myminecraftstyff · 1 day
Soft and fluffy prompt (make this hurt): Post-Prison Dream somewhat accidentally adopts a kitten and subsequently becomes super attached to it without really intending to.
this didn’t end up going the way i expected it to, and didn’t get Super Angsty, but i still really like this :D i hope u do too!!!! very good prompt anon thank u
part of the reverse prompt challenge im doing !! give me a genre of promt + i’ll reverse it and make it the opposite (angst turns to fluff, etc)!!
warnings: attempted animal death, c!dream hurt, emotional distress
Punz finds Dream dangling a kitten over lava, breaths haggard and shallow.
Obviously, the situation is enough to set him on edge, even as he hovers uselessly at one end of the bridge, but Punz sees Dream as well as the situation, sees the tremor in his hands, the clench of his jaw, the hard set of his arms, the gentle, gentle way their friend actually holds the little kitten, and knows something much fucking worse is happening. 
“Dream?” They call out, voice wary. “Can you hear me?”
Sometimes when he sees Dream, Dream isn’t... there. He’s going through the motions, eyes glassy behind the mask, voice distracted - however, this isn’t the case this time. Dream is maybe too present - Punz catches sight of the twitch of his head, hears the sucked-in breath ripped from the hot nether air, and- fuck, okay, they’ve known this kitten for all of five seconds and they really don’t want it to die, so they step closer, stowing his sword and shield back in his inventory. 
Around Dream, they don’t need it.
“Punz,” Dream greets, and his voice is calm if not for the undercurrent of tension it’s steeped in, “sorry I’m late to meet you. I just...”
“Got carried away with a cat,” Punz says, “you know, the whole pretending-to-be-mean part only needs to happen around the rest of the SMP, dude. This seems a little excessive.
Dream flinches at the lighthearted comment. “That’s not what this is,” he mutters, and when Punz moves closer on the bridge, he lets him, “that’s not- I don’t want to do this.”
Not wanting to do something has never stopped Dream before. Punz remembers plenty of times Dream has forced himself into doing things he doesn’t particularly want to - staying up while sick to wish Callahan a happy twelfth birthday, building a huge statue for Bad for his Christmas a couple of years back on an old server (he forgets where). Imprisoning himself in an obsidian cage for almost a year and letting himself lose two lives.
His heart clenches.
Dream is stubborn enough that he can make himself do anything if he thinks it’s necessary.
That’s the worrying part.
“Okay, so what’s the deal with the cat?” They ask, tilting their head. It’s a cute little thing, the cat - can’t be any older than a few months, still scraggly and fluffy. There’s a nametag round its neck, though Punz isn’t close enough to read it. “Wanna talk about it?”
Dream snorts, but his gaze doesn’t leave the cat in his arms. “It’s...” He begins, then falters, when the cat blinks at him, falters, and Punz watches turmoil wriggle through his friend’s face, what little of it is visible behind his mask. “It’s complicated. It’s stupid.”
Punz sits themselves down on the bridge, lets their legs hang off the edge. It’s comfortable, apart from the stifling nether heat. “I got all day.”
This seems to set Dream a little at ease. Lips twisting unsurely, the younger clears his throat. It’s almost self-conscious. “This is... Patches,” he says, and then immediately amends his soft statement, “I can’t have her around. She’s a liability.”
“She’s a cat,” Punz points out, “she’s-”
“Soft.” Dream won’t look at him. “She’s soft. And she’s... company for me when I’m travelling. And she makes me stop for salmon every time we pass a river because she’s spoiled, and she wakes me up when she senses I’m having nightmares, and she helps me when I’m training.” 
Punz says nothing. But he understands. Suddenly, sadly, he understands.
“And I love her,” Dream admits, and his voice ends on a crack, “I love her.”
“You got attached,” Punz says, voice quiet, “that’s why you’re getting rid of her.”
Patches purrs in his arms. Punz watches something inside Dream crumble.
“I had a cat in the cell for a bit,” Dream tells him, and Punz’s eyebrows fly into his hair, “and... a dog. I can’t have another cat.”
A cat and a dog. He’s certain Sam wouldn’t allow that even for a minute. Heart tight, throat tight, Punz gets to their feet, and holds his hands out for Patches. He nods when Dream looks at him. “Give her to me,” he says casually, “I’ll do it.”
Dream’s throat bobs. Slowly, reluctantly, he hands her over. “Be careful,” falls from his mouth, and he looks humiliated even at his own words, “she has a bad left leg. Don’t touch it.”
Punz is careful with the little kitten in his arms, shifting her over and being cautious about her back leg. “Do you want to look away?” He asks, already knowing the answer. His friend is turning away even as they speak. “I’ll tell you when it’s done, okay?”
Dream doesn’t answer. His lips are pressed into a tight, tight line. For a moment, he looks like a kid again.
Punz manoeuvres the cat into one arm, holds her over the glowing lava. She looks back, calm, understanding.
She almost seems to smile when instead of throwing her, Punz throws his sword, tosses it in an arc and watches it dissolve into the lava with a telltale hiss. Maybe she does understand - when they slip her into their bag, she’s silent, curling at the bottom and nestling around the UFO pieces he’d been picking up for Purpled.
“Done,” they say, and Dream turns, “you good?”
When Dream faces him, Punz starts. His friend has never looked worse.
“Good.” Dream heads towards the Nether portal, shoulders hunched. “Let’s go.”
And I love her, Punz hears him say in his head, softly, pained, I love her.
“Let’s go,” Punz echoes.
When all this is over, he’ll give Dream Patches again. Maybe he’ll learn to love her unafraid - maybe Punz will learn and teach him first. For now, though, he slips Patches salmon when Dream’s back is turned, and when Dream leaves, he lets her out to run around.
Dream doesn’t mention Patches again. Punz pretends not to notice the little scratchy grave dug for her in the basement of his tower, and pretends not to notice Dream’s eyes red-rimmed when he takes off his mask to tend to stitches across his nose.
They pretend not to notice he’s been crying, either, but that’s not new.
Their heart grows heavier.
The Plan has never seemed less important.
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myminecraftstyff · 1 day
c!dream is spending christmas alone with c!punz and with the memory of c!ranboo hanging over him it’s a super relaxing day where him and c!punz remember everything they’ve sacrificed for their plan and take the day off from planning to grieve mourn rest. c!dream cooks and c!punz pretends they don’t hear the crack in his voice when he brings out the potatoes and c!punz gives c!dream a present he gets rid of later because he can’t be attached, even though his heart is warm and he feels almost happy for the first time in a while.
c!dream promises himself that next christmas, they’ll be a happy family again without him. someone has to be the villain, after all. he’s not going to rest until he fulfils that promise.
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myminecraftstyff · 1 day
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suggestions taken from instagram c:
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myminecraftstyff · 1 day
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More of the sea creatures, the quackity one is my fave
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myminecraftstyff · 1 day
So this is a fic I wrote a while ago, I'm not sure if I'm going to continue or not, but this is what I have so far.
Tubbo could see his life flash before his eyes as his hands were cuffed behind his back. How did this happen? This wasn’t supposed to happen. Dream was in prison, everything was supposed to be fixed, but somehow it just felt like things were getting worse. Tubbo was definitely not supposed to be in jail with Dream. 
The journey to the prison went by much faster than Tubbo would have liked, knowing that Dream was waiting on the other side. So many questions almost got asked, but fear drowned them all out.
Security was a blur, and the next thing Tubbo knew, he was standing in front of the lava that would recede to reveal where he would be trapped for an unknown amount of time. Caught between wanting the lava to go faster and wanting it to slow down, Tubbo waited, unable to process what was happening. 
After what seemed like both an eternity and only a second at the same time, the lava wall disappeared and the platform began to move forward. 
When the platform reached the cell, Tubbo stepped off the platform without realizing, and Sam took the opportunity to chain him to a hook on the wall, where two - two? - other sets of chains were already attached. 
Sam left the cell, and Tubbo curled up against the hard obsidian, trying not to cry. He would not cry in front of Dream. He just would not. 
He didn’t know how long it took, but Tubbo eventually fell asleep. 
He woke up to a voice that definitely wasn’t Dream’s and it took him a moment to realize that it was Technoblade. Why was he here?
“It’s not that much more effort, Dream,” Techno was saying. “Trust me bro.”
Dream laughed. - Tubbo wasn’t sure the last time he had heard Dream genuinely laugh - “Oh my god, Techno, why are you so invested in what kind of braid I get?”
“Because french braid is obviously the…” Techno stopped mid sentence as he noticed Tubbo listening. “Looks like our guest is awake.” 
Tubbo’s breath caught in his throat as Dream swung his head around to look. He wasn’t used to the sight of Dream’s face, but he definitely thought that his emerald green eyes weren’t supposed to be so dull and lifeless. 
Techno was braiding Dream’s hair with steady hands, but Dream’s hands were shaking beside him, seemingly uncontrollably. Tubbo looked around for something, anything, to focus on besides the other people in the cell, but the cell was so bare that he couldn’t find anything. 
The consequence of the undivided attention that landed on the two other prisoners was that Tubbo noticed that Dream was covered in scars that Tubbo was sure hadn’t been there at the Final Confrontation. 
“Anyway,” Techno continued, clearly ignoring Tubbo’s presence. "I put some littler braids in from piglin tradition. This one symbolizes strong will, and this one symbolizes a great victory."
The smile that flashed across Dream's face was so small and subtle that most people wouldn't see it, but it was there all the same. 
Tubbo was one of the people who could see the smile, and like Dream's laugh, it was so unfamiliar to him, that he had to make sure that that's what he saw.
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myminecraftstyff · 1 day
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
The Pandora's Vault main cell when it's warm
'It's too warm,' had been among the thoughts crammed into Dream's skull as Sam dragged him back into the vault. He'd gotten greedy, let himself believe that he could be free from his cell. That Techno cared about him and didn't see him as simply a means to an end. It didn't matter now. 
Not when he'd been caught, dragged kicking and screaming back into his worst hell after so many blissful weeks of freedom, of recovery under the lying hands of Techno and Philza. For what must've been the first time in months, he didn't have a single open wound on his thin body, he'd eaten something other than those horrid potatoes, and he'd seen the sky. For everything he went through, for everything he knew awaited him inside those obsidian walls, Dream would have been happy to die beneath the stars. 
Instead, he bore the weight of their disgust as Sam led him in shackles into Pandora's vault once more, Techno and Philza nowhere in sight. How could they leave him like that? Let Sam take him away when they knew what would happen!
'It's too warm,' he thought again as his body hit the unforgiving obsidian floor, tears burning his eyes. The Arctic had been so cold, the chill biting his skin through the thick cloak Techno had given him, turning his cheeks a ruddy red. It's been comforting, the all consuming chill that he could chase away by the fire with the thick liquid chocolate Philza would always have at the ready. It was nothing like the hot, heavy air of the cell, the burning rock beneath his bare feet and hands. The blazing lava that trapped him here.
Had it truly all been a ruse? Was that always the plan? To give him a taste of freedom, to remind him of everything he'd ever loved before ripping it away from his weak hands? To trade the chill of his Arctic home for the blistering warmth of this vault? 
Or had Dream done this? Had they simply gotten fed up with constantly dealing with a damaged and broken man? Did the nightmares and screams that lasted all hours of the night push them over the edge? The panic attacks and flashbacks at even the tiniest trigger? Had they finally realized what Sir had known all along? 
That Dream was a monster to the bone. That the only place he deserved to call home was this very cell. This agonizing, painful cell.
'It's too warm,' he buried his face in his knees as the thought looped in his head, just so he didn't have to watch his Warden leave him all alone again, to watch the lava drip over the entrance once more and seal him inside his tomb.
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myminecraftstyff · 9 days
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not bitter at all
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myminecraftstyff · 15 days
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"i bet on losing dogs"
a little comic i made for cschlatt and cpuffy!!! not amazing but i like it!! and baby schlatt and puffy are sooo cute!!!
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myminecraftstyff · 16 days
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las nevadas ted and his weird void worship or whatever. but he’s not a one time use guy u just have to exorcise him after a few kills
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myminecraftstyff · 16 days
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full 22 panels of my angel/devil au comic! :) TW: gore on 2nd slide and heavy topic! (ab*sive behaviour)
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myminecraftstyff · 16 days
pinkza my beloved
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myminecraftstyff · 16 days
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A really rough sketch for the fic "White Noise" by @robinthinkstoomuch
Did this in the middle of the night when I knew I had classes tomorrow but alas, it was too good to make wait. Dream is such a wet cat (quite literally in the first parts) in this fic and I love it I love this fic sm
(I have more but maybe I'll get to actually making them look like a Thing later)
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myminecraftstyff · 22 days
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au where tommy works in las nevadas and purpled uses his destructive personality as a advantage 🤞
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myminecraftstyff · 25 days
can you tell us about briar and silas now
okay, so. this outline applies to the original ending of awesamdad, where Briar runs away for good when he learns Dream is having another baby and never comes back, and becomes a mercenary/bounty hunter/___ for hire. Scream Eureka is an alternate ending of THAT bad end. Okay? Okay.
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20 years ago, Dream dropped off the face of the earth when Briar was given to him by DreamXD, Punz was naturally absolutely dumbfounded to being ghosted in the middle of all their business. Instead of throwing in the towel, he left the server to keep studying the research they started. Necromancy, blood magic, all kinds of things. Picture a wizard in a tall tower. Kind of like that. Studying old magic nearly entirely from scratch.
He makes a name for himself working miracles and curing the sick, and lands himself as something of a baron. He has a son, a bastard really, and Silas's mother wasn't very interested at all in being a mother, so she leaves him with Punz and splits when Silas is about... mmh, maybe 5? Between 3-5. Punz is like. Alright. Guess I'm taking care of this.
He raises Silas to the best of his ability, keeping in mind that he isn't interested in parenthood at all. Silas lives a very comfortable life with maids and money. He has a staff of tutors and people to train with.
Punz is raising him to be his little lab partner. From the time Silas can handle it, he's in the autopsy room watching his father carve runes on the backs of rib bones to make them weld back together. When he's old enough to stomach it, he's being taught how to harvest organs, how to turn them into ingredients that can be put into potions, etc.
Silas. Hates this. He has very little interest in carrying on his father's life's work. He sneaks out often, is a bit of a flirt, and is regarded by staff as a disappointment. He's incredibly smart, don't get me wrong, but he's not the type of teenager to do well inside stone walls. In his eyes, Punz cares more about that damn book than he does about his own son. (This isn't true. Punz is just. Well.)
When Silas is maybe 17/18, he and Punz have a huge fight that starts with Punz trying to get him to show some incentive in his studies and winds up with Silas running away for good. (Who gives a fuck about any of this when you have everything anyway? What else could you possibly want? Who gives a fuck about the revive book, what about what I want?)
Silas becomes a pretty successful mercenary and proud vagrant, never staying in the same place for long. A bird free from his cage! He drinks as much as he wants, goes wherever he wants, and never has to recite 7 different dialects of a runic alphabet ever again.
Briar runs away from home when he is about 17. Silas is a few years younger than Briar, and runs away when he's 17/18, which would make Briar about 22.
Briar has gained notoriety in several counties. There's quite a price on his head. A famous thief with infamous aim. Silas aims to take this price for himself, and takes the bounty offer on Briar's head.
Briar outruns him for a long time, but Silas is patient. Silas tires him out until he makes a mistake, and not even perfect aim can save him when he's cornered in a cave. Briar is clever, though, and in an attempt to save his own life he tells Silas that he can pay back twice the amount the bounty office has offered him if Silas will just let him live. He'll give 70% of his own revenue to Silas until he can work off his own worth.
Silas is amused. More than amused, he's admiring his opponent! Briar's been more of an equal match. For what Silas lacks in his combat skills, Briar makes up for, and vice versa. He's smart, he's put up a good fight, he seems like an alright guy. So, Silas accepts his offer.
Briar and Silas are now a duo. Part of the deal is that Silas has to be in close proximity 24/7 (he even has Briar sign a contract! Honor bound! o7) and Silas is quickly enamored with him.
He likes Briar's mystery. He likes how fiery he is and how he complains about everything, and how he can shoot a bolt through someone's iris (bullseye!) a mile away. He's intrigued with how little he knows about him.
Briar fuckin' hates this guy. He's loud and stupid and drunk and has clipped his wings. Briar hasn't been around people in years. He hasn't entertained a real conversation since he told his mother goodbye. He doesn't remember how to do it... the whole friendship thing.
As time passes, they grow closer. Genuinely closer. Briar opens up little by little and his cold heart thaws against his will. Silas has a joke running about interest rates, adding on fees with every small slight. (You ate the last slice of bread. That's 50 more gold coins!) He doesn't want Briar to pay off his debt and split immediately. He likes him too much. And he thinks Briar needs someone to be around. He's not exactly... stable.
Briar doesn't want to lose him either. But he's absolutely scared to death of that. He knows what loss feels like. What is feels like to watch someone's back as they leave. (Silas has never known what it felt like to love in the first place.) Briar is torn between sinking his claws in or running away. He doesn't want to be vulnerable for someone again, but he doesn't know what he'd do if he lost this.
This isn't helped by Silas being obviously, stupidly, horribly in love with him. Briar might even love him back. But he knows what love does to people. He saw it kill his mother slowly. He's scared to death of it happening to him. He lashes out when he feels that warm bloom in his chest, but Silas never leaves. Briar doesn't want him to leave- god, god, please don't leave. Briar kind of wants to kill him sometimes just to make it all stop. He knows, whatever happens, that he will never marry.
Silas doesn't think there's a single thing Briar could do that would make him leave. They're in it together for the long haul, okay? Honor bound!
They don't really know what they are. Sometimes, Briar allows Silas to kiss him just to pretend he can love someone without it destroying him. He'll be mean, horribly mean, prickly, awful to him the next day. Go away, get away, get away. But Silas doesn't seem to mind.
Silas just genuinely loves him. Briar is so scared of becoming his mother that he tends to emulate his father instead. He's so angry, so hateful, and it's just because he's scared. Silas is covered in (metaphorical) scratch marks but still insists on holding his feral little fox. Like it can be domesticated.
(Foxes mate for life. Did you know that?)
Somehow in the chaos they meet a balance. They work together, sleep in the same bed, share nearly every waking moment together. They're not a couple in name, but Briar would sooner rip out his own eyes than see Silas stand near anyone else.
There's an unspoken plea. Please don't leave me. I know I'm cruel and angry and mean and more like a frightened animal than a real person but I need you to be with me. Even if I bite.
And Silas doesn't know how this is supposed to go, and he doesn't care. He has his person. He's going to stay with his little fox.
Briar lets himself stay in debt, but has the money to pay it all in his enderchest. More than enough to pay it, actually. In case he ever needs a quick out. He likes having contingency plans like that.
The original awesamdad has an end, one where Dream falls horribly ill, on deaths door, and Nettle (14) goes on a quest to find the brother she never knew so that mom can see him one more time. Briar comes home (Silas in toe. Obviously.) and Dream makes a recovery.
Some top tier bullshit happens afterward but this is already So long and also supposed to be about Silas. So I'm fuckin' cutting it here I have a fic I'm supposed to be writing!!
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myminecraftstyff · 2 months
are the dsmpers alive and well on here
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myminecraftstyff · 2 months
“I bet on losing dogs”
A DSMP animatic // WIP // Sneak Peek
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myminecraftstyff · 3 months
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T//W: torture
Post prison c!Dream angst comic
Loosely inspired by my fic “White Noise”
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