myodev · 4 months
i forgot to ever post my mermaids tongue theories but one of them was that the "mermaid" in the cauldron inside the illusion theatre was the "lady of the looking glass" and "the stargazing girl" herself. im onto something trust me. so maybe................ she plays a character......... and wears a mask...................... possibly she even plays the dead body of mortuga......... and the real man is alive*............ or something..............
and to elaborate on the mermaid being the lady of the looking glass and the stargazing girl:
in the more sketched out version of the lady of the looking glass poster she seems to be sitting on the cauldron and looking through a window/glass right above it, and as we all know, there is in fact a window situated in that spot inside the illusion theatre.
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when it comes to the stargazing girl thing, the poster for that one depicts two feet standing in a circle that has two hinges on both sides - the cauldron is built in such a way too!
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*i think mortuga could be alive cuz we see his silhouette in the trailer where grimoire and sally talk to people and. u cant talk with a corpse. so either hes alive or has a twin (???) or the mermaid is cosplaying as him
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also as a side note the crime scene is a literal "illusion theatre" so god forbid the murder was a very normal one. something weird had to happen in there
also also if anyone made theories like this please tell me!! i havent seen anyone talk about the mermaid being the topic of the posters. or maybe it was obvious enough that nobody talked about it but ANYWAY hope u enjoyed my ramblings
they changed the name from "the mermaids tongue" to "the mermaid mask".................. interesting
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myodev · 4 months
they changed the name from "the mermaids tongue" to "the mermaid mask".................. interesting
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myodev · 6 months
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I'll tell you a secret... my name 'Sam' is short for 'Samson'.
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myodev · 6 months
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Daan looks like that one girl from the Fallen album cover and you can't tell me otherwise. April fools shitpost too
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myodev · 6 months
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black cat bitches, we've finally won.
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myodev · 6 months
I saw a very blunt Instagram comment today that told a writer, "AI is going to steal your job soon. You may want to choose something else." It was so nonchalant and casual, like what was just said wasn't heartbreaking to hear.
Can we writers just make a pact just to... not quit? Can we not give in so easily? Can we actually fight to keep our professions and continue to share our own original work? I will never expect writing to be my main source of income, but that does not mean I'm so willing to give it up for the sake of some robot.
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myodev · 6 months
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sketch ref for myself! 25y/o jessie vs 30y/o jessie
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myodev · 6 months
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Penny's Flower
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myodev · 6 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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myodev · 6 months
Penelope is legit one of the most interesting antagonists I have ever seen. From just ONE conversation it's obvious there are so many layers and questions about her left to understand. To name a few:
-She's smart enough to create an entire murder plot, hunt down the mystids by herself and act out at least two completely different personas in such an effective way that not even her family, fiancee and two trained detectives could figure out
-Claims not to care about her family and dismisses them all as being aunhappy and unfulfilled (which is true), but then almost immediately confesses that the whole killer painting thing was to spare Flora, Fifi and Poppy from suffering even more.
-Grew up ignored by Pointer (who point-blank admits he wanted to disown her), thinking she was cursed and that something was trying to "reach out" to her on her bedroom wall because of the incinerator, and so messed up by abandoment issues that she apparently killed six people (including her own parents and cousin/friend)
-The entire can of worms that is her relantionship with Fitz: how did their engagemnt happen? Did he know about Penelope's issues or real personality? Did she love him for real but her paranoia over Poppy made her think he didn't feel the same? Was it all a ploy? If so, why?
Anyway, it's amazing how game that seems like just a silly murder mystery with pretty art can have such an compelling story, and I'm praying that SFB gives my girl a chance to shine in Mermaid's Tongue and other games to come.
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myodev · 6 months
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their just following the instructions.
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myodev · 6 months
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reblogging with the white outline because the lack of it irritated me a bit ;; i forgor to add it..
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first post!! :D i love sally sm. i just played the mermaids tongue demo and had to draw her! (i know the bg is from tangle tower but it seemed more fitting for her color palette..)
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myodev · 6 months
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"How much can you fit under your skin? How much can you fit under your skin?"
penny absolutely is my favourite tt character. she was also so fun and easy to draw! her shape language is basically just circles and ovals. would you believe the hardest thing to get right was the bird hat? i wish the poor thing had a name...
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myodev · 6 months
i don't know a lot about trolls since i've only seen the first movie, but i'm really loving your fanart for the newest one! very important question, tho : do you think poppy pointer would get along with trolls poppy?
AAUEHE oh that makes me happy to hear!! Thank you! it’s a fun watch and evidently it’s bright colors and vague but large world lore has captivated me. The vibe difference in the first and third movie are low key but honestly I think the fact that the humor improved significantly and they have more money to get Bigger with their world really did band together justice :)
Poppy pointer my friend poppy… considering her old best friend was an eccentric artsy chick and trolls Poppy loves to sneak her way into the lives of weird loners, i think they would get along great !
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myodev · 6 months
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Following the character design course I took a few weeks back, i thought i'd try my hand at designing another character :)
But this time I wanted a bit more limitations, so I thought I'd do both fanart and character design ( maybe also cause my mind keeps going back to Detective Grimoire but shhh let's not talk about my obsession with these games- )
So the prompt i ended up with was giving Grimoire an ancestor ( not at all because I played Ace Attorney Chronicles just before doing this- nooo... okay maybe yes ) and so I thought "If a grimoire is a book, why not make the ancestor an author ?" so that's what I did :)
So here's Quill : ancestor of Grimoire !
Ah and more exploration sketches and palettes below the cut :) ↓↓↓
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I also tried to design a clue based on this character, although i kinda gave up on that ( i'm really proud of the last sketch though, i think it looks nice ) ↓
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myodev · 6 months
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I like to think post-game the younger tangle tower folks get a lot closer. helping in greenhouse, testing soil samples, hanging out in the music room together.
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myodev · 6 months
making a "the mermaids tongue" theory and im spitting straight whatever. i hope itll be comprehensible ;;
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