mysticonstriker · 2 years
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mysticonstriker · 5 years
Have you heard about some guy on Deviant Art is doing these Mysticons and Sonic crossover images? And would you say that the idea of Piper and Shadow being friends is a cute idea? They're polar opposites but would they be friends?
I havent kept up w mysticons stuff in a while but that’s pretty cool! 
I’m no expert on Sonic but I think that’d be pretty fun!
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mysticonstriker · 5 years
Just curious, will you ever share your main blog? You seem really chill and I'd like to follow ya!
mmm maybe! again i apologizes for inactivity here
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
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Happy Valentines Day from the worlds most loveable elf!
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
my hopes for mysticons: a year’s reflection
Well, it seems like the show is pretty much over. We’ve been through some quiet months with neglect from Nick. While I didn’t get that far [sadly, how criminal of me being a fanblog], I really wanted to do a revisit of that hopes list… here we are.
“probably unlikely but a LGBT character would be pretty nice“ < - we got TWO! Sadly the kiss got cut but still this was very nice of the crew to do. If the show ever got a DVD release I’d love to see it added back in.
“ I’m also hoping Piper doesn’t get shoved into the role of comedic relief with little character development, while her teammates get development and multiple roles. Too often characters of her type don’t get enough attention. “ <- it seems like this unfortunately happened to Pipes :( A shame because I would’ve loved to see further depths than the small connection she got w Zarya
“the backstories of zarya and piper to be explored“ < - We barely got this in the show - one episode, and Piper’s parents weren’t even touched on, too… I wish they had got to them, but oh well
“the potential clash between zarya and arkayna (brings me back to TMNT’s Raphael and Leonardo hehe)“ < - I didn’t expect this to be LITERAL as the girls were long-lost sisters, but the show didn’t disappoint in this aspect, although they did chill as time went on.
“For the villains to be varying but competent threats“ Proxima wasn’t a joke for sure, and neither was Necrafa for her brief stint on the show. Not too bad, Nelvana.
“For Malvaron (and Gawayne too, why the heck not) to get some development too despite not being of the ‘main four’“ I believe they both got this - did Gawayne ever get that episode explaining further depths of him? And not the one early on, too.
“More on the girls in general - do they have any non-Mysticon friends around?“ Kitty Boon to Zarya was like the only one of note - most of their friends are characters you see all the time, which makes sense I guess.
“TAZMA GRIMM, DO NOT DISAPPOINT. “ - She got written off early-ish, which is also pretty suckish tbh, I liked what I saw of her.
Overall the show couldn’t done better in some aspects but it did a lot of things I wanted to happen so I’m pretty OK with it (except Piper’s treatment WHY does she get so few non-comic moments)
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
Do you have Discord? If so, are you in any of the Mysticon discords?
I do but it’s mostly for like personal - I’m not in any of the Mysticons discords
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
DW GUYS IM STILL KICKING I’ll likely get to at least one request soon
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
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To the anon that asked for this pic, I apologize. I saw your ask, amd when I went to post your question with this pic, the ask was gone. Hopefully you see this.
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
so much changing on this hell site yet mysticons never changes
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
Folks... if you’re still here... give me some character drawing suggestions, and I may or may not get back to you o.o
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
Sure the show’s over but I owe you guys some more Piper artwork tbh
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
my hopes for mysticons: a year’s reflection
Well, it seems like the show is pretty much over. We’ve been through some quiet months with neglect from Nick. While I didn’t get that far [sadly, how criminal of me being a fanblog], I really wanted to do a revisit of that hopes list... here we are.
“probably unlikely but a LGBT character would be pretty nice“ < - we got TWO! Sadly the kiss got cut but still this was very nice of the crew to do. If the show ever got a DVD release I’d love to see it added back in.
“ I’m also hoping Piper doesn’t get shoved into the role of comedic relief with little character development, while her teammates get development and multiple roles. Too often characters of her type don’t get enough attention. “ <- it seems like this unfortunately happened to Pipes :( A shame because I would’ve loved to see further depths than the small connection she got w Zarya
“the backstories of zarya and piper to be explored“ < - We barely got this in the show - one episode, and Piper’s parents weren’t even touched on, too... I wish they had got to them, but oh well
“the potential clash between zarya and arkayna (brings me back to TMNT’s Raphael and Leonardo hehe)“ < - I didn’t expect this to be LITERAL as the girls were long-lost sisters, but the show didn’t disappoint in this aspect, although they did chill as time went on.
“For the villains to be varying but competent threats“ Proxima wasn’t a joke for sure, and neither was Necrafa for her brief stint on the show. Not too bad, Nelvana.
“For Malvaron (and Gawayne too, why the heck not) to get some development too despite not being of the ‘main four’“ I believe they both got this - did Gawayne ever get that episode explaining further depths of him? And not the one early on, too.
“More on the girls in general - do they have any non-Mysticon friends around?“ Kitty Boon to Zarya was like the only one of note - most of their friends are characters you see all the time, which makes sense I guess.
“TAZMA GRIMM, DO NOT DISAPPOINT. “ - She got written off early-ish, which is also pretty suckish tbh, I liked what I saw of her.
Overall the show couldn’t done better in some aspects but it did a lot of things I wanted to happen so I’m pretty OK with it (except Piper’s treatment WHY does she get so few non-comic moments)
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
You know what? Gonna do a run-over of all of the hopes I had for the show... sequel post incoming!!
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
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Zarya & Kitty (Moonboon) from Episode 37 of Mysticons, “The Princess and the Pirate.”
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
Will there be a season 3 of mysticons?
“Season 3″ of Mysticons is currently airing if you go by the way the seasons were written: (Nick obviously separated the episodes into seasons differently than this)
Season 1: Eps 1-13
Season 2: Eps 14-26
Season 3: Eps 27-40
Will there be episodes after 40? Not as of now and it doesn’t look great :( Production is finished on these 40 as of a few weeks ago and isn’t continuing past that. Nick doesn’t seem interested in more episodes… I’d love if Netflix bought the rights. It’d be a perfect show for them.
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
Sean Jara: The Frederator Interview
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Sean Jara is a Toronto-based writer, producer, and story editor (Head Writer in Charge) and creator of the butt-kickin’, lady-driven new Nickelodeon and YTV series Mysticons. What you may not know is that for almost half a decade, Mysticons was in development with an all-male main cast! Sean gave us the low-down on becoming a successful TV writer, receiving constructive criticism from his 7-year-old, and the executive note that forever altered his career.
So, Mysticons is your original idea. When did you come up with it?
7 years ago. I was in a meeting and they asked me to pitch. I hadn’t expected that! So I just started talking about Dungeons & Dragons. The adventures I’d had with my friends as a dungeon master - which was really my first training in writing. And they were like, “Okay. Go home and write that!” From there it grew into an action show with 4 male leads who were based on my friends.
How long was the show in development with am all-boy main cast?
For 4 years. We wrote 12 episodes for the boy’s version and had an animatic done. Then they asked us to change it to a girl’s show.
Having done all that work, what was it like to have to make that change?
It was the worst and best note of my entire career. My initial reaction was, “WTF? We’re gonna have to re-do everything!?” It was also a very personal story, based on me and my friends - and we had invested tons of work into it. They told me on a Friday, so I had a weekend to cool off. On Monday, I looked at my bank account, then committed to doing it. But it was really about my daughter. Mysticons is for her and her generation. So that put a whole other spin on it. It energized me. I started thinking, “What would she like?”
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(The original 4 boy cast for Mysticons)
What changes did you make to the show?
Right off: the writing staff. When we switched to the girl’s version, I hired pretty much all women. In the room we talked about stories they thought they would have loved when they were 7 to 9 year old girls. We found those, dressed them up and made them fancy, and it was all good.
So the stories you had written did have to change quite a bit?
They did. Initially, the producers were like, “Can’t we just change the names and keep the 12 scripts?” And I was like “No, because a girl will react differently than a boy.” The characters and the world changed. Originally, it was set in the suburbs, with monsters coming to Earth. Changing to the girl version was an opportunity to go back to an earlier version of the show, which took place in a fantasy world. We did that because I think girls love going to other worlds. When I was working in a coffee shop in a bookstore, I remember watching a group of little girls run up to a fantasy table, and hearing them obsess over those worlds. So that was a big change. It also let me conceive of the girl’s show as a prequel to the boy’s. So if we ever wanted to do a spin-off, we could do the boy’s version, which takes place after the girl’s but on Earth.
How much did the character’s personalities change?
They were the same archetypes. The leader; the heart of the team; I think of everything in terms of The Wizard of Oz. The brain, the heart, the courage: everyone contributes something unique to the group. So they were the same archetypes as the boys, but they actually grew into more interesting characters to me. And then once the actors were cast, and they were taking our lines and saying them in ways that were infinitely better than how we’d heard them in our heads, that also strengthened the characters.
Why did you choose to switch to an almost-all-female writer’s room?
It felt more natural. I can approximate what a young girl thinks, but I haven’t lived it. When you want to dig into the details, you need someone there who’s actually lived that experience. And it was a great opportunity, because we had four main leads who were all girls, and all very different girls. Having written for a lot of action-adventure shows more focused on a boy audience, there’s always the One Girl. And because the one girl has to be every girl, she winds up becoming nothing. She can’t be too funny, or too dumb - because then that’s saying that girls are dumb. But there ARE dumb girls, just as there are dumb boys! But the token girl can’t be that. Suddenly, she has to be a role model. But with Mysticons - a cast of female leads - we got to reflect girls as they are.
Has writing Mysticons with girl leads influenced what you’ll write next?
Oh yeah. For action-adventure shows with 4 heroes, I’ll always push for 2 boys and 2 girls. And my writer’s room will always be about 60% women and 40% men. That’s just me: I do okay in all guy rooms, but they get very frat housey. I’m not a fratty guy. And I gotta say, the room was really efficient at Mysticons. We were in at 9, we’d shoot the shiz for like half an hour, then get into it. We’d be out by 4pm - very little time wasted. Writers came with office supplies. When the producers didn’t have notecards one day, a writer just had them in her bag. I’ve yet to meet the male writer who carries office supplies in his bag. The Mysticons room was seriously great.
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