydparksartwork #NYCArtist #NYCPhotographer #Daz3DStudio #3DModels #gorgeousmag #publications #photography #GFXdesigns #GFXillustrator #instagram #Facebook #twitter @gorgeousmag @gorgeousmedia @Digitalfyre @lloydparks @lloydparksphoto 💯 ❤️ 💪🏽 🙌🏽 🔥 🔥
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mygorgeousmedia · 6 years
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