mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
Starshock Audition Accepted!
Your audition was great, Jake! Thank you for auditioning your OC, please have your blog ready in twenty-four hours and consult the Masterlist! 
OOC Name: Jake Time zone: Pacific  Age: 18 Activity On A Scale of 1 to 10: 8-9 Character’s name: “Prince” Starshock “Asuka” Storm/Ali Favorite color: Black Age: 14 Magical race (Human, Enchanter, Angel, etc.): Sorcerer/Angel FaceClaim: Logan Lerman Bio: “Created during the return of Nightmare Moon by the dark goddess as a way to preserve her bloodline, Starshock was created with the evil queen’s own DNA and magical input along with the power of a lightning strike, Creating the next generation of the fierce lunar bloodline. Sadly without his “true mother” around to raise him, He was left in the care of Nightmare’s other “children”, The Shadowbolts. Now having grown up and hearing about how “The Elements of Harmony” killed his mother, The young man seeks out to exact his revenge on the Elements by going to them in a weaker state. That being the past only a year after his mother’s defeat.  Relations: Nightmare Moon/Luna Ali: Mother
Stratus, Nightshade and Blueball Blitz A.K.A The Shadowbolts: Siblings
Celestia Ali: Aunt Para Sample (2-3 Paragraphs): *It was time for him to go. The mission was simple in concept, Go back in time, Kill the Elements and restore his mother to full power to change to world. It was all straight forward and all that was left was one simple time travel spell… There was but one catch.* “You know, It’s a one way trip little brother?” *Asked Nightshade with a worried tone in her voice, The three Shadowbolts watched as their young brother was about to leave and possibly never be seen agan if the plan failed. The demi-god nodded to the group with a stern and determined expression planted across his face* I know, Sister. But I have to do this for mother. The Elements are far too powerful now. The only chance I have is to destroy them in the past, Which means I can’t mess this up.
*She could only manage to nod to him as she rubbed her upper arm nervously. Honestly, None of them wanted him to leave this place. It seemed far too dangerous but they knew they couldn’t stop him once his mind was set. That was always how the boy acted, Determined to the end to get his goals accomplished. Stratus himself held his hand out to the young teen, Noticably trying to avoid eye contact* Be safe, Little brother… *Once again with complete honesty, Starshock didn’t want to leave them like this. They cared for the boy his entire life up to this point, Always doing whatever they could do to make him happy and take care of him. This was a very risky mission but if all went well and according to plan, The three of them would be in Canterlot with their mother where they belonged. It still hurt the boy’s heart to see how saddened the Angels were. Taking his brother’s hand he shook it firmly at first, Before taking the dark angel into a surprise hug* I’ll be alright, Big brother… I will go back to make a better life for us all. You’ll see. *After a minute or so into the embrace, Stratus smiled and placed his strong but incredibly pale hands on Starshock’s shoulders, A smile appearing on his face for the first time that night* I know you will, Star. *It was only then, The other two costumed angels walked around the boy and hugged him, Each giving out warnings to be safe*
*One deep breath was all he took after the three angels stood back from the alter where their mother was defeated and presumed dead. It was only fitting to travel back in time to that place as a chance for a new beginning for the great goddess. Looking over his shoulder in some form of hidden hesitation, His siblings gave him an encourging nod* “Go on, Make Mom proud.” *Said Blueball to the nervous boy, Watching him complete the ritual to the time travel spell and disappear into the past in a blinding flash*
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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“Prince” Starshock “Asuka” Storm/Ali || 14 || Sorcerer/Angel || FC: Logan Lerman || TAKEN 
Bio: “Created during the return of Nightmare Moon by the dark goddess as a way to preserve her bloodline, Starshock was created with the evil queen’s own DNA and magical input along with the power of a lightning strike, Creating the next generation of the fierce lunar bloodline. Sadly without his “true mother” around to raise him, He was left in the care of Nightmare’s other “children”, The Shadowbolts. Now having grown up and hearing about how “The Elements of Harmony” killed his mother, The young man seeks out to exact his revenge on the Elements by going to them in a weaker state. That being the past only a year after his mother’s defeat. 
Relations: Nightmare Moon/Luna Ali (mother) Stratus, Nightshade and Blueball Blitz A.K.A The Shadowbolts (siblings) Celestia Ali (aunt)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Co-Admins Wanted! School has started up, so I've been having trouble finding the time to administer the page, therefore I'm looking for anyone who is willing to assist in the making of bios, constructing of new pages, and pretty much anything I could do. You will have access to the main page soon, however we'll begin by creating an admin blog where we may converse, set up rules, and plan for the future! To apply, go here. Question, go to the same place here. Concerns, also right here which is the same there and there and here. Thank you!
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Phalanx || 20 || Human || FC: Tobias Menzies || TAKEN
Bio: Phalanx is a human guard for Ponyville. Although he’s rather handy with pretty much any form of weaponry, he has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. He’s rather happy most of the time, but when the situation is showing faintest threats of lethality, he becomes a very capable fighter, with the face of a stone statue. He stands about 6’1”, 215 pounds, and is 20 years old. Hair is the color of sand, with blue eyes. a small scar decorates his left eyebrow, memorializing his parents death on the sea, a broken mast sent a through hurtling though the air, giving him a nice scar for the rest of his days, this event also gave him his trademark hydrophobia.
Relations: No family connections to speak of, only child with two dead parents.
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Big Macintosh Smith || 26 || Human || FC: Chris Hemsworth || TAKEN
Bio: Not much is known about Big Macintosh. Well, there isn’t a lot to know. He’s worked at Sweet Apple Acres all his life with the rest of his close family, collecting apples and doing any heavy duty jobs only someone as strong and tall as himself could do. He is great friends with his little sisters, Applejack and Applebloom, and strives to make sure they are always happy. He is also a helping hand to old Granny Smith, who he loves just as much. Soft-spoken and shy, he often replies with a simple “eeyup” or “nnnope”.
Relations: Applejack Smith (sister) Applebloom Smith (sister) Granny Smith (grandmother) Braeburn Smith (cousin) Apple Family (various)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Scootaloo Blossom || 14 || Angel || FC: Joey King || OPEN
Bio: Every star needs a number one fan. For Rainbow Dash, that fan is Scootaloo. Scootaloo wants nothing more than to be noticed by her hero, and to be just like her! Flying at top speeds, breaking records, and putting millions in awe. The only problem is… Scootaloo can’t exactly fly yet. But when she does, she is sure to get her Cutie Mark for it! Until then, why not try out different ideas to get her Cutie Mark. This is just what she does with her friends and fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sweetie and Applebloom. They are all best friends, and through all their adventures, they stick together! Scootaloo even put a wagon on her prized scooter to take them everywhere with her!
Relations: Cheerilee Blossom (sister)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Sweetie Belle || 13 || Enchantress || FC: Ciara Bravo || OPEN
Bio: Sweetie loves her sister, Rarity, who takes care of her at the Carousel Boutique. She aspires to be a designer just like her, creating… interesting outfits all the time with Rarity’s supplies! Perhaps this is why she has yet to discover her true talent and receive her Cutie Mark, making her a sort of outcast. That… and she’s not the brightest bulb of the bunch. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, because of the fact, she has made two of her bestest best friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo! With them, they search and try new things, trying to gain their Cutie Marks! Well… maybe someday…
Relations: Rarity Belle (sister) Magnum Belle (father) Pearl Belle (mother)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Applebloom Smith || 12 || Human || FC: Mackenzie Foy || OPEN
Bio: Even if you don’t believe in destiny, everyone ends up somewhere. Applebloom believes in destiny, and she wants to find hers! Despite all the other children in her class having what is called a Cutie Mark, a symbol the respresents a person’s destiny, Applebloom doesn’t have the slightest idea what her destiny is, making her a sort of outcast. But this also introduced her to fellow outcasts, Sweetie and Scootaloo. Together, they formed the CMC, the Cutie Mark Crusaders! All three attempt to find their destiny and receive a Cutie Mark, and along the way, they share many great adventures.
Relations: Applejack Smith (sister) Big Macintosh Smith (brother) Granny Smith (grandmother) Braeburn Smith (cousin) Apple Family (various)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Spike Scrolls || 14 || Halfbreed || FC: Ross Lynch || OPEN
Bio: Spike is a very rare sort of being. Part dragon and part human, Spike was raised by Princess Celestia in hopes of taming him to be an assistant to her student, Twilight Sparkle. In the end, it turned out perfectly! He has grown up being a loyal friend and assistant to Twilight, helping her by taking notes and organizing her vast collection of books. Spike was also enchanted by Celestia to have the ability to send and receive notes via his fire breathe. When Twilight moved from Canterlot to Ponyville, Spike followed, and helped her to make the friends she now has. Now, Spike lives with Twilight at the Library, usually organizing and sending notes to the Princess.
Relations: none
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Applejack Smith || 23 || Human || FC: Hayden Panettiere || OPEN
Bio: Nothing beats good, old fashioned hard-work. And no one looks better doing it than Applejack! She is the hardest worker in town, helping her family to provide apples for the entirety of Ponyville since she was a little girl. She helps to collect the apples by kicking the trees, a method she created on her own, and does on on her families apple orchard, Sweet Apple Acres, alongside other family members. When she isn’t busy, she’s either helping her sister out with trying to find her destiny, or else saving all of Equestria! She wields the element of Honesty in the Elements of Harmony, and with it has fought alongside her friends to keep peace in the land. And honesty, as long as she’s with her friends, she wouldn’t have it any other way!
Relations: Big Macintosh Smith (brother) Applebloom Smith (sister) Granny Smith (grandmother) Braeburn Smith (cousin) Apple Family (various)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Fluttershy Posey || 22 || Angel || FC: Hannah Murray || OPEN
Bio: Always quiet and always kind, while Twilight isolated herself from people to study, Fluttershy isolated herself from people because she was scared of nearly everything, even her own shadow. Despite this, her preference was not to live indoors her whole life, but to instead prefer the company of animals and woodland creatures, which is why she set her cottage up by the Everfree Forest and works as an animal caretaker, feeding and loving all the animals in Equestria. Her quiet lifestyle changed when she befriended Twilight Sparkle, and she found herself wielding the element of Kindness in the elements of Harmony, using it alongside her new-found friends to save Equestria on numerous occasions! And even when fighting and protecting, she is still shy, shy Fluttershy.
Relations: none
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Princess Celestia Ali || Unknown || Angel / Enchantress || FC: Blake Lively || OPEN
Bio: Princess of the Sun. Princess of the Day. Princess Celestia Ali rules over the land of Equestria, not just being worshiped for saving the land from the tyrant that was Lord Discord, but for serving the people by using her great magic to raise and lower the sun over the day. She believes in the equality of the different being that inhabit Equestria, and fights for what she believes is right, alongside her returned sister, Luna. Celestia does her duty to the people and rules neatly, but whenever trouble arises, she trusts the fight to her most loyal student, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who wield the Elements of Harmony she and her sister once controlled. But if everything is just not right, Celestia, herself, will personally take care of a problem.
Relations:  Princess Luna Ali (sister) Princess Mi Amore “Cadance” Cadenza (niece) Prince Vladimir Blueblood (nephew)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Lord Discord || Unknown || Sorcerer || FC: Tom Hiddleston || OPEN
Bio: Absolute power corrupts an honest soul. What does it do to a corrupted soul? Turns it into a monster. That is what made Lord Discord what he is today, a monster. One who has allowed his belief in fun and games of blood and torture to be his downfall. He once ruled over Equestria with and iron fist, but was defeated by Celestia and Luna Ali, who encased him in stone with the Elements of Harmony. Many years later, he escaped his stone imprisonment, only to be once again defeated by the Elements and their users. Luckily for him, the one whom was encased in stone was only a shell replica he had created, and now he waits in Equestria’s undergrounds, biding his time and planning his next move. Soon, all of Equestria shall fall to his chaos.
Relations: none 
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Rainbow Dash || 23 || Angel || FC: Jennifer Lawrence || TAKEN
Bio: Fast. Strong. Brave. These are the words to describe one of the best athletes in all of Equestria. That athlete is… Rainbow Dash! Though her ability to fly hinders her allowance in competing in official, sports events, Rainbow still looks toward a future where she is very famous for her speed! She desires to be a Wonderbolt! The high flyin’est, death defyin’est team of angels that are loved world wide. Who wouldn’t want that kind of attention? And so many times, she has come so close, but it is very apparent that her love for her friends is stronger than her desire to be famous. This makes her the element of Loyalty in the Elements of Harmony, and with it she has saved Equestria, alongside her friends, countless times, earning a fame on it’s own that only inspires her more to be the best that she can be!
Relations:  none 
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Twilight Sparkle || 22 || Wizard || FC: Alexis Bledel || OPEN
Bio: Twilight was always rather a book worm. Nobody saw her without her head in a book, and for that reason, not many people interacted with her. Not until she came to Ponyville under Princess Celestia Ali’s orders, that is. There, she made eccentric and fantastic new friends, and with them, has saved Equestria on more than one occasion with her Element of Magic in the Elements of Harmony. Despite all her accomplishment, Twilight lives a simple life working as a librarian and continues her studies. Twilight regularly maintains correspondence with her mentor through the use of letters. She lives at the town’s library along with her young assistant, Spike.
Relations:  Night Light (father) Twilight Velvet (mother) Shining Armor (brother) Princess Mi Amore “Cadance” Cadenza (sister-in-law)
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
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Pinkie Pie || 21 || Human|| FC: Ariana Grande|| TAKEN
Bio: No one in all of Equestria parties like Pinkie parties!  She lives and works at Sugarcube Corner as a baker, assists Mr. and Mrs. Cake at work, babysits their babies, holds parties for the various citizens of Ponyville, and goes on adventures with her friends. She is exuberant, enthusiastic, silly, talkative, jolly, and giggly. She is a big fan of food, especially sweets, and seems to be immune to stomach aches! Pinkie holds the element of Laughter in the Elements of Harmony, which she used, alongside her friends, to save Equestria on numerous occasions. Though she represents laughter, Pinkie is sometimes prone to relapses of her darker image, that of Pinkamena Diane Pie, which is truly her sad, depressed, and angry side. When she has these fits, only the comfort of her friends can bring her back to her happy and loud nature!
Relations: Clyde Pie (father) Sue Pie (mother) Blinkie Pie (sister) Inkie Pie (sister) 
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