mysweettoxicity · 3 years
Good lord it’s overhaul time
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Mild control over what your character experiences There will be no mind control, this will be mostly environmental. Ezzie has the ability to steal someone’s lucidity and feed off of it, manipulating the mind into hallucinations. If done long enough, Ezzie can drive someone into complete irredeemable insanity. This is rare for him to do though. All of this will be plotted in advance unless you’re okay with me just going ham.
Hallucinations As mentioned before, Ezkem can induce hallucinations in pretty much anyone short of like. A god.These hallucinations don’t always steal lucidity, there has to be intent for that. Sometimes he’s just being a little shit or doing it on accident. Really if you hang around him long enough you might just start to see shit.
Self Harm Ezzie can’t die. He’s unstable and enjoys every second of pain he endures.He’s self destructive in any way you can think of including literally chugging acid one time. That was fun.
Body horror Ezzie is covered in eyes and can grow extra or regrow limbs in whatever form he pleases. He stays humanoid since it’s easier, but on occasion he’ll be mute from a branch growing out of his throat.
Intense gore (Mentions and threads) Kind of goes with the self harm, but he honestly seeks out ways to get hurt. He is an extreme masochist.
Blood Lots of it.
Immortality Cannot die. Seriously. Chop off his head. Bury his body parts in different places. It’ll take a couple days but he’ll regrow from the smallest patch of skin or traces of electrons left of him. This isn’t really someone to interact with if you want to be killing someone.
A seriously fucked up individual.
Sometimes crack, sometimes intense fucked up shit. Because he can’t die he’s more of a villain or antihero than anything else. I see him as chaotic neutral or neutral evil. He does what he likes.
0 notes
mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Got My Eyes On You
     One of the shadows in your room has eyes. That’s probably not normal. Oh, now it’s got a grin akin to a Cheshire cat, but thinner. Needle-sharp teeth shine in contrast to the complete void of light around them. More eyes are opening, various colors and shapes looking in all different directions. Except for five of them. Those are looking at you.
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Ezzie’s Cognitive Assessment (CW)
cognitive assessment meme
BOLD what your muse experiences Italicize what they sometimes experience, or only in certain verses Strikethrough any that never apply then tag your mutuals to do the same! Please repost. Do NOT reblog!
Alcoholism. Amnesia. Anxiety. Appetite Loss. Binge Eating. Co-Dependence. Cynicism. Defensiveness. Denial. Depersonalization. Depression. Derealization. Devaluation. Displacement. Dissociation. Drug Abuse. Dysphoria. Emotional Detachment. Flashbacks. Flat Affect. Guilt. --->Hallucinations<---. Hypersomnia. Hypervigilance. Hypochondria. Idealization. Insomnia. Intellectualization. Introjection. Isolation. Low Self Esteem. Narcissism. Night Terrors. Obsessive Compulsion. Overeating. Panic Attacks. Passive Aggression. Paranoia. Phobias. Projection. Psychosis. Rationalization. Regression. Repression. Restrictive Eating. Risky Sex. Self-Harm. Somatization. Splitting. Sublimation. Suicidal Ideation. Sleepwalking. Suppression. Thousand Yard Stare. Triggers. Trust Issues. Violence. Whiplash Temper.
Tagged by: my heccin self
Tagging: Anybody tbh but uhhhh @lortofthefuckingwasteland tho
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Monet couldn’t take any offense at Vinn’s laugh, and just grinned giving a little shrug. “No one’s completely perfect. I’m just almost perfect.” Tilting her head a bit she blinked once or twice in surprise. “Witchcraft, all right then. Well as it so happens I’m a Muslim. As far as I’m concerned though what a person believes is their own thing, so long as they aren’t trying to force it on others or do the whole holier then thou thing.”
The mention of Risinger got a nod. “I could have used something like Risinger, and so could my sisters no doubt.” Vinn’s questions had her considering them for a moment before answer.
“Well since you mentioned hair, and slapping. Which I’ll do my best to remember… Oh I already told you about my issues with biting, and tight stuff. Pet names nothing sibling related. I’ve heard some people do that, and well… That monster you drew is what my brother became.” Giving a casual shrug she offered a smile as Monet moved onto nicer topics. “As for public displays I have no issues with them at all, and in fact enjoy them. Touch is actually very important to me so I enjoy holding hands, and hugs, and what not. My time as Penance taught me not to take such things for granted. Binging on Netflix as a date? Ummm…. Yes. So long as there are cuddles, really good snacks, and no interruptions. If the date includes staying in, then there better not be no phone calls or what ever else. Ideal planned out date…”
Voice trailing off Monet shook her head seeming almost embarrassed. “You will think it silly, and completely out of character…but… I have really good hearing, and I’m a telepath. It’s never quiet, ever, anywhere. My ideal date is just being out on a beach for a picnic or something with no one else around other then just me and my date so it’s… quiet, except for just the two of us.” Letting out a soft laugh she sipped at her drink. “Ironically enough though I actually hate being completely alone. If I was on the beach by myself I’d go crazy. As for my skin I use a couple of different lotions, and a salt scrub once or twice a week.” Suddenly thinking of something she raised an eyebrow.
“I… did tell you I am a telepath yes? With super speed, strength, hearing, eyesight, some telekinesis, and I can fly both literally and as a pilot of a plane. I’m also quite intelligent, and nearly invulnerable. With one tattoo.” For once she didn’t sound as though she was bragging, but simply trying to ensure Vinn fully understood just what she was.  
    “You can believe in whatever. My craft revolves around thanking the Earth for not destroying us as she very very easily could. Things like thanking the cow for its sacrifice so that I could have something to eat. Aside from that it’s a lot of cards, books, candles... But I also practice stuff that comes from within like... Hm.” he isn’t sure how to explain that one.
    “Flying’s pretty cool, wish I could do that.. The person I was learning telekenesis with said I can probably lift and move anything I could move with my body. I just haven’t tried it because I haven’t needed to I guess..?” he shrugged. Then the universe had a fit of mercy on Vinn’s stomach, and the food arrived. He thanks the waiter with a smile before saying a quick thank you to the animal as he mentioned earlier. Then starts to munch. He doesn’t speak with food in his mouth though.
    “Water really fucking loves me for some reason, and I like to swim so beaches are nice. Free, too, so there’s that,” he laughs. “Hm... All my senses are pretty important to me too. If something doesn’t smell, taste, or feel right, I caaaan’t deal with it.” he shudders “Like... Like fabric that looks like it should be soft, but it’s not? That bothers me on such a deep level.”
Kids (Ain’t All Right)
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Out of long ago acquired habit the knife was held easily in a proper combat grip at least until Cassandra tossed it aside gazing down at the odd stranger. The look of confusion and worry on his face, and his body language made her think that something strange was going on here. Something other then your standard normal killer.
[How do you know I look sad? You are in Gotham. Do you need a hospital, or will you be okay?]
Responding quickly in ASL herself Cassandra couldn’t help her initial question simply because few people could really read her, and even fewer with her mask on. She’d not expected such a comment, and it made her curious.
[Man drained of blood. Dead.]
Might as well see how he reacted to that particular piece of information.
    [You’re a slimy green] he signed, tilting his head a little as he does. His eyes look you over again, but he still just sees that green oozing from you. He’d be sad too if he were oozing gross green slime.
    [I hope man will be okay.] he knows the man is dead. He didn’t misunderstand you, he just hopes the man will be alright. [Do you like stuffing? I don’t like stuffing, it makes my tongue scream.]
Time To Dance
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
“It certainly is now.” Monet wasn’t entirely sure anymore if she had always had that urge to fight inside of her, or if it was a left over “gift” from those years with her brother. Sometimes she mentally divided her life into “pre-penance”, “penance”, and “post-penance” but that wasn’t something she’d discussed with anyone.
The comment about relationship’s not going well made Monet give a little nod of understanding. “My last relationship ended… unexpectedly, and quite suddenly.” Unable to resist she let out a soft laugh and shook her head. “I doubt I’d do well with the whole eggshells thing either. I can be a bit blunt, and…well I can’t help it, but I’m a bit of a diva.”
“As a note, only fair that I extend you the same offer. If there’s anything you want to know, or are curious about now is the time to ask…” Pausing for a moment she settled back in her seat one hand resting on the table while her hand grabbed her coffee. “I want to know everything to be honest, but that will come over time. As far as right now… Any other special abilities that you have? Any jealous ex’s I should know about? How do you feel about cuddles?”
     Vinn laughs at the comment about being a diva. “No. Really? You??” he winks and grins, getting a little more comfortable it seems. Though the laugh turned a few heads, he doesn’t even notice. He’s too absorbed in your eyes.
    “Cuddles is a definite yes. I’m a touch starved gremlin.” he sips on his drink. “My exes are either dead or in jail.. Not sure that one dude even counts as an ex... Er..” he cleared his throat, scratching his neck. “I practice witchcraft, I can lift small shit with my brain and that sort of stuff. My more honed abilities are like.. Elemental and auras and emotions. I can like.. Soooort of influence people’s emotions if I focus or if I use a sigil? That’s what Risinger is. He’s enchanted with a calming sigil. Been charging him for like almost two decades..”
     He seems much more relaxed now, smiling softly at you and not seeming so ashamed anymore.
    “Oh shit this might be good to know. Don’t pull my hair. Like.. Ever. Please. No slapping, and please uh try not to drink around me...” he frowns. “A-anyway... My turn. Questions... How do you feel about public displays of affection? Simple shit like holding hands and quick kisses. What’s your ideal like, planned out date? Will you accept staying in and binging something on Netflix as a date? Are there any like.. Pet names I shouldn’t call you that might be triggering? Lastly what the fuck do you use to keep your skin that nice??”
Kids (Ain’t All Right)
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
The comment about “after you die” brought a momentary tension to Monet that quickly vanished. She had no desire at all to have that particular conversation Vinn at that moment, or in truth at all despite the fact it would likely come up sooner or later. “It’s okay, just concentrate on me. All the rest we can get fixed, or set up, or what ever else.” Nuzzling at Vinn she let out a soft sigh of relief, and simply relaxed.
~ ~
Be it her money, confidence, telepathic abilities, family name, or simply how stubborn Monet could be she was at the hospital with Vinn almost all the time. She stayed out of the way for his physical therapy of course, and the mental therapy obviously wasn’t her place. However she didn’t have a team, no missions to go on, and no one else close by so she saw no reason not to try to make up a bit for lost time.
Going back to the room Monet could actually afford to take a bit of a closer look, and feeling the tight grip at her hand she pulled Vinn’s hand up gently giving it a kiss to try to reassure him. Last time she had been more concerned about finding potential evidence, and clues as to what had happened. Now though seeing the colors her lips tightened a bit. Without thinking she lapsed into French. “Oh those bunch of motherfucking asshole bigoted fucks… Burning your clothes is bad enough, but your moms boots were important.” She couldn’t help feeling angry, but it wasn’t at all directed at Vinn.
“We’ve got to take you out shopping. I want my Vinn proper ba… I mean, not that you belong to me or anything! I just meant, like how you like to…how…I…” Voice trailing off Monet actually blushed and reached up to brush her hair back. She’d meant it in a good way, wanting Vinn to once again be themselves but had realized half way in it might sound possessive and considering what Vinn had just been through… possessive in a bad way.
“I just want you to feel more like yourself…do you… want to see if we can get those boots restored, or maybe have them used to help create a new pair of boots? Continuing the legacy type of thing?”
     Vinn can’t help but be generally tense in this situation. He sniffled a bit, wiping his eyes as he’s sure he can hear you cursing in French. They’re gone now, he reminds himself. He has to remind himself. They can’t hurt him anymore, only the memories can.
     Said memories are nearly instantly set off by the words ‘My Vinn’. His hand retracts from yours and he steps back before he remembers where he is. Who you are. He takes a deep breath and holds his arms, looking down at his too-big sneakers.
    “Uh.. I know.. I know what you mean I just... Fuck.. I don’t know.” he wants to sit down, but he can’t bring himself to sit on the bed. The emotional energy carved into this room is stifling, it’s almost hard for him to breathe.
    “Shopping.. M-might be a good idea. Maybe we can.. Replace Risinger..” he frowns at the thought. Risinger was one of the other things they burned. Ironic. “Maybe it’s time to let them go, as boots anyway..” he finds the remains of the boots and takes a few scraps of the charred leather.
    “I can make a charm out of it though..” Then something else hits him.
    “Fuck- They fucking trashed my art supplies! All those fucking copics- the markers, the home-made crayons holy shit. Okay we uh. We need to leave I can’t be in here anymore.” he gulped, quickly absconding from the room.
Time Passed
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
The lack of a ponytail made Monet’s eyes darken for a moment. She was used to seeing Vinn…well… the way he wanted to look. Not weak, hurt, hair short, and in pain. It made a flash of guilt run through her, and in response her arms gently hugged at him as she tried not to project the feeling.
Going back to telepathic communication she offered an impression of a shrug.
Somethings have changed. Other things not so much. It’s been far too long since we were together, and I’m hardly going to let hospital etiquette keep me from hugging you.
The fact it was her fault at least in her head that it was her fault it’d been so long went unsaid. The odds were there would be at least a couple of conversations later on when Vinn was healthier. For now though Monet simply stretched out a bit and let herself feel a bit of relief. He still loved her. That was what mattered.
You can say it as much as you want, I wont mind at all. Just don’t die on me.
She didn’t expect him to die, but too many people had been dying lately. Too many people she cared about had died over the course of her life. Kissing gently at his cheek she grinned. “You better recover quickly too. We’ve got stuff to do. I’m not sure what, yet, but I’m sure there’s something.”
     I don’t plan on dying any time soon. Coma was fucked up enough for me to definitely want to stay alive. Who knows what shit goes on after you die.
     He knows that you feel guilty. He doesn’t need to be an empath to know it, he can read you like a book at this point. Even with how long you’ve been gone, doesn’t matter to him. He shifts into your embrace, holding you around him.
     Physical therapy’s gonna be a bitch... Again. God, why the fuck do I keep having to go through all this shit.. Dad probably fucking cursed me, honestly. Therapy’s gonna be shit. Oh fuck I think they had me quit from my therapy... And my meds.. and.. God I don’t want to think about that right now. I want to think about you. Focus. Mkay.. Warm. Nice.
     Physical and mental therapy, as he guessed, is pretty time consuming and exhausting. Most of the time during his recovery is spent in PT, resting, or answering questions. Questions asked by doctors and police officers. Except they don’t even remember what they did to their father. So it seems like the guy just disappeared. The police want to give him a protection detail even in the hospital. They don’t stick too close for comfort. The officer assigned to them is very sympathetic and kind, and Vinn can tell she’s been through something similar.
     They don’t let Vinn go back to the dorm until they’ve collected evidence, pictures and such. But Vinn doesn’t really want to go back to that dorm room. Not with the paint, and how different it all is. But they need clothing. The hospital donated a set of comfort clothes so they can leave once released, but other than that there’s nothing they can do.
     Vinn stands in front of the door to their room, holding your hand a little tight. Their anxiety leaks from every pore. When the door opens, they try not to focus. All of the colors are just.. Wrong. That lavender. His eyes. They shudder and head inside, looking around.
     “God... They destroyed all my shit.. They burned all my fucking masculine clothes.. My makeup, my..” he stops. A step towards the wardrobe, and he opens it. “Moms boots...”
Time Passed
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
“I can’t help but think it would be healthier for you to be with someone more…typical, emotionally. Then myself.” Even now, and even after telling Vinn about her past Monet couldn’t call herself damaged. Despite a part of her knowing full well she was. That made it selfish in her eyes, but there was something about Vinn. Something she was drawn to.
“Vinn…” A few different responses flickered through her head. All of them rather cliché. Not having a type, not knowing her type, not caring. All of them seemed awkward at best, and rude at worst. “If I have a type it’s people that are willing to treat me like a person, and can hold my interest. Because Allah knows I don’t make it easy between my ego, and being a diva. Also people that I can tell about my past, and don’t end up just pitying me. Sympathy is one thing, pity though is infuriating.”
Taking a sip of her coffee Monet glanced away actually feeling a faint blush cross her cheeks. At that moment she was feeling unsure because she wasn’t really sure she was explaining herself correctly. “Regardless, I just… you don’t have to decide now. Just don’t expect me to stop fighting along side the others.”
    “I don’t expect you to not fight. I have a hunch it’s kind of in your nature.. As far as the emotional thing goes..? I’ve lived with everyone else’s emotions all my life. I learned to sort of rationalize which ones are right.. Well I mean not.. Right per-say? Fuck. I’m making no sense.” he slicks a hand over his hair, groaning a little.
     He takes a deep breath and a sip of his drink.
    “I think I already kinda decided like... A week ago that if you.. If you’d be cool with it, I’d totally be up for this shit. Like.. This whole.. Relationship thing. I’ve had em’ before but they uh. Didn’t go well. Just... In general. Not the kinda stuff to talk about here though,” he rubs his arm, a spark of nerves running through him.
    “I always hate the awkward beginnings. The weird chit-chat trying to hash things out while on eggshells. So let’s just.. Get some stuff out of the way. You already know about the uh.. Drawing. And with the meds and stuff.. Anything else you might need to know about me..? Or that you’d want to know?”
Kids (Ain’t All Right)
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
One step forward before Monet glanced back at Vinn. Leaning over she whispered into his ear. “I really do try not to snoop, but your thoughts are really loud.” Squeezing gently at Vinn’s arm with one hand Monet slipped away to the ladies room. She needed a moment just to think, and consider things.
On one hand they had obviously both had their problems in life, and both obviously were affected by those problems. The fact Vinn wasn’t high class actually never entered into her thoughts oddly enough. She was a mutant and few mutants were high class the way her family was. A human, well she’d play with humans but being in a proper relationship with one caused her a bit of disquiet as she’d seen humans turn with fear too many times. Did she actually have any interest in Vinn? Yes, but did that mean Vinn deserved to have to deal with her after…everything? Touching up her make up just a bit Monet realized something. She didn’t want to be alone. Maybe that made her selfish, but if Vinn was falling for her then why not?
Getting back to the table she slipped back into her seat thankful that her coffee and water had been delivered as had Vinn’s water and started mixing some cream and sweetener into it. “Vinn, I’m probably being a selfish bitch even considering dating an empath… but who else would actually treat me like a person instead of M the indestructible or Monet St. Croix the rich girl on her high horse?” Taking a sip of her coffee before raising her eyes to look at Vinn’s. “Would it really be that bad if this was a date?” 
     As you lean over, Vinn’s blush grows and he sinks his head into his hands with a groan. Stupid thoughts being loud, emotions going wild. He takes in a deep breath as you head off to the restroom. Then he lets his right hand lay on the table, head still resting on the other palm. This could all get very complicated. There are some things he’s still not comfortable talking about even with a therapist.
     Before he knew it you were back at the table, and talking. Talking about a relationship, selfishness, rich girl... He blinks out of DissociationLand and lifts his head off of his palm.
    “Relationships aren’t selfish if all parties involved want it...” he shrugs, looking down at the table. He’s fidgeting with his napkin, wondering what on earth he’s getting himself into. “What does me being an empath have to do with that? Sure, I feel your emotions.. If anything, I’d say that could make it easier in some aspects.. So... I guess it wouldn’t be so bad. I just wasn’t sure you even.. I don’t know.” he shrugs.     “I’m not exactly... I didn’t really think I’d be your type.”
Kids (Ain’t All Right)
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
That close to Vinn, touching, and a part of her mind almost instinctively reaching out to them if only to ensure Vinn was alive and recovering Monet heard him. Blinking she raised her gaze from his hand to his face before swallowing. “I love you too Vinn, and that’s something that has only gotten harder for me to say over the years. I mean it though, and I’ve missed you as well.”
Sometimes Monet simply did not care about rules. Okay to be fair a lot of the time she treated them as though rules were something that applied to people other then her. Today was no different. Smoothly standing if Vinn paid attention and stayed awake he’d notice that Monet was a bit more muscular then when she had left. She was also stronger, and more skilled with her telekinesis which made moving Vinn and raising him up just enough for her to wiggle onto the hospital bed without disturbing anything easier then one might expect.
A kiss to his cheek while she held back her own self blame, and guilt. This was no time for all that even if sooner or later that would likely come out if only because Vinn would feel it in her eventually. For now though her arms wrapped around Vinn hugging gently. “I’m here, and things will all be okay now. Just rest all right? If anyone bad comes they will have to get through me first, and you know...” Offering that little egotistical smirk Monet shrugged as she spoke physically. “I’m Monet St. Croix. No one is going to get through me.” Some things never changed.
     If he wasn’t pumped full of pain killers he might start to cry again. Instead, he makes a weak attempt to move closer to you. His hair is- short. His hair is cut short. How that went unnoticed before is a mystery, but it’s there in plain view now. Still shaved on the sides, but no ponytail.
     He makes a slight noise in response to your line. It could have been a chuckle, or a groan, or pain. Hard to tell. He clears his throat and sighs, slowly moving to hold your arms around him. His toes even wiggle a little.
     Well I see hardly anything’s changed with you, huh? Fuckin.. Monet St. Fuck all of y’all and your rules about hospital etiquette... It’s gonna get real annoying, but I’m going to keep saying I love you over and over for a while.
Time Passed
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Cassandra had been swinging through the skies of Gotham just on a general patrol while listening to different things on the streets. Police sirens, yells of excitement, cars, all the noises that merged together creating the dull roar that seemed ever present within the dark city. One thing caught her interest. A report of someone escaping from arkham.
That report was quickly followed by a bit of luck. She spotted Viktor, and the man with the knife which of course meant she started heading down the building before suddenly pausing as she saw Viktor defend himself. Head tilted a bit Orphan was completely silent as she witness what seemed to be a vampire. Perhaps canine implants? A heightened bite reflex and jaw strength? An obsession with blood? Any number of reasons for someone to act that way up to and including drugs or mental illness.
By the time she got down the man was dead, and Cassandra was of two minds. On one hand killing was bad, but on the other hand… Viktor had seemed quite off at that moment. Sighing softly she followed a trail to the vampire  
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Standing there she looked down at Viktor with her full face mask likely not making her seem all that friendly. “Escaped arkham?…Intend to kill?” Both questions, both separate statements offered with a slow halting voice as though English wasn’t exactly something she easily used. In truth no verbal language came easily to her, although she could understand them. Reaching down she grabbed that knife, and simply pulled it out. If he was human he’d pass out from blood loss, and she’d take him to a hospital. If he was something else…well…then that would be quite interesting.  
     The wayward Malkavian finds his view of the sky obscured. Odd, there were no clouds a moment ago. He blinks and notices that there’s someone there. Someone holding a knife. Hey that knife looks familiar! He lets out a broken giggle, voice and breaths both hitching almost like a glitch in a game.
     Then his grin fades to a look of confusion and worry. Kill? Arkham? The confusion grows like a rose bush in his mind, threatening to burst from his ears and eyes and-
    “K-k-k-k--” he coughs and frowns, finally shakily lifting his hands to sign to you. Some part of him that’s still sane hopes you read ASL.
    [Kill? No kill. I don’t know where I am. Why do you look sad?]
Time To Dance
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
   “Please do not- I do not know how I have gotten here I climbed up a long long time and was ended here.” the young one raised their hands, looking down and stepping away from you. “I-I can leaving if you wish,” their voice is thickly laced with a Russian accent. Bright, glowing green eyes, and the faintest smell of chemical radiation comes from them.
    Not only that, but they don’t look to be in any kind of condition to be climbing back down. They’re shaking and beaten, though not bleeding.
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After five long, tedious weeks Ororo finally managed to have a night off to herself. All she wanted was some peace and solitude, a moment to reflect and rest. Stepping out of her tiny kitchen with a glass of Pinot Noir in hand, Ororo was not pleased to see an intruder in her loft. “You’ve got three seconds to begin explaining why you’re in my loft and why I shouldn’t electrocute you starting now. Go.”
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Do you think asexuals are part of the LGBT+ community?
LIKE for no, REBLOG for yes
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
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one of my favorite additions to any post i’ve ever made
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mysweettoxicity · 6 years
Time To Dance
     Applause, applause- no wait, wait...
     Alarms. That’s it. Not applause. Viktor presses his palms to his ears, stumbling down some empty back alleyway. He’s not sure where he is, or why he is where he is. All he knows is that he’s out of that place, glad for it, and hungry as hell. Not only for food, but blood. They don’t exactly just give someone who claims to be a vampire blood. They just keep telling him it’s a delusion brought on by his schizophrenia. Which generally he just. Doesn’t quite understand.
     He stumbles a few alleys down, wandering wandering wandering until he finds someone. Or someone finds him. A larger man holding a knife and probably meaning to mug the poor kid. After all, he looks young and vulnerable. Viktor just smiles and waves at him before getting stabbed in the gut. His reaction to this is not to scream, but to grab the man and pull him down. The escapee’s fangs sink into his would-be-mugger’s throat.
     Next thing he knows, he’s in yet another alleyway. A knife still in his stomach making it rather hard to breathe, but he’s not quite dying. It hurts, sure, but it takes more than that to kill a vampire his age. He’s still.. Dazed. Staring up at the night sky, hearing sirens go by. He vaguely remembers running. Lots of it. Vaguely remembers his meal, he can still taste lemon meringue on his tongue. Though, there was something off about his food. Great, the guy was a druggie. That never ends well, but at least he’s used to hallucinations...
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