nads6969istrash · 4 years
When Idiocy and Spite Collide
So we all know that Ms. Stepputat is gone from Deviantart, but she’s still on Pinterest.  Thing is, Pinterest has this feature called “Secret Boards” which allow you to pin stuff that you don’t want others to see.
I personally find this stupid, but I digress.
She’s been using her Secret Board to continue tracing off of not only Drachea Rannak, but her main foe FireFlea-San as well.
When Flea drew this:
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This showed up as well:
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That’s right.
This is a commission that Flea drew, and that scarlet abomination is Ms. Stepputat’s trace of her work.  She traced off of someone who has filed multiple DMCA notices against her for tracing her previous commissions without permission and has successfully led the fight in getting her kicked off of DA.
It gets to a point where you have to question her IQ.
Considering how Flea, with the help of many other people, destroyed her on multiple internet platforms, I have to wonder why she’d continue to start shit like this.
Here’s a tip: don’t kick the same hornet’s nest after you were previously stung enough that you went into anaphylactic shock.
For some reason, Ms. Stepputat thinks that she still has something to fight for, and that doing things out of spite is the most logical option.  She seems to think that, as long as she hides her tracks and doesn’t get caught, that she is perfectly justified in continuing with this behavior.
At this point, a lot of people are convinced that Ms. Stepputat has a legitimate mental/behavioral disorder.  She is not thinking logically in dealing with her problems, nor is she capable of recognizing other people’s boundaries or respecting their rights and feelings.  
Several of her ex-friends have come forward and stated that her temper is often irrational, violent, and explosive.  They’ve also told me that she is incredibly manipulative; she will avoid apologizing for being mean, and then turn the situation back on her victims and attempt to make THEM feel like THEY were being mean to HER and expect them to apologize to her.
I do not say this in jest.  Nadia Stepputat is sick.  She is sick, and her current psychiatrist is not worth their weight in toenails if this is how she behaves after years of sessions.  But I suppose I can’t blame the psychiatrist if Ms. Stepputat is not being honest about her behavior.
At the same time, someone’s mental health shouldn’t be an excuse to engage in behavior that adversely affects other people.  I say this because this is not the first time someone with a severe mental illness has joined Deviantart and caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people.  There have even been incidents where these same people had their “feet held to the fire” so to speak to get them to stop.
Shia Castaneda, aka NightFlightVersel, comes to mind.  This guy was incredibly sick in the head.  Despite people constantly telling him to leave their artwork alone, he continued to create new accounts and post people’s pictures without their permission and take credit for them.  His amount of harassment, stalking, and terrorizing members of the DA/HTTYD community eventually culminated in getting the police involved, and from what I understand, his internet activity is being closely monitored.
Something similar to this was the crazy art-stealing vegan named Josue LP, aka CuteTurtleBoy and Tortuga-Ladrona on Deviantart.  If you want to read his deal, check out my journal here.
Ms. Stepputat recently announced on her Facebook that she’s in a relationship...  I hope that person knows what he’s getting into, and that his potato bag of a girlfriend is bringing a lot of self-inflicted baggage and might very well be staring down the barrel of possible litigation.
I hope he also realizes that she is a very, VERY ugly, awful person who is incapable of any sort of remorse or accountability, prone to violent, irrational actions when she doesn’t get her way, and constantly on the look out for ways to get away with poor behavior each time she gets caught.
Either way, FireFlea-San is in the process of reporting her not only for copyright infringement (again), but also repeated ban evasion (this will be her third account there, since the previous two got banned).
In my opinion?  A C&D written by a lawyer and looping her psychiatrist into her internet activities would put pressure on her to stop.  
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nads6969istrash · 4 years
A Eulogy to the Nads6969 Deviantart Account
Dearly beloved, 
We are gathered here today on this most joyous occasion to celebrate the shamefully drawn out but nonetheless welcome banning of Deviantart’s resident fungus, Nads6969.
Despite describing herself as an artist with aspirations of becoming better and producing professional work, she instead nestled herself into the community like a tick and helped herself to other people’s artwork while her court of blind, mewling sycophants cheered her on.
If we should list Nads6969’s achievements, I assure you that they are few, and creativity will never be one of them.
Staunchly set in her status as a jobless slouch who stayed at home on the internet all day, she decided that learning to draw required too much learning.  It also required too much time, something we all know that unemployed shut-ins supported by the government and the tired efforts of begrudged family members don’t have enough of.
Effort, to Nads6969, wasn’t worth the effort.  Not when there was precious internet praise to reap during endless, uneventful days of doing nothing productive.
So began her 12 year career in tracing, which was nothing more than her make-believing that she was an artist by tracing off of other people’s hard work and passing it off as her own.  Her existence on Deviantart was a poor, amateurish stage play that dragged on for far too many acts after the pity applause had long since ceased.
Her enablers enthusiastically celebrated her unoriginality and mediocrity, praising obvious, childish traces as works of art and feeding her engorged ego while ignoring the plight of her steadily growing list of victims.
And despite the slew of medication she claimed to be taking for various maladies, there is no doctor on earth that can fix a conscience.  
This sentient void of unfeeling indifference spent her days seeking out the work of those more talented and creative than her and, like vampires who instinctively seek out beautiful things in order to own and destroy them, so too did she.  And the overused sphincter she called her “imagination” produced unnecessary, disgusting amalgamations of the true talent of her victims and her own desperate, pathetic attempts for some aspect of her life to warrant praise.
Any attempts to correct her behavior were met with something even more engorged than her ego – her victim complex.  
If you were not enthusiastically fellating her with undeserved praise of her nonexistent creativity and atrophied skill, you were a cruel, jealous bully and your words totally didn’t faze her and she would write an entire Status update or Journal post explaining how unfazed she was.
This drug-addled mess of a human being believed that her depression excused her from basic human tenets of courtesy (asking permission, giving credit, saying thank you) because her life struggles were apparently the worst in the world.  So terrible, in fact, that she considered handing her own child over to her elderly parents so that she could focus on the most important thing in the world – herself.
Here is a quote from her:
“Right now, I am just interested in drawing random Sailor Moon related art.  I have no inspiration for my fanmanga as of now with my depression that has come back to haunt my life.  So much that I’ve considered letting my son be with my parents while I take care of myself.”
These were the four priorities in the life of this alleged stay at home mother…  Self first, Sailor Moon second, child third, parents fourth.
The only other love in Nads6969’s life, besides Sailor Moon and tracing, was lying.  She was amazing at lying.  She lied to her friends, she lied to her watchers, and she lied to anyone who took even a moment to mention that her work looked suspiciously like someone else’s work, just uglier.  
She lied about having/asking permission to use people’s works, she lied about creating/using sockpuppet accounts to support herself and attack others, and when the confrontations increased, she lied about tracing.
But in the end, it didn’t matter what she did or where she went.  She was not wanted on any art site or image hosting platform.  Artstation didn’t want her, Pinterest didn’t want her, Redbubble didn’t want her, and Deviantart didn’t want her.  This poor, desperate creature longed for acceptance, but never once considered that, to be accepted, she had to play by the rules and treat others with the same respect she demanded for herself.
No matter what “art” she produced, it was always second-hand trash.  Pieces that were built from scratch, from understanding anatomy and color and composition, became unskilled, regurgitated slop in her hands. And, after 12 years of being a slovenly Xerox machine, no improvement has manifested.
That is 12 years spent stagnating in mediocrity.  12 years spent focusing on a work of fiction, while the work of her own loins took second place.  12 years spent dreaming of producing something of value but never getting out of bed.
She wanted so desperately to look like an artist, but she never was one to begin with.  At her core, Nads6969 was a dark, empty, ugly creature who choked on her own lies and drove people away just by being herself.
Everything she has lost - friendships, relationships, accounts, respect - are all the result of the radioactive Elephant’s Foot she calls a personality.
Failure was her destiny, no matter how many times she tried to outrun or outsmart it.  Truth was her enemy, no matter how often she tried to suffocate or silence it.  Justice was her executioner, no matter how often she tried to deceive and seduce it.
In the end, Nads6969 was a pitiful joke that no one laughed at, and soon, she will pass like a dead man’s last pungent breath in a world that never knew he existed.
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nads6969istrash · 4 years
Nads6969 posts more traces of Drachea Rannak’s commissioned work on Pinterest.  After being told TWICE to not trace Drachea Rannak’s commissioned work.
So if you recall this post here, you’ll know that Ms. Stepputat and Drachea Rannak had an agreement that she COULD NOT trace off his commissioned works.
But you may also recall, she’s a bit dumb when it comes to understanding when another human being asks her to stop/not do something.
So of course, images that have been posted to her Pinterest have been traced (*snerk*) back to Drachea to notify him of this  So without further ado:
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Traced off of this:
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Traced off of this:
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Traced off of this:
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Traced off of this:
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And here’s a coked-out dropout from the loser grunge band down the street:
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Traced off of best boy Nephrite:
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Ugly dork not-Fabio:
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Traced off of Malachite:
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She traced pretty much everything.  She tried to make it look like the frames were her original work, but if you look at the positions/shapes of the roses and crystals, she traced those too.  Either way, her frames look like shit, just like everything she draws.
Oh, and all of these works are on Drachea’s Facebook in Photos, in an Album titled COMMISSIONED SAILORS 5.
Other than abject stupidity and gross illiteracy, there are no excuses for her mistaking these works for the works Drachea eventually relented that she could trace since she apparently can’t draw anything unless she traces it.
Ms. Stepputat, I hope you know that your precious amalgamations of Drachea’s creativity and your horrid grubbing compulsion to steal are going to get taken down relatively quickly.
In the meantime, it’d help you significantly to learn what the words “no” and “stop” mean.  
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
AAAAAAAAAAAaaand Nads6969′s new account is banned
Keep your eyes peeled, kiddos.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 - Banned from Deviantart 12/12/19, Ban-Evaded 12/13/19
So for those who do not know, FireFlea-San over on DA has been leading this fight against Ms. Stepputat for YEARS now.  They put together several journals, compiled evidence, worked with a Discord of people devoted to tracking down Ms. Stepputat’s traced works and reaching out to the original artists.  Flea is also an amazing artist and has been victimized by Ms. Stepputat several times.
So, after the incompetence of Kietz was brought to light, Flea took things to Spyed, the CEO of Deviantart, and made it clear that this issue with Ms. Stepputat has gone on far too long and it was approaching litigation territory.  So Flea left a polite but firm comment on Spyed’s profile:
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Then, Lo and Behold, this glorious thing happened:
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This wasn’t Ms. Stepputat deactivating her account on her own...  This is a formal ban, issued by Deviantart itself.
There was much deserved celebrating at this, as this is one of the few times that hundreds of members of Deviantart came together against a tremendous issue (like with the HTTYD thief and the whole Chad Lieberman thing).  Lots of people put in a lot of work to make this possible, and after 13 years, it finally happened.
But then, this showed up:
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Wow, color me convinced.
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How sad.  I had written a nice, scathing obituary for the Nads6969 account, but it seems that even after receiving a formal ban from the CEO of Deviantart, Ms. Stepputat is too dumb to understand the concept of “no” and “stop.”
She’s also too dumb to realize that no one is falling for this:
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“She is still a human being”
So are the artists she stole from, disrespected, and ignored.  But I guess in her mind, they don’t count because they’re not her.
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“I don’t intend on re-publishing her stolen work, just her story”
Her “story” which was made up of TRACED SCREENCAPS, grammatical errors, and nonsensical paneling.
“I don’t need “Big Sisters” telling what to think or do.”
If you can’t make viable, adult decisions, I’m pretty sure you DO need help.
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Haha.  First of all, it’s “tragedy.”  “Tradegy” is something Bugs Bunny says when he’s being facetious.
Again, the “we all make mistakes” defense doesn’t hold much water when she made the same “mistake” for a consecutive 12 years, even when being told/asked to stop.  Can it really be called a mistake at that point if she was making a volitional decision to stay the course?
Also, there’s more going on than “just” tracing.  Original artists came to her page and demanded to be credited, or demanded that she take their work down because she never asked permission to use it.  She responded by either begrudgingly posting credit, or hiding comments and blocking the user.
It’s time to report her for ban evasion.  She’s dumb if she thinks it isn’t obvious that it’s her.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 says “I’m going to keep tracing, not asking permission, and not giving credit and you can’t stop me.  I will ignore anyone who asks me to stop or tells me that it’s wrong; I know, I just don’t care so there.”
6We all know that Ms. Stepputat isn’t exactly a stellar human being, so she’s decided to up the ante by ensuring that you know she isn’t.
She posted this status:
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So she is doing several things here.
She is acknowledging that people don’t like the fact that she traces their/other people’s work, and she is saying “I don’t care about your feelings.”
Apparently, telling someone that what they’re doing is wrong, disrespectful, possibly infringing/illegal is considered “bitching” to her.
But she’ll keep doing it anyway, and she’ll ignore you, block you, and hide your comments.
This is a full admission to doing something she knows is wrong, covering up anyone who dares speak out against her, and continuing something she knows is wrong.
This woman is flat-out refusing to do the right thing, and is flat-out okay with ignoring anyone she disrespects by using their art without permission.
Are you tired of this?  Are you tired of her?
You should be.
And if she took art from you, you should be doubly tired of this.
This is not the time to be a wimp, people.  If she stole your work and you’re not okay with it, don’t say “oh well” and go on with your day.  Don’t say “there’s nothing I can do” and cry about it on your site.
Stand up to this monster.  You are worth respect, and so is your art.  Do not stand by and let her sodomize your work.
File a DMCA Notice against her, for every single work she has ruined without a care in the world.
No one can report her for you.  Be your own hero and fight for your rights as an artist instead of “hoping” she will stop because she has admitted that she won’t.
Nads6969 does not care about anyone but herself.  She doesn’t care about her Watchers, she doesn’t care about the artists she takes from.  You only matter to her if you give her compliments and defend her from people who stand up to her, but this is no different than some whorequeen hiding behind a castle built out of slaves and her band of jesters who can only say “yes” to whatever she wants.
She doesn’t see you or anyone else as a person.  You are a resource to her.  A means to an end.  A resource that supports her habits, her behavior, and her arrogance.  
Do NOT be okay with being treated like this.  
Reach out to anyone affected by this monster, whether they are on Pixiv, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or Deviantart.  People need to wake up and stand up for themselves, and we need to stand together to let the world know about this very real issue.
As we speak, several people on Deviantart are looking into initiating a class action lawsuit against Nadia Stepputat for continued, deliberate unauthorized use of copyrighted work AND against Deviantart for failing to protect its users despite its legal mandate to honor all aspects of copyright enforcement and protection.
Wix.com owns Deviantart now.  Perhaps a couple of calls to their Customer Service center to complain about Deviantart might start ruffling some feathers, but it’s time to make this ugly.
Speak up.
Complain to the BBB, announce your grievances on Facebook and Youtube.  Make this ugly and KEEP it ugly until Deviantart gets off its ass and puts a boot to hers.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 is now saying she DOESN’T trace, but she thinks tracing is an art form even though she totally DOESN’T trace, and even if she DID trace, not all of her stuff is traced.
Just when you thought the delusion couldn’t expand any further, it finds a way.
It all started here, on Ms. Stepputat’s newest “drawing”:
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For the “artist” comments, she says this:
Couldn’t sleep last night, so I worked on this.  Hope you guys like it. (Still gonna ignore the haters)
We all know that this is traced.  Specifically it was traced from this as credited to the Pixiv artist Yumi:
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So one of her new followers chimes in:
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And here’s the kicker.  This woman has lost her damn mind:
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There are so many lies and inconsistencies in this one sentence, you could do an entire college course on Critical Thinking based on it.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
“Cuz they “think” I trace”
Except no one “thinks” Ms. Stepputat traces.  Anyone with a brain KNOWS that she traces.  She herself has admitted that she “sometimes” traces:
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This is from her own Front Page on her own Deviantart account.  This is what happens when you lie too much, kids.  You start making an idiot of yourself because you can’t keep your story straight.
She also admitted it in another comment section:
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But something that has been happening lately is that Ms. Stepputat is becoming less forthcoming about her “methods...”  Almost like she doesn’t want anyone to know that she traces.
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Which is weird...  Why lie/hide something if you’re okay with doing it and think that it’s okay?
“But I believe that tracing is a form of artwork”
That’s all fine and dandy if permission is properly sought AND granted, AND credit is provided.  In Ms. Stepputat’s case, however, she has proven time and time again that she has all the time in the world to browse the internet for hours looking for stuff to trace and hours to poorly trace spectacular works, but she’s too lazy to ask for permission and too lazy to even remember who she traced works from.  
It must be so hard being an unemployed “stay at home mom” (who once contemplated handing her own son over to her elderly mother to care for so that she could “focus on herself”) with all this time on her hands to be a monster.
She has proven time and time again that she expects her followers to find her sources for her because she just can’t seem to remember this integral part of treating other people with common courtesy.
As far as tracing being a “form of artwork,” I’m gonna say a hard no to that.  You’re not laying down lines because you understand how parts of the body work and interact with each other depending on position and/or angle.  Tracing means that you haven’t tried practicing, or that you’ve given up on practicing and want a short-cut into talent.
People in the art world might be snooty and a bit full of themselves at times, but they’re not stupid.  Any artist worth his or her salt can notice bullshit from a mile away, such as overuse of certain filters or tools, as well as weaknesses and limitations in understanding of perspective, anatomy, etc.  And you would be hard pressed to find a professional artist who says that tracing and taking credit for the traced work is a-ok.
When you trace, you are not presenting work that represents you and your creativity.  You are re-displaying someone else’s creativity while contributing none of your own, which is even worse when you try to pass another person’s work off as yours and people see you’re full of it.
So sure, tracing requires you to put a pen to paper, but in the long run, you’re just xeroxing something and pretending that you put the effort into creating something new.
“Even if I did, you can clearly see it’s not ALL traced”
So does this sentence make your head hurt?  It should.  There’s more idiocy packed into this statement than there are peanuts packed into a PayDay bar.
When you make the statement “Even if I X”, you are presenting it as a hypothetical situation, i.e. you don’t normally/ever do X, so the purpose of the statement is to explore if you DID.
This is probably one of the biggest logical inconsistencies I’ve seen in a while, because the sentence doesn’t work if the situation you present is factual instead of hypothetical.
What she is essentially saying is “I don’t trace, besides, not all my work is traced.”
Good job, Ms. Stepputat.  OJ Simpson has his “If I Did It” book, you have “Even If I Did Trace.”
So here you have it, folks.  She’s done a full 180 from admitting that she does/did trace to denying it and saying she doesn’t.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Victim 119 - Men of Apple
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And this:
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Traced off of this:
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Victim 118 - Hoshinazuna
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Traced from this:
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Credited to Hoshizuna on Pixiv per Saucenao (they’ve taken theirs down, probably due to theft):
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Victim 117 - RafusChan
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Traced from this:
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 Ms. Stepputat posts this:
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 Which isn’t a request for permission to use the piece.  She just decided to use it, and tell the artist afterwards.  Needless to say, it’s not on Deviantart anymore.  I wonder why?
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - Darksailor
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Was traced off of a settei:
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And this shot from the Moonlight Densetsu OP:
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - Harukarue23
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Traced off of this:
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And this:
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Traced off of this:
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The kicker?  She “forgot” to include the credits for the pose ref (as usual) and one of her watchers had to not only REMIND her to credit the “pose ref,” but also link her to it because she’s too lazy to do the work herserlf:
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Oops indeed.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - SarahChan123
How would you feel if you paid someone money to draw your OCs, and you instead got a poorly traced copy of a screen cap?
That’s what happened with this:
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Might look familiar to anyone who has seen the “Moon Pride” opening for Sailor Moon Crystal:
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That’s right.  Ms. Stepputat straight up traced Makoto, Usagi, and Rei’s figures and umbrellas, changed their hair and clothes, and called it a commission.
She didn’t even finish drawing the handle for the umbrella in the middle.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - ASlaveToMyDeadHeart
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Had originally been traced off of this by Drachea Rannak:
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Keep in mind, Drachea flat out told her to NOT trace his commissioned work.  I guess she thought he wouldn’t notice?
However, that doesn’t negate the fact that she stole Drachea’s wonderful work to get money for herself.  This is especially bad, since ASlaveToMyDeadHeart could have gotten quality work just by commissioning Drachea directly instead of getting Ms. Stepputat’s soulless bootleg disasters.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - Sailor-Chai
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Sailor-Chai, you got ripped off HARD.  Look at the severe drop in quality between a super-talented artist like Ekaticat and whatever type of sub-human you want to classify Ms. Stepputat as.
She lied to you and stole Ekaticat’s art to get your money.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - EmpressTerra
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Traced off of this:
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And these (green and yellow on the left):
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And these (red and blue on the right):
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And this:
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Traced off of this:
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FYI to Ms. Stepputat...  Making money off of someone else’s work is copyright infringement.  If anyone were to take you to court for this, you would absolutely lose.
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nads6969istrash · 5 years
Nads6969 Commission Victim - Dedizenoflight
Dedizenoflight is the second half to the issues explained here since she was given this:
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Which had in fact been traced off of this:
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And not only did this person get traced artwork for their money, they also got blocked for expressing displeasure at paying for stolen work:
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