mystic-oneshots · 4 years
The RFA chatroom at 2 AM
Zen : I just don't get why Jumin is so attached with that fur ball , i mean it's just a cat....he is just weird..🤨
Jaehee : Yes, I agree, He seems to be attached with his cat a bit too much and because of that I have to do lots of research for his own interests in cats...🚶‍♀️
Zen : Aww..don't worry! Everything is gonna be alright , that trust fund kid is a jerk, I have always known this 😠
Seven : Yes, 😪, he never allows me to touch my dear elly, He is just a big meanie..
Yoosung : idontthinkitsweirdlolbut thisisjuminwhatdouexpect?!
MC : Liking a cat to the point you consider it is as a person, is nothing weird! He loves his cat more , because u neglect him without giving him a proper chance to prove it you that he treasures you as his family but it seems that u guys love to constantly twist his actions ! So, Can y'all just stop shittin' on Jumin 🤡 ?? I am gonna sleep, bye...😴
MC has left the chatroom
Jumin and Elizabeth the 3rd seeing the chat & just vibing without giving any fucks as MC has got their back 😌 :
Btw, Jumin smirked at the end because of MC 😳
I love all the members, but I hate to admit that I didn't like when other RFA members shit talked Jumin almost all the time in his own route just because he is a "emotionless robot" and the game did not allow me to say them things that I really wanted to say 🚶‍♀️, so this is based on that
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Wedding favour (Jumin x MC)
I made a playlist on Spotify of songs that remind me of Jumin which lead me to writing this fic. I could imagine Jumin going all out with organising a performance of a love song from a playlist they share! I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1984
Jumin sat at his desk with his head in his hands. Trying to juggle work, RFA party preparations, and on top of those, the planning process for his wedding to his fiancée was becoming a little too much. He insisted on helping MC with everything so she wouldn't have to feel the stress herself, but he didn't quite realize how much it was going to impact him.
His biggest concern was finding someone to perform at the wedding. This was a surprise he was planning behind MC's back, which he was trying his hardest to keep on the down-low. Not even his assistant knew about this! It would be a simple task to get Assistant Kang to research some singers on his behalf, but it was that important to him that he had to find someone himself.
His mind raced with thoughts on what to do. He had the perfect idea of execution in his head: It would be done during the reception dinner, just after the speeches are all done, where he would surprise her with a live performance of a love song. A love song that meant a lot to both of them. A song that they would frequently play from their shared playlist. A song that they danced to around the penthouse whilst it played. In his head it was perfect. He just needed to make that dream into a reality. Not only for himself but for his future wife.
A sudden idea came to mind. What would make this even more personal would be to get someone they both know to perform! And Jumin had one person in mind.
Jumin reached for his phone sat next to a pile of documents and opened the messenger. One person was online: Zen. Just the person he was looking for.
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And with a tap of his screen, he was gone. In a way, a small weight had been lifted from his heavy shoulders. It hasn't even been confirmed that Zen would help, but Jumin knew deep down that some part of Zen wouldn't resist this opportunity.
He's a close friend to MC and he cares for her. Jumin even envied the friendship they have on the odd occasion, but he knew in his heart no matter how close they were, it was just as friends. And he respected that.
A couple of hours passed before the young heir heard a loud knock on his office door.  He got up from his chair, adjusting his three-piece suit before heading towards the door. He took a deep breath in to prepare himself. A small part of him was nervous about making such a request to Zen.
When he opened the door he was greeted by his assistant, with Zen stood only inches behind her looking a little uncomfortable.
"Mr. Han, I can only presume you asked Zen to come here. May I ask why?" Jaehee asked with a perplexed tone and expression. Jumin's face was forced to be stoic. He did not want anyone knowing his plan.
"It's a private matter. I'm sorry but I can only discuss it with him." Jumin coldly replies. From the corner of his eye, he could see Zen's eyebrows furrow and his eyes narrow.
"Very well sir. I shall leave you two to talk." Jaehee bowed and moved aside to let Zen enter the office. She walked away silently to resume her work.
Jumin gestured for Zen to sit on one of the seats positioned in front of his desk. The silver-haired actor cautiously made his way over to a chair, his confusion of the situation growing bigger by the second.
An awkward silence flooded the executive director's office. The tension between the two young men would refuse to settle as they couldn't comfortably keep their distance from each other.
Jumin positioned himself in front of his desk, leaning his frame and hands against the dark mahogany. His gaze was focused on the floor in front of him. He bit his lip, trying desperately to figure out how to start a conversation with the other man. His fingers traced the wooden texture of the desk as he focused on what to say. Jumin had never been this frozen when talking to someone. Maybe because he was asking for something related to his beloved fiancée?
"So... Are you going to explain why you wanted to talk to me in private?" Zen restlessly inquired, his tone was somewhat annoyed.
Jumin's head jolted up to look at Zen's. His eyes wider than usual, as if he was pulled out from a trance.
"Oh, Right" Jumin cleared his throat. He moved behind his desk to look in a drawer for a small notebook.
"You know, this is just as uncomfortable for me as it is for you!" The actor pointed out. Jumin shot a bitter grin in his direction as he grabbed the book from within the drawer.
"Thank you for that statement," Jumin mumbled as he returned to stand near the actor again. "Anyway, I need you to promise not to tell anyone about what we're about to discuss. Even if you decide not to help, you cannot say anything! Alright?"
"Alright! Just tell me what you need!" Zen crossed his arms over his chest in frustration as he leaned back into the chair.
"I have heard from multiple sources that not only are you a good actor, but you can sing..." Jumin cleared his throat. "I have been thinking for a long time about this and the conclusion my thoughts came to was you."
Zen's face scrunched up in confusion. His red eyes narrowed as he continued to listen to what the corporate heir had to say.
"I want to do something special for MC on our wedding day."
"I'm pretty sure with everything you've given her so far would make it special enough. Seriously, dude, you spoil her too much!"
Jumin gritted his teeth at the comment. He felt anger but forced himself to remain calm. This is for MC's sake. Jumin believed that she deserved the whole world if he was able to give it to her! He did not think he was spoiling his fiancée too much at all. In fact, he felt the opposite. It felt like he wasn't doing enough for her!
"Not only special but personal!" Jumin jumped back in, catching the other man off guard with his rougher tone. He tried his hardest to hide any negative emotions that were being pulled out from inside him.
Zen was taken aback by the sudden tone. It made him reconsider what the dark-haired man would want to ask him. He felt curious.
"During the reception dinner, would you be willing to perform a song for us? As a special surprise for MC" A faint red tinted Jumin's cheeks as the thought over his plan again.
"So that's why you couldn't talk about it in the messenger..." Zen's face relaxed as he now understood Jumin's odd behaviour. "And I take it you feel that this isn't something to be talked about over the phone? That's why you asked to meet me in person?"
The businessman nodded. His hand ran across the spine of the notebook before he opened it. He took a pen from the holder on his desk and prepared himself to start writing things down. Notes were already scattered throughout the pages of the book. Many were related to his ideas for the wedding. A variety of different styles of his handwriting made the pages look cluttered and unorganized, which juxtaposed how Jumin was in person. It reflected the thoughts in his mind, however. Showing just how rampant his ideas were when it came to pleasing his fiancée.
"Do you have an idea of what you'd want me to sing? If you want me to I can also play the accompaniment." Zen asked with a fraction of a smile pulling onto his expression. It was an extremely rare occurrence for Zen to smile around Jumin. It was only because of MC that it happened. He could see how much the man in front of him loved his friend so much.
"I have made a list," Jumin stated. "It's only a small one but you can choose whatever one you feel would be most appropriate for you. I trust you'd want to pick one that would fit your singing style the best. All of these songs mean something to us so it's not a huge deal which one you choose. Let me rewrite the list for you."
His thumbs fumble around the paper to find a clean page. Referring to his notes, Jumin copied the name of each song down in neat, clear writing. Once he finished, he carefully tore out the page and handed it to Zen. The actor took it and studied the words written. Jumin couldn't tell what he was thinking. There was something about his expression that worried him.
"I'll do it."
Jumin looked at the younger man in disbelief. He couldn't quite believe what he just heard. Did he just say he'd do it?
The businessman cracked a subtle smile. Something he couldn't hide. Thoughts of his surprise plan ran wild in his head. The fact that it was going to become a reality made him excited. Imagining his fiancée's reaction gave him a childlike giddiness that only she could ever make him feel.
"Thank you, Zen. Really! You don't understand how much I appreciate this" It was odd for Jumin to talk that way to Zen. However, with his beautiful fiancée in mind, he couldn't help it. It may have made the actor uncomfortable, but it would have made the businessman feel just as bad. But it couldn't be helped. Jumin was it's so happy!
Zen forced a smile. He too felt happy but he couldn't bring himself to think that the dark-haired man could act such a way around him. He wasn't used to it, nor would he think he would ever get used to it. He would agree that it was a positive change but he couldn't wrap his head around it still.
"You know I'm doing more for MC than for you right? I still think you two are rushing things but I can see now that you care about her a lot."
"I know. There's no need for you to remind me. However, I genuinely appreciate that you'll help me out. I'm serious." Jumin's arms crossed across his chest. He was trying to remain professional when in reality, inside the excitement was becoming unbearable.
The two men wrapped up their meeting and said their farewells. Their exchanges seemed less tense. Jumin closed his office door after returning and leaned on it. His hand ran through his silky hair. A toothy smile bared his face and he chuckled to himself.  
He was eager for his wedding day. He was desperate to know about the details of the wedding she's hiding from him. However, knowing he had a secret too made it easier to wait. He knew that his bride to be will love his plan as much as he does!
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Day Five - Bingo!
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There’s so much I wish I was able to cross off but sadly I couldn’t :(
I would get all of his endings if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t want to hurt him and in the 3 bad endings I don’t have he is emotionally hurt. I physically can’t do it!
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
So I only just realised that this is a thing so I’m going to catch up by posting the days I’ve missed into one post! Hope y’all don’t mind! Better than spamming the days out like a maniac. Just tap keep reading to see what I’ve chosen! :)
Keep reading
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
So I only just realised that this is a thing so I'm going to catch up by posting the days I've missed into one post! Hope y’all don’t mind! Better than spamming the days out like a maniac. Just tap keep reading to see what I’ve chosen! :)
Day One - Favourite CG or picture of Jumin
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I love this picture so much! Like it’s just so pure and wholesome! I’m pretty sure its from the Christmas DLC if I remember correctly but either way it’s just perfect.
Day Two - Favourite in game moment
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I wish I could chose Jumin’s route as a whole because I love him but sadly I can’t for this. I know that his phone calls are definitely one of my favourite parts of his route, especially this call. Its from day 10 at around midnight. The fact the MC call’s Jumin in the middle of the night is adorable but when they’re in bed sleeping together, my heart melted. It made me so happy!!
**Day Three **- The moment you fell in love with Jumin and why?
To be honest, when I first played the game, I was always interested in Jumin. I was annoyed that I waisted my free Hourglasses at the beginning because I could have unlocked his route earlier! I thought I loved Zen a lot when I first played the game, then when I moved onto Yoosung, I didn’t get that same feeling. When I finally got onto Jumin’s route, That feeling I had on Zen’s came back but it hit hard! Like it was elevated by 1000%! It probably was due to me being interested from the start but day 5 those feeling flooded through and oh boy, when you go to his penthouse... That was when I has head over heels! I wanted to help him and protect him as he was struggling so much and I just knew from that point he was my true end! I never had those feelings with any other character and I’m constantly replaying Jumin’s route because I just can’t let him go!
Day Four - Favourite Jumin fanart/ fanfic
So for many years, I have been reading so many fanfics on tumblr about Jumin. One author in particular that I enjoyed reading was @little-writings​ who’s Matserpost I have reblogged on my blog! They have written soooooo many Jumin oneshots and they are all amazing! I find myself constantly going back to read them as there’s just so many!
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Ahh thank you so much for this! It means a lot!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hantober Day 4
♡ Favorite Jumin fanart &/or fanfic ♡
There are far too many people and fics for me to choose just one, so here’s a list of my recommendations for authors here on Tumblr and for some of my favorites on ao3! All of them I’ve re-read multiple times, and you should go support everyone I tag because they’re all amazing! I know I missed a few people, but there are so many talented people in this fandom. Thank you all so much! 
@truth-be-told-im-lying @rfadaydreaming @mrs-han @space-kitten-606 @spacesquidlings @jihyuncompass @sunshinejihyun @lovehatemysme @cafedanslanuit @inthisblogwestanthechoitwins @marshmallowprotection @abbyologie @shittylongcatposts @elvendara @mystic-oneshots @yoosung-simp @myakavi @mitaki
Recommendations on ao3:
juminswhore !! one of my favorite authors, and she’s so so sweet! 
Learning How to Love 
Jumin’s Laugh 
Hidden Clause
Operation Make-Jumin-Han-LOL 
In Hands We Trust(fund)
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Rules and Schedule
How to participate?
You can participate in 2 ways (or 3!): The easiest way is to simply respond the question assigned for that day.
The other way is to take the item of said day and make a piece about it, or about the question, for example:
“Man of Iron: Which do you consider Jumin’s biggest strength?”
You can make (a fic/fanart) based on Jumin and the Man of Iron, or about Jumin and strength, or combine both!
You can also answer the question and make a piece! Or one day one and another the other…
It’s up to you!
Also, this is a challenge. Failing in complete one day doesn’t mean you can’t try and complete the next, or the next of the next…
The important thing is to have fun!
With that said here’s the schedule!! (Please zoom in, I tried my best)
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From now on just remember to tag your posts with #hantober and for each day with #hantoberd1 #hantoberd2 etc…
You’ll make us a really big favor if you could submit your contributions directly to the blog🙏
(Regardless we’ll try our best to track the tags this 31 days)
We start tomorrow (25/10) !!😱
But as you can see the first day is really easy 😅
That’s all I guess, any doubt please feel free to ask 🙂
Good luck!! For the Han!! 💜🍷
Edit: I forgot to mention, the first week is composed only of easy questions to answer, this to give people time.
I also forgot to say our Boss left a very important message for his wives:
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Morning Video Call
This little one-shot was originally for Jumin week but I wasn’t able to finish it on time but I still wanted to post it! Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1415
I wait eagerly for Jumin's call. He's away from the city on a business trip and the only way to hear his voice right now is through a call. It has become a habit of ours that each morning we will wake up and wait for the other to video call so we can have a morning drink together, much like how we would do if he was home with me.
My legs fumble in anticipation under the dining table as I look at the screen of my laptop. My hands mildly shaking in excitement as they grasp the hot mug in front of me. I don't want to wait any longer. A smile grows on my face with every thought related to being able to talk with my husband in just a short moment.
Just as expected, at 8:30 on the dot, a call comes through. Jumin's name pops up on the screen and I instantly click the accept button as if my life depended on it. And there I see his face!
"Good morning, my angel." His warm voice greets coming through the speakers. He's already dressed for the day. His hair all brushed and shiny, a fresh and clean-shaven face, and his suit constructed perfectly to form around his body. The professional manner of this man is extraordinary I admit. It makes me look lazy compared to him, with my hair thrown up carelessly and still in my dressing gown
"Good morning! I miss you so much!" My expression softens, the longing feeling of wanting him home slowly filling me up to the brim.
"No words can describe how much I want to be home with you right now, darling. Only one more night and I'll be by your side again." His words melt my heart. I cannot wait much longer. The penthouse is far too empty without him here, even though I have Elizabeth for some company.
I take a sip from my cup, taking a moment to process the flavor of the steamy beverage. A milky Earl grey with a spoonful of sugar to sweeten the bitterness of the black tea. A common brew Jumin would usually enjoy whilst at home. It helps to make it feel like he's here with me.
"What have you got this morning?" I ask in intrigue as I gesture to the camera at my own mug. Jumin smiles as he sips from his own. A satisfied sigh escapes as he parts his lips from the cup's edge.
"Americano today. I need that little bit of extra energy to get through today's endeavors. Of course, I'm guessing you have the usual?" He responds. I hold my cup up confidently and nod my head towards the screen. I take another sip.
"I accidentally made more than I should of! I guess it was out of habit like I was making you a cup too!" I fiddle with the handle of the ceramic and let out a subtle laugh at my mistake. Reflecting on the small incident makes me wish for him to be home right now even more!
Jumin chuckles and comments on what I said. He reassures me of his schedule for tomorrow, how he'll be leaving early in the morning to get the fastest flight back to the city to meet his father in time for lunch. Secretly I was hoping he'd offer for me to join him but I'm guessing that his father would only want to meet with his son to discuss his trip. After lunch, he explains that he'd have the rest of the day off to spend time at home with me! I don't think my smile could get any bigger!
"Is there anything you want to do when I get back? Maybe go out for dinner or go shopping?" He asks before taking the last sip of his coffee. I sit there for a moment, my head perched on my hand as I tap my lips with my fingers. Many thoughts run through my head. Anything with Jumin would be a pleasure so I have a wide variety of choices. One thought constantly reoccurs, however. I just want him to be home!
"I honestly just want you here at home! I don't need to go out, not for a meal or spontaneous shopping sprees. The only place I want to be is in your arms, maybe sharing tea?" I imagine. "What if we used that old teapot we got as a wedding gift? We could have a tea party!"
"Aren't we a little old for tea parties, MC?" Jumin chuckles at the thought, his cheeks a blurry shade of pink on the laptop's display.
"You can never be too old for a tea party!"
A knock on the door comes from the other end of the line and I watch Jumin's head turn to look in the direction of the noise. He gestures for me to wait as he gets up from his seat to answer. The picture is too pixelated for me to see clearly who was there but I can just about make out the audio. Does it seem like someone had given Jumin something or maybe a few things? It's very hard to tell.
"I apologize for that, my love. It was one of the assistants here giving me the paperwork for my morning meeting today. Oh, and another coffee!" He relays back to me as he returns to his seat, placing the new cup down in front of him. A small stack of paperwork lays within Jumin's clutches. His delicate fingers flick through the individual pieces of paper to check that everything is there before placing them down on the table in front of him as well.  He then drinks some coffee.
"Go easy on the caffeine, yeah? Too much won't do any good for you!" I say with a hint of concern in my tone. My husband's expression softens and his face gets closer to the camera.
"Please don't worry, darling! I'll take it easy. This will be the last one I promise. I just need a little boost to help me throughout this busy day today." The paperwork finds his hands again and he begins to read the first page.
I lean back in my chair, holding tightly to my own mug as I observe him through the screen. I know that once he's finished that drink he'll have to go. I wish I could find a way to make him stay longer but then I'd make him late for his meeting and he'd be in trouble. Being separated from your loved ones is always difficult, especially if it's your soulmate! I should be used to this by now with the number of business trips he's been on but it's a feeling that I don't enjoy.
I watch the expression on my husband's face change as he studies the paperwork. It shifts from frustration to boredom all within a matter of seconds. It's possible the subject matter of his meeting isn't to his liking which would be a reasonable explanation for how he looks. IT's also fairly obvious that he's stressed too. Oh, how I wish I could help him out!
With every sip of coffee, Jumin gets more and more agitated. Is there something wrong with what he's been provided? Or could it purely be because he knows that this will all be over tomorrow and he can't wait for it all to finish?
I look down into my own mug. I've barely reached halfway through my tea. It must be getting cold by now. Maybe I could convince him to stay until I've finished my drink? No, that's too selfish!
"Is there something wrong, darling?" Jumin grabs my attention. "You've gone quiet..."
"No, I'm fine. I was just thinking that's all!" I reply with a weak smile. "Thinking of ways to make the day go quickly so you can come home sooner!"
He chuckles. A toothy grin plants itself across his expression.
"I'll be home before you know it! In the meantime, enjoy your day for me!" I blush at his words.
He's right. I should try and enjoy the day. If I sit around being all sad and bored, then time will only go slower. I must make the most of the time I have on my own as it's only a matter of time before he is here with me again. I think that thought alone will keep me going!
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Jumin Week 2020 Masterlist
Day One: Birthday | Cats VS Berries
Jumin Week 2020 - Day 1: Happy Birthday! by @yeleleow
Jumin week- Day 1: Happy Birthday/ Berries by @mysticmelove  
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct 5 by @elvendara
[Jumin x MC] by @lovehatemysme
Cats vs Berries (Jumin X MC) (Juminweek 2020) by @mystic-oneshots ​
Jumin week Day 1 by @shittylongcatposts ​​
Jumin Week Day 1: Birthday/Cats vs. Berries by @kicamiju ​
strawberry surprise - day one by @yoosungisbabie ​
Breakfast by @jafndaegur ​
Say You Won’t Let Go by @mrs-han ​
Happy birthday to best cat mum 🌟 by @darknessdaybreak ​
| Jumin Week 2020 | Day 1: Birthday | by @jumin-love ​
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Day Two: Sweet Wine VS. Bitter Wine
Jumin Week 2020 - Day 2: Sweet Wine & Bitter Wine by @yeleleow ​
Jumin week 2020 Day 2 Prompt: Sweet wine by @shittylongcatposts ​
Jumin Week Day 2: Sweet wine vs. Bitter wine by @kicamiju ​ 
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct 6th by @elvendara ​
Fake It by @mrs-han
Jumin week- Day 2: Bitter wine by @mysticmelove ​
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Day Three: Soap Operas VS. Videogames
Jumin Week 2020 - Day 3: Videogames by @yeleleow
can i kiss you? - day three by @yoosungisbabie
Jumin week 2020 Day 3 (Video Games) by @shittylongcatposts
Sweet vs Bitter wine (Jumin x MC) (Jumin Week) by @mystic-oneshots
Jumin Week Day 3: Soap operas vs. Video games by @kicamiju
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct 7th by @elvendara 
Unusual Master by @mrs-han ​  
Video Games ( Jumin x MC) (Juminweek - Day 3) by @mystic-oneshots ​ 
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Day Four: Swimming Pool VS. Beach
sunset’s never been so bright (when you look into my eyes) - day four by @yoosungisbabie ​
Jumin week day 4: swimming pool by @shittylongcatposts ​
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct. 8th by @elvendara ​
Jumin Week Day 4: Swimming pool vs. Beach by @kicamiju ​
Untapped Potential by @mrs-han ​
Swimming Pool (Jumin X MC) (Jumin Week Day 4) by @mystic-oneshots ​
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Day Five: Coffee VS. Tea
indirect - day 5 by @yoosungisbabie ​
Jumin Week Day 5: Tea vs. Coffee by @kicamiju ​
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct 9th by @elvendara ​
Jumin week Day 5: tea/coffee by @shittylongcatposts ​
Eavesdropping by @mrs-han ​
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Day Six: Vampires VS. Black Magic
when my heart needs sustenance (i need only think of you) - day six by @yoosungisbabie
Jumin Week Day 6: Vampires vs. Black Magic by @kicamiju
Jumin Week 2020 - Days 4, 5 & 6 by @yeleleow 
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Week Oct 10th by @elvendara
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Day Seven: Striped Shirts VS. Silk Underwear
pajamas - day seven by @yoosungisbabie
Jumin Week 2020 - Day 7: Striped shirt (& presumably silk underwear) by @yeleleow
Jumin Week Day 7: Striped shirts vs. Silk underwear by @kicamiju 
Mysme Fictober/Jumin Han Week Oct 11th by @elvendara
| Jumin Week 2020 | Day 7: Striped shirts vs. Silk underwear | by @jumin-love
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Thank you again to everyone who participated this year!! We couldn’t have done this without your beautiful participation and we’re so happy to have had you. If you submitted on time and you don’t see your name / work feel free to send us an ask to let us know 💜
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Swimming Pool (Jumin X MC) (Jumin Week Day 4)
I was inspired by the 2 year anniversary picture for this one! Thought it was a good starting point for this prompt so I decided to use it! Also sorry but this one is a long one! (Nearly 2k words!!)
(Swimming pool vs beach)
Jumin sits under an umbrella at the side of the pool, observing the action happening in front of him. Splashing, playing, and fooling around wasn't on his agenda for the day. Instead, he planned to take this day as an opportunity to relax and take his mind off of all the stress work had given him.
The rest of the RFA, on the other hand, took this as a chance to have some much-needed fun together. Seven took this as an opportunity to mess around with everyone as much as possible, wearing a shark fin floatie on his back as he swims under the water to scare someone. I lost count of how many times he's knocked poor Yoosung out of his bright yellow duck ring. I can't help but feel sorry for that kid. Sort of. I must admit it's very entertaining to watch!
Zen and Jaehee attempted to play with an inflatable ball that resembles a watermelon with Yoosung but got distracted numerous times. I guess Zen thought it was funny to splash Jaehee at times where she'd least expect it. It might be to get her to relax. She's worked awfully hard too.
I sit at the edge of the pool, my legs submerged up to my calves in the cool water. I'm not quite on Jumin's level where I'd want to stay as far away from the pool as possible to avoid any mischief, but I'm not quite ready for any energetic interactions within the water yet. Sitting and swinging my legs in the water, creating small, therapeutic ripples across the water's surface is quite enough for me at this moment. It's relaxing to see everyone together and having fun! Even if V couldn't make it...
"MC!" I hear a voice call. I look up to see Yoosung waving his arm vigorously as he struggles to keep balance in his inflatable ring. The others all gather around him and look in my direction. "Come join us!"
"I will in a little bit!" I shout back, adjusting the pair of sunglasses sitting on my head.
"Okay!" His voice drift slightly as he starts to swim away.
"Don't be too long, yeah?" Zen adds, following on in Yoosung’s direction. Jaehee and Seven tag along behind.
A relaxed laugh emerges from my lips as I watch them slowly shrink in the distance the further away they get. A warm summer's breeze blows gently against by back, pushing my hair to expose my skin not covered by my swimsuit. The sun shines brightly, creating a shimmer across the water that bounces from the splashing that my friends create. It's like I'm lost in a trance. I feel so calm and happy.
"If you're not going to join them, why don't you join me?" A baritone voice suggests from above. I turn to see Jumin, his hair falling down in front of him as he tilts he's chiselled chin down to me. His sunglasses held to sit at the tip of his nose by his toned hand, staring at me with his grey eyes that I love so much.
"I thought you said you didn't want to get near the pool? Yet here you are!" I snicker jokingly. His lips pull up into a wholehearted smile, letting out a deep, playful sigh.
"May I?" He gestures to sit next to me. I lift my hand up out of the way and nod. The proximity closes quickly once he's sat by my side, his gaze not leaving my face. His hand sits where my own once laid, asking for mine to be placed on top. Our arms barely touching as we both have our legs dangling into the pool water.
It's nice to finally get him to join me. I didn't want him to sit so far away from everyone the whole day. I want to be able to spend some time together in the pool and have some fun! Even if he's not keen on that idea.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look right now?" My husband's voice barely a whisper. My cheeks heat up, turning red as if I've caught the sun.
"You have. If I recall correctly, that would have been the seventh time today!"
"And I'll happily keep telling you." His laugh melts my heart! I tangle my fingers on top of his and bring my body in closer. I feel his head lay on top of mine as I rest my face against his shoulder. The fabric of his buttoned shirt is like silk against my rosy cheeks. Just his presence alone makes this moment feel perfect and I somehow am able to relax even more.
We sit here together for a moment. Nothing ever beats being with him, even if there's other people around me who I care about. I wouldn't be able to be this still and calm with anyone else. I feel my eyes slowly close and a smile form on my face. This is really the best feeling. The sun on my face, the laughter of my friends and the presence of my husband. I couldn't as for anything more!
Suddenly the calmness is broken as I'm pulled to the ground. Jumins arms wrapped tightly around my body as if to protect me. His grasp as tight as a knot. I couldn't see what happened as my eyes were closed but when I open them again, I see Jumin's body on top of mine. I hear a burst of laughter from afar. I feel cold and wet on my legs as if I've been splashed. Is that what happened?
I look up over Jumin's shoulder to see Seven not far away. He's in hysterics over the action he just pulled. I can't believe he just splashed us!
The dark haired man lifts his body up from mine, looking rather uncomfortable at how drenched his back has now become. I cannot help but to start laughing. I cover my face to try and conceal my laughter but it only gets worse when I see him turn to face Seven.
"Luciel!" There's annoyance in his tone. Seven's joker smirk fades instantly and is replaced by wide eyes filled with fear. He retreats to the others as fast as he could swim to avoid any conflict from Jumin. My own laughter continues to grow.
Jumin's attention shifts instantaneously to me who is now trying to suppress as much laughter as possible. It's a near impossible task!
"Are you laughing at me?" A devilish smirk grows on his face, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. This doesn't help the giggles that are still seeping out of my mouth behind my hands. I shake my head, tears from the laughter threatening to now fall. My stomach now hurting too.
"You are laughing at me!" He snickers. His body leaning in closer to me. I lean back to avoid him, trying my hardest not to let him see how much the laughter is making me hurt.
His hand reaches into the pool and flicks forward, splashing me wet with the cold water. I squeal and flinch in response which only makes my laughter grow even more. I didn't think it was possible! Has Seven created a catalyst of events which are changing Jumin as we speak? Is Jumin… Fooling around?
"Now we're both soaked! Is that better?" My husband stands and cups my face in his hands. He places a loving kiss on my forehead before retiring back to his seat under the umbrella. My cheeks grow redder by the second.
"Oh, come on, Mr. Trust-fund! Seven was trying to do you a favour! Do you really plan on staying over there the whole day?" Zen yells, teasing Jumin into joining everyone in the pool. Jumin stops in his tracks and turns to look out at the pool. That playful glint still in his eyes.
"Luciel has already made me alter my plans..." He shoots back, shocking not only Zen but everyone else too. Even me! What exactly does he plan on doing? Jumin Discreetly removes his shirt, revealing his back before turning around. My heart begins to flutter but the others faces become even more shocked.
He adjusts his trunks and slicks his hair back when out of the blue he starts to run. His destination: the pool! What has gotten into him? This isn't like him! His feet leave the surface of the edge as he morphs his body to create the perfect dive. His body barely makes a splash when he enters the water. He's like a dolphin as he swims under the surface before emerging for air.
He flicks his soaked, ashy hair as his head exits the water and runs over it with is hands. I've become mesmerised by how stunning he looks! With the sun reflecting off of his dewy skin, it's hard to believe he's even real!
Everyone claps and cheers, amazed by what just happened. However, Jumin doesn't acknowledge the round of applause from the others. He only focuses on me.
He swims forward, meeting me at the edge of the pool, only a couple of feet away from where I sit.
"Will you join me, sweetheart?" he pleads with his arms wide open. "I'll catch you!"
My smile widens. I move to stand at the edge of the pool and prepare to jump in myself. Jumin readies himself, moving a little closer in the water. I jump. His arms stretch out and grab me around my waist as I enter the water.
He lifts me up, chuckling with joy. Seeing him act like this is in many ways alien but to me, it's a common sight. He treats me so preciously and shows his best self, his happier self, when he's with me. This is an example of that!
The others swim over to join us as Jumin lowers me back down into the water.
"I cannot believe you jumped in like that!" Yoosung exclaims excitedly. "That was awesome!"
"It was rather unexpected, I might admit." Jaehee humbly adds.
"Well, as we're all here now, are we going to go and have some fun?" Zen announces. Seven yells in response before diving back under the water with everyone following him.
This is honestly what I was hoping to get out of this trip. Everyone having fun! And I'm pretty sure we'll all have some fun now!
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Video Games ( Jumin x MC) (Juminweek - Day 3)
I know at the time of this post Jumin week is officially over but I haven’t been able to post in time as I haven’t been very well. I also had ides for what to write and changed them half way through! However, Here’s day 3! I got heavily inspired by Animal Crossing as that's what I've been playing when I’m not playing Jumin’s route on repeat! I can imagine Something like this happening so I had to write it. I hope you enjoy!
(Video games vs soap operas)
My head rests against the soft feather pillow as I adjust the linen bed sheets around my body. I snuggle in wiggling my toes and ankles around the covers to get warm. It doesn't take long to get comfortable.
A warm glow faintly lights the room from the lamps positioned on either side of the bed. The door to the on-suite bathroom is left open ajar, letting the light from that room sneak out into the dimly lit bedroom where I lay. My husband's phone occasionally brightens up as either a message or an email gives him an alert, although he isn't able to see them right now. The last spot of light comes from what is sat in my hands.
Each night since receiving the gift from my husband, I have been spending some time playing on my 'Nintendo Switch'. Specifically to play 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'. I am often off before my husband comes and joins me in bed, so we can spend some time in each others arms before drifting off to sleep. Tonight however, I have been informed that I would be having a meteor shower in the game, and I don't want to miss it!
Jumin emerges from the bathroom. He tugs gently at the collar of his pyjamas as he walks towards his side of the bed. His eyes don't leave me despite mine being glued to the small screen of the console. The sheets are lifted and his body soon comes to join me under the duvet. His eyes still don't leave my presence.
"Can I ask a question?" Jumin says, bringing his body in closer to mine and placing his arm underneath my head. The heat of his body gives me a sense of stimulation, however, it's not quite enough to bring me out of my trace the game has caught me in.
"Uh-huh" I respond, not taking my eyes off the screen as I move my thumbs around the control buttons. I can feel him frowning in response to me not looking at him.
"Can you explain what makes this game so special to you?" He curiously asks. His eyes drift away from me and onto my screen as I move my character round the environment. Seeing him take an interest in something that is way beyond his expertise is an entertaining yet welcome thought. It was at this point I divert my attention to him instead. I crack a smile at him and I place the console down on my lap. I wonder why he'd ask that?
"Are you interested in it?" I tease. Jumin's eyes lift to meet mine. His ash black locks fall effortlessly in front of his eyes. His expression is warm and gentle but I can see curiosity sparking in his smile with a faint smirk.
"One could say so. I just want to know why you're so invested in it! It seems like it's all you're doing in you're spare time now." His free hand tucks a loose wisp of hair behind my ear and his thumb delicately rubs across my cheek. Through his touch he I could feel that he's somewhat disappointed. It breaks me a little. I didn't realise I was that invested and it was secretly affecting him.
"Have I been spending too much time on it? I'm sorry! Ugh, why didn't I realise that-"
"Don't be ridiculous, princess!" He laughs. "I must admit, I wish to have some more attention, but then again, I can see how happy it makes you so that is enough to satisfy me. I want you to show me what you're playing so I can understand why you love it so much!"
Hearing him say that makes my heart flutter. He's genuinely curious. That's adorable!
My head turns to fully face him. A joyful sigh escapes my lips before I pull my body in closer to his. I rest my head on his shoulder and his head falls to lay on top on mine. His free arm wraps around my waist as I bring the Switch up to my face again. I tilt the console enough so Jumin has a clear view of the screen in between my hands. It's so nice to be able to share this with him!
"Will I need to explain everything to you?" I question him.
"No, I've seen advertisements for this game before so I get the base idea of the concept. If I have any questions I'll ask." he responds. I hum back in content.
I show my husband my island that I have spent hours on to make perfect. The first place I decide to take him to is the airport to show of the creativity of my island entrance. Cliffs littered with flowers, small knickknacks, and the odd waterfall stand before my character.
He remains quiet as I tour him around the cliffs and pathways, pointing out my villagers homes and the areas I've decorated to resemble different community places. I know his silence is a good thing. He's not bored nor not paying attention. When he's like this, I can tell he's invested. It was something I had to learn to get used to, however, that's how he's always been apparently.
"Was that a cat?" He quickly exclaims. He sounds excited! I let out a light-hearted laugh as I make my character retrace her steps. Indeed it was a cat. Someone who I spent a lot of time and dedication to find. A cat named Raymond.
"It took me weeks to finally find him! He's one of, if not, the most popular villagers in the game but that's not why I wanted him..." I tell Jumin. My voice trails off and I feel his grip around me tighten.
"Why did you want him?" He softly asks. My cheeks flush red. I'm thankful that he can't see my face properly right now for I'd be rather embarrassed if he did. I hesitate to answer at first, trying to laugh it off and hoping he wouldn't notice my awkwardness.
Truth is, I wanted him because he reminded me so much of Jumin. For a start, he's a cat! He wears a little suit and talks in a sophisticated way which is very typical of Jumin too. I doesn't help that his house is designed to look like an office either! It was like Jumin was in mind when they made him!
"It's a silly reason really..." I mumble under my laughter. It's not really silly but it's just a bit cringe worthy.
"It's because he reminds you of me isn't it?" He speculated. My cheeks only flush more. How on earth is he so good at figuring me out? It's like he can read my mind!
I move my head from his shoulder and turn my body to face him. His eyes are drawn to the peachy hue of my cheeks which trigger a chain reaction in his own. Seeing him become flustered makes me feel less embarrassed. It also makes my reasoning feel less child-like and more meaningful.
"I think that might be enough for tonight." Jumin's arm reaches for the console in my hands and carefully plucks it from my hands. He places it on the bedside table before bringing his hand back around my body. He pulls me in closer for a tender cuddle, holding my head against the warmth of his chest.
"What do you think of my island?" I gingerly ask. His fingers run through my scalp relaxing me as my eyes start to slowly become heavy.
"It's very creative, darling. You certainly have an eye for detail, although I already knew that and wouldn't expect anything less from you." A tone of flattery runs through his voice. "Seeing what you've done has now made me consider about getting one myself! I'm sure there's a way we can connect on it to play together right?"
"What really?" I jolt my head up to look at his face. A huge smile bares his lips as he nods and hums in reassurance. I giggle as I settle down again against his chest.
This happy feeling is exactly what we need to sleep well tonight.
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
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And of course Jumin gets a comic in his birthday! ^^
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
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Jumin webtoon icons
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Sweet vs Bitter wine (Jumin x MC) (Jumin Week)
Day two of Jumin week took a little longer to write than I wanted to take but It’s done now and I’m happy! Hope You enjoy!
“I brought home some wine tonight!" Jumin exclaimed as he places the bottles on the kitchen counter in front of me. I look at him in surprise, confused as to why he did not tell me beforehand like he usually would. If he were to bring wine home, he would normally bring a single bottle of red wine, however, this time it is two bottles of white.
"How come there are two bottles, honey? I'm pretty sure we won't be drinking a whole bottle each in one night!" I jokingly say. A warm smile bares his face as he reaches for the corkscrew from the drawer. He softly chuckles at my attempt at a joke.
"These are samples, my love." He explains. "I was given these in my meeting today with a wine company. They asked if I could give my honest feedback on these, so I thought I would try them out at home with you!"
The pull of the cork creates a sudden loud pop as it is freed from the neck of the bottle. I take grasp of a pair of tall crystal wine glasses and place them carefully down in front of my husband. He begins to pour. The golden liquid soon floods the base of the glass before he pauses to move onto the next. How perfectly he can control the pour amazes me every time I watch him. Jumin sits the bottle on the counter and then picks up the two glasses.
"Then shall we?" He asks as he presents glass in front of me. I shoot a tender smile back as I accept the glass from his warm hands.
"Cheers!" I announce as my husband and I clink our glasses together before we take a sip of the wine.
The taste is unusual. I cannot quite tell what is going on in my mouth. A whole variety of flavours are dancing around my tongue as I try to decipher what I just sipped. At first, the wine seemed bland until it hit the back of my mouth. Now I am confused by the dry, bitter tasted that lingers. It seems fruity but I cannot tell if there was meant to be a sweetness to the wine or not. Maybe it is because I'm not a fan of white wine?
"Well, I find it to be quite palatable. It has an even balance between the fruit flavouring and the sweetness-"
"-Sweetness?" I interrupt. How on earth can he taste any sweetness in this wine? My husband’s head tilts to the side and his brows furrow. He seems perplexed by my sudden statement. I look at him with the same expression. I'm just as confused as he is.
Typically, my husband and I have the same taste in wine. He is fond of a glass of red, as am I. We often share red wine as it suits both of our pallets. It seems to suit most of our favourite dishes and many restaurants would recommend their red wine over their selection of white. I’m quite shocked that his experience with this alcohol is different from mine!
"Are you having a different experience?" he quizzically asks. I nod as a process another small sip. This time it seems even more bitter.
"I can't understand how you tasted any sweetness in this!" I exclaim. "It's so bitter for me. I have never been a fan of white wine and this is the reason why. It's so much bitter compared to red!"
Jumin lets out a soft chuckle as he places his glass on the kitchen counter. His eyes met mine as he observes my expression. His pink lips part slightly as he gradually closes the gap between the two of us. I feel his hand slinks across my waist, pulling me un closer to his chest. His eyes divert from before he speaks.
"So, should I tell the company owner you're not a fan of the wine?" A smirk grows on his lips.
"All I'm saying is I'm not an avid white wine drinker that's all, Jumin. I'm sure you're more of a fan of it than me." I say, gazing into his storm grey eyes. For just a moment we smile at each other, waiting for one of us to make any sort of movement. It's not until I then place my own glass next to his that we start moving. His grip tightens around my waist and his other hand rises to stroke my cheek. My arms wind around the back of his neck.
"If the flavour of the wine wasn't to your taste, my love, maybe I should give you something sweeter to make up for it?" His voice a mere whisper. All I must do it look at him to give him the answer before his lips meet mine. I can taste the unusual wine on his lips, but the heat from the contact makes that taste tolerable. Yes, this is much sweeter than the wine, much more my taste!
When we finally part, he reaches for his glass once again and takes a sip. I shake my head and giggle at him.
"Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean I don't! And I certainly won’t be letting it go to waste!"
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Cats vs Berries (Jumin X MC) (Juminweek 2020)
Okay so this is my first one-shot on here so I apologise if its not great. I really wanted to join in this year for Jumin’s birthday as he has always been my favourite and I just love him so so much! So here is the first prompt for #Juminweek2020
On the table sits a bowl of cherries. Freshly picked from Jumin Han's very own cherry farm. Their ruby-red hue shines as the afternoon sun beams through the apartment window. A faint scent radiates from the bowl, bringing a familiar and sweet smell to the room.
Laying underneath the sofa my husband sits on, is a ball of white fur. Her features hidden in the shadows. She is eyeing the bowl that sits above her on the glass top. The tip of her snowy tail pokes out from the side of her hideaway, swishing back and forth. It was only a moment later that her peach nose would emerge, twitching at the faint sweet smell. The curiosity has caught the cat's attention.
I observe Elizabeth from afar. I don't want to disturb her as she spikes her intrest at the berries laying in the sunshine. Her face slowly reveals itself as she starts to sneak out from under the sofa. Her nose draws in closer towards the fruit until she is sitting infront of the table, looking up at the contents that lay on top. Her tail continues to flick from side to side behind her.
I've never known for her to do this. Jumin and I would take frequent trips to the cherry farm and always bring home a bundle of the juicy berries, but she never took much notice of them. Maybe the odd glance now and then, as one would do if there's food laying around. There has even been the odd trip where she'd attend with us, yet she never showed interest in the cherries. How come this particular bunch peaks her interest?
Her small paws are now perched on the edge of the table, bringing her face closer to the bowl. Then off they come. With one silent leap, her four feet land on the table top. Elizabeth's body is now only centmeters away from the fruit, her nose only shortening that distance. I continue to watch the cat as she dips her paw into the bowl, prodding the cherries with her small toe beans.
Not only has the persian cat's curiosity risen, but my own has too! Not wanting to frighten our pet, I slowly approch her and the cherries. She continues to gently poke around the bowel nudging the berries around. Her head lifts up when I am next to her.
"What's up with you, pretty girl?" I ask the cat. A small meow leaves her mouth before her attention turns back to the bowl. I look closer at the bowl myself before realising what she is interested in.
A big black beetle.
I squeal and jolt back away from the table, eyes wide and staring at the now visible bug crawling around the bowl. How did we not notice that before? It's hardly missable! The beetle's body is roughly the size of a single cherry, with small stick like legs sticking out from the sides.
Elizabeth continues to poke around with her paw, hitting the bug and nudging it round the cherries' bowl. I want to stop her but the ridiculous fear of the bug prevents me from getting any closer. I try to call her away from the bowl but all attempts fail with no sign of any hope.
"My love? Is everything alright?" I hear the voice of my husband call from another room. He must have heard my cry. If not, maybe he sensed it?
"I'm fine!" I call back, not wanting to worry him much further. "Could you possibly come help me though?"
I hear a door close and shortly after, my handsome, dark haired husband appears into the living room. His face perplexed by my call for him. The steel grey eyes I know so well fixed onto me as my own are glued to the crawling creature that continues to roam free on the cherries. I slowly point my finger to the bowl before attempting to speak.
"There's a bug on the cherries..." I say with a stuttering laugh. "If it wasn't for Elizabeth noticing it first, I don't think I would have known it was there!"
Jumin's shoulders relax and the concerned twist of his lips turns into a relaxed smirk. He walks up towards me and places his warm hands around my waist. His head hovers over my own as he now looks down at the beetle in the bowl.
Elizabeth continues to stalk the bug as it slides around the curved fruit, struggling to escape from the curvature of the bowl. She walks around the table, as if to try and get a better angle of the insect as it struggles to escape.
"It looks like you don't need my help." Jumin jokes as he lowers his head down to plant a delicate kiss on my cheek. "I think Elizabeth might have this situation under control!"
"But we can't leave it in here! We've got to put it outside!" I quickly add, turning my head towards my husband.
He chuckles before loosening is arms around me. "I guess you're right."
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Masterpost - Oneshots
Hey guys I just wanted to thank you all so much for sticking around and giving me the opportunity to get this blog back and going !! As a thank you I thought I’d finally finish creating a truly working masterpost for all those curious !!
And I think I may have figured what the issue was !! Too many links in the post, so there will be 2 to balance it out !!
This will be for one-shots and the other will be for story-oriented !!! Thank you and enjoy !!
Following V’s Judgement (Request)
Valentine’s Day (Request)
When you Wake
Head Over Heels
A Hidden Surprise  (Request)
What’s Truly Important (Request)
Fake Dating (Request)
Singer!Jumin (Request)
Before I go to Sleep (Request)
Wedding (Request)
Family with Son (Request)
Masquerade Ball (Request)
Asthma Attack (Request)
Learning a Song on the Ukelele (Request)
MC as a Figure Skater (Request)
Telling Parents of Pregnancy (Request)
Jumin Losing his Father and You (Request)
Soulmates!AU (Request)
MC with anxiety at RFA Party (Request)
MC as Public School Teacher (Request)
MC Sending Friend Instead to RFA Party (Request)
Jumin Deciding Between You and Baby (Request)
Jumin Deciding Between You and Baby Pt. 2 (Request)
Arranged Marriage!AU and in Love with Someone Else (Request)
Awake in Each Other’s Dreams (Request)
Yandere!Jumin (Request)
Extra Gloomy MC (Request)
MC Losing Memories in Car Accident (Request)
MC Kidnapped by Mint Eye (Request)
Meeting During Vacation (Request)
Proposal (Request)
Pretty Woman!AU (Request)
Heater Breaking in Winter (Request)
French!MC (Request)
MC not Wanting to be a Burden (Request)
Family with a Shy Son (Request)
Mumbling Things about MC in Sleep (Request)
Jumin Seeing Biological Mother Again (Request)
K-Drama Goblin!AU (Request)
Nursing Jumin in Coma (Request)
Jumin Losing his Memories for a Time (Request)
Jumin’s Father Interested in MC (Request)
Elizabeth 3rd Having Kittens (Request)
ArrangedMarriage!AU (Request)
Jumin Being Jealous of Elizabeth 3rd (Request)
Build-A-Bear Workshop (Request)
Highschool!AU (Request)
Hispanic!MC (Request)
Flirty Coworker (Request)
Jumin Breaking up with MC and Trying to Get Back Together (Request)
Pregnant!MC & Having Child (Request)
Heart Transplant (Request)
Picnic Basket
Stormy Weather
I Spy
On the Tracks
One Book for Two
Dozing Off
Old Photos
Photo Booth
Strangers on the Subway
A Story to Sleep
Little Notes
Umbrellas and Raincoats
The First Move
A Bruise
Favorite Tale
A Phone Call Pt. 1 
A Phone Call Pt. 2
In the Trees
Early Morning Rest
A Stray
The Fountain
A Silent Expression
Rainy Days
April Showers
Dream Together
A Little Reminder
In the Palm of Your Hand
Springtime Find
A Bad Night’s Rest
The Art
Buddy System
Blurry Pictures
A Bird Song
The Puzzle Pieces
Tales to Tell
Crash and Burn
Bushel of Dreams
The Rain & The Sun
Sets of Stars
Paper Hearts
A Note
A Surprise
What Should Have Been Said (Continuation)
An Early Sign
Another Morning
A Special Suit
Madam Librarian 
If I could Tell Her
Under the Trees
Red String of Fate
Words Fail
Love Letters
Drunken Confession
The Pendant
The Inevitable Truth
Lavender Light 
MC and Trusting (Request)
Jealous Ex (Request)
Your Happiness (Continuation to Jealous Ex) (Request) 
Kidnapped MC (Request)
Letter by Letter
The Cherry Farm (Request)
Trying to Hide Relationship (Request)
Picnic in a Tent  (Request)
Secret Dating 1 (Request
Secret Dating 2(Request)
Secret Dating 3 (Request)
Car Accident (Request)
The Interview
Alternative to the Interview (Request)
Pt 2 to Alternative (Request)
National Crush Day
Minimalist MC (Request)
MC Who is Afraid of Cats (Request)
20 Questions (Request)
Hide & Seek (Request)
Hide and Seek Continuation (Request)
20 Questions (Request)
Stars on Ceiling (Request)
Pocky Game (Request)
MC having a Panic Attack (Request)
Lights Out
A Baking Mishap
The Hammock
A Dream
Talking to Baby in MC’s Belly (Request)
Business Trip (Request)
Jealous of MC’s Best Friend (Request)
The Christmas Tree 
MC & Jumin on a Date (Request)
Jumin’s Other Family (Request)
Jealous Jumin (Request)
What Makes you Happiest
Passing from Old Age (Request)
Jumin Comforting a Sad MC (Request)
Time Together
MC Standing up for Jumin (Request)
Jealous Jumin 2 (Request)
Pressure Pt 1
Pressure Pt 2
Pressure Pt 3
Je T’aime
Baby, it’s Cold Outside
Safety Precaution
A Party
Pickup Lines
The Wishing Well
Movie Night
The Little Cafe
Love in Every Stitch
Mouth of Truth
Famous Violinist MC (Request)
Fear of Flight 
One Step Forward, One Step Back
Unspoken Words
A Blessing and a Miracle 
Rain for Me
A Tiny Issue
A Gift for Elizabeth 3rd
Winter Holiday
RFA as Dads (Request)
Taking Jahee’s Place (Request)
Babysitter!Jumin (Request)
Jumin x Jahee (Request)
Zen’s Reaction to Jumin’s Bad End (Request)
JuminxMCxZen (Request)
Sleepover at 707′s (Request)
Snowball Fight 
Overly Affectionate (Request)
Car Trip
Deciding between Jumin and V (Request)
A Broadcast
Yoosung & MC with Depression (Request)
Yoosung & MC with Depression Pt 2
Comforting Yoosung (Request)
A Small Sweater
Yoosung and Rika Issues (Request)
Male!MC (Request)
Christmas with Yoosung  (Request)
Yoosung Protecting You (Request)
Rough Day at Work
On an ice Cream Date (Request)
Stargazing (Request)
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