nabilule · 1 year
Monthly Challenge: August 2023
Try to avoid negative affirmations for 30 days.
Again, the goal of this challenge is for you to develop a habit of using words with contractions less.
Try to flip the sentences to focus on the positive rather than the negative.
For example, instead of saying “I probably won't be able to do this”, say “I will try my best to do this”.
This will teach your brain to look for opportunities and to see the good in every situation.
How did this month's challenge change your mindset? Let's all share with one another by using #August-2023-challenge-discussion :)))
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nabilule · 1 year
Have you ever? [Yes or No]
Have you ever had a near death experience?
(share your answers in the Submit link) <3
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nabilule · 1 year
This or that
Infinite chocolate or Infinite coffee?
(share your answers in the Submit link) <3
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nabilule · 1 year
Monthly Challenge: July 2023
Listen to music for the mood you want to be in, instead of the mood you're already in.
It is interesting how we usually listen to sad songs when we are sad, even though listening to something upbeat could have actually cheered us up a little bit.
Make a playlist of happy songs and listen to them whenever you are starting to feel sad or lonely.
It is important to catch a bad mood early and make sure it doesn't get worse. Let's all share with one another how we did this month with #July-2023-challenge-discussion <3
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nabilule · 1 year
Monthly Challenge: June 2023
Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day.
Start a gratitude diary and every evening before going to sleep jot down three things you are thankful for. These can be the tiniest things, like good weather or getting a compliment from someone.
Let's all share how this month's challenge made us grateful for life :))) #June-2023-challenge-discusson <3
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather
Have all the money in the world or all the friends in the world
(share your answers in the Submit link) <3
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Go shopping for clothes or buy new books?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Have a forgetful mind with a remembering heart or a remembering mind but a forgetful heart?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Be good at dancing or be good at singing?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Go back to the past and be a child again or go to the future and see your future self?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Ride a dolphin or a whale?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Do research or solve mah problems?
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Be an astronaut and see the beauty of outer space or Be a diver and see the underwater beauty?
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nabilule · 1 year
Weekly Question: 15
How was your whole week? Did you do something your passionate about?
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nabilule · 1 year
Quote of the day:
Tomorrow is another day full of adventure. Have fun!
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nabilule · 1 year
Would you rather:
Go swimming on the beach or go hiking on the mountain?
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nabilule · 1 year
Quote of the day:
If you fail, don't lose hope. You can always try again this time not from scratch but with experience.
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