mywrittenconscience · 6 years
No, was just checking in to make sure you were okay really. Writers slumps are the literal worst. ):
Thank you! I really do appreciate that, Anon! It probably didn’t help that I couldn’t write for a month in a half due to a project. And then after that I just couldn’t write anymore. But I’ll get out of it eventually. I love writing too much to give it up. Thank you for your concern!
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mywrittenconscience · 6 years
Hey. You still active?
I am on my main blog, but I’ve been in a writer’s slump for a while so not exactly been writing as much. Was there something you wanted me to write/know?
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 11
You know I’m starting to find that even after I ban all those websites... i will still find a way to get distracted. Like that’s just sad that I’m avoiding it that much lol.
So I spoke to my beta-reader today regarding a scene involving Corazon. And lo and behold, there is a scene that I had moved from Chapter 16 to Chapter 17 and now I need to move it back. The problem is everything about that chapter is set in stone for the most part. So after discussing with her (I honestly don’t know what I’ve done to deserve her sometimes) we were able to figure out the perfect location to put it back into Chapter 16.
And then the onslaught of this scene came to life. I had wanted to do a better number count so I’m using the tracking to write in new scenes for chapters that are already done and whew... red everywhere. Also tracking everything in the end helped nothing whatsoever. Lesson learned.
Today: 530/1,667
Total: 6,654/15,003
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 10
You know I’m starting to learn which websites to ban myself from every time I have these writing sessions. Lol, I’ll get a comprehensive one by the end of the month I hope. I am using one of those programs that blocks websites that you write down for however long you want. It also does not go away even if you shut off your computer or close the program. I felt like this was safer than some of the other things that forces you to write. 
I’m also learning that there‘s a lot of weird saying that I say... or thought made sense, DON’T MAKE SENSE. I‘ve been just using wrong English words apparently. And for some reason, no one has stopped me... So that was a disappointment and some of the writing is now just slightly different than I had wanted. English. Why are you so problematic?
Right now, I think my main concern is regarding how I’m re-pacing the beginning chapters. Or if I’m even doing that. I understand that the pacing was off when I was going into the month. But I’m just wondering would I be able to re-write it in a way to set the pacing back on path without needing to add more chapters cause that’s already something I do not want to think about. Plus those extra chapters would honestly be filler in a way. 
Though I am adding a new scene for Chapter 4. I think it’ll be nice for Kid to call Penguin regarding muscles which means... attempting to research, but only scratching the surface cause I bullshit a lot in my story. I’m not actually trying to figure out how to build an android in any way. I just need to understand how to create a heart. :D
Today: 624/1,667
Total: 6,124/15,003
I’ll try to write more tomorrow but honestly I WAS FREEZING MY FINGERS OFF. My desk was conveniently placed in from of a window. Great for summers. Horrible for winters. Especially when it’s below freezing right now. I don’t think listening to Christmas songs halfway through helped either.
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 8 and 9
In case you were wondering. I took a day off yesterday because I stared at my word document while on my bed (this was a mistake to begin with, let’s be honest) and I immediately fell asleep.
So day 9 (this time at my desk) and I realized why I was off... there was this one scene I don’t know how to re-write. It’s the scene where Wire and Heat comes back to the shop after they “took care“ of Bellamy. Like it’s not even that hard, but I‘m not sure why I’m having a hard time re-writing it. Maybe there‘s something in there that I want to redo? Or add potentially? So like most people... I avoided the situation and skipped to the next scene. Totally avoiding my problems in written form.
I do admit, I will get distracted with tumblr like 99% of the time when I sit down. I think I just miss scrolling with the mouse compare to my finger on my iPad. I think I need that do not procrastinate app that I had back in university. The only way I could get my essays done lol. The only problem is youtube... well I guess I can use my iPad for that too while I’m working on my laptop. Plus I got some amazing game soundtracks I’ve collected over the years. I’m sure I’ll find a way to manage...
Anyways CHAPTER 3, the moment Law gets his voice. Damn I hope I do this chapter justice with the re-write. I’m giving Kid a lot thoughts about this cause damn HIS ANDROID JUST SPOKE LIKE A HUMAN ... well sorta. Kid and Killer help fix it in the end but HE SPOKE LIKE A HUMAN AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS RIGHT NOW.
P.S. while adding up my numbers, I lied. I wrote 9 words yesterday cause that’s about as much as I could put down before my brain shut off. Also I really like that it perfectly went to a even round number.
Today: 599/1,667
Total: 5,500/15,003
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 7
It is currently 10:30 PM... I literally just got home. You know when life gives you an unexpected curveball? Yea that was today. So sadly, I wrote nothing today because I was supposed home 6 hours ago and was supposed to be asleep 30 minutes ago to wake up at 5 tomorrow morning for work. And I literally just got home.
At least my cat had welcomed me home with open arms... though I think she just wanted a treat.
Good news, I was able to plot and plan out what I did want to write in between my meetings. So I’ll probably aim for that tomorrow. Got some Corazon shenaningans I’m going to be working on tomorrow. But damn... 2 back to back meetings ranging from an hour to 2 hours. Like this is university vibes all over again. Coming home at like 11 PM cause my roommate had convinced me to take the late night 4 hour design class. And I was stupid enough to say yes.
Today: 0/1,667
Total: 4,901/11,669
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 6
I’m dragging today. You know when you’ve been working on something and you‘re just trying to get something down to have something down? Yea that’s been my day today. Chapter 18 is really kicking my ass even though it is supposed to be rather light hearted in a way. 
I think I need to figure out what I want in these scenes and the tone I’m going for. Right now for the newer chapters, I’m mostly concern on the dialogues and getting the bare minimum of what happens in that chapter. Though a draft of everything is also not a bad goal to get to as well. I’ll just cringe so hard afterwards when I'm editing lol. And cry lots when 5K turn into 10K and I’m always stuck editing that...
Today: 479/1,667
Total: 4,901/10,002
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 5
I love all of you guys. I really do. Thank you so much for all the support! I really do appreciate it <3 You’re all right, I’ve got this. No matter how little, I’ll get through this month.
So started working on Chapter 17. Within a single line that I wrote at 5 in the morning, me and my friend Ninja spent a good chuck of the morning basically laying out the spin-off version of Creating a Heart. I’ll bet ya that I‘ll get the plot planned before even making it to writing. Which I suppose will be all good since it is a rare pair so I doubt it’ll make it to the fanfiction website.
Anyways I worked on Chapter 17, editing and re-writing a scene for Kid, Franky, Dellinger and Baby 5. I always wonder if I should feel bad for Kid cause I literally put him into a situation where I’m sure he would like to do nothing more than to turn Baby 5 off and potentially plot murder for Dellinger. I’m sure he‘ll get over it...
Then I started working on Chapter 19 and hell that was a crazy chapter. Just the starting scene had me hoping that I had set the tone correctly. Cause you know it isn’t my kind of writing without some kind of angst occurring. Gotta put my words in for some kind of justice in my angst skills. The scene is mostly written out, but I must say. I cannot wait for the people to read this. 
Today: 2,154/1,667
Total: 4,901/8,335
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 4
OTL... I am just getting worst and worst each day lol. Maybe I can't write during weekends. That or catching a cold isn't helping either since I slept most of the day and basically slept while writing today.
Started going back to work on Ch. 17. All I can say is that I need to work on getting worked up over stupid things so I can get in character lol. My lack of motivation is not a good sign. It’s only been 4 days...
Today: 124/1,667 Total: 2,747/6,668
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 3
So let's just say I got distracted for 4 1/2 hours and started writing at 8:30... And let's just say while attempting to write I got even more distracted after only about 20 minutes of writing. So today was just a bad day to write lol.
So started to write the second scene of chapter 3. I think this might actually be a legit regular length clean edit with no random scenes that hit me from behind and I don't have to worry too much about editing it later. Of course I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself now.
I'll try harder tomorrow...
Today: 363/1,667 Total: 2,623/5,001
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 2
So this was an interesting day to say the least. Spent a good amount of time distracted until it was getting close to bed and I was like shit I still haven't finished today's word count. Though to be quite honest I just wanted to work on this scene for today.
The best part was trying to research how many pages was in a medicine textbook, then trying to figure out how long it would take to read it. After a solid 15 or so minutes I ended up not even using any of this data at all. Sadly I do this often.
I also spent a solid minute trying to figure out why the word nine looked wrong even after deleting and re-writing it again. I kept writing night and by then I figured I needed to call it quits soon.
So today's accomplishment: I've completed the first scene from Chapter 3 in the re-write. The first scene was only 330 words. After I had finished with it I HAD OVER 1000 WORDS. Gotta say I'm proud of myself. At the same time, I'm deathly terrified of how long this chapter is going to be. (considering this is only one of three scenes in this chapter) Cause with longer chapters = longer edit times. Of course my readers are happy while I'm slaving away editing ahaha...
Today: 1,162/1,667 Total: 2,260/3,334
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 1
So I decided to take part, but with a twist. I’m only working on Creating a Heart and forcing myself to work on it. I’m aiming for the 50K. So I’m currently working on the re-write of the beginning of the story. I’m jumping back and forth between re-writing and writing the new chapter. After today I’ve completed Chapter 2. I didn’t hit the number I wanted, but it works for me to get something in.
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mywrittenconscience · 8 years
So, I posted a fic today, and as I was setting up the AO3 post, I found myself writing in the end notes an impassioned - almost desperate, ngl - plea for comments. For interaction.
And yeah, for validation too. Because you know what? Writing is hard - despite commonly held misconceptions, it takes a shit-ton of effort to take some blank, empty void of a page and fill it with something that lives and breathes and touches the minds and hearts of others. 
And don’t you dare wave that “you should be writing for yourself” bullshit in my face. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been able to do that, and honestly I’m glad managed to recover as much as I have and write as much as I do. Having an audience is an integral part of the writing process.
Let me repeat that.
We fanfic authors don’t ask for much. As someone who is a published author, who has been published in a Real Physical Book™ and was paid hundreds of dollars in Honest-to-God cold-hard cash for less work than I put into my fanfic, let me tell you, a few comments will not pay my tuition or buy my groceries or put clothes on my back. Compared to the hours of labor that went into earning the money I was paid with, comments take substantially less time to create.
And yet, to us, they are priceless. Authors will create entire worlds for the sake of making a single person smile. YOU CAN BE THAT PERSON. WE WILL WRITE FOR YOU HAPPILY.
You just have to let us know you care.
And you’d better do it soon. I’ve heard too many authors all too willing to pull their tumblrs and erase or abandon their fics on AO3 because they have grown weary of screaming into the void. That fanfic you love? Gone. That chapter you’re waiting for? Never gonna happen. How many of you have bookmark lists with fics already missing? I bet you won’t even remember which one it is.
You can keep that from happening. Just write “Omg thank you for updating, I really liked _________!” and fill in the blank. Someone worked hard to put that smile on your face. You can make them smile in return.
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mywrittenconscience · 8 years
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Kilguin Week 2017!
It’s finally time for the Kilguin Week to begin! I want to thank @alicedraw-ing for drawing this amazing banner for the event!
We’ve also decided to extend the week for the rest of the month before hand as we know everyone can be busy during this time. So from March 14 to March 31, you can show off your writing and artistic skills in the name of Kilguin. Here is the running order of the themes:
- Animal - Ice Cream - Gender/Body Swap - School/Modern Life - Medieval/Fantasy - Flower - Crossover
Interpret the themes in any way that you wish as long as you remember that Killer and Penguin are the main characters. Remember to tagged us @kilguin and #KilguinWeek so we can find your work and reblog it for all to see.
If you have any questions, please leave an ask!
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mywrittenconscience · 8 years
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So I just realized today that it’s been a year since I’ve been working on Creating a Heart. Like damn so much has happened in that year. Nearly half way through the story and so much of the story still to tell.
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mywrittenconscience · 8 years
I'm curious, so for anyone that follows this blog, if I were to write a OP fanfiction with the female characters as the main cast based mostly on building their friendship, showing their strengths and weaknesses, helping each other up and potential romance. Would you read this?
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mywrittenconscience · 8 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: One Piece Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eustass Kid/Trafalgar D. Water Law, Killer/Penguin Characters: Eustass Kid, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Killer - Character, Penguin, Franky (One Piece), Dellinger (One Piece), Donquixote Doflamingo, Smoker (One Piece) Additional Tags: Androids, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Written for Eustass Kid Week. Eustass Kid has finally created his perfect company. An android named Trafalgar Law.
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