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Hunter x Mickey mouse fun house!Disney Encanto! Zion
Fandom: The owl house
Troll trouble!!!!! The Sunny Gulch games part 1
My powers: All of my family's powers
Extra powers:
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Summary:Zion takes her friends to funny the fun house where they have to find out why a troll is so upset and they go to Sunny Gulch to play some games By the way Zion and Hunter are dating now
Zion's point of view
I was at Funny the fun house with my boyfriend Hunter and my friends Luz, Amity, Gus and Willow I was wearing this
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Hi, Funny. Knock-knock!!!! I said Hmm, let me think. Who could that be knocking??? Is it Zion??? Funny said Zion who??? I asked him Zion you!!!!!! Zion Madrigal!!!!!!! Funny exclaimed and laughs I laughed too That's right, Funny. I said then we all heard ringing Whoa, that sounds like the fun house phone!!!!!! Funny exclaimed then his door opened the fun house phone bounced out the door bounced over Hunter's head and I caught the phone Got it!!!!!! I exclaimed after I hung up I looked at everyone That was King Ludwig. There's trouble in Majestica and he wants to see us right way. I said Come on, gang, King Ludwig needs us!!!!!!! Luz exclaimed then we all ran into the fun house Let's hurry!!!!!!! Hunter exclaimed Come on!!!!!!!!! Amity exclaimed Follow me, Zion!!!!!! Funny exclaimed then we all grabbed our backpacks and walked up the stairs and we walked into the door Funny was a castle everyone had on new outfits I was wearing this
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and we ran up to King Ludwig's castle and we went inside with King Ludwig we had to find out why the troll named trolland was so upset he said we had to follow our nose to the bridge that the troll lived under I said we should try to talk to him Go away!!!!!!! The troll exclaimed Uh,yeah. This troll is "Eda cranky". Luz said You said it. Amity said we tried music but he yelled at us to go away and we all hid behind the bush except for Hunter he's fell into the river and he was covered in mud he was itchy and he was cranky we tried pies but we hid behind the bush because he was feeling them out of Hunter got covered in pies then he jumped back into the river and got clean trolland got into the tub after Farfus the dragon warmed it up and he was clean again but Farfus jumped into the water and broke the tub and the water washed us away and the water drained after we ran into King Ludwig We did it!!!!!! Now back to the fun house!!!!!! I exclaimed and we ran back to Funny and walked out of the door and had back on our regular outfits Welcome back, troll friends. Funny said we all walked down the stairs Watch your step!!!!!! Funny exclaimed Wonderful. Willow said after we all got down the stairs we put up our backpacks Gus was nowhere to be seen well until we all saw him fell out of the pipe from the wall he was on the floor and his backpack got put up because he threw it by accident I giggled Come on, Gus. Time to go!!!!!!!! I said then we walked off the front of the fun house We sure had lots of fun helping trolland today!!!!!!!! I exclaimed And we learned that being dirty makes you cranky. Hunter said We sure did!!!!!!! Gus exclaimed and we looked at Funny And here's a little something to remember our trip. Funny said then a statue appeared over Funny that looks like a castle Wow!!!!!!!! We all exclaimed Very nice!!!!!! I exclaimed everyone walked outside except for Luz and me I guess it's time to head home. I said Aw!!!!!!!! Luz exclaimed Don't worry, we'll be back soon!!!!!! Right, Funny??? I said Right!!!!!!! And I can't wait. Funny exclaimed Us too. I said See you next time!!!!!! Me and Luz exclaimed and waved
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Hunter x Disney Encanto!Zion
Fandom: The owl house
Summary: Zion is me. And Hunter sneaks through the window to see me at night and he is hurt from a mission going wrong and he wants to have some cuddles and the whole family knows about him thanks to Dolores and this is after Casita is rebuilt
My powers: All of my family's powers
Extra powers:
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Four elements:
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Super smart:
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Growing crystals:
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Creating natural disasters with her emotions:
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Can sew anything to life:
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Zion's point of view
I was wearing this
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I was playing with my animals then I heard a knock on the window I opened it and saw Hunter and I let him in he put his staff and his stuff down and he laid down on my bed What's wrong, sweetheart??? I asked him he didn't respond but he took off his mask and his face was bruised and he had a bloody nose What happened to you??? I asked him A mission went horribly wrong. Hunter said I grabbed him some of my healing food and gave it to him he ate and got healed then I sat next to him Can I cuddle with you??? Hunter asked me When ever you ask me that. The answer is yes. Always. Yes. I said he started to get into the bed and I put on pajamas then I got into bed with him as we started to cuddle Hunter spoke up Could you sing me a song??? Hunter asked me Of course. I said then I started to sing
after I was done singing Hunter was asleep and I was cuddling him Sweet dreams, Hunter. I said and I kissed him on his forehead and he smiled I love you, Zion. Hunter said in his sleep And I love you. I said then I fell asleep while I was cuddling him I love Hunter with all my heart and nothing could ever change that
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