sort-of-a-witch1 · 3 years
Thousands of years ago the angel now known as Lucifer fell from Heaven. Once in hell, no time was wasted in forming an arm Lucifer would utilize, taking control of the fiery pit he now called home. After the fight was won, these first loyal few to our new king were dubbed “The Knights of Hell” and scattered amongst the nine circles to put any discussion of uprisings to bed.
In Pentagram City, Lucifer assigned his most loyal and trusted knight to protect both him and his kingdom; his name was Beelzebub. Beelzebub did just that for thousands of years, patrolling the castle and city, ensuring no harm would come to Lucifer or his wife.
Until one day, there was a soul arriving in hell with immense power; so great Lucifer himself even coward in fear. Beelzebub was not ordered to go stop this new threat, he wasn’t even ordered to protect the royal family, but he went anyway.
Days had passed before anyone knew what happened to the brave knight. His family worried and his king distraught. It wasn’t until after the carnage and bloodshed was through was a search able to start. The king sent all his knights to search for his friend, but by the time he was found it was too late.
Lucifer, the almighty king of Hell himself, wept for his fallen friend and took no hesitation in venturing out and informing the fallen knight’s family of his fate. The knight’s wife and child were heartbroken at the news their king had shared, so much so that Lucifer made a promise. Every year on the anniversary of Beelzebub’s death they were to meet at the castle and celebrate his life and all he did for the kingdom.
Of course the families would meet much more frequently then that, becoming great friends after all those years of service. Regardless, every year under the night of the wolf moon there was a celebration at the castle…
‘…for Dad?“
“Yes, for your father.” The cyclops looked ahead as she continues down the street, ushering her daughter to keep up. For tonight was the night of her late husband’s feast and she was not going to be late. In fact she had spent all day preparing, taking extra time to pin up her long black hair, finding a beautiful sparling dress to fit in amongst the royals, and taking extra care in making sure her daughter also looked the part. The night was going to be fantastic, until…
Like what you’re reading? Get the full story at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13967907/1/Belong?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=PagErYVGl.hqbWBy6AcKnReZg.XEpmcEleLCXYD3IBc-1639912879-0-gaNycGzNCdE
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 3 years
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Eight chapters in and I’m still going!
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 3 years
First chapter just went up!
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If any of you are interested, here is a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction I recently published
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 3 years
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If any of you are interested, here is a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction I recently published
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 3 years
Hey everyone! I know I haven’t posted in well over a year now and I know a lot of you might not care about what I’m doing these days or where you can find me, but here it goes anyway. Currently I’m writing my first book and trust me it’s a process. Writers block is definitely real and it is definitely a pain in the ass. That being said you can find me on TikTok, my username is ktbell530. You can also find me on FanFiction.Net under the name ”Your Residential Sociopath”
If I don’t hear from any of you that’s fine there, that’s fine. I don’t expect to. But if you are reading this I hope that you are doing well and thank you for following me and believing in what I’m doing/ what I did. It really meant a lot.
Also, if you made it this far, go drink some water, go eat some thing, and have a good day! 
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
I just chocked on a pear 🤣
Time to check “karma slaps Trump on the ass” off of my 2020 bingo card
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
Attention witches that just celebrated Mabon!:
I was working all day yesterday and didn’t actually have time to do anything so I was wondering is it to late to do some Mabon activities? Something like, oh I don’t know, putting the president’s name on a fallen leaf and banishing him from following the country into 2021?
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
Last thing for tonight, even though I didn’t post anything today.
But in miraculous ladybug, if the kwamis were human: plagg would be the  skinniest and sassiest of lads. Change my mind
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
Hey guys 👋🏻
So I know I haven’t posted in a while and I’m sorry for that, I’ve been working hard towards bettering myself as a person and taking steps to strangthen my practice. After what feels like forever, I finally feel comfortable with building up my internet presence again. So I’ve decided to  dedicate my days off of work to you all, my community; the one I belong to at least.
More posts to follow, promise.
~The girl that’s sort of a witch
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
Know I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ll just leave this here:
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 4 years
I Want to Use my Powers for Good in 2020
Let’s stop COVID-19, at least let’s try!
Shortly after my last post about Australia The country experienced a week worth of rain, I personally did a similar thing for the Amazon and they experienced rain shortly after. Let’s see if we can tackle this virus.
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31 notes · View notes
sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
I Want to Use my Powers for Good in 2020
Let’s stop COVID-19, at least let’s try!
Shortly after my last post about Australia The country experienced a week worth of rain, I personally did a similar thing for the Amazon and they experienced rain shortly after. Let’s see if we can tackle this virus.
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31 notes · View notes
sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
I Want to Use my Powers for Good in 2020
Let’s stop COVID-19, at least let’s try!
Shortly after my last post about Australia The country experienced a week worth of rain, I personally did a similar thing for the Amazon and they experienced rain shortly after. Let’s see if we can tackle this virus.
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31 notes · View notes
sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
I Want to Use my Powers for Good in 2020
Let’s stop COVID-19, at least let’s try!
Shortly after my last post about Australia The country experienced a week worth of rain, I personally did a similar thing for the Amazon and they experienced rain shortly after. Let’s see if we can tackle this virus.
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31 notes · View notes
sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
I Want to Use my Powers for Good in 2020
Let’s stop COVID-19, at least let’s try!
Shortly after my last post about Australia The country experienced a week worth of rain, I personally did a similar thing for the Amazon and they experienced rain shortly after. Let’s see if we can tackle this virus.
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31 notes · View notes
sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
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sort-of-a-witch1 · 5 years
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The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany
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