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Okie dokie!!! So it's been a while since I've shared my experience with yall. Today is July 8, so it's been 1 year and 2 months since I cut all my hair off and got a pixie cut. I had many different hair styles. The first picture is of the initial hair cut. The second picture is when my hair was at its shortest. And the last picture is how my hair is currently. As you can see I have decided to grow my hair out. My hair is now, when natural, is to my chin. It's been a pain staking process, but it is slowly but surely getting long. I have contemplated cutting all my hair once again. But I miss my long hair and the messy buns. I have really enjoyed this experience and I recommend that any woman should at least try it once her life. I know that I will, one day, cut all my hair off and get a pixie, but as of now I'm growing it out. With hugs from my house to yours Till next time my fellow pixies
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Hello My lovely Pixies!!!
Ok. First off. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, but I’ve been extremely busy with school since I will be graduating soon. But here is a quick little update on my pixie experience.
Since I’ve made the decision to grow my hair out it has been really interesting. My hair is almost a bob, I think by the time I leave for college it might be a bob. But in order to speed up the hair growth. I have started using keratin shampoo and conditioner and I have also started taking biotin. I also started to drink more water and exercise more. All of these things have promoted hair growth.
With that being said, I have been going through this extremely awkward phase with my hair. It wants to be a bob but then again it doesn’t. But I’m embracing awkward phase, because I have to go through it in order to get my long hair back.
I have loved every single moment of having a pixie cut. I think it is something every women should try at least once or twice in her life. Something about cutting all your hair off just frees ones self.
On May 14, it will be officially a year since I have taken the pixie plunge. Well till next time my lovely pixies, hugs from my house to yours. 😘
P.S. The left picture is my natural curly hair.
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Getting Bored
Hello my lovely pixies!! After having extremely short hair for a while, you go through phases of loving your hair and then becoming bored with it. I have been extremely bored with my hair at the moment. Partly because I have been using my go to style very frequently, and because I'm trying to grow my hair out and I don't know how to style my longer pixie just yet. I'm Bored!!! In order to get out of this endless circle, what you need to do is experiment with different looks and styles. Try something the is edgy, or something chic. Go for that punk rocker style or to go back in time to the roaring 20s and bring out your inner Flapper. Personally I am all over the place with my style. I don't have a specific style. I love classic/ vintage looks and at the same time I love something edgy or different. Try to get out of you comfort zone and away from your go to style. Try something new, be different and have fun. Till next time my fellow pixies!
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Hello my lovely Pixies! When you have a pixie cut you have to wash you hair very frequently. For me, I usually go about 4 days without washing my hair. And I know what yall are think. "Ew! That is so gross! Dirty!" and so on. But listen ladies, it's OKAY to not wash your hair everyday. When your hair becomes oily it's repairing your hair naturally. And to top it off I find it that when my hair is 3 day old (dirt) I can style it better and get the look I want. If all else fails and you hair looks like you just put grease in it and you don't have time to wash it, all you'll need is some bobby pens. Or you can also invest in some dry shampoo. Till next time my fellow pixies, with hugs from my house to yours. Bye! 😊
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27 Weeks after the initial chop! And I've been loving every single bit of those 27 weeks.
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Hello my lovely pixies! It's been a while since I've been on here, but on with my story. I have recently come to the conclusion that I absolutely love my awkward or bad hair days. Because you might think you look God aweful, but everyone else is in love with your hair. Here's a little bit of advise for those who have taken on the pixie. EMBRACE those BAD HAIR DAYS and those AWKWARD phases that all pixies go through. Because we all go through them weather you have long hair or really short hair. It's was nice catching up with yall. Until next with hugs from my house to yours, laters!
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The level of my laziness.
People ask me how I do my hair all the time, and honest to god this is what I tell them. In the morning I roll out of bed and look in my mirror. If I like how it looks then is spray it into place. If I don't, I literally jump back into bed and roll around for bit, like I was sleeping, and roll out of bed again and spray it.
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This is perfect! Really, all these reasons for getting a pixie cut are soo true.
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Wish it really would grow like that, gracefully. Never in a million years! You just have to learn how to go with the awkward fazes of growing out a pixie. Oh the struggle!
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My second trim since the initial chop. My bangs are a lot shorter, and I can actually leave my hair curly and it look good. I love it!
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It's about that time of the growth process to get a trim. I've come to the conclusion that trying to grow my hair out is going to be extremely annoying because I don't like hair in my face. Ugh! Oh well, going to change up my style a little bit. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
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One of my many crazy bed head days. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and just laugh at myself because of these crazy bed head moments. I love it!!!!
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The photo on the left is 6 weeks after my initial hair cut. The photo in the right is 5 weeks after my 2nd haircut. It's gotten a lot longer and really shaggy since my 2nd haircut, and I've been really loving how it's growing out. I've decided to let my hair grow out without getting a major cut. I will get it a trim just to get rid of the dead ends.
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I have a problem!!!
The whole reason for cutting all my hair off was to go back to my natural hair color. I've finally gotten back to my natural hair color, and guess what guys. I already want to dye my hair. I have a serious problem when it comes to my hair. I'm always cutting it or dying it. I just got my natural hair color back, and I want to mess it up again by dyeing my hair to a crazy color!!!! I need to go to aa for addiction to constantly changing my hair.
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Don't let a man dictate your life. If he says no to the idea of you with hair that is just as long as his, say screw you! It's my hair and I can do whatever I want with it. I completely agree with this!!!! Why would you be intimidated by a woman with short hair!?!?!? I think a woman with short is the most confident woman you could possibly ever meet. It takes true courage to go through a transformation like that. Till next time my fellow pixies With hugs from my house to yours!
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Nothing but honesty here
When it comes to the pixie cut, you are going to have those days where all you do is look at old photos of you with long hair. Your going to sit there and reminisce on those days when you threw your hair up in a messy bun when your hair was unmanageable. Then your going to ask yourself "why in the hell did I cut all my hair of?" (I know I do this, and very often). Then your going to go back to loving your pixie cut. I go through these phases all the time, but I'm still in love with my pixie cut. Now here's when the ugly truth comes in. You will have ugly hair days, I have those often and they are mostly back to back. There is no taming short hair, or the wild pixie as I like to call it, when it come to ugly hair days. Don't even try, all you'll end up doing is getting frustrated with it. This is a time when your handy dandy hat, bobby pins, and my personal favorite the bandannas come in. Do something new, keep it interesting. Place a gazillion bobby pins in your head, or just throw that hat on that jungle. When it comes to the vicious wild pixie, all you can do is make it into something different. Add your own pizazz to your hair and have fun with it. Till next time my fellow pixies Ciao!!!
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No caption needed!! Just pretty much sums up my feelings.
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