mysimslegacy · 10 years
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When I got back to the dorm, I was starving! I decided to make myself a PB&J. Then when I finished one of the guys I met in my dorm came over and spoke to me. He seemed pretty cool, but I got a phone call from someone from the party last night asking if I wanted to hang out.
I thought, well I'll go and see who he is, since my memory is a little fuzzy of last night... 
Then this other guy from the dorm came in and crashed out on the floor... He reaked...
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mysimslegacy · 10 years
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Dear Diary,
For the first morning in ages I had to get up early for class! I'm really not a morning person... But today wasn't that bad, I was excited for my first class so it didn't really phase me :P
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mysimslegacy · 10 years
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And that was my first day at uni!
That's it for the night.
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mysimslegacy · 10 years
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Then there was a party right next door! I can't not go to a uni party on the first night! That would be madness!
I also may have a had a drink or two... or three
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mysimslegacy · 10 years
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Then it was time to go to a freshers introductory... thingy...
I got some freebies, met people doing the same course and I also met my professor!
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mysimslegacy · 10 years
Sorry I've been so absent... :S
I'mma try and get online more! :D
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... I managed to meet 5 of the other people who live here but the others weren't in. Of the 5 I did meet, I cannot, for the life of me, remember their names! -.- I suck with names... :/
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... This is my new room. It's quite small but very, very cute! And it's my favourite colour! GREEN! There are 7 other people living in this dormitory, a few have to share rooms but I didn't have to >:)
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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...The moving van arrived 2 days after I got my acceptance e-mail, and it was off to Uni! I love my little apartment, I really do! But I need some space from this town and I need to clear my head...
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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Dear Diary,
I applied for a communications course at university and got accepted with half a scholarship.
Everything happened very quickly really... I thought it would take a few weeks to get everything sorted out, but I found out I can move in almost straight away!
And that's exactly what I did...
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... I don't care about him anyway, I'm going to go find some smart guy from University who'll treat me well.
Anyway that's it for tonight!
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... Then guess who turned up?
Yeah. HIM.
What are you doing here?
I umm... I just wanted to check up on you...
I'm fine. You can leave now.
What's wrong?
Woah! Calm down!
You just left! You made me feel cheap!
I had to go to work, I didn't want to wake you...
You could have called!
I, uhh,  don't have your number...
You could have not waited 2 and a half weeks to come over again?
I'm sorry I had to take care of some things...
Right. Sure. You can leave now.
Then he left, I think I may have over reacted a little but really? He had to 'take care of things' such a lame excuse!
I'm glad I wont be running into him when I'm at University.
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... I took the aptitude test to see if I could get a scholarship just to make it easier on my parents, but I didn't get a full scholarship, I got half a scholarship in Communtications... eh why not?
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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... I've decided I want to do something new...
Get out there and find myself or some shit like that, y'know, what they do in the movies! So on my way out, I saw this University pack had been left on my doorstep...
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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Dear Diary,
After the whole shame of a one night stand hit me, I decided to give myself a makeover to get my mind off it... well I have to say, it kinda worked!
I feel great and best of all... I look great!
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
Sorry guys, I'll be gone a couple of days, I need to transfer all my files, mods, sims and games and stuff onto my new laptop then I'll get back to Layla's diary :)
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mysimslegacy · 11 years
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They make such a beautiful combination :3
I might have to add her into Layla's diary at some point >:)
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