mylifeisfhard · 15 days
manifestation rules
everybody has a different set of beliefs when it comes to manifesting, determining their journey. some believe that nothing unfavourable can manifest for them, some believe that they can get whatever they want even if they react to their outer reality, ... whatever you choose to believe in creates the basis for the way you go about manifesting your desires. therefore, it's always nice to make manifesting easier and more effortless by sticking to certain rules that can protect, guide and make you feel more at ease while manifesting a certain desire.
applying the rules
it's totally up to you: you can make all of these your new rules or just pick a few new ones that resonate with you the most. the way you make these rules "work" is by simply declaring that this is now your new way of manifesting! don't worry, you don't have to learn them all by heart but remind yourself of them in times of manifesting. it's the most affective when you don't overcomplicate it!
here are the rules
whatever i want, wants me more
everything conspires in my favour
i am the only creator in my reality
the world revolves around me
i’m the main character and always get my happy ending
i am destined to win and succeed
everything is rigged in my favour
i easily manifest
manifesting is very easy for me
it’s all in my command and under my control
i am in charge of pretty much everything
there’s only one operant power and that’s me
i always get everything i want in my life
i was made to rule both dimensions
everything always falls into place for me
it all perfectly works out for me 
i never chase, i attract
everything i want is easily given to me
i have it all
i’m a master manifestor
i’m a pro at manifesting
whatever i desire is already mine
i’m the blueprint
i’m way too perfect not to have it all
all of my desires are meant for me
i effortlessly manifest the life of my dreams
everything is always about me
i am the prize, everything chases me
i decide what happens next
i am the god of my reality
i’m the master of my destiny
my desires are done deal 
everything is mine for the taking
i have my desires simply because i say so
as the god of my reality, it is my right to have everything i want
i get everything i desire since everything i say, goes
life is a game and i keep winning
i never fail to get what i want
it’s impossible for me to fail
not getting what i wish for isn’t possible
“failure” doesn’t exist in my life
others might not succeed but that doesn't go for me
i manifest quickly, effortlessly and instantly
my desires materialise very fast
i always get whatever i want whenever i want it
everything i want is being handed to me instantly
whatever i desire is mine in the very moment
i get whatever i want as soon as possible
i manifest regardless of everything and anything
there is no such thing as “impossible”, “illogical” or “unlikely” to manifest
circumstances don’t matter
the outside world doesn't affect me in any way
nothing can hinder my manifestation process
i cannot not get my desire
no one can stop me from attaining the life i want
the 3D immediately conforms
everything always works out perfectly for me
i am limitless
my abilities are infinite
anything is totally malleable 
i can change reality to my liking
the world only shows me what i wish to see
i mould my own world
in imagination, i have it all
regardless of any circumstances, i get whatever i like
intrusive thoughts, doubts or worries cannot influence my manifestations
the 3D quickly reflects my desires
my outer world shows me my inner world
negativity doesn’t exist for me
i am protected from anything undesirable
unfavourable thoughts never manifest for me
with love, ella.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
It's EASY to Manifest an SP
I know it's contradictory to what this title says, but I am currently manifesting an SP but am having a lot of resistance. I know plenty of people experience this as well, but I recently got hit with the realization that I was able to manifest sooo many SPs into my life before I even knew about the Law, even the previous version of my current SP.
SP1: My first relationship came to fruition when I sent the assumption into the universe that SP does like me and immediate movement came about when I stopped chasing him and the outcome. When we broke up, I manifested an apology from him and was able to get results after 6 DAYS of detaching.
SP2: I accidentally manifested one of the guys I dated BACK into my life even if I was the one who dumped and blocked them. This was the time I was doing so much self-concept work and long after I unblocked them. I never had the intention to manifest him back but he suddenly came across my profile one day and we are mutuals again. He still tries to flirt once in awhile lmao, and I think it's because of my high self-concept. I also manifested a text from this SP because I wanted to try it out during this time, and it did.
SP3 (current SP): I unconsciously manifested because I always wrote in my notes app how grateful I was to be treated in great ways by SP and because of that, he ALWAYS went out of his way to treat me as his princess. However, the time that I got triggered by his situation, I started writing bad things and even manifested the 'separation' (I'm putting quotations because we don't acknowledge that anymore lmao) because I had thoughts of "taking a break" and he mirrored those thoughts to me A DAY AFTER.
I just wanted to post this as a reminder that we have ALWAYS been manifesting SPs into our reality, conscious or not. As SP manifestors, we just have resistance now because have a hard time detaching from the outcome, time, and the 3D.
But remember, we already have our SPs. We already have our dream life, babes!
Moving with love, dream4jk 🌼
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
Well... I think I've kind of had enough of participating in the loa community here on Tumblr. It has just become an echo chamber of certain beliefs due to people getting all their information solely from Neville and this platform, and also there are increasingly more posts telling people "you don't need to do anything to use the Law! You don't need to persist in assumptions, you don't need to visualize, you don't need to affirm, you don't need to believe, you don't need to..." ad infinitum. I'm reading one post after another listing all the things related to the Law, which then go on to say, "And you don't need to do any of these things to make use of it!" How are you going to literally define the Law and then say that you don't need to apply it to make use of it? It makes zero sense.
The Law is already so simple. The only thing required is to properly focus your mind and imagination on what you want, and to hold the correct mindset. This game of fervent make-believe is so simple that children are able to do it with ease. And here we have a lot of adults who are asked to do so little to achieve their dreams, and now are annoyed at the thought that they have to do 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. I'm all for finding alternative ways to manifest, but so much of this sounds like people who simply don't like rules or structure of any kind and therefore want to tell everyone that none of that is needed. They don't like feeling that they have to be even the 𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴𝘵 bit disciplined, such as in persisting in an assumption, so they're trying now to act as if what you assume about yourself and the world doesn't matter. And it absolutely does. What you continue to assume manifests, what you think about and give your attention to manifests, and choosing to pretend otherwise won't change the result. And Neville said the same thing.
It seems that this "anything goes" attitude is watering down the community into something that is very much not loa, and I really don't think this lack of discipline is going to help anyone, but people will just have to figure that out for themselves. Good luck to everyone.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
a method guide ⋮ 1 ⋮
there are so so so many methods you could make use of when manifesting … at times, it can really be challenging to maintain an overview of it all — which is why i made this guide for you! here, i want you to be able to find a method that aligns with you and your personality the most.
which method suits you ?
affirming ✿ you like to talk but also think a lot. affirming can be done in several ways, some like to complain about how well everything is, some sing about how lovey dovey their lives are and some just repeat affirmations robotically in their minds whenever they have the time or aren’t really occupied with anything. you like to make use of your free time and like to use as much time as possible to declare — but also to remind yourself! — that you have whatever you want. most effective for people that tend to overthink, get doubts frequently, forget about their desires and remain persistent in the old story.
visualising ✿ you are good at imagining things. you are creative and have fun creating scenes in your mind. you probably enjoy daydreaming and may also zone out sometimes throughout the day and get lost in your own imaginative world. most effective for people that replay unfavourable things that have happened in the 3D, tend to get lost imagining old circumstances or prefer to visualise desired scenarios rather than affirming.
askfirming ✿ you question many things. you are either a very curious person or ask yourself why things are the way they are in a rather comedic manner (or you like to complain a lot). again, you also think or talk a lot, similar to the people who like affirming, especially as askfirming is just another way of affirming. most effective for people that often end up asking themselves why nothing seems to work for them or struggle declaring that they already have their desires.
accepting ✿ you manifest the best way by just declaring that you have your desire once and then move on with your day. you have a clear mindset and have an easy time cutting out unwanted and negative thoughts as you don’t easily give in. most effective for people that have overconsumed or done many methods in the past to force a change in the 3D. info: accepting is something we all do, it’s not the method itself. the method here is called "affirming only once".
scripting ✿ you like to write. you like to predict things as it makes you (quite literally) feel like the author of your life. you like to determine your own fate and destiny. you also enjoy the process of writing. it could be analogous with a pen and a notebook or digitally on your phone, tablet or laptop. you also enjoy going into detail, making sure that everything goes according to your plan, but also like the satisfaction of "getting something done". most effective for people that like to be more specific about their desires (rather than using umbrella affirmations) and cannot repeat affirmations without wanting to write them down.
decreeing ✿ you like to command things. you have zero chill. you want something? you will make sure to get it. you have no time for bs and go straight to the point and remain faithful to your subconscious mind. you are quick and like to make manifesting as effortless as possible. most effective for people that get tired of affirming for too long or don’t want to put in any physical effort to make themselves feel fulfilled.
you can do any method, even if these descriptions don’t resonate with you. the reason i prepared this post is to guide people to a way of manifesting that resonates with them the most and also feels the most natural for them. because that‘s what manifesting is about! rising to the naturalness of consciousness of having or being the thing desired. and in order to do that, you shall feel natural about it. it’s up to you which method you want to try! if i was you, i would try each one and see which one (or how many) of them fulfill me the most. ♡
with love, ella.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
just saw sb saying that by manifesting an SP you’re taking away their freewill…
tell me you don’t understand the law without telling me you don’t understand the law?!
manifesting an SP — whether that’s a friend, spouse or anything like that is not manipulating them… how are you manipulating anyone by changing your thoughts??? the answer is… you’re not.
by manifesting an SP you select a certain version of that person, like selecting a version of them that is in love with you.
i personally believe in the multiverse, so i believe manifesting can be done and often is by shifting, example - appearance changes.
^ but so can SP manifestation or revision or anything like that.
so you shift to a reality or select a reality where your SP is in love with you or your best friend or is the kindest person ever to you, whatever you want.
you are not taking their freewill away.
you are not manipulating them.
they are what you assume they are.
people reflect your assumptions!!!
so it’s like a blank canvas until you assume them to be one way or another.
you manifest your whole life on an autopilot, unfavourable and favourable shit, mostly never intentionally, the only difference is with SP you focus on what you want to experience instead of letting it be one way on autopilot.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
Some simple but powerful affirmations~☀️
I'm the god of my reality. [God can do Anything!]
Only what I want happens in my life.
I'm invincible.
I'm unstoppable.
I'm unbeatable.
I'm always the winner.
Best to do with focus and mentally imagining or visualising what the manifestation of these affirmations would mean for you. And think of these Affirmations as Reminders!🧡
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
Decentralize the 3D, and I'm being so serious. The 3D isn't what you need to focus on in the scope of manifestation. It's the imagination that does. It's your imagination that reflects within the 3D. Stop looking for signs, stop saying 'it's not here' or 'it's not working' or even 'i messed up'. And while we're at it, stop putting anything except for yourself on a pedestal.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
You want to manifest your dream life?
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I gotcha! This post is right here to make you stop over-consuming content about LOA and finally be able to manifest your dream reality!
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Okay, so you first need to decide what you want to manifest.
You want to live in a penthouse and in a Big mansion with your family or sp? you Can! You want to wake up in a magical world you created Guess what? Yes, you Can!
Do you want to wake up with your desired appearance from head to toe? Yes, you Can. And when I say you Can that means you're fucking limitless don't let anybody limit you, 'cause you’re the creator of your own reality, not theirs but yours, and you create the rules here!
throw logic out the window! cause it won’t get you anywhere if you still ask “if i can manifest that and that..”
Okay, so when you decide what you want to manifest you might wonder what will you do next?
Well, it's simple really. just decide that you already have it.
But how?
By simply deciding that you already have your desires/dream life in your 4D/imagination.
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using methods:
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Now you might need to use methods and by methods that means techniques that will help you achieve your desires and that make you fulfilled, you Can Also create your own method that suits you well.
Note: you don't need to do a certain method that everyone uses and that doesn’t resonate with you.
You Can click here and here you will find all the methods that were used in the LOA community.
my favorite: affirming and this method (click here!).
Then when you start affirming for your Desires or use methods to manifest your Desires you might encounter some issues with the 3d.
Things start going the opposite and you’ll start giving up and doubting yourself and the law.
And that when it comes to the important thing to do and it is called persisting.
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when you see things start going up the opposite way (in the 3d) and that is when you need to do your job by persisting in the idea of already having your desires in the 4d, by being consistent and stubborn in your assumption.
that it! easy right?
you might have some questions about all of this and how to react in certain situations with the 3d I advice you to read these posts and documents:
This one , this , this , this , this one, this, this.
and lastly, stop it like really stop consuming info and not applying the law, you can still be on this app but just don’t be obsessively always here, always waiting for a new post to make you realize what method or technique or what it is will make you manifest your desires.
remember the key is self, and yes you, the reader who is reading my post, you have such infinite power inside you that could change your whole world 360 degree.
remember to trust yourself and to have faith in the unseen, you can do it I have my trust in you, and always remember that some people were in extremely difficult circumstances and they did what? yes succeed, by having faith in the unseen and persisting in their imagination and now they’re living their best life.
be gentle with yourself, take care of yourself, and prioritize your mental health.
: ̗̀➛ decide what you want to manifest.
: ̗̀➛ affirm (or use any methods).
: ̗̀➛persist.
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chao chao!
xoxo, Eli.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
“Human touch -
our first form of communication.
all in a gentle caress of a finger
or the brush of lips on a soft cheek.
It connects us when we’re happy,
bolsters us in times of fear,
excites us in times of passion
and love.
We need that touch from the one we love almost as much as we need air to breathe.
But I never understood the importance of touch,
his touch,
until I couldn’t have it.”
Five Feet Apart ��
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
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Who are you being? That’s all you will ever get. Does half your mind believe your (old) world 1 Anne trying to cross over into a new world? Is that what your conscious and subconscious is experiencing then based on what you’re thinking and feeling to be true? What are you maintaining as true and real reality experiencing in your 4D mind, the plane above? then wondering why you’re living what you’re fuckin living in your mind?
TRULY SHIFT. LET YOURSELF BE. CONSUME YOURSELF AND RUB OUT ALL ELSE. REVISE ALL ELSE. THERES NOTHING TO EXPERIENCE BUT THE IDEAL. WHAT WORLD ARE YOU IN? Which quantum possibility are you PLACING yourself in, saying you are in, making yourself EXPERIENCE you are in and LIVING IN? There’s ONLY NOW. Let go of future, past, later, 7 mins later. NOW IS THE ONLY THING. What is being viewed, imagined, maintained, created in the 4D - the plane above - what your conscious and subconscious see and experience and can only assume is true is the basis and creation. You’re maintaining in the only field of vision that you are not, and trying to become, one day hopefully soon but really later and not now, and then wondering why you’re getting what YOU decide is true, what YOU ARE SAYING IS WHAT IS?
I’m sorry what are you maintaining in the 4d? what are you saying is the true reality? What are you imagining to be true? What is your conscious and subconscious experiencing and seeing is true then?
what we're experiencing now is a direct reflection of who we are conscious of being. So choose the version of yourself that you would like to be, and enjoy being so within. There are billions of states and probabilities to occupy; you’re always choosing - even this second.
So, continue to be who you want to be (in imagination), and the world will reflect who you are being. You’re always reflecting who you are being and you can only ever experience who you are being and that’s the only thing conscious and subconscious can experience and assume to be true and form from, be from.
"You are already that which you want to be and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it." -neville goddard
You always express what you FEEL to be and FEEL to have. You always live with what you FEEL to be and have.
𝗜 𝗔𝗠 is who you are NOW. the 3D starts changing the moment you literally change NOW. Not who you believe you will somehow be different IN. The. Future. THERE IS NO FUTURE. There is ONLY NOW.
"DO NOT TRY, BUT 𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 IT." - Edward Art. There is no other “better” version of you in the future. There is only now.
There is no trying to attain or become. That being maintained in your 4D will always keep you at trying to attain or become. Believe yourself to be.
You are not waiting - you are not placing it “in the future” aka not right now - you ALREADY it, and you have to fall in love with BEING and ACCEPTING you are so naturally you walk as though without thought or effort.
Willingly identify yourself as what you most desire and imagined knowing it expresses through you. Yield to the feeling of the life and being fulfilled and be so consumed it radiates from you.”
Surrender to the feeling of being your goal and best self. I am her. There is no better or future version who has it. I have it, now. I am it, now.
Everything was predestined to be filled because I decided so, and it became so. Everything I ever wanted, I got. I know I always get everything I want. Isn’t it wonderful? i am power. I am all. I walk in the feeling of power and gratitude. I live life in a sublime spirit of confidence comfort power and determination. I want it. I got it. All possibilities are happening now and all you have to do is connect and identify with it. Learn to not be afraid of feeling what you want, being what you want, having what you want.
Truly learn to LOVE yourself and truly believe you DESERVE to be this wonderful that you let yourself experience and BE the best and have the best. Learn to love yourself so much and the world you let yourself be the best. The purest form of self love and love for the world is to allow yourself to feel this way and be this person. Love yourself. Learn to love yourself so much you experience the best and imagine the best and only see yourself as the best so naturally so you become it without effort.
“Rest in the assumption you are already what you want to be, and in that belief and frequency, you and your infinite being are merged; and with infinite being all things are possible.” - Neville Goddard. This stops you from flashing in and out of possibilities. You’re placing yourself in the possibility/ world of “not being and trying to become” based on … you believing and thinking that. Place yourself in the ideal….. there's nothing to get because the version of you who has your desire ALREADY has them and the version of you who doesn't have your desire will ALWAYS not have them…its simple as asking which version of yourself are you choosing to be now.
The ideal realized. The ideal attained. The ideal embodied. The ideal lived. I deserve it and I love myself so much so I allow myself to experience it and be it.
Surrender yourself to your ideal with such awareness of its reality that you begin to live the life of the ideal and no longer own or identify with what was prior. (Trying to become, trying to attain.)
Each assumption and embodiment has its corresponding world. You, by your conscious assumptions, determine the nature of the world in which you live. Ask yourself truly this second; what is your self image / concept?
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
This Helped Me a Lot to Maintain the State of Wish Fulfilled
When I started applying the principles of manifestation, I always struggled with emotions. I could feel very good about my desires and genuinely feel confident that my desires were mine. This great feeling of peace and happiness wouldn’t last long, though.
One day, I would wake up and, for some reason, not feel so optimistic, but rather frustrated and moody. I thought that since I was feeling that way, I was no longer in the state of wish fulfilled and that I had “ruined” my progress. Then I would get back to this state (after some time) and the cycle would repeat itself.
Until it dawned on me that my emotions don’t have to be connected to my desires.
The truth is, life is cyclical. It’s normal to feel great one day and then have that change the next day, especially for women who have hormonal changes throughout the month. So, I just gave myself permission to feel whatever I wanted to feel and STILL be in the state of wish fulfilled.
The state of wish fulfilled is not about always feeling joy and ecstasy from the fact that you have your desire. Sometimes you are calm and unbothered. Sometimes you might even get angry because of external factors. But it doesn’t mean that you don’t have your desire anymore. You have your desire until you assume otherwise. Nothing can change this fact except your own decision.
It felt quite freeing, actually, to allow myself to feel whatever I was feeling and still know that I have my desires. What’s interesting is that after this change of perspective, my moody and “negative” feelings are so rare now. If it happens, it goes away very quickly because I don’t suppress it and don’t get stuck in it. Most of all, I feel peace and calm every day.
So, the moral of this story is to stop worrying about “ruining your progress” because you are feeling bad. You still have your desires, no matter what you are feeling. It’s just a decision to have whatever you want. It’s that simple. Some people struggle with manifesting simply because they can’t accept how easy it is. You don’t have to do anything for it or experience certain feelings, or think certain thoughts. You just accept the fact that whatever you desire is already yours. Walk in this truth. Persist in being a person who has your desires.
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mylifeisfhard · 15 days
𖥔 (kinda) harsh manifesting motivation
ʚ law of assumption ɞ
➜ law of assumption states whatever you assume/believe is whats true. it is a law. just like the law of gravity & newton's laws and whatever law you know of. it is undeniable. you think you're special enough for literal laws to not apply to you?? who tf. loa works and there is no denying it. there is science behind it. there is logic behind it. law of assumption is a fact. not a theory, not something that can be changed, not something to contemplate.
ʚ real & fake ɞ
➜ imagination creates reality﹒if you know anything of manifestation, you know we live off this statement because it is loa in the simplest terms. your imagination is the 4d aka the true reality. the 3d is a reflection of your current beliefs. stop with the oversimplifications and decide what you want. decide your beliefs and your 3d HAS to conform to your 4d. it is the law. wether its through saturation, visualization, scripting etc. do it and get what you want because you can and you know it. ╍ "but i don't see my desires." ╍ that's cause you're looking for it in this bs "reality" called the 3d. when you look for your desires, look inwards. ask your mind where your desires are, ask the 4d and it will tell you, you DO have your desires cause why wouldn't you?? you decide. and you decide you have your desires. thats the end of it.
𖥔 now get off your ass, decide what you want and get it. the 3d has no choice at all but to give you what you want.
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mylifeisfhard · 16 days
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a calm, quiet detour from this world
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mylifeisfhard · 16 days
You don’t need logic in the law of assumption. If you want 15 beach houses all across the world and to own 5 private airlines to get there, you literally can. If you want to be a famous celebrity, you can. If you want to wake up in an nyc penthouse with you s/o and 14 billion in the bank, YOU CAN.
Nothing is impossible. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, if you want it, you can have it.
However, for the people that think you need to be materialistic bc everyone else is, you definitely don’t need to. If you just want a quiet life in the woods with deers liking your company and a job that satisfies you and pays you enough money to be comfortable but not overly rich and you just minding your own business, you can.
This is your life and it’s your rules. Don’t let someone else’s limits or desires become your own. Nothing is too illogical or boring to manifest. You can do whatever you want and manifest anything your heart desires.
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mylifeisfhard · 16 days
What to think of those who feel peaceful in thunderstorms due to the sudden lack of need to explain themselves?
The Absinthial Siren
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Unknown photographers.
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