nacojima · 3 years
In which you get a budding surprise at work.
It was a normal day in your work space. Serving customers, helping them with their needs all while ensuring you didn’t loose your lid with your colleagues.
Today was quieter than usual, not many people flooded your practice in flocks as they normally did. So, you clock watched and patiently waited for 5:00 to roll around. You’d cleaned your glasses multiple times, cleaned all the desks and chairs multiple times. Nothing was passing the time.
Eventually the shop door opened with a ding of a bell and your colleague at the front of the shop greeted them politely. You peeked from your desk to see what it was and saw the largest bouquet of flowers all perched in a pair of hands. Your colleague frowned before reading the tag and calling you over. Standing from your desk beneath the chilly air, you walked over to get a better look.
“It’s for you, Y/N.”
“Me?” You raised an eyebrow and checked the tag. It had your name and you took it without saying anything else, relieving the delivery driver of their burden.
Perching it down onto the desk you were once sat at, you admired the flowers and ran your hand over the petals. It was a giant bouquet, nearly 3x the size of your head full of lavender flowers of various different hues. Some had opened, some were still tightly packed and you could tell they were fresh by how clean the lavender petals were. No brown bits, no signs of bugs eating them and no thorns at the base. Someone had to pick them quickly, cut them, arrange them and get them to you in a matter of hours.
In your mind you had no idea who they could be from, you stared at them for a good while trying to drum up who it could be. You were single, had no romantic interests and your last relationship ended nearly a year ago.
“Who do you think it could be?” Your colleague asked, pondering.
“I’m not sure.”
That’s when another practitioner walked by, laughing. “It’s probably the patient you saw yesterday.” He pointed out, removing his glasses behind the adjustments bench to clean them.
“Saw yesterday?” You frowned and asked.
“Yeah, remember? He had something in his eye.” He put his glasses on and walked over, crossing his arms. “10 minutes before we closed.”
Yesterday, 4:50 PM.
Whilst your colleagues cashed up, you cleaned your testing room down and helped prepare closing the shop. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you pushed your glasses up and began cleaning the frames on the shelf to ensure they were polished and prim for the next day. Behind you, the bell dinged signalling and customer and whilst your colleagues continued to cash up you served the customer.
“How can I help you?” You smiled.
In front of you stood a tall man wearing a maroon suit, black shirt and golden tie all sealed in by a long black jacket. Low small eyes, pointy nose and downward lips which highlighted his cheek bones. Hair slicked back with a loose short piece falling in front of his forehead.
“I think I have something in my eye.” He pointed out in his calm voice, he wasn’t calm he was actually panicked deep down but held his own well.
“Oh.” You pointed out and could feel your colleagues behind you muttering beneath their breath about how it was time to close.
Knowing it was a duty of care scenario, you gave in much to the dismay of your colleagues. “Ok, I’ll have a look. Follow me.”
He did and followed you to your test room where you began asking the relevant questions with your door closed and both of you sat down.
“What’s your name?”
“Mine Yoshitaka.”
“How old are you?” You asked to get a better background of him.
“My name is, Y/N.” You smiled formally introducing yourself. “What happened?” You asked, turning on your equipment.
“Out with a friend and suddenly felt something in my eye. Tried to rub it, only made it worse.”
“Is it itchy?”
“Does it feel like it’s burning?”
“No, just uncomfortable.”
So you had a look and inverted his eyelids, removing a fairly long eyelash from beneath his right eyelid. Sitting back, you held the cotton bud in front of him and turned the lights back on.
“This was stuck beneath your eyelid.” You smiled.
He frowned. “And it caused that much discomfort?”
You nodded. “Good thing you didn’t leave it, normally they can stay there and cause problems.”
“Thank you very much.” He sighed in relief.
“That’s okay.” You smiled and led him out into the practice. “Is there anything else you need?”
“No, how much do I owe?”
He frowned. “Nothing? What do you mean?”
“Well, we have a duty of care. That and we’ve cashed up for the day.” You smiled.
He turned to look at your colleagues who all smiled despite being frustrated. “Are you sure?” He held his wallet in his hand, credit card ready to be swiped.
“Yes, Mr Yoshitaka.” You reassured and slowly showed him the exit. “If there’s anything you need, please visit us from 8:30 tomorrow.”
He left, feeling utterly grateful to you.
Present day, 3:34 PM.
“How are you sure?” You checked the bouquet over.
Your colleague picked up a card that you missed, handing you the white envelope which was addressed to you by name. Opening it revealed a thank you postcard.
Dear Y/N,
A single act of kindness can make someone feel better. Thank you for going through the trouble of seeing me and ensuring my eye was okay. It’s very important to me that you did this without charging me as you should’ve done.
Your dedication to care is remarkable and I’ll be returning as a paying customer very soon.
At the bottom was signed, Mine Yoshitaka. Your eyes widened at how much you’d impacted someone without realising.
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nacojima · 3 years
Fic Suggestions, (maybe) nsfw:
Getting caught making out and touching each other’s skin in Tojo hq wit Mine,
Softcore. Photo belongs to its respective owner.
“Chairman, is that you?” You asked in the darkness.
“Yes, keep quiet.” He whispered.
You knew it was him because of the familiarly expensive cologne that he sprayed on his suit every time he walked into his office. He was also tall and the back of your head was against his chest as you both remained almost glued together in the small confined space. No light was available, only a thin slit teased through from the opposite room which provided no real illumination.
“W-why are we here?” You whispered.
“I asked you to be here. You came with me.” He reassured, holding your shoulders and whispering into your neck.
“Why?” You answered back. “I-is everything okay?” You flustered as his hands moved from your shoulders to your chest beneath the blue buttoned shirt.
“Yeah. All good.”
“W-where are we?”
“The Tojo HQ, one of the many rooms.” He whispered, now kissing your neck and forcing your hands up against the wall in front of you.
The space seemed confined but it really wasn’t. Both of you had ample room behind you in the darkness but Mine chose to keep you facing the door, keeping you wrapped up and providing the illusion that it was a tight squeeze.
Breathlessly, you let out of a sigh of relief as his hands let go of yours and travelled down to your bare legs. You’d thankfully worn a knee length skirt and it was a soft material, so moving it around was no chore beneath his touch. He felt all over, up & down. Even teasing the insides of your thighs whilst occupying the sweet spot of your neck. It wasn’t the first time your chairman had randomly put you in such a compromising position.
You enjoyed it because he used moments like this to find out about you, sexually. He learnt that in all your 21 years, you hadn’t had sex but you’d played around enough. Still, that thought was one he couldn’t let go of. He felt entitled to show you what it meant to loose your virginity but somehow didn’t have the heart to do it. So he played with his fantasies and teased you, played around with you and even asked you the most raunchy questions.
“Does that make you feel good?”
“Tell me, do you want to sleep with me?”
“I can have any woman I want but I’m focused only on you.”
“Not a night goes by where you don’t occupy my mind.”
You loved hearing it, truly. But you were always fixated on how wrong it was. So whenever you showed your innocent he only took it as more fuel.
“This-this is so wrong, chairman.”
“I’ve never d-done that before.”
“That feels so good.”
“I d-don’t mean to be a distraction.”
His gentle lips met yours but didn’t kiss you, they only lingered together and gently grazed each other as you mumbled into his mouth about how wrong this was.
“W-we might get caught.” You whined as his hands moved further up the inside of your thighs.
“Does that bother you?”
“Being caught with my assistant? That would make the rounds at the office, wouldn’t it? I suggest you keep this quiet, Y/N.”
Just as you went to answer, the door that you’d been holding had burst open and you quickly moved back into Mine’s chest. He held you, hands still on your thighs as you both were illuminated by the bright corridor light. A man was stood in front of you both with a visible frown amongst the dark silhouette, watching you both get caught in the act.
“Meetings in 5 minutes.” Kashiwagi-san plainly announced before leaving.
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nacojima · 3 years
this is the mine content ive been searching for 😩
(Based on a true story, kinda)
In which a late night chat turns into a mouthful. NSFW. Photo belongs to its respective owner.
Your phone had been blowing up that night with various missed calls and text messages. It had been an explosive argument between you and your boyfriend during work. He found out some things that you’d kept secret, things you wanted to tell him when you felt ready. Through his own accord, he found out said things and confronted you about it.
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“Why are you trying to hide it?”
“Is there something else?”
“This is a big thing, I thought you’d tell me.”
You said nothing, quietly slipping away from his gaze at work and disappearing home without a trace. When you’d arrived, you muted your phone and decided to pretend as if the situation didn’t exist. That it wasn’t real, you weren’t having to deal with it and nobody was trying to reach you.
He tried, consistently from the moment you’d clocked out till now. It was 10:43pm by the time you attempted to check your cold phone. Minutes went by, you read the string of messages.
Talk to me.
Why wouldn’t you feel comfortable sharing something like this with me?
Answer my calls.
I’m outside your apartment, parked up and waiting.
I’m not leaving till we speak.
I just want to hear you out, speak to me.
I’ll wait here, answer my calls. Don’t leave it this way.
Eventually you’d had enough of the constant ringing and peeked from your apartment window down into the car parking complex below to try and find his car. You scanned through beneath the yellow street lamps and amongst the dotted around cars you finally spotted his. The bright yellow sports car which had its lights turned on but ignition turned off.
Shaking your head, you realised that either you had him knock your door or you’d go down and see him. He wouldn’t leave otherwise. So, you went down to see him wrapped up in your gown, running your hands through your hair to tame it in its freshly washed state. Your slippers flipped on the floor as you made your way into the freezing cold car park, walking to his car and stopping by the window. He was sat inside, sharply dressed wearing a black jacket on top of his maroon suit from earlier and staring straight ahead.
From the corner of his eye, he saw you and you opened the door to sit inside his low sports vehicle. His familiar cologne filled the small heated space, he was still facing forward and as soon as a you slammed the door he turned to you with a stern look. It all came to ahead, he wasn’t going to let you leave without answering and you couldn’t get away from answering.
“Are you going to speak to me now?” His tired voice asked.
“Talk about what?” You played dumb.
“Please don’t play dumb.” He shook his head, turning to look straight ahead and turning the car on. Inside, all the electronics lit up and he put it into to gear to begin driving. “I wish you’d have told me.”
You crossed your arms and scowled, staring out of the window. Mine left your apartment car park and drove, drove out of the city and into the countryside which connected regions together.
“I didn’t think I needed too. I would tell you when I was ready.”
“How do you think I feel? Finding something like that out from people in the office rather than you?” He asked gently. “It’s a big thing.”
As Mine approached what looked like a dark country lane, he slowly came to a stop with the car facing outward into what looked like a black field. Headlights off, car off, keys out of the ignition; he was solely focused on you. You couldn’t get out of his grip and gaze, he was fixated and you weren’t getting away. For a short while, you both argued and eventually you felt your lid spin off. You were overwhelmed with such emotion, you’d held it in for so long. You burst into tears.
Mine held you and comforted you. He didn’t want you to be upset. He just wanted to know why you hadn’t told him such an important thing.
“Please don’t be upset. I just felt as if you weren’t able to confide in me.” He reasoned, holding you in his lap after abandoning his coat and maroon suit jacket.
“I hate you.” You whined, you didn’t hate him.
“I know.” He gently reasoned, tending to your childish habit of hating everyone when you didn’t get what you wanted. His head was nuzzled into your neck as he held you on his lap, car seat moved all the way back to provide enough space. “I know you do.”
In a strange dynamic you wanted to be the dominant one. He got his answers, he got what he wanted but you wanted to show him who was truly in charge. So you slipped between his legs and out of his grip, on your knees whilst staring up at him. He frowned deeply.
“What are you doing?” He confusedly asked as he watched your hands rub his muscular legs.
Still saying nothing you eventually kneaded between his legs causing him to close his eyes with his frown still prominent. His phone rang and he answered it without looking, enjoying the feeling of you rubbing your hands around.
“Mine.” He paused, chest rising. “Kanda-aniki?”
Eventually you got his zipper open and dug through the layers to fill your mouth up causing Mine to gasp. All whilst on the phone, you swallowed it and kept your mouthful.
Mine quickly rushed Kanda off the phone but you were both interrupted by a knock on the window and from the clear night you saw it was a police officer. Quickly you shuffled and sat in the passenger seat as Mine tucked himself away and rolled the window down.
“You can’t park here, sir.”
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nacojima · 3 years
Yakuza characters that I think would date Blck women
1. Akiyama: This Man is dressed like he listens to 90’s R&B! And the fact that he and Hana get along so good, I’m sure he could get along and much more, date a black woman.
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2. Daigo: I feel like, he would be so done with tradition in a way. Like how in Kiwanis 2, he left the family and was doing his own thing. I think he would be willing date a black woman, and since he’s Chairman/formerly, he could do whatever he wanted.
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3. Ichiban: My boy gets his hair permed and has light skin energy, I think he would be open to dating a blck girl. He’d be willing to learn what type of perm you need and would read the instructions to do it himself or take you to a salon.
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4. Zhao: He looks like he’d love some chocolate in his life, he gives off a vibe like Akiyama and would listen to 90s R&B too! And even use nicknames like “Lil momma” and “Shawty.” Even loves thicc thighs because they save lives.
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5. Kiryu: This amazing king, I feel is open minded about a lot of things and is looking to learn new things. Even learn about other people and what their culture has to offer. And if you’re family oriented and love kids, then you’re in his book.
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6. Majima: After finding out that Park was Korean, I think he have an open mind like Kiryu and if anyone looks at you crazy, he’ll have words with whoever looked at you. He’d find people who could give you the best hair treatments for your hair, whether permed or natural.
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nacojima · 3 years
could we like… awaken the bayoluka part of the fandom from it’s eternal slumber or
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nacojima · 3 years
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After months of training for the Black Dragon you had one final task to complete. It was something that you definitely weren’t expecting, but you were determined to do whatever it takes to finally be accepted.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Not really any? Just lots and lots of smutty smut goodness since this IS a threesome fic. And probably spelling mistakes.
[Kabal x F!Reader x Erron Black] 18+
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To say the last month or so of working with the Black Dragon is a rollercoaster was an understatement. The physical work wasn’t that difficult, so to say, but dealing with other mercenaries (especially Kano) and their constant mood swings and shifting behaviour was becoming pretty overwhelming. You had one last mission with one of the higher ups of his choosing and then you were official.
You couldn’t wait to get it over and done with.
After one of Kano’s boring meetings everyone usually liked to hang out downstairs in the fight club. You’ve been there once or twice to hang out with the other female recruits but never actually tried to chat with the boss and his “closer” friends unless they approached you first. Just thinking of what your final test could be was driving you insane and just maybe, one of them would let you in on what it was.
After a few drinks you decided that tonight was the time to do just that. You finished the last of your drink and headed over towards the pool tables where Kano, Erron, Kabal, and a few other high ranked members were hanging out. They all took notice of you right away and it made you feel a bit uneasy. They were intimidating. And luckily the liquid courage you had was helping you push that inner anxiety aside.
To the left of Kano was Erron Black. He was often a quiet man, minding his own business and very charming with the ladies. Sometimes he did save your ass from getting into shit and you were very grateful for him, but other than that you didn’t know much else about the cowboy. You always trusted him and you weren’t sure why.
Then there was the other mercenary, Kabal. You heard stories about him and what he’s done that would make a normal person’s stomach turn. You haven’t witnessed any of it and you hoped you didn’t have to if the rumours of how he’s killed people were true. Other than a nod or a simple “hello” as you passed each other in the hallways of the bunker, nothing else was spoken between the two of you.
“Ahh if it isn’t my newest beauty! Come, come.. Have a seat,” Kano beamed as he drunkenly pulled an extra chair up to the table. “I was just telling the boys about you. Very talented in fucking with people’s heads, you are. I think you’re gonna do good here with the Black Dragon.”
You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he was saying about you and you didn’t want to know. It was no secret that a few of the members wanted a chance with you (thanks to the little girl’s room gossip) but you never gave it up for any of them and you planned to keep it that way.
You sat down next to Kabal and he didn’t move an inch as the others greeted you. A blank expression was shown across his face as he watched the fight going on with a drink in his hand. It was a little off putting but then again everyone was celebrating after a very successful mission so maybe he was still focused on that.
“Alright darling, I know we’re supposed to be relaxing an’ all but I’m feeling like a nice guy and I’ll let you in early on what the last test will be before I can let ya join.” Kano poured you a drink and placed it down in front of you before continuing on. You didn’t know what it was but you wanted to be polite and accepted. It was nasty as hell.
“Tomorrow evening you’re to go to the outskirts of that fucking weird forest to meet with one of these cunts,” Kano slurred as he nodded towards Erron and Kabal. Erron smirked as he smacked Kano’s shoulder. “Is that any way to be talking to a young lady?” He chimed in with his smooth, southern drawl. Kano rolled his eyes.
“How about you fuck off, Woody,” Kano snapped, “Just because one of ya is gonna be deep in her guts tomorrow night it doesn’t mean you can start acting like Superman now, does it?” Erron chuckled at his response and Kabal frowned, but continued staring straight forward at the ongoing death match.
You almost choked on your drink but continued to listen to him as you had to stop yourself from protesting. You hoped he was joking but didn’t want to question him or even dare interrupting what he had to say before he finished. You felt Kabal shift in his seat a bit as he poured himself another drink.
“Anyway,” Kano continued on, “I’ll send ya the exact location of where you need to be. That’s all I’m saying for now but I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t already handle.” Was he being serious right now?
“Wait,” you paused as you leaned forward. “What do you mean, in my guts? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Kano laughed and Kabal shook his head. You couldn’t help but notice just how annoyed he was with the boss already.
Kano cleared his throat as his eyes shifted between the two men. “I’m just teasing, darling, just a crude joke is all. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’m gonna go see why the fuck nobody has died in that damn cage yet.” And with that he walked away yelling some nonsense at one of the bouncers. You tapped on the glass nervously and looked toward Erron.
“You know how he can be, Sugar,” Erron rubbed your back reassuringly. “I’ll take care of you. Like I always do.”
As much as you respected him you couldn’t help but feel knots begin twisting in your stomach. You never once thought about sleeping with anyone from this place, much less Erron or Kabal for that matter. They were both very handsome men, yes, but it still stands— you weren’t required to do THAT here, right?
“He’s just being a damn drunk,” Kabal scowled as he joined in on the conversation. He finished the last of his drink and pushed the empty glass away. “You should go to sleep. We got a lot to do tomorrow.” He got up from his chair and walked away, leaving you and Erron to yourselves.
Something about the way Kabal was acting seemed a little off but you pushed that thought aside, choosing to try to enjoy your down time while you can. If this last mission was anything like the others, you were going to need to mentally prepare for whatever was about to come.
It was 7pm the next day and you were more nervous than usual. In less than half an hour you were to meet with either Erron or Kabal at the location you were given and it was dark. The file specifically read that you were to arrive unarmed as it was an interrogation and one of the men would draw their weapons if need be so you assumed it was probably another Red Dragon member. You were also given instructions not to question either of them as this was a test.
Footsteps were heard a short distance away and you sighed with relief. You hated the dark and hoped it was Erron that would show as you knew him much better than everyone else. You sat up to gather your reports and realized it wasn’t Erron at all.
Kabal. Shit.
“Alright, let’s go,” he commanded. The usual frown was plastered across his face. God, why was he so intimidating?
You had never in your life known such a mysterious but powerful man. He didn’t simply just walk, he strode. And he carried himself as confident wherever he went and everyone went out of their way to avoid him unless they were forced to speak to him per Kano’s orders. You tried your best to keep up with him in the darkness until he slowed down to glance at his GPS.
“Kabal?” You finally spoke, and maybe you shouldn’t have. “Where are we going?”
Big mistake.
The mercenary came to a full stop and you almost ran into him. He took the opportunity to grasp your upper arm and pull you against the fullness of his body. You were riddled with anticipation and fear. He never did this with you let alone ever touched you and you quickly regretted saying anything.
“You know better than to question me, don’t you?” His expression remained hard and your face flushed with embarrassment as you nodded. With a flicker of warning in his eyes he released you— continuing on with those unyielding strides, not bothering to look back to confirm that you would follow.
“This is it,” Kabal finally spoke. You both reached a small pathway at the bottom of a hill that led into a thicker area of the forest. You hurried after him as he suddenly disappeared and you cursed yourself for letting him get so far ahead. At the edge of the trees it was much darker than you anticipated and you hated that it was one of your biggest fears.
As your eyes adjusted to the low light, you saw the outline of a small cabin nestled in the center of the forest. That must be where the interrogation would be taking place as a very dim light was shown through one of the dirt covered windows. You approached the door timidly but it was already cracked open so you cautiously entered. You pushed the door open a bit wider and the smell of damp wood and moss instantly hit your senses. No one seemed to be in here. It was empty.
Before you could turn around to leave the creaky structure Kabal launched himself at you from the darkness, pinning your body against the wall as he slammed the door shut with one of his hooks words. You struggled to catch your breath as he held one of his hands wrapped around your throat. You were visibly trembling not only from your fear of the dark but your fear of him as well.
“Why did you keep me waiting?” He asked. His question was more of a harsh whisper against your ear as he placed his knee between your shaking legs. He tilted his head back to stare straight into your eyes as he waited for an answer, tightening his grip on your throat as he held a hook sword with his other hand.
This was the test. There was no one for you to interrogate, but instead you were the one to be questioned. You did not expect this at all and you weren’t sure how to react or respond. Kabal shifted his knee a bit higher and you weren’t sure if it was intentional, but he was pressing right up against your sex.
Of course, in some fucked up way your body began to betray you and you couldn’t believe you were getting turned on by everything that was happening. Kabal was so close to you that the familiar sensations were shooting down right to your inner core. You felt yourself becoming limp against him as he quickly caught you, keeping you from falling into the ground.
You willed yourself back to consciousness as the mercenary carried you over to a nearby table and tossed you down. You didn’t dare say anything else as you quietly waited for him to continue with what you were meant to do, whatever that may be. Your thoughts from last night and how Kano “jokingly” suggested you fuck one of them came flooding back as you watched Kabal’s movements across the dark room.
You were mortified, but excited at the mere thought of it. But you knew that’s not what you were here for. That would just be plain ridiculous. You expected to be tortured either physically or mentally instead as that made much more sense since this was the final test after all. It was the Black Dragon. This is what they do.
Kabal slammed his hook swords on both sides of you onto the table as he shoved your back down against the wood in one swift movement. He came closer, straddling himself in between your legs and his lips just barely touching the exposed flesh of your neck once again before he spoke.
“Had this been a real mission and you showed up late, I would have to do something very, very bad,” the mercenary darkly groaned. “You know that right?”
A small whimper escaped your lips and you thrust your hips up against him. Oh god. You didn’t mean to do that at all! Damn this man for suddenly making you feel a certain type of way. Not once have you ever thought about Kabal in a sexual manner and how quickly did that end up changing.
And luckily for you, he met with your hips as he returned the same gesture. Grinding down into you as he held your wrists up above your head. “Now,” he murmured into the nape of your neck, “just how should I punish you for not obeying the rules? I’m sure you read the file…”
You did. Many, many times. Fuck.
“No questions asked. You failed. So what do we do with you?”
You were startled but remained unharmed before Kabal grazed his teeth from your collarbone to the edge of your exposed shoulder— not noticing until now that he had somewhat removed most of your top. His speed always fascinated you and you wondered when the hell that even happened.
“Starting the fun without me, are ya?”
You knew who that voice belonged to. Erron Black had been sitting in silence that entire time on a chair in the far corner of the room. His long legs out before him, elbows resting lazily, and his shirt was unbuttoned just a little bit. On every other day he was protective of you, but tonight was different. There was a quiet dominance to him, a calm sort of power that almost matched up to Kabal’s demeanor.
Although you can’t really see the expression on his face you still couldn’t help but blush and look away from him. You feel almost childish being awash in your nerves, especially in a situation that, just up until a few moments ago you were sure you’d be controlling. They have you exactly where they want you and you haven’t said a word yet.
Kabal is the first to break the silence and offer his greetings to the cowboy. There is small talk of what was “planned” and it breaks your current trance. Erron makes his way over to the both of you and reaches his hand out and you take it. You’re confused, but you use this moment to make yourself a little more comfortable by sitting up as you anxiously tug at the fabric of your shirt. They continued chatting in a different language but you knew what was about to happen.
“So Kano wasn’t joking, huh?” You chimed in. This gets ignored by the two men and Kabal turns around to stare at you. You swore those deep, brown eyes can burn right into your very being every time he made eye contact with you.
“Be quiet,” he simply commanded. Remembering about the hook swords that were placed beside you from earlier you quickly obeyed.
You can’t help but notice the sizes and scents as both men hovered over you. Erron’s was a familiar warm smell which was always calming with a hint of leather and aftershave. Kabal’s was more cool and crisp, and you could tell that he spends his money on wearing only the most expensive brands of cologne. He shed his fur coat, tossing it onto a nearby bench as his eyes kept staring into your soul. Erron followed suit with his leather jacket and hat.
Kabal is now at the nape of your neck, exploring his way up your jaw and over to your lips and back down to your neck again. You reach out and place your hand on the small of his back, slightly grasping the thin fabric of the muscle shirt he wore. Erron watches you both for a moment before moving in, his hands slithering up your legs and across your rolling hips to the waistband of your pants.
“Like I said before, sugar, I’ll take care of you.”
Before you had the chance to react to Erron he already slid the rest of your undergarments down to your ankles. He leaned down and his mouth found your already soaked pussy instantly, parting your soft entrance with his firm, hot tongue to lap at you gently. The cowboy takes his time toying your clit with his calloused fingers as he nibbles softly at your inner lips at the same time— sliding his free hand around the curvature of your hips so he can pull you down to further impale you with his tongue.
Kabal lifts his mouth from yours to look down at Erron licking and sucking between your legs. A quiet groan passes his lips before you manage to make the sudden bold move by pulling his head back down to you, guiding his mouth to one of your exposed breasts. Everything felt wonderful and you didn’t want it to stop as you held onto Kabal’s hard biceps and your body started trembling from all the excitement you were experiencing. And to think they were just getting started.
The two men work you like that for a few minutes; Erron taking in the taste of your lower region and thighs while Kabal hungrily sucked back and forth between your breasts and your lower jaw. When they decided to switch places it was a slow, tormenting move. Erron kissed his way up your body to suck your right nipple while Kabal teased and groped at your left, causing your legs to part eagerly but ignoring your body’s pleas as they continued to keep you on edge.
You can’t help but lift your head to watch as they both pleasure you. Kabal tries to be slow about it, using his mouth on your inner thighs and working his way inward, but you wanted him so much that you can’t tolerate the wait. To think that you went from not wanting anything to do with one of the most feared men in the Black Dragon to begging for his touch was something that never in a million years would ever cross your mind.
Any and all sense of danger flew out the window as it was replaced with pure bliss. You found your fingers intertwining through Kabal’s hair and attempted to pull his face down into your dripping wetness. You gasp when he lightly presses his tongue against you, arching your back and curling your hips to deliver your clit up to the tip of his waiting tongue.
“Needy little thing, ain’t she?” Erron chuckled. That deep, accent sent vibrations dancing along your cool skin.
“You keep doing that, baby, and I won’t be so nice for the rest of the night,” he warned. You gulped at the tone of his voice, but complied and still relaxed yourself as Erron was there.
Kabal tongue fucks you like he doesn’t love you, he treats you like a challenge— daring you not to fill his mouth with your juices almost immediately as he continues making eye contact with you. When you feel his face pressing harder into your pussy you can’t help but cry out in pleasure, trying to wiggle away from him but Erron doesn’t help and holds you down in place. He lowers his mouth to your ear as his grip tightens around your upper arms.
“You’re ready to join us, aren’t you, babydoll?”
And fuck, were you ever. You didn’t care about what they were wanting to do to you or what they had planned. You needed more. You craved to be taken by both of these men and you no longer cared that it was in this sketchy location you were currently in. For all you knew they could be planning to have their way and abandon you to fend for yourself and you would thank them for it. You wanted to be used— to be their personal fuck toy and you didn’t want it to stop.
You can only nod as Kabal continued sucking your clit and leaving you breathless and body writhing. Erron pulls away, moving off the table to unbuckle his belt as he lets his jeans and underwear drop down to the ground. Kabal stops before you’re able to cum, causing you to whimper while he shuts you up by kissing you hard. No longer timid (but mindful to the mercenary’s earlier warning) you also match his embrace. You were greedy and wanted to taste more of him, your hands sliding up to cup his cheek as his tongue sneaked past your lips over to your own.
You pull away only to catch your breath and ask why he’s still dressed but Kabal takes possession of your mouth again before he can answer. He somehow manages to get himself out of his clothing anyway while you kiss, and your hands take the opportunity to wander enthusiastically over both him and Erron’s newly barred flesh.
“I’m ready. I need it.”
Your voice is quivering, almost barely audible but you know both of the men heard you. Kabal responds by trading Erron places on the other side of the small table with his cock in his hand as he hovers the tip of it at the entrance of your mouth.
“You first. I want my pretty little slut to get me harder.”
You take Kabal into your mouth so eagerly that you didn’t notice Erron until he thrust himself into you hard. He didn’t even give you the chance to adjust to his size as he buried himself all the way to the hilt. That first stroke was more than you imagined it to be— A sweet mixture of pain, completion and intense pleasure.
His cock fills you tightly with a thickness that presses firmly against your spot as he begins to pick up the pace. Within a few minutes you could already feel yourself building up your own orgasm again. Erron grit his teeth as he promptly threw both your legs over his shoulders, this position now driving himself into you even deeper than he was beforehand. You moaned onto Kabal’s cock as he wrapped his fingers in your hair. Erron was so big.
“You’re so fucking tight, darlin’, my god..” Erron groaned as he had to stop himself after a few minutes, pulling himself out since he didn’t wanna finish early. You cried out as you were so close to finally cumming but they didn’t give you a chance to react. Your desperate mews earned a derisive little laugh from Kabal as he pulled your hair back, yanking your mouth free from his member for a moment before forcing you to look up at him.
“Are you ready to be made ours?” Kabal asked. He switched places with Erron as he had his hand on his cock, stroking lightly as he teased you with the tip at your entrance.
“If you wanna join the Black Dragon, your job is to be our personal toy. Your cunt belongs to us and only us. Wherever and whenever we want.”
Kabal flipped you over onto your knees and you braced yourself against the rough wood. You took the opportunity to spread your legs and arch your back more, urging them to keep going as you can hear both men’s grunts of approval. Your mouth was filled again but this time with Erron’s cock and Kabal thrust his hips toward. He positioned the head of his cock just right outside of your opening.
“Mine,” was his simple declaration. He plunged himself inside of you with a furious, uncontrollable need. Kabal was pounding you with hard, fast strokes while he dug his fingernails into your hips. You were sure that would break skin and most likely leave a few marks but you didn’t care.
The sound that left your throat from his sudden intrusion vibrated around Erron and he couldn’t help but buck his hips hard, the thickness of his throbbing cock hit your gag reflex which only had you gushing more. This man was someone that made sure you were alright at all times and here he was, face fucking you with just as much force as Kabal was. You cried out your pleasure with wordless moans to urge them to keep going.
“This.. f-feels so.. perfect.” Your first attempt to say anything is in vain, but Erron simply chuckles at the way you stutter before tightening his grip in your hair, ordering you to speak again.
“Louder! So we can hear you,” he barked.
“Erron..! Fuck.. I’m yours, a-all yours.. for you and.. Kabal to use me..!”
Your muffled voice is almost a yell but he shoves his cock back into your mouth again and Kabal responds with an acknowledging grind, pressing deeper into you with a smirk followed by another small laugh from Erron. Both men show no signs of easing up or slowing down while they enjoy the sight of you being fucked from both ends.
The cowboy stiffens more in your mouth with each rumbling purr, his growing girth urging you to keep sucking harder as you reach up, wrapping your hand around his member— twisting your wrist while using your tongue and soft lips to tease the head at the same time. His hips are now bucking faster and you could feel that he’s almost ready to cum.
Kabal was getting close as well and you couldn’t wait to be filled by both men. You were on the brink of climax but wanted to wait to cum at the same time as them (but also secretly hoped that being dominated by them would never end). Kabal must have picked up on this and adjusted his position. He was now fucking you at a different angle and slamming against your g-spot, forcing you to pull your mouth away from Erron as you scream out loud in ecstasy.
“You’re so beautiful like this, darlin’,'' Erron draws in his breath, twirling your hair around his fingers and grazing your cheek tenderly before he grabs your chin to lift up your face to meet with his. His kiss is sweet and you continue stroking his cock faster now that your mouth is preoccupied with his own.
Your body now shaking, you cannot hold back any longer as Kabal’s hands wrap firmly around your throat. Both of the mercenary’s animalistic groans along with your screams of pleasure fill the empty room as your walls flutter around Kabal’s cock. Erron seemed that he couldn’t wait either and swiftly shoved himself into your mouth once again, earning a lengthy orgasm from him as finally released sweet, ropes of cum down your throat.
With one final hard thrust, Kabal also let go deep inside of you as he leaned down and sunk his teeth into your shoulder. Everything felt so good. Not realizing that you collapsed down onto the table after cumming a second time until they gently picked you up to lay you down on your back. Kabal chuckled as did Erron, while gently stroking your hair as you all attempted to catch your breath.
“Well, welcome to the Black Dragon, I guess,” Kabal breathed out. You couldn’t help but laugh at how nonchalant he sounded.
You propped yourself up onto your elbows as the two men got dressed. Erron handed you your clothing and you side eyed both of the men. You must have been at this for a long time as the sun was now peeking through the rooftop of the abandoned cabin.
“Do I really have to be like, you know, your personal sex slave or something? That’s what you said right?”
“Nah, that was just said in the moment,” Kabal replied. Now that everyone was fully dressed he extended his hand to help you off of the table. Your legs felt like jelly, and a nice, long bath was definitely needed after this. “Unless you wanna be.”
Erron sighed as he looked over your body to make sure that you were okay. It was a little strange fucking someone that you considered more of a friend but it was still very much enjoyable. You’d do it all again in a heartbeat if it was offered. No questions asked.
“Hey, if you guys are offering,” you teased. “I’ll gladly accept.”
Tag List: @spideypotpie @chadillacboseman @roofgeese @subarublue @mintspider @onabouteverything @wind-goddess-eri @obsess-much @ghastlyrider
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nacojima · 3 years
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ✧࡛̥̇*°:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩·̩̩·̩̩̥͙ᖭི⋄̣̥̇ᖫྀ·̩̩̥͙·̩̩⋆̩*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧*:°*✧࡛̥̇
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ —𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ᖫྀ ⋆̩*̣̩˚̣̣⁺̣‧*:°*༺┈┈
Sivan ( birth name )
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐀𝐆𝐄
1500 ( physically 30 )
⠀⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒
⠀⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓
neutral evil , later good
⠀┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊
sivan is the fraternal twin of nevan
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑
⠀⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐖𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓
her weight is 127 lbs
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑
pantone cerulean blue
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒
a cluster of flowers decorated on her right leg
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌
michelle pfiffer
⠀⠀ ┈┈༻ °:*‧⁺̣˚̣̣*̣̩⋆̩ ᖭི 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀 // 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃
sivan represents deviance and promiscuity. she is devoted when it comes to the prospect of killing humans and demons alike – she shows no remorse nor penitence for slaughtering even her own. one might say she seemingly loathes demons more than she does humans , convinced that she is above those that rank lower than succubi. while nevan is goal driven on her lust for accumulating in power by harboring the souls of many , sivan shows no interest in mastering her craft , serving as the lesser half of her sister as she is beneath her in strength in DMC3. this elaborates on why she is slain so effortlessly by dante , her life remains intact to further exaggerate her lack of power and all while nevan proves to be more of a difficult obstacle than she is , her fate differs from sivan.
in secret , sivan is always looking for validation from her greatest enemies , partially due to nevan continually making it well aware that she is far more powerful than her by an immeasurable amount. nevan envies her sister unbeknownst to her – she is spiteful of sivan’s potential of inheriting powers that were bestowed to sivan exclusively; the power to alter / sense someone’s emotions.
sivan is unaware of fostering this empathic ability , having lost faith in herself she doesn’t believe her abilities surpass even that of her sisters. with nevan keeping her unperceptive of this with her foul slander , she absconds sivan’s power while she lies deeply in slumber and formulates it into her own lacework of evil incantations coded to diminish the sense of compassion that clings to emphatic power. this leads to the explanation of why she has become weaker than nevan throughout the years of her gutting her spirits power.
sivan upholds a playful heart and she openly epitomizes being a nymphomaniac. her particular desire for her incubus counterparts provide a perfect example to her hypersexual traits. she is not afraid to prove just how skillful she is at pleasing a man , it is in her nature to surpass their aptitudes and refrain from conservativeness. sivan relinquishes any form of submission until she meets eye to eye with dante who does so little to knock her beneath his sword , evicting any ounce of dominance residing in her soul. as opposed to being coerced into her lustful deception , he retaliates her charm , proving it to be defective against him. she remains flirtatious despite its insufficiency , unveiling her slight interest in dante , irrespective of her sworn distaste for him.
she drowns herself in a ravine of vulnerability and despair every so often — dante helps her realize she is more powerful than she believes herself to be. though her sisters harsh words were the bane of any self-assuredness she had left inside , it is dante who enkindles her potential , he makes her mind wrap around the idea of her doing what nevan simply could not; the power to rule in the underworld and maintain sovereignty over its menacing foes to have at her leisure. dante’s belief in sivan softens her bitter insight on him in later games.
she is shown to possess a humorous side as seen when giving sass to dante’s equally comedic lines to get under her skin. oftentimes she will tease vergil on a platonic level as he has expressed dislike to her blatant PDA with dante ; with nero she will satirize her familiarity with his uncle to him to amuse herself of his reactions.
all in all , sivan’s personality bears some level of complexity , there is some compassion rooted deeply inside of her having nurtured a spirit of empathy , once nevan is killed her abilities restore inside of sivan and send her emotions spiraling into chaos. the power of an empathic succubus fares differently from a lightening witch thus proves nevan’s obsession with absorbing her abilities.
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nacojima · 3 years
i’ll just start posting stuff ab my ocs on here if that’s okay w you guys 🙈💗
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nacojima · 3 years
i stg i rlly need to come back this is the one app i visit at least ONCE a month and then just dip 😭
@shangpangs please come back to me to tumblr, i know your heart’s at instagram rn but i need notes and interactions from u so bad 😩
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nacojima · 5 years
Hi. I follow you Insta! Lol how about some Nightwolf and Shang Tsung head canons? UwU
hii omg i’m sorry sorry i didn’t answer you sooner :(( i’m barely on here
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