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Don’t talk like one of them. You’re not! Even if you’d like to be. The Dark Knight (2008)
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The sad story of the Three Bears in Shrek
Papa bear on the rebound though
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remember that time kim forgot north in the hotel?
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The amazing digital art of Tysen Johnson
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Social engineering now???
There are dozens of books in the public domain that explain how brainwashing (or re-education) works in America. They (social engineers) tell us what they are doing in plain English. They write long books that outline all the tactics and how they are being implemented into the school system, mass media, and society at large. Read (or skim – these are all long primary source documents): Human Relations in Curriculum Change (1951) by Kenneth Benne Taxonomy of Educational Objectives vol. 1 and 2 (1956) by Benjamin Bloom Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (1968) by Michigan State psychologists Learning to Work in Groups: A Program Guide for Educational Leaders (1959) by Mathew Miles Issues in Training by Edgar Schein (1962) For synthesis and critique of these methods by whistleblowers, read: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1991) by John Taylor Gatto Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling (2010) by John Taylor Gatto The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (1999) by Charlotte Iserbyt The Architects of Total Quality Management General Systems Theory and Marxist Theory-Praxis by Judy McLemore (online articles) John Taylor Gatto was named New York City’s teacher of the year three times in a row. Charlotte Iserbyt was Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement under Ronald Reagan. Once you enter this world, the Matrix begins to reveal itself. Professor Stephen Robbins wrote in Organization Behavior in 1979: “While Karl Marx used Hegel’s dialectic to formulate a theory of revolution, this same dialectic is also the fundamental basis upon which education is built.” (1) Once you understand the dialectical process, you’ll realize that this quote reveals everything. The dialectical process is how the Communist Party brainwashed China, by the way. Let’s start from the beginning. Thomas Chen writes in Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals: Though force or compulsion is always around the corner, to be exerted when necessary, the preference is to resort to different forms of persuasion, at times semi-coercive or covertly coercive, until resistance is overcome and the victim ‘chooses’ to submit. His submission can then be hailed as ‘voluntary’ action. This kind of pressure is more subtle than direct, undisguised coercion; it is less likely to arouse a violent reaction; and, furthermore, it enables the Communist to boast that they use ‘democratic’ instead of dictatorial methods on the people… (2) I think it goes without saying that brainwashing by brute force would be nearly impossible in a country with 300 million people. Psychological methods are much more subtle, and will never be detected. Here’s how it works 1) Assemble small groups of diverse individuals with conflicting opinions. Allow them to debate and discuss issues, giving the impression of a free and open forum. Make sure, however, that the group’s facilitator/organizer is trained in Group Dynamics. From who you call on to speak, to how you frame certain questions, there are hundreds of ways to subtly influence group behavior. This doesn't mean that every teacher is a conspirator - as you'll see, just being in a group in an American classroom is brainwashing. 2) Meet constantly (schools/universities are great for this, since they organize kids into small groups that meet five days a week.) Your goal, over time, is for the group to “find common ground” or reach “a consensus.” This doesn’t sound particularly pernicious; in fact, dialogue and compromise seem to be hallmarks of democracy. People in group settings also intuitively want to be included and to reach a set of informal rules. Being socially ostracized by The Group is one of man’s primal fears. 3) Social engineers call these small groups sets. The environment they interact in is called the System. McElmore quotes an early study on Group Dynamics, Individuals facilitated into these cohesive teams or collectives must, consciously or unconsciously, give up some part of their “own personal independence to create a state of inter-dependence” between themselves and other group members. A set of persons not yet facilitated into a collective or one mind is considered a heap. (6) Please understand that you are not considered a conscious individual. Leaders of the social system consider the group "one consciousness." 4) Western civilization is historically based on rugged individualism and a set of morals that come from “above” (i.e. from God or Nature). Early Americans in theory “feared no Man but God,” so they would’ve been repulsed by this group consensus stuff. Therefore you must attack Christianity, father figures (i.e. the voice of the conscience), and the traditional family. 5) People tend to agree on stuff they have in common. If you love to play Bach concertos, you will likely be the only one in your class with this passion. Thus, it’s highly unlikely your classmates will decide “Bach concertos are awesome. We should all ask that kid to teach us how to play them and base our social hierarchy on who's best at piano.” Again, what people end up agreeing on are the things common to all human beings (our baser desires.) So in school settings a whole youth subculture develops that emphasizes casual sex, social status, drinking, etc. This same process plays out amongst adults, but they are more into money and power. 6) What’s so genius is that peer pressure (instead of direct action by the state) then forces individuals to conform and debase themselves. Judy McLemore writes, “Anyone with strong convictions, who believes in facts, universal absolutes, right and wrong, must necessarily set aside those facts and convictions in order to conform to the group and reach consensus.” (3) 7) If one does not conform (i.e. their conscience says “this isn’t right”), stress and cognitive dissonance sets in. Kurt Lewin, head of the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT (and founder of the first brainwashing lab in America) explains, "Change in organization can be derived from the overlapping between play [group consensus to embrace baser desires] and barrier [the conscience] behavior. To be governed by two strong goals is equivalent to the existence of two conflicting controlling heads within the organism. This should lead to a decrease in degree of hierarchical organization. Also, a certain disorganization should result from the fact that the cognitive-motor system loses to some degree its character of a good medium because of these conflicting heads. It ceases to be in a state of near equilibrium... (4) Basically, people snap if they don’t conform. The dialectical process is meant to totally rewire individuals on every level. Lewin continues, “The re-educative process has to fulfill a task which is essentially equivalent to a change in culture…The re-educative process affects the individual in three ways. It changes his cognitive structure (cognitive), the way he sees the physical and social worlds, including all his facts, concepts, beliefs and expectations. It modifies his valences (likes and dislikes) and values, and these embrace both his attractions and aversions to groups and group standards, his feelings (affective) in regard to status differences, and his reactions to sources of approval or disapproval. And it affects his motoric action (psychomotor), involving the degree of the individual’s control over his physical and social movements. (Lewin [in Benne] 24) (5) That’s from a manual about how to reorganize our school system, folks. He’s talking about reeducating Americans. 8) Create tension between "what is" and "what ought to be." This gives the group a common goal to pursue, and a sense of camaraderie in a struggle towards a seemingly better future. This is why colleges emphasize social justice, etc. even while their presidents fly around on private jets. Here's the problem: "Progress" and "Social Justice" don't exist in the moment. You get stuck on an eternal hampster wheel. This is called "Freezing" someone. 9) Teach total moral relativism. 10) The net effect of this stuff is to kill the Father's voice in the child (i.e. his conscience) and replace it with The Group voice. This utterly destroys our ability to perceive right from wrong, spiritual from mundane, etc. and makes us sheep that can be herded. People who live from "the flesh" are very weak and irrational. Strength comes from the Spirit. It’s much worse than I am describing, but I am getting tired. This is maybe 5% of their technique. Wake up! SOURCES (1) http://bba12.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/2/8/9428277/organizational_behavior_15e_-_stephen_p_robbins__timothy_a_judge_pdf_qwerty.pdf (2) Chen, Theodore H. E. Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals. Hong Kong University Press (1960), 74. (3) Judy McElmore, http://authorityresearch.com/Sources/Total%20Quality%20Management%20-%20General%20Systems%20Theory%20-%20Marxist%20Theory-Praxis%20by%20JudyMcLemore.pdf (p. 100) (4) Barker, Dembo, and Lewin, "Frustration and Regression: an Experiment with Young Children" found in Child Behavior and Development. (5) Kurt Lewin in Human Relations in Curriculum Change, p. 24 (available here: http://channelingreality.com/Niwa/Documents/Social_Engineering/1951_HRCC_Benne_122710.pdf) (6) Judy McElmore, http://authorityresearch.com/Sources/Total%20Quality%20Management%20-%20General%20Systems%20Theory%20-%20Marxist%20Theory-Praxis%20by%20JudyMcLemore.pdf
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The wonders and magic of space: images via nasa
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I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of the stars makes me dream. [Vincent Van Gogh]
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Smuggler’s Cove, Skagway, Alaska
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Smuggler’s Cove, Skagway, Alaska
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Soul of one fangirl
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I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of the stars makes me dream. [Vincent Van Gogh]
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