myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
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A bunch of people said my first painting of Jasnah looked too soft or too nice, so here she is being scary instead.
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
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Part 2 of the Chapter 53 OB scene!
*cough* the best part *cough*
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.
Jasnah Kholin
(via onlycosmere)
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
This fanart is absolutely amazing and I love it!
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Jasnah Kholin
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
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today’s work doodle - Jasnah and Ivory
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
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Unlike someone else we know, Jasnah has no trouble soulcasting things into fire. Even sticks bow to her whim!
I may add a bg to this sometime, but as for rn I am tired 😰 Outfit referenced from the cover of OB. Please don��t repost without permission.
[ Follow me on instagram @ cait.el ]
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 6 years
Omg thank god I found the corner of tumblr that worships jasnah kholin as much as I do
Yes you did! Welcome aboard! We gather here to stare at Jasnah fanfic for hours and sigh about how much we want to date / be her. Feel free to join us XD
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
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I had a real desire all of a sudden to draw Jasnah. I absolutely adore her character. I will try to color this one in PS as well as Aelin. I am not uploading my attempts because they’re so messy and I am still trying to figure out how to paint in PS - but I do work on improving my skills - just don’t want to post the failed attempts. Based on a sketch by Jason Metcalf.
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
I have the same problem exactly! I would love her either as gay or ace, and I think both are equally likely. My personal headcanon is a combination of your options 2 & 3: right now she’s too busy so she’s not looking, and she ALSO hasn’t met anyone who meets her standards. But ace Jasnah would be awesome too, because it would send the message that women don’t need a relationship to be happy and have a fullfilling life. If Sanderson decided on either of these options, I would be really happy :-)
I can’t decide whether I headcanon Jasnah Kholin as gay or ace.  Like, obviously she could have any woman she wanted and get away with it.  She’s Jasnah Kholin.  She doesn’t care what people think of her.  So I can see three options, and I don’t know which I like best.
She’s just not interested.  Her only true love is knowledge.
She hasn’t met anyone who meets her standards yet.  Well-educated, smart, her age, good critical thinking skills, not opposed to atheism, interested in history… there aren’t too many unmarried women like that.
She’s too busy for a girlfriend.  It’s literally the apocalypse, she doesn’t have time to waste.  Maybe she’ll find someone once everything has settled down, but that’s a problem for the future.
I just can’t decide.
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
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high fashion queen 
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
An Assortment of Faculty: Stormlight Archives College AU
Teaches economics. His presentations are always full of punny pictures that somehow can be traced back to the subject at hand. 
Is very easy to get on a tangent, but he will find a way to bring it back to that day’s lecture. It’s almost as if he has magic powers or something. 
Is probably the most laid back professor at the entire university. Visiting him in his office is always a trip. What you thought would be a 5 minute visit turns into a 45 minute one if he thinks you’re interesting. If you’ve ticked him off however, it’s more like a 30 second visit. 
Another professor in the economics department. Specifically studies the economics of developing countries. 
Is romantically involved with Sebarial but both of them vehemently deny it. 
“Professor, are you and Dr. Sebarial dating?” “Nope” “But you were literally sitting on his lap in his office the other day!” “Must have been a trick of the light. Maybe you should get your eyes checked.”
Loves to troll Sebarial by adding extra slides into his presentations before he gives them. 
Has multiple doctorates from prestigious universities all over the world and is known for her humanitarian work. 
After Gavilar died, she decided to come back home and teach at the university. 
Is a professor of anthropology with an emphasis on womens’ roles throughout history. Also dabbles in sociology and history, especially where they intersect with her main focus. 
Despite her reputation as an incredibly strict and demanding professor, her classes always have long waiting lists. 
Uses the Socratic method to inspire debate within her class. Because of this and other things, people either love her or hate her as a professor. 
Has on occasion had a student assistant to help manage the research notes and other administrative tasks. Normally they quit within two months of working with Jasnah. 
Author’s note: Thanks to lazilyradiantish for headcanon suggestions! Also, sorry for not posting new content for a while. I’ve been intermittently sick and dealing with engineering homework. What is this free time you speak of???
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
Jasnah: everyone brings their own strengths to the table. Some that even i dont have
Shallan: shut your mouth! You have all the strengths!
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
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hewwo Jacqui! Happy cosmere christmas!! since you like Jasnah and Elend i drew them both talking about books =D
@jasnah-kholin thanks for the amazing secret sazed!
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
Jasnah Kholin as reigning monarch is something I can get behind
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
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draw the squad base by @mugges
Featuring: Drama Shallan, Mic Drop Jasnah, Adolin the Babe, and I Don’t Know You Kaladin!
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
Autistic!Jasnah: Masterpost
Okaaay, so, as you might have guessed from the title, this post is a long list of reasons Jasnah Kholin is autistic af.  
The short version: Jasnah is autistic because I, a Known Autism, say so. Have a nice day.
The long version (format): A long series of chronological quotes that all follow this pattern: Quote. *Insert ramble about why this is an Autistic Thing* *Possible and probable further ramble about why I’m emotional about that.
That’s literally it, people. Buckle up, I’ve picked through all three books (yes all three) to compose this post for y’all. It’s not going to be short.
To business:
The Way of Kings:
 Jasnah glanced at Shallan, noting her, then returned to her conversation.
Introducing Jasnah ‘I don’t have time for social niceties I’m busy’ Kholin. From the first interaction she’s…Bad at interacting. Iconic.
“Then we shall do an evaluation. Answer truthfully and do not exaggerate, as I will soon discover your lies. Feign no false modesty, either. I haven’t the patience for a simperer.”
Jasnah is both blunt, direct, and honest in her speech as she is in her expectations from others. She doesn’t have the energy to deal with manipulation/lying/tarting up the truth to make it more socially acceptable bc she is a busy autistic lady with shit to do. (really, though, what she’s literally demanding here is the first rule of the autistic’s guide to easy conversation. Clear. Simple. To the point. To frills, no fuss.)
 Jasnah didn’t argue further, and Shallan could see from her eyes that it was of no consequence to her if the king risked his life. The same apparently went for Shallan, for Jasnah didn’t order her away.
People do what people want to do and Jasnah doesn’t waste any time pretending she cares/that it matters to her for the sake of appearances. Again, this woman has a vendetta against typical social niceties and I love it.
“Now?” the king said, cradling his granddaughter. “But we are going to have a feast—”
“I appreciate the offer,” Jasnah said, “but I find myself with an abundance of everything but time.”
Do I need to point out the lack of social niceties again or are y’all sensing a pattern at this point? *King lovingly embraces his darling granddaughter that Jasnah just saved and orders a feast prepared in her honour* Jasnah: ‘Thanks but no I’m too busy to socialise.’
Jasnah was also a rationalist, a woman with the audacity to deny the existence of the Almighty himself based on her own reasoning. Jasnah would appreciate strength, but only if it was shaped by logic.
Jasnah feelings>>>>>>logic. This is a fairly common theme, of Jasnah being ruled less by emotions/sentiment/societal pressures/expectations and much more by logic/her own reasoning. She has her own way of looking at the world, her own rules for how it works, and she won’t be swayed by anyone else’s opinions on how she should feel/behave.
Jasnah turned to look out of the balcony into the dark space of the Veil. “I know what people say of me. I should hope that I am not as harsh as some say, though a woman could have far worse than a reputation for sternness. It can serve one well.”
Jasnah not being very self-aware in how people actually perceive her is also an autistic thing. Shallan notes several times that Jasnah is actually nowhere near as harsh/stern as she’s reputed to me, and, more importantly, she’s nowhere near as harsh/stern as she perceives herself to be. She also fails to note that Shallan actually enjoys the work/the challenge. This also implies that she takes what people say about her at face value and doesn’t have the necessary social skills to refute them.
Shallan tried to judge Jasnah’s mood, but the older woman’s emotions were impossible to read. 
Again, this is a fairly common autistic trait. We struggle to read other people’s body language, but they often struggle to read ours as well. A part of this is probably Jasnah deliberately cultivating this kind of persona, but even so, she’s too unsure of how she comes across to have completely mastered this.
Jasnah carefully removed its contents, neatly lining up the brushes, pencils, pens, jar of lacquer, ink, and solvent. She placed the stacks of paper, the notebooks, and the finished pictures in a line.
Oh look, it’s one of the world’s biggest Autism Stereotypes (which I’m totally guilty of too): lining all the things up neatly, and making them Orderly.
At least with Jasnah one knew where one stood.
Jasnah of the straightforward, blunt honesty and ‘what you see is what you get’ strikes again.
When Jasnah was deeply immersed in one of her projects, she often ignored all else.
And here we see the Autistic Jasnah in her natural habitat: hyperfixating on her special interest.
The rest is under the cut for length! 
Keep reading
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myqueenjasnahkholin · 7 years
Here’s a video of the embellished havah.
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