mymorningstar · 9 years
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mymorningstar · 9 years
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Photo posted by ronniejoice on Twitter
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mymorningstar · 9 years
what could it hurt.
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mymorningstar · 9 years
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If I must study on a Sunday...
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mymorningstar · 9 years
I love Doctor Who, but this show is my favorite of all time. I’ve watched it so many times from start to finish that I can quote as I’m watching along.
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CHARMED MEME - One Sister (1/1) Vanquishing demons is not a sport, Piper. It is if you’re good at it.
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mymorningstar · 9 years
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I got Easter presents! #27andstillakid #happyeaster #eastersunday #easterbunny #easterbunnycameearlytoday
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mymorningstar · 10 years
Everyone is a lesson.
A reminder  (via classy-california)
This is so applicable to me today. Just gotta keep this in mind.
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mymorningstar · 10 years
I am so sick of being told that I’m not truly against animal cruelty because I eat meat and dairy.
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mymorningstar · 10 years
Im trying to prove to my friend that a lot of people will accept him as the gender he is just as they would the gender he was born as. He is afraid to come out especially because he is a polysexual trans.
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mymorningstar · 10 years
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mymorningstar · 10 years
I just sat there for at least 2 minutes watching this over and over again thinking about last night...
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mymorningstar · 10 years
I had the most wonderful dream this weekend. Not the surroundings (which were very Walking Dead) but one small detail. 
Now, you have to understand. I am 26 years old, a law student, and someone who has never imagined herself as a mother. But in this dream, I had a little girl. She was around 4, and her name was Claire. I woke up, and I could still feel her arms around my neck. I woke up and I couldn't imagine NOT having a daughter named Claire. 
Even now, with an enormous exam first thing tomorrow morning, I think about that little girl and I smile. Who knows, maybe a bit of a foretelling?
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mymorningstar · 10 years
Reblog If You Ever Used One Of These or Just Know What It’s Called
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mymorningstar · 10 years
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mymorningstar · 10 years
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This is my friend, Ana. She lives in England. She’s a bright, dedicated college student with a huge future ahead of her in journalism. Recently she’s been unable to find a job and, because of this, unable to pay her rent - this was going to be fine because she would find a place to stay with her family for Christmas until she could live at her university.
Sadly, her father and her have a lot of problems, and he’s informed her he doesn’t want her to come home. She wanted to go see her brothers, and to have a roof over her head for the holidays, and now she can’t. Ana is the sweetest person I know. She was my unconditional supporter when I was struggling with being raped. She’s never once turned me away when I asked for help. 
I want to bring Ana to the States to spend Christmas with me and my family, people who care about her. She deserves that much this holiday season. We need to buy her plane ticket but I’m a college student with a $50,000 tuition and I can’t do this alone. Please, please, donate here - if I can get 750 people to donate a dollar, we can bring her here so she’ll have a place to sleep, something to eat, and people to support her when she needs it. I’m begging you, give Ana this for Christmas. If you can’t donate, I understand, but I’m asking you to spread the word to people that might be able to. 
UPDATE: Please, even just a dollar will help. I’m begging you. One dollar. That’s all I’m asking. One dollar and a reblog. And if you want to keep updated, I’ll tag updates as “Ana’s home for Christmas”. If you donate, contact me so I can personally thank you!!!
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mymorningstar · 10 years
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Before and after...a month later! #betterlatethannever #homesweethome #doctorwho #mybooksarefinallyout!
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mymorningstar · 10 years
And wow, does she have a gorgeous horse...
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